The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 168: Calculate


The masters play tricks, one trick determines success or failure!

Seeing the attack, he couldn't move a minute. Sun Aoyun next to him was also entangled by his opponent, Lin Qing's expression was ugly, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

An extremely crazy idea!

A pillar of fire instantly rose from Lin Qing's feet, and when it touched the huge fireball falling from above, it instantly entangled it. At this moment... the distance between Lin Qing and the fireball is almost less than two feet. At this moment, the hair is gradually being scorched.

Suddenly, a huge suction force emanated from Lin Qing's body, and this attraction directly drew the nearby air state. Even with this big ball of fire, it's all wrapped in it! Afterwards, the huge fireball was instantly compressed into a group of crystal clear energy by a huge force in the blink of an eye!

This group of energy balls with extremely destructive power, followed closely with the flames entwined around it, and got into Lin Qing's body.


Lin Qing snorted, and the clothes on her body had been scorched by the heat. His face flushed for a while, and at this moment, he was forced to use "Dai Hui Xuan" helplessly. He really didn't expect that he could really absorb the attack energy completely. It's just that it doesn't feel good like this, I just feel that the internal organs seem to be scorched.

However, this is much better than being hit by yourself. At this moment, the legs are still very heavy.

"Huh? Strange."

The middle-aged fire-type man glanced at Lin Qing faintly, and felt that the opponent had strangely invalidated his attacking tactics, which was a little weird. Putting his hands together, a fiery red flame gradually brewed in his hands.

Lin Qing ignored him. At present, the most important thing is to find out what makes it difficult for him to move! Soon, his gaze fell on the middle-aged man at the Four Profound Level who hadn't done anything.

Jian Lin Qingwang came, and the Si Xuan man's face was very indifferent and disdainful. A rumorous traction formed between the two of them, as if it was affecting Lin Qing all the time.


Lin Qing suddenly understood that it must have come from him. And among the few people, he is also the one with the lowest strength. Therefore, in normal thinking, it is naturally best to solve it by yourself. As long as you solve yourself first, then you can concentrate all your strength on Lin Xiaorou and Sun Aoyun.

Seeing the fire man attack again, Lin Qing suddenly felt the heavy weight of his hands! Obviously, the other party wanted to put himself to death this time.

But, how can things be so simple

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Qing's mouth. The distance between the two sides was only about 30 meters, which was completely within the range of his abilities. Spiritual energy swept over in an instant!

However, because of preventing Lin Xiaorou's mental attacks earlier, these people will have their heads well protected.

"Lin Xiaorou, explode the mark."

Lin Qing shouted softly, and the spiritual energy became more and more violent.

Lin Xiaorou avoided the frontal attack, and heard that there was no time to answer. A circular energy circle appeared beside her, and then... burst out in an instant!


The middle-aged Sixuan man shook his body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out when he opened his mouth. The body's energy was also unstable for a while, and his face was pale and terrifying.

Taking advantage of this emptiness, Lin Qing's spiritual energy finally took the opportunity to enter. It was not a direct collision of real spiritual power, but... the illusion of supernatural power!

The illusion of visual illusion!

At this moment, the flame in the fire man's hands was already dazzling like a scorching sun, making them afraid to look directly at each other. But just when he was about to issue a powerful trick, his hands suddenly sank, and the trick was brewing for a while before hitting the ground directly.


On the solid ground, a pit with a diameter of several feet away and a depth of about one foot was smashed out of the sturdy ground... And at this moment, he was also lifted by the huge impact and hit the stone pillar next to him.


The fire man opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. He looked at the Si Xuan man and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

The Sixuan man looked puzzled, then his face changed, his first reaction was that he was controlled. I just checked it quickly, but I didn't find that I was invaded by spiritual energy. As a result, I felt "confused".

This is the difference between Lin Qing's attack method and the ordinary spirit type supernatural powers. For those with ordinary mental abilities, while interfering and attacking, the spirit must exist in the opponent's body. As for Lin Qing's'illusion', as long as the spiritual energy can reach, the supernatural'illusion' will exist somewhere.

When invading the opponent's spirit, the spiritual energy will not cause harm to the opponent. However, the factor of'illusion' was brought into the mind of the other party. Since then, the illusion can be transformed into each other!

However, once the distance is exceeded, this illusion factor will automatically dissipate.

And this is Lin Qing's ability!

Therefore, the Si Xuan man suddenly attached the released power to the fire man. Then, Lin Qing cancelled the control again, making it impossible for him to know exactly what happened.

