The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 171: A horrified discovery


The magic eye, the illusion created. It is condensed and shaped according to its own energy, which is almost real. And, it has more than 50% of its own strength.

The most important thing is that she herself can hide in another place, making the enemy feel helpless.

Therefore, the ability of the magic eye has long been widely circulated among those with supernatural powers. It's just that Lin Qing didn't know about it.

Although Wu Ying is not the real body, the rest of these people are all genuine.

The muscular man, the tiger-shaped man, and the fire-type supernatural ability person also realized that the situation was wrong. Just because of Wuying's tricks, these people have no regard for their lives. This is why, when I hear that my life is not much, I am very indifferent.

Although they look like ordinary people, they are actually just puppets with simple thoughts.

A few people gathered together quietly, trying to take the road and flee.

However, in the three-on-three, Lin Qing and others were originally stronger than them. In addition, the three of them have lost a lot of energy and are even more injured, and the battle is in a one-sided situation, and it will soon be over.

Lin Qing used'Dian Tian Zhan' to blast open the previously closed entrance, and put a chain in the upper house to bind the four of them together. Lin Xiaorou directly notified the person by phone, and asked the person above to contact the public security bureau here, and detain these people first, and then send someone from the Xuanyi group to pick them up.

After this tossing, it was three or four o'clock in the morning, and several people were too sleepy, so they rushed back. Using the same method to avoid the doorman of the hotel, when Lin Qing returned to the room, because he was afraid of waking Liu He, he didn't even take a bath and fell asleep.

It wasn't until 11 o'clock at noon the next day that Lin Qing woke up from her sleep. After leaving the room, seeing Liu He sitting on the sofa in the living room, typing on his laptop, he greeted him by the way.

Seeing Lin Qing get up, Liu He smiled very thiefly, "Would you not go out for a stroll at night? You got up so late."

Lin Qing breathed out and laughed: "Maybe it was too tired yesterday. Besides, I always like to sleep in late. If I want to get up early, it's not possible."

Liu He smiled noncommitantly. He saw Lin Qing go out yesterday, so naturally he would not believe Lin Qing's explanation.

Lin Qing frowned and felt suspicious. Could it be that this kid found something? It shouldn't be! He smiled and said: "You guy is hiding a knife in his smile, is there any problem? Hurry up and call it in. I can spare you a little life."

Liu He smiled and said, "The Buddha said, don't talk, don't talk."

Lin Qing narrowed his eyes, really not sure what this guy knew, so he said: "No matter, I still don't waste time with you here. It's better to wash and take a shower."

Liu He laughed, and the two did not point to each other, each had its own ideas.

After Lin Qing finished showering, she put on clean clothes, and the freshly dressed Sun Aoyun knocked on the door and came in.

Seeing Lin Qingzheng putting on a T-shirt, he said, "Tsk tsk, I'm so lazy."

"What's lazy?"

Lin Qing puzzled.

Sun Aoyun looked and smiled and said: "You are as lazy as a pig. You usually get up so late, and now you come out to play, but you also get up so late. Fortunately, you slept so early yesterday. Longevity plan."

"Damn, didn't I toss with you yesterday? Otherwise, I would be so tired and wake up so late?"

Lin Qing said dissatisfied, the words fell, and then he realized that there was something wrong with the topic in the words.

Sun Aoyun's pretty face changed slightly, and the two looked at Liu He almost at the same time. Liu He, who was drinking water at this time, was almost choked. He was already preconceived. He now hears such a conversation, and he directly thinks that these two people must have done something inappropriate for children last night. Seeing the two of them, they replied that they were embarrassed to be heard by themselves, and quickly sat down as if they had not heard anything.

Just then Sun Aoyun glared at Lin Qing, and blamed him for not saying anything.

Lin Qing said, "What are you coming to do with me? Is there something? By the way, what about Lin Xiaorou."

Sun Aoyun said: "I came to you, of course I told you to go eat. Otherwise, what do you think I can tell you to do at noon? Xiao Rou has already booked a seat, so we will be sent."

Hearing this, Lin Qing also felt a little hungry right away. After a tossing about the middle of the night yesterday, now he is going three poles again. It is fake if he is not hungry. He pulled Liu He over, "Let's go and have a big meal."

Hearing that Lin Xiaorou had set a position, Liu He had already stood up without Lin Qingla.

Several people left the hotel and, under the leadership of Sun Aoyun, came to a three-star hotel. Although the hotel is three stars, it is quite luxurious and elegant. Under the leadership of the waiter, he reached a position by the window.

It was time to eat at this time, and there were already full seats in the hall.

After the three of them sat down, Lin Xiaorou waved to the waiter to serve.

Several people are acquaintances with each other, so there is no need to be cautious. They are also very open. In the middle, Liu He constantly greeted Lin Xiaorou and talked about some more interesting topics.

