The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 104: A parting kiss


"That's not necessary. Evidence is really optional. But..."

Lin Qing said with a smile: "It is obvious that you can make such a big sacrifice for this matter, and it is not just a person's self-interest. My feeling tells me that what you say is true."

It's not that Lin Qing doesn't want to look at the so-called evidence, since the other party can tell it. Either everything is ready, or the evidence is true. What's more, there is also an old river and lake on Lin Qing's side—Song Biao

Hu Xiner's expression became relaxed, she suddenly felt that the person in front of her was really weird. What I said and what I did seemed to be contrary to normal logic. Sincerely said: "Thank you for trusting me so much."

Lin Qing smiled and continued: "You want me to establish prestige against them by extraordinary means, so that they will not easily deal with you and get along with you in peace, or choose another way to force them to leave here. City?"

Hu Xiner nodded and said: "Yes, no matter what, at least this kind of city needs to coexist in harmony. Therefore, we have agreed with them a time to decide one party to stay and the other party to choose to disband. Or merge."

Lin Qing thought for a while, and felt that this was also a good way, and it was better than secretly making insidious tricks. "According to what you said, since you have agreed, you think there should be a very safe way. Even if you won't win, you have at least a 50% chance of winning, right?"

Hu Xin'er smiled bitterly, "Mr. Lin thinks we are high, although there is this agreement. In fact, after seeing the strength of those people, we really don't have any confidence. That is just because we first thought about easing the relationship. The other way is to find someone who can help us during this time."

Lin Qing suddenly said, "So you found me?"

Hu Xiner nodded and said: "Just when we were at a loss, we heard information about you from the Yunhu Gang. After all, Mr. Lin, you can deal with hundreds of Yunhu Gang with just two people. , This kind of strength is absolutely top-notch. So we want to come to you and ask for your help. Of course, in this aspect of remuneration, I still say that, as long as it is within our ability, there will be absolutely no shirk."

Seeing Hu Xin'er mentioned the reward, Lin Qing almost subconsciously glanced at Hu Xin'er's delicate and delicate body. The evil thoughts in my heart flashed by, that satin-like skin, extremely elastic Yufeng...

Upon seeing this, Hu Xiner's pretty face turned red again, and at the same time thinking of the ambiguous picture just now, she whispered: "Mr. Lin? Are you listening?"

"Oh? Oh, listening, listening."

Lin Qing "touched" his nose and smiled: "On the one hand, how much can you give?"

Hu Xiner said softly: "Mr. Lin is very open."


Lin Qing laughed, stood up suddenly, and said with a smile: "Forget it, wait until I think about it." After a pause, he said: "To be honest, your seduction to me is too powerful. Alas. , If I'm not a gentleman, I'm afraid..." After that, he sighed and shook his head, looking very upset.

Hu Xin'er was angry and funny. Although he hadn't completed the last step, the advantage he could take was almost entirely. Now that he said this kind of cold talk, I knew that Lin Qing was joking, but I couldn't help but give Lin Qing a blank look and scolded: "Men are all the same."

"Haha, that's of course, men are originally'Lose'!"

Lin Qing smiled happily, "Well, now tell me the time and place."

Hu Xiner nodded and said: "The time is the day after tomorrow. I will pick you up in person at that time. Look, is there a problem? If you don't have time the day after tomorrow, we can change the time."

Lin Qing smiled and said, "I am always very idle. Generally, as long as there is no change, I don't have much to do."


Seeing that the matter was conclusive, Hu Xiner's expression was very relaxed, and she smiled: "Thank you so much."

"Don't'unload', I don't want to be'unloaded' all around."

Lin Qing said with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Hu Xiner grinned and stood up and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I want to go back and report the good news to them first."

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Well, nothing is going on. You can go back first."

"your clothes… "

Hu Xiner pointed to the t-shirt on her body, but felt that if she went out like this, it would be a little bit... too ostentatious

Lin Qing suddenly, let a girl go out like this, it will inevitably attract critics and good deeds. After thinking about it, Hu Xin'er followed herself to Sun Aoyun's room, ready to find a set of clothes in the closet.

"Uh, isn't it your girlfriend who lives in this house?"

Hu Xiner suddenly said with a guilty conscience, that she can really be regarded as naked, "naked", "naked" to seduce other's'boyfriend'.

Lin Qing smiled and said: "This is not true, she is just my landlord, and I am just a tenant."

"This house is not yours?"

