The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 148: Appearance [six more]


At midnight, the moon is like a silver plate.

On a certain street in the west of the city, several young people walked together, and several people looked around constantly. At the same time, a few people chatted with hip-hop so that others would not pay attention to them.

But there are not a few people who are almost the same as them. Every few streets, there will always be some people walking in groups. They kept walking back and forth, shuttled through the streets, alleys, and some inconspicuous places. Seems to be looking for something.


Suddenly, a sad scream sounded from somewhere. On this night, it was so loud, eerie, and terrifying.

It was almost midnight and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Many pedestrians stopped and listened. However, the sound disappeared, so no one took it seriously.

It's just that the young people who walked all took out a notepad to record the matter. Because their task is to write down these inexplicable things.

"It's already midnight, how long do we have to toss? I'm sleepy."

A young man in shorts said impatiently to other people, "Moreover, is this simply inexplicable? What use are these things? It's better to let Lao Tzu fight and kill people."

"Humph! Be careful with your mouth, don't say anything."

A tall but thin young man next to the young man in shorts said solemnly. "It is said that this is a task from the real boss. If it is not done well, even Brother Biao will be punished. What's more, we? Brother Biao, if you know that you are complaining here, you can wait to die.

Hearing this, the young man in shorts was full of excitement, and said in a puzzled way: "I just don't understand, what is the real boss? Why have we never seen it?"

The tall young man said: "It is said that he doesn't seem to like us gangsters or something. So he left everything to Brother Biao to handle. So, judging from the current situation, Brother Biao is actually the boss."

Another young man who kept a board-inch sneered: "That's not necessarily true. Sister Shan is not a vegetarian. Her momentum is definitely overwhelming Brother Biao."

The tall young man glared at him and said in a deep voice: "What the hell is going on with you two? That's a big deal. It's better not to talk about it as a little one. No matter if Sister Shan becomes the boss in the end, or Brother Biao, That is not our guess."

The young man in shorts disdainfully said: "What is there to say about this! Anyway, as long as we brothers don't talk about it, who knows we have discussed this topic? Besides, even if we don't talk about these things, don't you all understand it? I still I heard that Brother Biao had talked to Sister Shan about this kind of thing, and it seemed very undesirable.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Perhaps, Big Sister Shan wants to suppress Brother Biao."

The tall young man frowned and said, "That's not necessarily, don't forget. Brother Biao is the first to follow the boss. Even if Big Sister Shan is now strong, the real boss may not necessarily support her. Therefore, she is still old. Just follow Brother Biao honestly."

The Bancuntou youth also said: "I agree with this point. It is said that the boss singled out hundreds of Yunhu gang masters at the time. When he left, he was unscathed. By the way, you know that that occasionally comes over and appears. Isn’t Liang Yufei next to Brother Biao? I have seen Brother Biao treat him with special respect a few times, and you will be more careful in the future. I am afraid that person is also very remarkable."

Upon hearing this, the other two nodded and agreed.

At the same time, they all understand that the Cheng Gangs are not as simple as they thought. Compared with those powerful guys, they really don't have much value.


The young man in shorts looked at the tall young man and said, "You said before that that person doesn't like us gangsters, but why not just disband all the underground forces? Wouldn't it be better?"

The tall young man shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe he has his own ideas."


At this moment, the cry similar to the previous one sounded again, but after this time, a figure quickly appeared in the center of the street. Following that, there was also a touch of coercion and unpleasant breath.

Under the moonlight, the figure that suddenly appeared, his eyes were blood red.

"not good!"

Many bad thoughts flashed in their hearts, and as these thoughts flashed, they couldn't wait to avoid them.

The figure that appeared suddenly walked slowly to the center of the street, and the whole person was completely reflected in the moonlight. I saw that it was a middle-aged man with long hair. At this time, his eyes were fierce, and he was constantly shining with scarlet "color" light. There was not much change in his body, but the fierce aura emanating from him made no one dare to underestimate him.


The long-haired middle-aged man suddenly roared, and under the moonlight, "exposed" a pair of fangs that were more than an inch long, which was particularly terrifying.