Lin Qing just immersed himself in eating, but put Sun Aoyun aside. Sun Aoyun rolled his eyes at Lin Qing repeatedly, but Lin Qing pretended not to see it. In his opinion, as long as it is not his girlfriend or relatives, then there is no need to give too much face. Otherwise, they will be able to stand on top of their heads next time.

No matter what, Sun Aoyun was so angry that he didn't eat a bite of rice.

After lunch, a few people, because they had nothing to do, followed Liu He's intention to board the famous Pearl Tower in Shanghai. Experience the feeling of climbing high and looking into the distance.

In the process, I didn't stop much, and went straight to the top level.

Seeing the clouds are almost within reach of him, Lin Qing once again lamented the hard work of the working people.

"The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of shocking the heavens. "

Lin Qing's heart moved, and suddenly he said Li Bai's "Night in Mountain Temple". Combining that kind of artistic conception, at this moment, I am actually so alike.

In addition to this, Lin Qing had the idea of jumping off!

This idea is undoubtedly crazy! However, his steps moved towards the glass window at this moment.

Liu He on the side heard that Lin Qing actually "chanted" the poem. He was amused at first, and then saw that Lin Qing's expression was not right. He quickly grabbed Lin Qing and said in a puzzled way: "What's the matter with you?"

Lin Qing was full of agitated spirits, his expression returned to his normal appearance, and he frowned at the moment, and he didn't understand why he felt this way. He smiled and shook his head and said, "What's wrong? I just want to get closer and look at the scene below."

Liu He laughed, and said: "I saw you with a dull look just now, and thought you were devilish." Although it was a joke, Lin Qing and Lin Xiaorou were both shocked.

For some reason, Sun Aoyun, who has always talked a lot, just stood by and said nothing. In the eyes, there is a flash of light from time to time.

Lin Xiaorou is a spiritual genius with very strong perception. As for Lin Qing, although the power is an illusion, the perception is indeed not bad. After Sun Aoyun's words reminded, Lin Qing also felt that the feeling just now was a little bit wrong.

Moreover, Lin Qing also knows herself very well. He has never "recited" a poem right or something in public, whether or not it is the same thing, and whether to say it or not is another. However, when I thought about it carefully, I realized that everything was logical.

Seeing Lin Qing not speaking, Sun Aoyun said in a puzzled way: "What's wrong? What do you think?"

Lin Xiaorou frowned slightly, and walked to Lin Qing's body. She stretched out her jade hand in front of Lin Qing and said softly, "Give me your hand."

Lin Qing nodded, stretched out her right hand and placed it on Lin Xiaorou's. With this movement, Liu He's face beside her looked a bit ugly, but it was difficult to say anything. The pretty face of Sun Aoyun next to him changed suddenly.

The moment the two touched, a burst of spiritual energy emanated from Lin Xiaorou's body, enclosing the two of them.

"What's wrong? Does it feel something is wrong?"

A voice rose from the bottom of Lin Qing's heart.

Lin Qing raised her brows, knowing that Lin Xiaorou was using her spiritual power to communicate with herself. He said in his heart: "I don't know, it feels a little weird. It's like someone is following us... and it's affecting me all the time."

Lin Xiaorou was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Xiao Yun?"

"Sun Aoyun?"

Lin Qing said suspiciously: "Why, do you suspect that there is something wrong with her? From morning till now, everything is normal for her."

Lin Xiaorou frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "In fact, for many mentally powerful people, the mind of reading people is a very simple matter."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Qing was even more "confused".

Lin Xiaorou looked gloomy and said something in the bottom of her heart to tell Lin Qing.

Lin Qing nodded after listening. The spiritual energy covering the two of them also dissipated in an instant.

Sun Aoyun said impatiently: "What are you doing? I'm really speechless. Is this coming to play, or is it for your affection?"

Lin Qing laughed, but didn't take it seriously, naturally reached out and grabbed Sun Aoyun's hand, but Sun Aoyun didn't hide, let him hold it, Lin Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, my girlfriend can only be you. , How can it be possible to love others?"

Sun Aoyun's eyes flashed with a faint of "confusion", his expression turned, and he chuckled, hugging Lin Qing's arm with both hands, "So, you absolutely can't betray me, otherwise, I will take your baby Life."

"Of course, of course."

Lin Qing laughed loudly, but her heart was cold at this moment. The look in Lin Xiaorou's eyes was already full of worry. When he lowered his head, looking at the hand that he was holding tightly, at this moment, it turned out to be in an illusory state.

Moreover, there is no temperature!

Most importantly, Sun Aoyun would never say these words. Because the two are not boyfriends and girlfriends at all.

and so… …

This Sun Aoyun next to him...

is fake!

The book is first published.

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