The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 125: Forgotten pistol


"No, brother? What's wrong with you."

An hour later, Hao Ren appeared at the edge of the small forest where Lin Qing was, and asked in surprise when he saw Lin Qing's tragic situation.

"It's nothing."

Lin Qing waved his hand, "The information you gave last time is accurate, and the person Yunhu found has indeed come to deal with me."

Hao Ren quickly returned to his normal eroticism, and said: "Did you kill it?"

Lin Qing shook his head and said, "He ran away. By the way, did I ask you to prepare the clothes I brought?"

Hao Ren nodded quickly, took out a new set of clothes from the car and handed it to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing thanked him, then walked into the grove, resisting the pain from his body, took off his previous clothes, and put on the set that Hao Ren had brought. It's just that blood from the wound was constantly flowing out, and it soon penetrated this brand new suit. Only this time, Lin Qing specially asked Hao Ren to choose a set of slightly heavier clothes. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it directly. .

"Brother, why don't you go to the hospital? Your injury is serious."

Hao Ren suggested.

Lin Qing shook his head, "It's okay, I'm calling you, because there are things I want to ask you."

Hao Ren was not surprised at all. Since Lin Qing chose to let him over, it would definitely not be as simple as giving him a set of clothes. "go ahead."

Lin Qing took a deep look at Hao Ren, and said in a deep voice, "I know you people never do business at a loss, so now I ask everything you can offer as long as it is within my ability. I don't want it. , It’s just bound by'famous feelings'."

Hao Ren's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and shook his head, "If you treat me as a brother, don't say these things. Ask, let me see if I can answer your question."

Lin Qing took a breath and said in a deep breath, "Do you know Murong Rou'er?"

"Murong Rou'er? Who? The Murong family?"

Hao Ren was taken aback and asked in surprise.

Lin Qing's heart sank, Hao Ren's expression didn't look like a fake, it seemed to be the first time he heard this name. "Have you really never heard of it?"

Hao Ren frowned, thought for a while, and shook his head: "At least, there is no such person in Murong's family now. It is likely that he is a person from decades ago, but that's not easy to say. By the way, Where did you hear this name?"

Lin Qing thought for a while, and then briefly said about what he had "forced" to ask Murong Qingchen.

"It doesn't look like a lie to say something like this."

Hao Ren thought, "I only know the current situation of Murong's family. If this person was many years ago, then I don't know much."

Lin Qing sighed and thought for a while before saying: "Forget it, since you don't even know it, it's probably a name that the other party said by the way." Having said that, I don't think so, if it's really just An irrelevant name, then you will never let yourself lose consciousness at that time.

Hao Ren smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't help you this time."

Lin Qing shook his head, "Don't blame you, I still have another question, where is the Yunhu Gang now? I don't want them to exist anymore."

Hao Ren took a deep look at Lin Qing, "Are you going to do something with them?"

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Yes, unless they really disband. Otherwise... I don't want to use extraordinary means."

Hao Ren walked for a while by Lin Qing's side, looked around, and said: "The Yunhu Gang has quietly sneaked back last night. The gathering place now is on the outskirts of the west of the city. It should be far away from the city. It's about thirty kilometers." After thinking about it, he took out a notepad and pen from his pocket, drew a picture, and explained:

"According to reliable sources, they are in this Feitian restaurant in Changle Town."

After a pause, he said: "If you have a manpower, there should be no more than fifty people. However, he has a lot of firearms, fifteen pistols, and four small shots."

Lin Qing nodded, his surface was silent, but his heart was shocked by the detailed information. It's so rare to "touch" all the opponent's weapons.

"Take this one, don't forget it then."

Hao Ren handed the painted piece of paper to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing took it and put it in his pocket, and solemnly said, "Thank you."

Hao Ren smiled and said, "How do I go back? I'll see you off?"

Lin Qing thought for a while, anyway, taking the other party's ability, knowing where he lives is the same as playing, nodded immediately, "It's okay."

The two got in the car driven by Hao Ren, and Lin Qing couldn't help asking on the way: "By the way, brother, I still have a big question, why did you choose to stay in school? You shouldn't be aiming to learn new things. The purpose of knowledge and picking up girls, right?"

Hao Ren laughed, "Of course, but before answering this question, I have a question for you, brother."

Lin Qing was taken aback, and said in a puzzled way: "What's the problem?"

"Who has the most people in the school?"

"It goes without saying, of course it is a student."

"Hundreds of these students belong to the same family?"

"That's not true. One hundred people, it's almost one hundred places and one hundred families."

