The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 145: Contradictory advice [three shifts]


The moment the invisible wave passed over him, Lin Qing found out in the first time that he seemed to have lost control all over his body! Can't move at all. // Hot Book Pavilion

And at this time, the brain area was also invaded by a powerful and unmatched energy. In the face of the invasion of this external energy, the mental energy of the brain area suddenly began to waver, and the speed of the'hetero nucleus' suddenly increased, trying to drive the uninvited guest away.

As for these external energies, a golden round mark was quickly formed in Lin Qing's mind. The circular marks, like jade rings of various sizes, are nested together, and there are nearly ten of them.

At this moment, the spiritual energy accumulated by the heteronuclear finally began to counterattack! Like a giant dragon overwhelming the river, it rushed towards the circular mark with a low roar. Suddenly, the outermost ring of the circular mark suddenly became a masterpiece of golden light, and Lin Qing only felt that his consciousness was completely occupied by the golden "color".


Lin Qing felt his mind was dazed, and the two energies had collided heavily at this moment.


In the darkness, Gu Momei's face changed slightly, and then her eyes became brighter. The golden "color" circular mark once again shined brightly, and in an instant, it completely suppressed the energy emanating from the "different core".

The next moment, the circular mark of the golden "color" shrank rapidly, leaving only a little golden light in the end, which was deeply imprinted in the depths of Lin Qing's brain. Until this moment, the spiritual energy of the black "color" swept in again, and it lost its goal, and after a round of wandering, it quietly returned.

"What an amazing spiritual energy."

Gu Momei exclaimed, while the energy covering Lin Qing has quietly dissipated.

Lin Qing was naturally very clear about what happened in his mind. After regaining his ability to act, he quickly and carefully felt his own situation. In addition to feeling a little more in his brain, there is nothing else, and it doesn't affect his normal performance in the slightest.

It's just that this time, when I meditated on the "illusion of perception" in my heart, I realized that I couldn't use it at all. It's like, it won't be the same at all.

"I think, I still need to know why you want to seal my ability."

Lin Qing said with an unpleasant expression and a cold tone.

Gu Momei said: "It's just for your own good, I don't want you to make mistakes."

It is still the previous answer, and does not explain the real situation to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was silent for a moment. Although he wanted to get angry right now, he thought that since the other party had directly given himself the tips for using the'Universal Bagua Mirror' from the beginning, it meant that the other party was unlikely to do something unfavorable to him.

After all, Lin Qing already knew very well about the Universe and Eight Diagrams Mirror, it was definitely a magic weapon for cultivation and a weapon for attack. Suddenly raised his head and sighed, "To be honest, I don't like this feeling very much."

Gu Momei understood Lin Qing's thoughts very well. He only said, "Perhaps, this is life! You only need to know that I will not do anything to harm you."

Lin Qing looked straight at Gu Momei, and then felt the strength of the opponent with his heart, but found in vain that he could not see through, so he had to say: "I think I understand a little bit about this. With your strength, if you are I really want to be disadvantageous to me, I’m afraid I’ve done it long ago. I just want to make sure of one thing to you, what is the Murong’s grudge against me?"


Gu Momei smiled bitterly, and said "Perhaps! I only have one sentence to tell you about the matter between you. This sentence is also the second purpose of my seeking you today. You are not only Just remember, and you have to do it."

Seeing what the other party said was serious, Lin Qing was also secretly wary, "You said."

Gu Momei solemnly said: "Remember, Murong Fuying of the Murong family, you can never hurt her. No matter what she does to you, you can't hurt her at all. You must remember, otherwise, you will regret it for life. "

"Murong Fuying?"

Lin Qing became more and more puzzled. When the girl first saw him, she was already cold and disgusted, hurting her would make herself regret it for life? Lin Qing couldn't believe it, and said: "Could it be that she has something to do with Granny Gu?"

"That's not it."

Gu Momei shook her head and said, "You are right to remember what I said, and don't let it be deceived."

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing solemnly nodded and said: "I remember, no matter what she does to me, I will never do anything to hurt her at all."

Gu Momei nodded and said, "I have said everything that should be said, so let's say goodbye." When the words fell, the figure was vertical, and the whole person merged into the night sky, and went away in the air!

What a brilliant strength this should be!

Lin Qing felt admiration again. He stood there for a while, and then he found a direction and continued his practice for the night.

At the same time, in a secret basement in the west of the city, there was a pungent smell of "medicine" everywhere. On one wall of the basement, a man covered in green "hair" was fixed. The man was naked and "naked". His skin was dry and wrinkled, but it seemed to contain unparalleled power.

