The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 144: Sealing ability [two more]


Lin Qing reluctantly shook his head, but his eyes fell on the photo by the table.

Following Lin Qing’s gaze, Sun Aoyun quickly found the photo on the table and a piece of white paper next to him, and subconsciously compared the handwriting on the white paper with the photo, although he didn’t understand what happened, but But I also found it very strange.

Sun Aoyun asked in a puzzled way: "What's the matter? Who is this girl? Your first girlfriend?"

Lin Qing shook her head, looked directly at Sun Aoyun, and asked, "Do you not realize her appearance is familiar?"

"Familiar with?"

Sun Aoyun looked at it carefully again, and then said "Huh": "Similar to Murong Fuying, is it a member of the Murong family? But I don't seem to know her existence, her name is Rou'er. Does it really have anything to do with Murong Fuying?"

After a pause, when Lin Qing was silent, he closed the door gently, trying to prevent Lin Lan in the hall from hearing the conversation between the two.

Sun Aoyun gently sat next to Lin Qing, and said in a low voice, "Is there anything I can help with? As long as you speak, I will go up... or ask for other help. Although Murong's family has a solid foundation, it's not unbelievable. Reasonable place. Moreover, my grandson family has never been afraid of them."

At the end of the talk, a quiet domineering sigh radiated from Sun Aoyun's body. That was an absolute powerhouse, and this was the first time Lin Qing experienced this feeling from Sun Aoyun.

He still remembered that Sun Aoyun came out because he wanted to escape from home. But now, without knowing exactly what happened to say such a thing, undoubtedly puts a lot of emphasis on Lin Qing.

In other words... I truly regard myself as my own person.

"Thank you."

Lin Qing said gratefully.

Sun Aoyun smiled and said: "You have also helped me a lot. Besides, you are my tenant. As a beautiful, kind-hearted, and forgiving new generation of female "sex", I naturally want to put your business in mine. Heart."

Lin Qing couldn't help but smile, and his mood improved slightly. After thinking for a while, he said, "Let's talk about it when you find the white coat. For the time being, it's better not to do anything else."

Sun Aoyun nodded clearly. His expression suddenly hesitated, as if he had something to say, but he didn't dare to speak.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing asked, "What's wrong? Is there something to say?"

Sun Aoyun bit his red lips lightly, hesitated, and shook his head and said, "No, nothing. You can rest well, I'll go back to the room first." After the words fell, he turned and left.

After Sun Aoyun was gone, Lin Qing lay back to his mother, secretly thinking about the memory of this Murong Rouer. As a result, it was just in vain and my head was empty. The only thing is that the back figure that once appeared in my mind seems to merge with the Murong Rouer in the photo.

"Could it be that... the back figure is Murong Rou'er?"

A thought flashed through Lin Qing's heart, and along with that thought flashed through. The more I realize it is likely to be this way!

"Murong's house!"

Lin Qing vowed secretly in his heart that he must figure out this secret. Although his strength is insufficient, he will soon be able to advance to the Five Profounds. And the Five Profounds, that is, the ability master that Sun Aoyun said.

At that time, even though he was not a top-notch existence among the supernatural beings. But there is also a certain degree of self-protection.

What's more, now I can easily use the four styles of the "Universal Bagua Mirror"? With those four types, Lin Qing believes that ordinary people are definitely not his opponents.

With a certain mood, Lin Qing quietly opened the door, Lin Lan in the hall had also returned to her room, and Sun Aoyun was naturally not there. At the moment, he gently closed his door and walked out of the yard with ease. At this time, the sky was already dark, and what Lin Qing had to do was still cultivate at night.

After these days of practice, it is not only more proficient in the moves. The other is that the profound energy in the body is greatly depleted and then recovered. As a result, after a long time, the profound energy in the'Xuan'Acupoint'' will increase day by day. At this time, the bottleneck was reached early, and with a little opportunity, he could break through to the level of the five profound.

Because, I have visited the wasteland many times before, and Lin Qing is already very familiar with the road.

Under the street lights, Lin Qing walked swiftly, and occasionally there would be vehicles passing by and walking by on the road.

Suddenly, an old figure in front came into Lin Qing's eyes.

A faint surprise flashed in Lin Qing's eyes, and the figure gave him a familiar feeling that it was her! Lin Qing suddenly remembered, the old woman who had handed her the "universe gossip mirror" to use the key before!

Certainly in the bottom of my heart, he hurried to chase after him. However, the things that surprised Lin Qing happened again, and he almost used to run. But still can't get close to the opponent, even though the opponent seems to be walking slowly.