Some people from the "Cheng Gang" who were inquiring about the news have fled like a distant place. After all, the previous weird attacks have left a mark on everyone's heart. Seeing this weird middle-aged man at this time, he almost thought of this with a reversal.

However, before everyone reacted, the long-haired man standing in the center of the street moved extremely fast! In the blink of an eye, he appeared next to a young man who couldn't escape. He shot a flash, grabbed the young man's neck, and bite!

In an instant, the picture was extremely scary and bloody!

If the previous escape was just a subconscious action. So now, it's absolutely pissing. One escapes faster than one! Some even leaned forward on the ground.

At this moment, the streets that were originally empty became empty. Everyone ran away desperately, rushing to where they thought they were safe.


The long-haired middle-aged man still held the dead young man on the ground, and looked at people fleeing around with tyrannical eyes. Just when he was about to pursue, a violent whirlwind descended from the sky!


In the whirlwind, a man in a white coat looked cold, as if he had encountered something very unhappy, and whispered: "Although the speed, strength, and defense have increased a lot, he still has blood This huge drawback. It seems that we need to continue to study."

When he saw the man in the white coat appear, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly fled in other directions. As soon as he moved, a small whirlwind galloped out of the man in the white coat and instantly enveloped it.

The tearing force brought by the whirlwind directly rolled up the long-haired middle-aged man, and then continued to lift into the air, and when it was nearly a hundred meters away-the whirlwind suddenly disappeared!


The sane long-haired middle-aged man wailed loudly, but his body was completely out of control, falling straight down like a straight line.


The huge impact, splashed with blood. Under this fall, the long-haired middle-aged man fell directly into fleshy flesh. At a height of 100 meters, no matter how strong his defense is, he can't stand the fall.

"Failed products are not necessary at all."

The voice of the man in the white coat sounded coldly on this street, and then another whirlwind flew out and swept over the place where the man fell. Under the tearing force of the whirlwind, the surrounding debris continued to gather, but the place was buried. Afterwards, these debris were mashed together again, and then gradually dispersed.

The man in the white coat who had done all this floated away under the power of the whirlwind.

The next day, the city of Hangzhou, which had been calm for a while, was "turbulent" again. Everyone is spreading the news that the weird man who attacked Hangzhou has been resurrected again!

This news is absolutely terrifying and shocking.

When Lin Qing was still asleep, Song Biao called and told him everything he found last night. And determined the detailed location!

Lin Qing, who heard the news, called Sun Aoyun, Black Rose, Liang Yufei and others without hesitation. Started further searching.

Several people know that if you don't find it in time, I'm afraid the other party will change places.

It was still the street, and the mess around was faintly visible. There was even a faint smell of blood in the air. At this time, a team of police officers took photos beside the young man who was bitten by the neck artery and died of excessive blood loss.

All, all the signs, there is no doubt about it.

"How to find it? In the daytime, there will be a big storm."

Liang Yufei asked puzzledly from the side.

Lin Qing whispered: "There is no way to find him. If you want to find him, you must take advantage of this opportunity. If you are later, I'm afraid he will change places. Even now, we can't guarantee that he won't change places. "

Sun Aoyun nodded, and then carefully discerned the message from the'Cheng Gang' on this street, and slowly said: "Since they can hear the sound here, and said that a strange person has appeared soon, In other words, the real place is no more than 500 meters away from our current location."

Black Rose said, "But even if it's 500 meters, it's not easy to find. There are many people in the daytime, and there are noisy voices everywhere. Moreover, once a big "commotion" is caused, the above will definitely Hold accountable."

Sun Aoyun said helplessly: "There is no way, now is an opportunity."

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Yes, I think it's an opportunity. If we don't hurry up. It is very likely that we will usher in the next crisis. Miss Rose, I think you should know the strength of the Four Profound Peak powers. This is definitely not a trifling matter, otherwise, as an outsider, I would not accompany you on this task at all."

Hearing that, Black Rose's expression condensed, and then he nodded in agreement.

Sun Aoyun said: "Okay, let's talk about it first, let's find it separately."

"Well, no problem."

Lin Qing nodded, and the words fell, a faint spiritual energy radiated from the center of his eyebrows to the surroundings, covering all people and things within ten meters of his body.

The book is first published.

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