The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 151: Fierce battle (part 2) [three shifts]


Upon seeing this, everyone around was stunned.

Both Sun Aoyun and Black Rose knew that Lin Qing's ability was an "illusion", a power that interfered with people, and even the ability to kill people by relying on the "illusion", but he would definitely not attach any "sex".

but now…

If Lin Qing's previous attacks were enough to surprise the two of them, after all, there was no "sex" attached to them, so even though they were unexpected, they could figure it out a little, thinking that they were some powerful skills used by Lin Qing. But now, this thunder and lightning beast full of explosive "sex" power absolutely shocked the two of them.

Not only because of the power of the Thunder Beast, but also its own "sex".


Feng Sha's eyes were also full of surprise. The first thought in my heart was, could it be that my previous judgment was wrong? However, there was not much time for him to think about it. The'Thunderbolt Beast' had reached a point less than ten feet in front of him, with a big mouth, and a ball of lightning carried a burst of thunder, like a cannonball, like a wind killing.

"How can it be!"

Feng Shao's face finally changed. He didn't expect that this'Thunder and Lightning Beast' had hidden other attack methods, although some of them understood that they were all the ghosts of Lin Qing below. But still shocked and inexplicable, so he threw out the whirlwind floating on the palm of his right hand without hesitation.

The tiny whirlwind swells in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turns into a wind column with a diameter of more than two meters. One after another, the'Thunder and Lightning Beast' stirred into the air. The previous attack by the'Thunderbolt Beast', and then hit the first heavy wind pillar, dissipated abruptly, and at the same time one of the wind pillars dissipated.

However, just when several whirlwinds swept over here. An amazing thing happened again. The'Thunder Beast' was like a spiritual'nature', and its body quickly sprinted to the side. In the blink of an eye, it was a few meters away, completely abandoning the attack behind it, and staring at the wind. Killing, opening his mouth is just a few bolts of lightning sprayed out.

For a time, Feng Shao's attention was almost all attracted by this inexplicable'Thunder and Lightning Beast'.

"Hehe, you seem to have forgotten, my attack range is."

Lin Qingyang started, and the distance between the two sides was about ten meters. If it is placed on the ground, it is naturally far away, but if it is at a height, the distance is not low.

Lin Qing's right hand was slowly raised, and a flame rose into the sky!


Sun Aoyun "kneaded" his eyes almost unbelievably, and opened his mouth subconsciously, but didn't know what to say.

Feeling the high temperature below, Feng Sha hurriedly looked down, and suddenly saw a monstrous flame pouring from under his feet. The flame is like a dragon, and at the moment when the wind kills hesitates, it directly entangles it. Only because of the body-protecting whirlwind that exists around the'Wind Kill' body, there is no way to directly burn his body.

But even so, the extreme high temperature emitted by the flame made it unbearable. A faint burnt smell gradually diffused, and the white coat and hair of Fengshai's body were gradually scorched.

"Blast me!"

With a roar of wind killing, the protective body whirlwind burst open, completely dispersing the flames bound outside the body. The aftermath brought up again shook the attack of the'Thunderbolt Beast'.

"damn it!"

The image of Wind Killer was embarrassed, his hair was almost completely scorched, and his white coat was also browned. His body barely stood in the air, and two miniature whirlwinds appeared under his feet to support him.

"good chance."

Seeing that the body protection whirlwind had disappeared in the wind killing week, Lin Qing couldn't help but feel happy, and the spiritual energy swept over in an instant. When he was about to touch Fengsha, a whirlwind surged from Fengsha's body, once again forming a solid barrier.

And Lin Qing's spiritual energy also hit the cyclone barrier in vain.

"Damn, be wary of'sex' too high."

Lin Qing cursed secretly from the bottom of his heart. 'Thunder Beast' is definitely his most powerful tactic. I control him deliberately to contain the wind kill, just to make the next attack logical, first use the flame to "force" the wind kill to disperse the body protection whirlwind, and then use his own. The "illusion" ability "forced" him down.

Once he got his own'illusion', Lin Qing absolutely believed that torturing him was the same as playing.

But who knows, it only takes about a second from when the wind kills the body tornado to Lin Qing's release of spiritual energy. In such a short period of time, he was able to react so quickly.

As a result, Lin Qing's evaluation of this wind kill was once again on a higher level.

In this case, there is only a strong attack.

Lin Qing said inwardly, under Lin Qing's thoughts, the body of the'thunder and lightning beast' unexpectedly began to swell, and within a few breaths, it turned into a behemoth with a height of more than ten feet and a body length of five or six meters. At this moment, you can clearly see its appearance, like a unicorn.

With dragon head, antlers, lion eyes, tiger back, bear waist, snake scales! Amazingly, it is a unicorn beast, but this one, everything is condensed by electricity.

