The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 124: There are many fans



Lin Qing pulled out the branch that was "inserted" into Murong Qingchen's thigh, and incidentally aroused a burst of blood to "shoot" out.

What about Sixuan? As long as it appears within his control, it is equal to half of the loss. Optical illusion, perception illusion, nerve illusion, death illusion! Each of the four illusions will be released invisibly.

Unless, the opponent's strength is several times higher than Lin Qing.

The vision appears chaotic, and you can close your eyes and rely on perception. But when the perception is wrong, then... you can't tell what is the front and the back at all. If you close your eyes, you will be blind. Even the surrounding movement cannot be accurately sensed.

Because of the pain, Murong Qingchen's forehead was constantly falling with puffy beads of sweat, his expression changed from his previous arrogance, and his expression was extremely pale. Originally thought that he could rely on the strength of his'four profound's to completely confuse the opponent, but he did not expect that he could not use any tricks, and he fell to this point.

"You, what do you want?! I'm from Murong's family, you can't move me."

Murong Qingchen's "chaotic" way, as a master of inexhaustible powers, he didn't want to fall for this reason, after all, his status in society made him feel very reluctant to life.

"I don't understand what you said."

Lin Qing laughed and squatted down and said, "It seems that you came to trouble me, right? And, you were very arrogant just now, saying that you want to kill me. It stands to reason that I should beg you for mercy, shouldn't You said these things."

"you… "

Murong Qingchen's face changed again, and he hesitated to say it. After a while, he said: "Why did you let me go?" The words fell, and a sharp light flashed deep in the eyes. Under a big tree behind Lin Qing, a tree root quietly broke out of the soil, like a poisonous snake toward Lin Qing. Swim behind.

For this, Lin Qing did not react at all, but said in a long tone: "By the way, you can see my position, but it may not be where I am. If you attack rashly, it is very likely that you will hit yourself. kill."

Murong Qingchen was startled, thinking of his previous attack inexplicably attacking him, and the other thing is that he clearly felt that he was jumping backward, but in the end he jumped forward. Thinking about it this way, I felt even more terrible about Lin Qing's ability, which was completely beyond his cognition. In his cognition, those with powerful mental abilities are nothing more than interfering with the enemy's attack. It's definitely not the ability to completely "chaotic" one's consciousness and lose sight of the facts.

The roots of the snake-like trees raised their heads behind Lin Qing a few times, and finally fell quietly to the ground with a soft noise.

Lin Qing smiled slightly, "That's right." As he said, he sat directly beside Murong Qingchen.

After looking at Murong Qingchen, he slowly said, "Actually, I am a very generous person. As long as you answer a few questions seriously, I promise to let you go back."

Murong Qingchen was silent for a while, and finally had to say: "Okay, you ask."

Lin Qing's expression was slightly serious, and he said solemnly, "Tell me, why do you want to kill me? No, or the Murong family wants to kill me."

Murong Qingchen hesitated, seeing Lin Qing waved the branch that pierced his thigh again, and quickly said: "I am not very clear. I just said that you did something more than 20 years ago. I'm sorry. Murong's family affairs."

"Twenty years ago?"

Lin Qing was taken aback, and the branch in his hand was drawn directly on Murong Qingchen's thigh, "Damn, look at how old I am now? It was more than fucking twenty years ago! I was not born at that time!"

Murong Qingchen resisted the pain, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He himself was not very clear about this matter. Then he said: "I, I just heard... When I came this time, I got the order from above. Otherwise, how could I know your detailed information." After a pause, he glanced at Lin Qing, and then Said: "There are also some different kinds of supernatural powers. Their age is completely invisible. There is no difference between a 40-year-old person and a 20-year-old person. Maybe it takes too long and you have forgotten everything."

"Fuck you, I've never seen anyone who lied and blushed like you."

Lin Qing got annoyed, stood up and kicked Murong Qingchen's thigh, and sternly said: "I'm not in the mood to joke with you, I want to know the answer now! Why did your Murong family do it to me for no reason."


Murong Qingchen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Then you should ask yourself, the debt you owe, and you don't remember, who can be blamed!"

debt! It's a debt again!

"Fuck your mother's debt, grass!"

Lin Qing yelled angrily. Last time Murong Fuying also said to himself that he hadn't been born more than 20 years ago, even if he was born, he would still be a little ass kid. It's hard to say that when I was a child, I killed a big figure in the Murong family of the dignified power family!

Let alone believe, this kind of thing is ridiculous even after thinking about it.