"Small bugs."

Wu Ying, who had been watching all the time, suddenly said faintly, and raised her brows slightly. Lin Qing could clearly feel a transparent wave coming out of her right eye. This transparent wave was not an attack on Lin Qing, but a raid. Over the head of the Si Xuan man.


Wu Ying frowned slightly, and she was surprised to find that there was no other spiritual energy!

After this slowdown, the fire man has stood up, ready for his next attack. And this time, in order to prevent other changes, there were two fire shields, two feet long and one foot wide, rotating around each other to prevent other attacks.

"Your abilities are interesting."

Wu Ying's figure moved slightly, and he had appeared in front of the fire-type man, and waved his hand to stop the fire-type supernatural being.

"Frankly speaking, I am very interested, if I am not mistaken. It should interfere with one of my abilities, very similar."

Wu Ying continued.

Lin Qing glanced at her faintly, but she was a little nervous, but she still remembered Lin Xiaorou's words before, that the other party's ability was charming and creating illusions. Don't pit yourself accidentally.

"Are you nervous? Haha, if you choose to join us, I will consider letting you go."

Wu Ying smiled charmingly and continued.

"You? Do you mean you now, or something else?"

Lin Qing said lightly.

Wu Ying was startled, and then giggled again, "Really sensitive, nothing else, I am now. You don't realize it, with my ability, as long as I have sufficient human resources, I can create a lot of advanced The supernatural power?"

Lin Qing sneered and mocked: "If it is really that simple, I am afraid that these few of them have been promoted to the level of the Five Profound Realms a long time ago. And you have long been able to control them. But why did you continue to do so? Did they forcibly raise them to the Five Profound Level when facing us? Don’t you realize that there is something wrong?”

Wu Ying's face changed slightly, what? "

"Since you don't want to say it, I will say it for you."

Lin Qing squeezed each other's hands, and said in a shocking voice: "If I guess right, the potential of the few of them has been raised to the maximum by you. That is three times! It is a pity that their next Life expectancy will not be ten years... If I'm right, I'm afraid it will be less than a year. You said, am I right?"

"Heh, it's really good. It has good ability. It can both interfere with people and make fire attacks. The handsome guy and sister's interest in you has increased a lot again."

Wu Ying was not surprised but rejoiced, her slender eyes gleaming frighteningly. The look in his eyes was as if a wild beast saw a beautiful prey.

What makes Lin Qing strange is that even if he said this, those guys who had been forcibly raised their potential were indifferent. It seems that this has nothing to do with them at all.

What a weird ability!

Lin Qing was surprised secretly in her heart, and suddenly laughed again, "Of course, I am also very interested in you, a beauty."

Wu Ying chuckled again, "If that's the case, why not cooperate with me? Besides, I can tell you a secret."

"Oh? Secret? I am most interested in secrets."

Lin Qing smiled and made a look of interest, "Why don't you tell me first? At least give me some room for consideration."

Wu Ying smiled indifferently: "It's very simple. In fact, the ability of the'awakened' ability to improve is not necessarily limited to my own cultivation base. If the talent of the test body is too high, the strength is too strong, such as you The two chicks around, I can completely raise them to the level of Six Profound."


Lin Qing felt restless again, what kind of strength should it be? At the same time, I understand that it's no wonder that this dance shadow took a lot of time, and it is estimated that the mysterious group will send down not weak personnel.

Like Lin Qing, anyone who reaches the Four Profounds at a young age can be called a genius. Wu Xuan's, is the proud son of heaven.

Seeing Lin Qing not speaking, Wu Ying smiled again: "How about it? Isn’t it surprising? Six Profound powers, I can create a few at will. At that time, in the world of powers, I said Two, who dares to say one?"

Lin Qing laughed, "It's really surprised, but I don't have a hint of cooperating with you." The words fell, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. A pillar of fire was like a laser, shooting straight towards the dancing shadow in front of him, and the flame became The cylindrical shape and the scorching high temperature have increased the temperature in the basement by several levels.

The Si Xuan man standing not far from Wu Ying also pressed his right hand to Wu Ying at this moment, and shouted in a low voice, "Heavy!"

Lin Qing began to brew this series of actions as early as the first sentence of the conversation. A thunder and lightning beast the size of a fist in the pillar of fire ran swiftly in the flames!

Coexistence of thermal power!

Wu Ying's face changed suddenly, but she did not expect such a change.

The book is first published.

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