The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 106: Midnight is weird



The action of'Big Tiger' was extremely swift and violent. Although'Gibbon' had a fierce offensive, it was hit in the chest by one of its punches. It was clear and audible, and the sound of a broken breastbone was so chilling.


The sturdy body of the'Gibbon' flew up in the air, and then hit the ground heavily, spouting blood, his expression was full of unwillingness, but in the end, he could only turn his neck in vain. ,quietly.

Kill with one move!

'Big Tiger', whether it is tactics or its own strength, is completely "exposed" in front of everyone. The winner is no longer necessary.

Below, there was a moment of silence, and then bursts of angry curses. Unexpectedly, the'gibbons', who have always been powerful, would be so unhelpful. If it weren't for him, he would die on the table. I'm afraid these people would ask for proof whether they were fighting fake punches.

"Sure enough..."

Lin Qing's expression was calm, this ending was already in his expectation, and Song Biao's eyes towards Lin Qing were full of admiration. At the same time, the two clearly noticed that the boss of the Juyi Gang unexpectedly seemed to have expected the ending, with a smile blooming at the corners of his mouth.

Think about it, she must have won a lot in this round.

After solving the opponent, the'Big Tiger' didn't stay on the stage for one more second, turned around and got off the ring and left directly. After his departure, someone came on stage to clean the countertop and sent away the body of the'gibbons'.

Originally, the duration of a battle was half an hour, but because this battle was so unexpected, everyone waited for a long time.

Three battles, it is not the victor to continue. Instead, it is directly exchanged for other people, to put it bluntly, the three groups are fighting against each other.

Around ten thirty, another round began. The two players in this game were a black man and a white man. The black man is very sturdy, more than two meters tall, with a big waist and a round waist. When he walks, he walks as if a hill is moving.

The relative white man is not bad, he is also more than 1.9 meters tall, is well-proportioned, and his muscles are high and bulging.

Compared with the first game, the battle in this one was much more'exciting'. Both of them fought with strength and strength. Throughout the ring, the sound of body collisions continued to sound, and both bodies were weakened for almost 20 minutes.

In the end, it was the black man who lifted the white man forcefully, and then lifted it up with his knees. This was the end of the battle.

The third game did not start until half past eleven.

The two people who came to power this time went beyond Lin Qing's imagination, and they both held weapons.

Song Biao explained: "The three battles are different. The first battle is limited to domestic fighters, and the second battle is conducted by foreign fighters. The two rounds are restricted to not being able to use weapons, but in the third match, There are no restrictions. Weapons can be used casually, but firearms cannot be used."

Lin Qing nodded and said that he understood that if guns were used, the battle would be a bit boring.

The use of weapons means that the battle will be more bloody. Thinking of this, Lin Qing turned his head and looked around, and she saw that many people's expressions were almost in madness, with their fists clenched and their teeth clenched.

The two players on the field are of Asian race. They are both naked and "naked" with their upper bodies. On the "naked" and "exposed" skins, there are countless hideous wounds criss-crossed. One of them was holding a two-foot-long machete, the blade of which was smooth and shiny. The other person is holding a big knife with a thick back.

"It feels like these two people are not very strong, as if they are not as good as the previous one."

Lin Qing asked Song Biao somewhat puzzled.

Song Biao replied: "Well, this is natural, with bare hands, it is easy to reverse the situation. However, if you are all armed, you will lose out if you are not careful, and even after some people have won, they will be injured because of too much injury. Death. Therefore, only those fierce gangsters will participate in this battle."

"It turned out to be so."

Lin Qing suddenly thinks about it, if he is himself, he would rather choose the first two methods. At the very least, they won't suffer this kind of fatal injury, and at the same time, as long as they seize the opportunity, they can turn defeat into victory.

In this battle, there was no gorgeous combat skills, no bloody collision.

The only thing is that they cut each other bloodily.

It was as if they were competing for the physique of the two parties. Sometimes, the two of them didn't even do any dodge, and they took the other's stab, and then swiped the knife.

The blood flew around along the blade's edge, and sometimes it could even fly to the stage, but this made the audience below frantically clamor, and even the bosses of the underground organizations were excited.

Lin Qing frowned. The two people on the stage were already wounded, blood dripping down the trousers, but the two of them seemed to have lost their pain, constantly growling and attacking.

From the bottom of my heart, Lin Qing hates this method. This kind of fighting for money with life is really unacceptable.

It's just that everyone has everyone's choice. Even if it is not here, there must be similar places in other places.

Finally, the battle came to an end...

In the end, the man with the thick-backed sword was lucky enough, and then kept roaring on the stage. Although it was a victory, a hideous wound on his chest penetrated to the left and right.

