The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 140: Road encounters pickpockets


The location where Black Rose lives is more than 30 kilometers away from Sun Aoyun. It is a residential building close to Jiao Chu, and it also has its own independent courtyard. When Lin Qing and the two arrived, Black Rose was standing on the balcony looking out.

As soon as their car stopped, they watched Liang Yufei galloping on a brand new motorcycle. The few people didn't waste time, and when they walked into the house, Sun Aoyun briefly said Lin Qing's guess.

Black Rose said: "If this is the case, then this person must have a big problem. It is very possible that, as you imagine, some terrible conspiracy is brewing."

Liang Yufei also said: "Although it is just a guess, it is also possible."

"So, letting everyone get together this time is just to say that during this period of time, everyone will work hard and investigate together."

Sun Aoyun continued.

Liang Yufei said in a puzzled way: "Why don't you report this matter to the top? With that person's strength, the four of us may not be able to really solve him. What's more, I don't know if he has any accomplices."

Sun Aoyun said: "It's not that I don't want to. The people above must think this is just a guess and not worth worrying about. At the same time, the Xuanyi Group has sent someone to Heilongjiang to investigate. I believe that person can also pass himself. According to the method, he is likely to relax his vigilance if this is the case. Another point is that if someone is really sent down from above, I am afraid that I will be stunned."

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Yes, Sun Aoyun and I have already met him. As for the strength of the two of us, he may be useless in his eyes. And because of this, he doesn't take us seriously in his heart. . And we can also take the opportunity to find him out."

Black Rose nodded and said: "I agree."

Liang Yufei glanced at the other three people, frowned, and said helplessly: "I can't seem to find a reason for rejection."

"If that's the case, then it's settled."

Sun Aoyun smiled, looking at Lin Qing and Liang Yufei, "Especially you two, I thank you for the organization."

Liang Yufei gave a faint smile, got up and said, "I already understand things, so I'll leave first. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised."

When the words fell, he greeted the two of them and left straight away.

"Then we should also go."

Lin Qing also stood up and glanced at Sun Aoyun.

Sun Aoyun thought for a while and said, "You go first, I have something to tell Rose."

Lin Qing opened her mouth, really wanting to say, "Miss, if you don't leave, do I have to rely on two legs", when the words reached the corner of the mouth, after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. At this moment, there was a roar at the door, and Lin Qing ran out without time to speak. However, it was too late. Liang Yufei had already galloped away on a motorcycle.

"Damn, don't take it so quickly."

Lin Qing felt depressed for a while, and had no choice but to walk to the bus stop on the side of the road. In the hot summer, the taste of standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus is absolutely unbearable.

Perhaps Lin Qing's luck was good. After waiting less than five minutes, he waited for the corresponding bus. I quickly squeezed in, feeling the coolness of the air-conditioning in the car, and felt that the happiest thing in the world was nothing more than this.

If you want to know the density of the domestic population, you don't need to go to other places. You only need to take a bus to understand everything. Crowded, side by side. Every time I arrive at a station, I will be overwhelmed by the crowds.

Lin Qing tried to calm her mood as much as possible. It is not easy to take the bus. To keep calm, calm is the kingly way.

Suddenly, the crowd in front of him was surging again, and the passengers around were all toppling around. A young man wearing a black t-shirt with a shaved head kept squeezing through the crowd. Seeing his posture, he wanted to squeeze from the back door to the front door.

At this moment, he had already squeezed in front of Lin Qing. Upon seeing this, Lin Qing leaned back slightly, trying to let him pass. Suddenly feeling a light movement in the pockets of his pants, how sharp is Lin Qing's perception now? Suddenly found that his wallet was taken out!

The bald young man in the black T-shirt continued to squeeze forward, yelling constantly, "Thank you, please." Without a trace of his right hand, he placed a wallet in the bag diagonally across his shoulder. At the same time, he went to other people again. And the people near him didn't know to make way for him to the maximum.

"and many more."

Lin Qing held the opponent's shoulder and said faintly: "Brother,."

"What are you talking about."

The bald young man shook his shoulders, but how could Lin Qing's hand strength be able to break free

When the people next to him saw this, they stepped aside. Even in this crowded carriage, a small space was left.

Lin Qing raised her brows slightly, and said coldly, "Is there anything else I need to say?"

"Go away! I'm still in a hurry to get out of the car."

The bald youth's face changed, and he said angrily. He stretched out his right hand, trying to remove Lin Qing's hand.

Lin Qing snorted and grabbed the opponent's shoulder with a slight force.


The bald young man groaned, his eyes turned, and shouted: "Everyone, come and see, someone has beaten someone."

The passengers around said one after another: "Young man, what are you doing?"

"Yeah, how come you hit someone for no reason."


Lin Qing ignored it, just said indifferently: "Open your bag, I want to take a look."

The bald youth's face changed, and he said slightly angrily: "What do you want to do? In front of so many people, you want to rob."

Lin Qing snorted coldly, and tried harder with his right hand again. "I'll say it again,"

A middle-aged man next to him said: "Young man, let go of your hand first, if you have something to say, please."

Lin Qing glanced at the other person and said helplessly: "I suspect this kid is a pickpocket."


The middle-aged man was taken aback, and subconsciously "touched" his pocket, his face changed suddenly, "Oh, my wallet is gone." The people nearby also checked their wallets, and soon there will be them. Five or six people said that their wallets were gone.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on the bald youth.

Upon seeing this, the bald youth's face sank again, and he said angrily: "You say I am, I am? I still say you are. Don't you want to see my bag? Yes, I will do it right now. Let you see if it's inside. Can you let go now?"

Lin Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, expecting that the other party could not play any tricks, so she let go.

The bald young man cursed and put his hand into the bag. Suddenly, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, "Die me!" A cold light flashed, and the bald young man was already holding a switchblade in his hand, stab Lin Qing without hesitation.

Upon seeing this, people around suddenly exclaimed.

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