Lin Qing couldn't think about it carefully,'Diantian Expanding Body' intentionally moved with his heart, and the whole person became extremely light, speeding up again.

This time, not only didn't shorten the distance, but opened the distance!

Lin Qing was shocked, only then knew that he had met a strong man. Only in this way, the doubts in his heart rose straight up, and he had to catch up with the old woman and ask the doubts in his heart.

As soon as the two chased and walked away, they quickly exited the highway. At the end of the highway, where there was only one street lamp shining, the old figure in front finally stopped. Lin Qing also hurriedly retreated in front of the old woman, with slight sweat already on her forehead, so she wiped off the sweat and turned her head to look.

"Haha, it's not bad, it's already four mysterious."

The old woman's back is the old woman who gave Lin Qing the "Essential Bagua Mirror" last time to use the key. At this time, she was looking at Lin Qing with a smile on her face.

Lin Qingqiang tolerated the anxiety in his heart, and whispered softly: "Hello, old woman. I..."

The old woman shook her head and smiled: "I know you have a lot of questions in your heart, but some things are better to discover by yourself. Moreover, even if you ask me, I won't say it. So, I hope you don't force me This is an old bone."

Lin Qing frowned, "I just want to know what happened to me."

"The past will always have a profound impact on the future."

The old woman sighed and suddenly said: "My name is Gu Momei, you can also be called Granny Gu."

"Old mother-in-law."

Lin Qing nodded, but didn't introduce himself. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. The other party must know his own information in detail.

Gu Momei looked at Lin Qing, "Do you believe in fate?"

Lin Qing was silent for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know. I didn't believe it before, but now I am at a loss."

Gu Momei smiled before slowly saying: "I think you should also realize that I deliberately attracted you to chase today."

Lin Qing nodded, he had indeed thought of this. Otherwise, they won't always be able to catch up with the other party.

Gu Momei continued: "I am looking for you with only one purpose, to temporarily seal part of your abilities."

"Seal my ability?"

Lin Qing was taken aback, subconsciously stepped back, and said in a puzzled way: "Why?"

Gu Momei sighed, "I just don't want you to make mistakes again."

Lin Qing frowned and said, "I don't understand what you mean, but if I don't say it clearly, I think I can't cooperate with you."

Gu Momei looked at Lin Qing for a while, then turned her gaze to him. Under the night sky, she could still see her eyes gleaming with frightening light. After a while, she asked: "Your ability is an illusion, vision , Perception, nerves, and the illusion of death. Have you ever used fusion?"

Seeing the other party's ability to say one by one, Lin Qing's face became more and more ugly. This feeling was as if she was stripped naked and standing in front of the other party. He was not used to it, and very upset! But still patiently said: "That's not true, I can only use one type at a time now."

Gu Momei nodded and said, "As I thought, if you could really use two at a time, I am afraid that something went wrong."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Qing asked puzzledly.

Gu Momei just chuckled and did not answer, and then replied: "I am here today just to seal your illusion of perception and death. Moreover, I also hope that you can believe me. If you do this, you are right. Good."

"Illusion of perception! Illusion of death!"

Lin Qing felt uneasy for a while, "perception illusion" was nothing, he hadn't discovered its greatest use yet. But'Death Illusion' is almost one of his own assassins, and now he wants to seal it! In this way, wouldn't he be missing a trump card

At the same time, a question appeared in Lin Qing's mind. If the'illusion of death' was sealed because of his power, then why was the'illusion of perception' sealed? I can't help but think of Gu Momei's previous words, have they ever been used together

What does this prove? Is there a big connection between the'illusion of perception' and the'illusion of death'? !

As if he could guess Lin Qing's thoughts, Gu Momei said again: "You can now use the Universe Gossip Mirror correctly. I believe that even if the'death illusion' is sealed, it will have no effect on you."

Hearing this, Lin Qing was already calm, anyway, any of his secrets were almost invisible under the eyes of the other party. Asked: "You can't always seal it, right?"

Gu Momei shook her head and smiled: "Of course, when you have enough strength to control it. It will automatically unlock and still be used by you."

Lin Qing said in deep thought, "Sufficient strength? For example?"

"Probably, Qixuan."

Gu Momei Yun said lightly, as if the'Seven Profounds' were very insignificant to her. But Lin Qingzhen is not light, the Five Profounds is already a rare master, what level should the Seven Profounds be

Moreover, the other person's eyes look at him, as if he must be able to achieve it.

"Well, you prepare now, I want to seal your ability."

A light flashed in Gu Momei's eyes, and suddenly, an invisible wave surged from Gu Momei's eyes, completely covering Lin Qing!

The book is first published.

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