Lin Qing looked angry, stepped on Murong Qingchen’s thigh, and said solemnly: “I’ll tell you again, I’m not in the mood to make a joke, I want to know the real answer!! If you don’t say anything, I It's about to use extraordinary means!"

Murong Qingchen's face is ugly, and he trembled: "If you don't believe me, I can't help it. I know so much. If you don't believe it, you can ask other Murong family members."

Ask the other Murong family? Isn't that the same as working alone against the entire Murong family

Lin Qing was very angry and nodded and said: "Okay, okay! You don't say so? Then blame me for being polite." When the words fell, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the ability changed from the previous numbness to itching!

Itching deep into the bone marrow, every skin, every corner.

"a ha ha ha!"

Murong Qingchen kept rolling on the ground and laughed, his face instantly flushed red, and the laughter hissed. Lin Qing withdrew a step back at this moment and kept a short distance from the surrounding trees.

"Last name... Ah ha ha ha! Lin... ha ha... I... ha, I say... the truth."

Murong Qingchen cried out intermittently, and at the same time, the surface of his body continued to have green "color" energy emerging. It's just that these'profound energy' are still waiting to be played, and because of the loss of control of the body, they dissipate in laughter.

Lin Qing looked cold, and Murong Qingchen was definitely a breakthrough for him. If he missed today, Murong's family would definitely be more careful, and there would even be a real powerhouse attacking him.

The laughter gradually subsided, and Murong Qingchen kept rubbing on the ground to counteract the strange feeling caused by the itching.


Lin Qing said lightly.

Murong Qingchen’s tears of laughter fell, and it was not until this moment that he felt better. He took a breath and hurriedly said, “What I said is true. These are all the information I got from above. Others, I really I don’t know at all. It is very likely that the information above is wrong..."

Before he finished his words, Lin Qing glanced at him faintly, the pain of a nerve illusion...

In an instant, there was another pain from every nerve ending. These pains are like billions of small streams converging into a great river!

The unimaginable pain is just two extremes!

If it was just an ordinary punishment, it might not be able to deal with Murong Qingchen. With his ability, he can bear it completely. But this kind of numbness and pain from the nerves made him feel like he was rolling in a pan.

This is unbearable!

"Murong Rouer!"

Murong Qingchen roared, "It's Murong Rou'er!"

Lin Qing's body shook, and the spiritual energy receded like a "tide" of water. The name seemed to sound from the depths of his soul. For some reason, the "ghost image" that I had seen from Lin Xiaorou appeared in his mind, but I still couldn't see the face. The only thing I can think of is that voice—you are finally here.

"Who is Murong Rouer?"

Lin Qing stared at Murong Qingchen, waiting for the answer to the riddle.

Murong Qingchen took a few breaths, "It's the eldest lady of the Murong family, more than 20 years ago, because of you..."

Just when Lin Qing listened, his heartbeat for the answer he was about to know. Murong Qingchen suddenly jumped from the ground, and the surrounding trees grew crazily in an instant, and attacked Lin Qing. This time the offensive was dozens of times stronger than before.

Faced with such an offensive, Lin Qing did not dare to directly release these attacks from the ability to change directions. In a hurry, the'Diantian Expansion Body' was quickly transported, and the whole person ran towards the distance like a vigorous civet cat.


A series of tree roots and branches swept across Lin Qing's side, bringing up a string of blood beads, and then "plugging" heavily into the ground, stirring up a piece of soil.

Finally, the offensive stopped, Lin Qing's body was full of scars, his clothes were in tatters, and his image was very embarrassing.

"not good!"

Lin Qing quickly turned around to look for Murong Qingchen's location, only to realize that he had found nothing at all, and even fled straight away. At the moment, he secretly blamed his lack of experience, and shouldn't withdraw the ability just because he heard that name, so that the opponent has the power to counterattack.

However, now there is another question, who would Murong Rou'er be

Why was my soul so shocked when I saw Murong Fuying for the first time? Or is this Murong Rou'er the same as Murong Fuying

What about the mysterious figure that I have been unable to figure out? Who will she be

And does she have anything to do with Murong Rouer

Lin Qing felt like a cat scratching at the bottom of his heart. He clearly felt that he had caught any clues quickly, but he just couldn't figure it out.

What is the connection between all this

Lin Qing squatted on the ground with his head in both hands, feeling extremely distressed. After a long while, I got up from the ground and "touched" and "touched" in my pocket. The phone was still there, and a number was dialed, "Hey, Hao Ren? I want to see you in a hurry. It's not convenient to say on the phone. , You come find me."

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