The swelling'Thunder and Lightning Beast' exudes a powerful coercion, and every time it takes a step forward, it makes a muffled noise. Obviously stepping in the void, but as if stepping on the ground.


The'Thunderbolt Beast' raised its head and roared, spouting a string of electric balls directly from its mouth. At the same time, the huge body volleyed towards Fengsha.

Upon seeing this, Feng Shou retreated again and again, waving his right hand continuously, and several whirlwinds formed in front of him one by one. These whirlwinds turned into wind pillars about several feet high and about three to five meters in diameter in the palm of the hand that was free from Fengshou. Then, standing side by side one by one, a row of wind pillars was formed in front of Wind Kill!

The wind pillar completely separated the'Thunderbolt Beast' from the'Wind Kill'.

Just at this moment, the attack from the'Thunderbolt Beast' exploded on the wind pillar, and under the huge energy fluctuations, a large hole was formed in the wind pillar. The body of the'Thunder and Lightning Beast' suddenly got through the hole.


A sharp glow flashed in Feng Sha's eyes, and his hands suddenly joined together, just as the Thunder Beast had just passed through the wind pillar and needed to make the next attack. All the wind pillars are like moving pillars, trapped the'Thunderbolt Beast' within a few breaths, and then exploded!

All the wind pillars exploded at the same time, a dozen or so strands. At that moment, the air seemed to be a huge thunder. The violent aftermath moved all the places nearby. Even the sky became dark under the violent wind.

After the explosion, the wind pillar disappeared.

Similarly, the'Thunder Beast' condensed by energy could not withstand such a powerful attack, and it also dissipated completely in the air.

"You guys really annoy me!"

The eyes of Wind Killer were full of killing intent. Although this series of tricks seemed easy to perform, the energy loss was also amazing.

Feng Shao pressed his right hand to the bottom, just about to make a move, suddenly a low roar came from the basement. In an instant, four figures rushed out, each with blood-red eyes and blue-faced fangs.

Upon seeing this, Fengsha changed his face and whispered: "No, the "medicine" has passed."

Seeing these four guys with blue faces and fangs suddenly appeared, Lin Qing and the others were taken aback. It was very strange to think of the weird people who attacked the citizens before, and they felt strange again. At the same time, Lin Qing took a quick look, and didn't see Tang Qi, who he had seen before.

According to Liang Yufei's previous perception, there should be six people in the basement, except for the wind kill in the air, and the four guys in front of him, there should be one more in the basement.

"Could it be that the one inside is Tang Qi?"

Lin Qing secretly said in his heart, and at the same time muttered silently in his heart, "Be careful, these guys are all experimental subjects of the wind killing, I am afraid they are not lower than the weird people who attacked the citizens before."

The time of speaking, the four people who suddenly appeared from the basement, with fierce eyesight, as if seeing the exquisite food, each rushed towards everyone with a roar.

Upon seeing this, Liang Yufei quickly said in the specific contact information of several people: "Do you need me to help?"

Lin Qing vetoed: "No need, you are optimistic about the guy above." The words fell, "kneading" his body and pounced on one of them, and at the same time released the power on one of them, the'visual illusion' directly made him attack To the wall.

In this way, it can be regarded as one-to-one.

Compared to Tang Qi, these four guys lacked a lot of unpleasant poisonous gas. In the battle, it was a lot easier, and it was completely in the upper hand.

Wind Killer seemed to have thought of something again, his body quickly fell with a whirlwind, and then rushed to the basement.

Liang Yufei quickly said to the few people: "He's down."

In fact, he didn't say that although several people were fighting, they also found out in the first time.

Lin Qing hit the guy in front of him with a blow to'Qian Tian Zhan' and blasted him away, hurriedly said: "This guy, it is very likely that he wants to leave here. Brother Liang, you are on guard outside, he will be there for a while. If you run out, your body will definitely not be protected by the whirlwind."

The chest of the man who was blown off by Lin Qing was almost completely sunken, his eyes widened, he was actually dead. At this juncture, how does Lin Qing care about this? Besides, these people have long been unable to return to normal. When they turned their bodies, they cut the palm of the person who had been hit by the'illusion' constantly attacking the wall on their necks, and there was a clear click, and they fell straight to the ground.

"You go in first, and we will follow up as soon as we solve them."

Sun Aoyun quickly said.

Lin Qing agreed and rushed into the basement quickly. Because the power supply nearby was completely cut off, the basement was very dim, with a flashlight in one corner as the simplest lighting facility. Wind Killer was about to put down a person on the wall at this time, Jin Lin Qing came in so fast, and couldn't help but stop.

Lin Qing stepped forward slowly, his eyes still a bit unsuitable for the dim conditions of the basement, following the light of the flashlight, he gradually saw the man fixed on the wall. When he saw his face clearly, he raised his brow, and it was Tang Qi as expected.

The book is first published.

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