When the battle was over, medical staff immediately rushed to bandage the wounds of the victor.

At the end of the game, Lin Qing couldn't tell what he thought. It was just a piggyback, to understand the strength of these fighters. Except for the first game, the other two are not worth noting.

As for dealing with these people, Lin Qing believed that even if he didn't use his abilities, he could still catch them all at his fingertips.

People gradually disperse, some are happy, others are sad. Lin Qing and Song Biao also followed the crowd out of the "Happiness City", and Song Biao drove Lin Qing back.

"Haha, how do you feel?"

Song Biao asked while driving.

Lin Qing shook his head and said helplessly: "Frankly speaking, I don't like it very much. Perhaps, this is the lure of money!"

Song Biao nodded and said, "Yes, this is where they can get money the fastest. It's just that the people below are gambling, so why are they? If they win once, they always want to win a second time. Money is never made. It’s over. But once you’re unlucky, you can’t turn it over again.” The words fell, and he sighed with regret, “It’s like that'gibbons', worth several million, if it’s safe and secure. Life is nothing, but who wants to... Alas!"

Lin Qing nodded in agreement, and stopped talking about this topic at the moment, and fell silent for a while, and just at this moment, the car stopped at the intersection of the traffic light. It was midnight and there were very few pedestrians on the road.

Lin Qingzheng looked at the outside scene boredly, suddenly a figure rushed to the intersection, and his goal was a passerby walking alone.

The passer-by was caught off guard, and when he was about to try to avoid the opponent, the silhouette that appeared suddenly grabbed it, and then, before he could think of it, bit the passer-by's neck with one bite.

Faced with this sudden change, even Lin Qing did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Why is this? Isn't it too "sexual" anxious?"

Lin Qing laughed out loud and said, "It's too good, nowadays."

Song Biao was also taken aback. He turned his head to look, and saw that the head of the person who appeared suddenly turned for a while, but it was really a bit like a'kissing' movement. It was also funny: "Those two should be men, right? This is the middle of the night, but it’s a bit too awkward if you're so engaged?"

Lin Qing shook his head and smiled and looked around. It was only for entertainment. At the moment when the green light was on, Lin Qing suddenly felt something was wrong. Holding Song Biao who was about to start the car with one hand, he said "confusedly": "There seems to be something wrong." Something's wrong."

Because Lin Qing accidentally discovered that the passers-by who were'harassed' were struggling vigorously at the beginning, but in the end, there was no movement at all. This is not enjoyment, but a great problem.

When Lin Qing opened the car window, he could clearly see the man's face hanging over his shoulders. His eyes were wide open, but there was no expression on his face. The night breeze brought a pungent smell of blood.


Lin Qing raised her brows and pushed the car door directly and walked down.

"Hey, I said..."

Nearly approaching, Lin Qing shouted.


The man who appeared later yelled at Lin Qing, his hideous face was covered with green hair, and his lips were covered with blood. Upon seeing this, Lin Qing took a big step back almost subconsciously.


The weird man threw the passerby in his hands to the ground, only to see blood on his neck, blood still flowing from the wound.

Song Biao also got out of the car and ran over. When he saw the weird man, he was shocked, "What is this!"

"Be careful!"

Lin Qing stopped Song Biao and whispered: "Something is wrong."


The weird green "hairy" man rushed towards Lin Qing, his right fist brought a gust of wind and slammed Lin Qing on his head.

Lin Qing's expression remained unchanged, he also wanted to test how strong his own power was, and immediately responded with a punch.


There was a muffled sound, and the two of them took a few steps back.

Lin Qing stabilized his figure, but felt a pain in his right hand. He couldn't imagine that the strength of the other party was not inferior to him.

Perhaps he did not expect Lin Qing to be able to withstand him, and the weird green "hairy" man rushed up again.

Lin Qing didn't dare to hold big, the moment he punched again, his fist was covered with profound energy.

Ding Ding Ding!

The weird green "hairy" man withdrew five or six steps in a row, on the contrary, Lin Qing only swayed. In this way, the judgement is settled.


A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the green "hairy" man, he looked at Lin Qing cautiously, suddenly bent over and grabbed the man lying on the ground unconsciously, and threw it towards Lin Qing forcefully.

Lin Qing couldn't care about anything else, so she stretched out her hands to catch it. Taking advantage of this gap, the weird green "hairy" man swiftly moved towards the distance. When Lin Qing reacted, the opponent was already fifty meters away. In this way, the ability could not be used.

"Chasing or not?"

Song Biao asked quickly.

Lin Qing shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't chase." At the same time, he glanced at the person in his arms, and said: "Let's call and see if this person is saved."