"Yes, the other thing is that these people sometimes look very inconspicuous. Including myself, unless I want to let you know, otherwise, everyone sees me, the only thing they feel is a big fat man. But there are Who knows, what I know and everything I own is beyond their imagination?"

Hao Ren smiled triumphantly, and what he said completely accorded with common sense.

Lin Qingzan said: "It's amazing! To get information, you have to have countless people, and these people can't be too prominent. After these factors are met, these people need to be quietly hidden in the place where you need to inquire about intelligence. Students are undoubtedly the cleanest in detail. Even if they step into social work in the future, the relationship between time and time will not be doubted."

Hao Ren nodded and laughed: "Brothers react quickly! These students have spent more than ten years in the place where they grew up. This is a fortune. Then they work directly, and no one will realize that they will be me. Intelligence personnel."

At this time, Lin Qing was already impressed. A university has tens of thousands of personnel. Under the influence of huge financial resources, it is not difficult to admit thousands of intelligence personnel. Moreover, if one receives one, it is possible to receive hundreds of people. Everyone has their own circle. To enter a circle, you don't need to know everyone in this circle, you only need to know one of them, and this is the breakthrough.

After this conversation, Lin Qing could only admire the fat messed up guy in front of him. At the same time, a hint of guardianship quietly rose from the bottom of my heart.

Lin Qing did not directly choose to ask Hao Ren to send him back. Halfway through, he remembered that his car was still parked in the parking lot near West Lake. So I took my car first, and called Sun Aoyun and others on the way, only then did I know that they had all gone back.

When Lin Qing went back, Sun Aoyun was just about to go upstairs, but Lin Lan didn't see it, probably staying in her room.

"came back… "

Sun Aoyun faintly said to Lin Qing, glanced at Lin Qing, her eyebrows frowned, and at the same time Yaobi softly fucked twice, a trace of surprise flashed in her expression, and she quickly walked to Lin Qing's side, only to see Many parts of Lin Qing's body were soaked with blood. "You... what's the matter? How could you get hurt?"

Lin Qing shook her head and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's just a little injury. Don't let Xiaolan hear it."

Sun Aoyun nodded, thought about it, and said: "I will go back to the room to get you the "medicine", you will go back to your room first."

Lin Qing agreed, turned around and walked to his room. After a while, Sun Aoyun walked in with a small "medicine" bottle and bandage. Lin Qing took off his coat, and immediately "exposed" horrible scars. Under such a messy and violent attack, the average Four Profound ability might not be able to retreat.

Sun Aoyun frowned, she still knew Lin Qing's ability and strength very well. The person who can directly hit Lin Qing hard is definitely not an ordinary master. Forbearing his doubts, he carefully bandaged Lin Qing's wounds.

After bandaging the wound, Sun Aoyun frowned and asked, "What the hell is going on? Who can hurt you to this point?"

Lin Qing shook his head. He didn't really want to tell Sun Aoyun about this, but after thinking about it, he felt that Sun Aoyun would definitely check it out, saying: "The last time we got the news from Hao Ren, said Will the Yunhu Gang invite someone to teach us a lesson? This is not here!"

"What about the others? Didn't they run away?"

Sun Aoyun frowned slightly. Now that Lin Qing is able to stand here, he naturally has to look for the problem from the other person, "Or is it solved by you?"

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Yes, he has already run away."

Bang bang bang...

Sun Aoyun was still waiting to ask something, but there was a knock on the door of the room, and then I saw Lin Lan's quirky probe that Sun Aoyun was also in the room, and couldn't help but smile, "I didn't disturb you, right?"

Sun Aoyun smiled awkwardly, and kept the "medicine" bottle and bandage on the table behind him without a trace.

Lin Qing smiled helplessly, "You girl, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Look at this."

Lin Lan grinned and handed Lin Qing a black pistol. "It's heavy to pick up, it's the same as it really is. Isn't it yours? I found it under the bed just now."

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing's face changed, and then he remembered that when he had taught Li Baogang in the villa area before, he brought the pistol back and didn't know where it was stuck. It wasn't until now that Lin Lan found out that there was still this thing.

"this is… "

Sun Aoyun stretched out his hand to take the pistol, and it was naturally not difficult to tell with her eyesight and feel that this was a genuine pistol! Flip it in his hand, and smiled: "Well, it is indeed a toy gun, Xiaolan, your brother and I have something else to do. Could you please go out first?"

Lin Lan blinked and smiled: "Of course, you guys talk."

After Lin Lan left, Sun Aoyun stepped forward to close the door, put the pistol on the table next to him, and stared at Lin Qing and said, "I think, I need an explanation."

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