Hu Xiner was taken aback, and thought: "Where do I have an idle house, if you need it..."

Lin Qing shook his head and smiled, "Thank you, it's not necessary, it's a good place to live here."

Hu Xiner smiled, her eyes fell on the closet again, and she said in a weird tone: "Your landlord, isn't he a pink boss? Why are all the clothes pink?"

Lin Qing smiled helplessly: "Perhaps, your guess is correct. Anyway, I rarely see her wearing other colors. However, we can't care if you are not relatives? If you really are I don’t want to wear it, I can consider going out and buying a set for you."

"No, I still like pink clothes."

Hu Xin'er said as she picked out a set. He curled his hands around the hem of the T-shirt and was about to take off his clothes, but when he saw Lin Qing standing there like an okay person, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Lin Qing looked innocent, as if he didn't realize anything, and just stood there.

Hu Xiner thought for a while, and had no choice but to ignore Lin Qing's existence, took off the spacious T-shirt, and then slowly put on Sun Aoyun's clothes.

During this process, neither of them spoke.

What Lin Qing thinks is, don't look at it for nothing.

What Hu Xiner thought was that it was too cheap for herself to be taken advantage of like this.

Hu Xiner stretched out her hand to straighten out her messy long hair, and smiled at Lin Qing who was in a daze: "Mr. Lin, I have to go."

"Oh? Hmm. I'll send you out."

Lin Qing reacted and turned around to let Hu Xiner out.

When he reached the gate, Hu Xiner suddenly stopped and stared at Lin Qing tightly.

"What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

Lin Qing stretched out his hand to "touch" his face, and asked inexplicably.

Hu Xiner suddenly leaned towards Lin Qing, kissed Lin Qing's cheek with a small mouth, then turned and walked away quickly, saying, "Thank you very much, you are a good person."

Lin Qing "touched" the place where he was kissed, there seemed to be a smell of fragrance remaining? Watching Hu Xin'er go away, he smiled and said, "Of course, brother always thinks he is a good person."

Thinking of the upcoming battle, Lin Qing is indeed without pressure. Anyway, the current self has been recognized as an ordinary person, and the Xuanyi group will not pay too much attention to him. People on the road can be regarded as knowing themselves, so they don't have to care about it.

And this is one of the most important reasons why Lin Qing would agree.

Otherwise, unless his mind is flooded. Of course, there is another point that is entirely directed at Hu Xiner's spirit of "sacrificing oneself". In this era of chaos, there are really not many girls like this.

"Damn, if you don't turn off the flame, you really can't stand it."

Lin Qing covered her lower body, as if from the beginning, the little brother had already raised his gun. What we need to do now is naturally...

Of course, don't think about it crooked.

Take a cold shower, and extinguish the body that almost wants to boil.

After taking a shower, Lin Qing chose to dial Song Biao's phone number after her mood returned to real peace. He must thoroughly understand Hu Xin'er's organization.

The call was quickly connected, and Lin Qing also gave a brief introduction to today's affairs. Song Biao was naturally very clear about the organization Lin Qing said, after all, he had reminded Lin Qing last time.

Moreover, Lin Qing also knew the name of their organization-Yuxinhui.

Song Biao said: "In general, Yuxin Club does not have any negative information. And pornography, gambling, and drugs are strictly prohibited. The only way to get money is to be a special bodyguard. It seems very difficult to complete some ordinary people. Protection work."

After a pause, he continued: "Furthermore, these people never take the initiative to provoke other people. Judging by the situation you are talking about now, they may have really encountered great troubles, and they have to find them. help."

Lin Qing said clearly, "Well, that's good. Then how much do you know about their current rivals?"

Song Biao thought for a while and said: "These people should have appeared two months ago. They seem to have a lot to do with the underground fighters. They are very strong, and they are all hardened and tempered, even if they are average. No special forces can be their opponents."

"Is that strong?"

Lin Qing was taken aback, stronger than ordinary special forces. These people are indeed not to be underestimated. He said, "Do you have a way to get into the black boxing place? I want to see and see."

Hearing this, Song Biao replied: "This is not a problem. They usually start on the night of Saturday and Sunday. Today is exactly Saturday. If you want to see it, I will go later. arrangement?"

Lin Qing said: "Well, yes, I want to find out about their situation as soon as possible. You can arrange it and come with me tonight."

Song Biao said, "Okay, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qing directly made a very awful decision, first sleep for a while before talking.