And the man's face is simply not flattering, with green face and fangs, especially ferocious. At this time, those scarlet eyes stared at the man in a white coat who was busy on the test bench next to him. As if thinking of something, the green "hairy" man roared angrily, struggling hard, only to fix him, the handcuffs made of high-quality stainless steel, wanting to break free, how easy is it to say


The green "hairy" man yelled angrily. "Why are you killing me!"

The man in the white coat finally slowly raised his head. It was the man who fought Lin Qing and Sun Aoyun last time. He said lightly: "Hurt you? It's ridiculous, you want strength, and I just satisfy you* *That's it. You should thank me, right?"

"But now I have become a blood-sucking monster!"

The green "hairy" man said angrily.

"As long as there is power, whether it is a monster or not is not the subject."

The man in the white coat glanced at the green "hairy" man faintly, and then immersed himself in the experiment.

The green "hairy" man glared at the man in the white coat and said angrily: "Where is Zheng Ji? Where is he?!"

The man in the white coat said impatiently: "I have already told you that he was taken away by someone from the mysterious group. I believe he is dead now!"


The scarlet eyes of the green "hairy" man were filled with deep sorrow. Undoubtedly, he was the Tang Qi in Zheng Ji's mouth.

The man in the white coat answered him lazily this time. He just wants to get what he wants in the shortest time.

Tang Qi said angrily again: "Then why didn't you bring him back? You obviously have that strength."


The man in the white coat shouted angrily, "What about bringing it back? It's just a few more days! You don't bother me now, and I can let you die comfortably. Otherwise, hum! I must make you feel bad. ."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a special steel injection device and walked to Tang Qi's face, held down Tang Qi’s shoulder with one hand, and pierced the needle into the artery of Tang Qi’s neck, slowly pulling out a tube that was mixed in. Green "color" blood.

Regarding the movements of the man in the white coat, Tang Qi, who has always been infinitely powerful, could not move at all. It was not until the man in the white coat finished smoking that he resumed his action. Seeing the other party "shoot" his blood into a test tube, he said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do? What do you want?"

"get something?"

The man in the white coat smiled proudly, thinking of finding someone to show off his ability, and directly replied: "My purpose is the same as you, to gain strength."

"Get strength? You are strong enough now. Why do you need strength?"

Tang Qi raised his brows and said in a puzzled way.

The man in the white coat snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "You are just a frog at the bottom of the well, what do you understand? Among the supernatural beings, masters are like clouds. Although my strength is good, it is only at the upper middle level. Moreover, The defense of supernatural beings is generally weak. However, as long as my experiment is successful, the power of supernatural beings is comparable to that of ordinary supernatural beings!"

After a pause, he laughed and said, "Of course, I have to thank you brothers for this. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't really be able to find a test body as stupid as you. You know, "shoot" the blood of the ancient corpse. "Regardless of the ability of the individual's body, the most important thing is whether the individual is willing or not. If you resist it from the bottom of your heart, you have already failed. Let go of the "medicine", so you will be so successful. Otherwise, you would have died there a long time ago."

Hearing this, Tang Qi suddenly understood that both his brothers had become his test subjects. It's just that this is the end of the matter, but there is only helplessness. Contemptuously said: "Since you want to get power so much, why don't you just inject "shoot"?"

The man in the white coat snorted coldly, "Are you stupid? When you let your brother be the test subject, I have already studied it carefully. Direct injection of "shoot" will have great side effects, such as becoming like yours. It’s not human or ghost, and you have to suck the blood of living humans every day, otherwise you will be crazy. Although your strength and defense have reached a very high level, but for me not enough."

After speaking, the man in the white lab coat shook the test tube containing blood in his hand, and at the same time shook the other test tube that also contained blood, and mixed the two in a large glass bottle.

"Since you want to know, I will make you understand it."

The man in the white coat continued: "After the ancient corpse blood "liquid" merges with your blood "liquid", the poisonous "liquid" in it will be reduced a lot. As long as I add something to it, it will be completely bloodthirsty. 'The factor is eliminated. In that case, even if I inject "shoot", I won't suck blood like you. At the same time, my strength will increase several times, dozens of times. The defense of the police is the same. To that At that time, even if it is an ability player two levels higher than me, I can kill it directly! Hahahaha!"

"At that time, I will be the myth and the king!"

Tang Qi sighed, closed his eyes lightly, said nothing, and didn't want to look at each other again.

The book is first published.

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