The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 190: The mark is shattered



A figure sprinkled a rain of blood in the air and smashed heavily into the yard. **I was covered in blood, and several terrifying wounds looked so scary.


Lin Qing coughed out a mouthful of blood and reluctantly stood up.

In the hall, there is no complete place anymore, it is in dilapidated condition, just like the scene of a disaster. Even the smooth and flat floors are all broken.

Wang Shenlin stepped out of the hall. The expression was cold, with a murderous intent. Most of the clothes turned to black "color", although it didn't cause much damage, it was also a blow.

Wang Shenlin raised his right arm gently and bends it backwards. The index finger of his right hand turned into a three-foot-long sword. On the sword's body, profound energy was densely covered. It only takes another blow, and there will never be a chance to stand up to the convenience.

In the hall, Sun Aoyun's tears could not be restrained. Faced with this situation, she didn't even have the ability to kill her. Although the family "forced" her to do things she didn't want, once the "life" of all of them was involved, it still made her feel trembling from the bottom of her heart.

"Deputy Team Leader Wang?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded from the door. I don't know when, Lin Xiaorou fluttering in white just returned from shopping. And she was still following Lin Lan!

The two were stunned by everything in front of them, Lin Xiaorou was okay, Lin Lan's face was already pale, and her most beloved brother was on the verge of life and death! With a mournful cry, he rushed over.

Wang Shenlin glanced at Lin Xiaorou lightly, "Oh, it turned out to be Lin Xiaorou from the Xuan Group. Why, do you want to "intervene" in this matter?"

The mysterious and heterogeneous groups are divided into two groups, one is the mysterious group and the other is the different group.

Wang Shenlin is a different group, Sun Aoyun is also a different group, but Lin Xiaorou belongs to the Xuan group.

On top of the two groups, there is a strong man who manages the two groups in a unified manner. Further up, there is an unattainable existence.

Unlike Sun Aoyun, Lin Xiaorou belonged to the Xuan Group and was not under his control. Secondly, Lin Xiaorou is a true spiritual genius, and that is not comparable to ordinary abilities! Therefore, Wang Shenlin was quite polite to him.

Lin Xiaorou is extremely clever, and she has already thought thoroughly about the stakes of all things. She just said: "Deputy Team Leader Wang, things don’t seem to have reached this point, right? Lin Qing defeated the magic eye dance shadow before, and avoided it for the country. It was a "sorrow" and "chaos". Otherwise, once Wuying grows up, I am afraid that you may not be able to deal with it, right?"

"This is not enough to make him a free man, he has made his own choice before."

Wang Shenlin didn't buy it at all, glanced at Lin Lan next to Lin Qing, and said lightly: "I don't care, it's best to get out of it."

Lin Lan's red lips trembled, "Brother, you...what the hell happened to this?"

Lin Qing felt the pressure from Wang Shenlin, and said in a low voice, "You let it go. You don't think you have seen this matter."

Lin Lan shook her head and said, "Brother, let's call the police, right?"

Lin Qing gave a wry smile. If calling the police is really useful... what else can I say? Turning to look at Lin Xiaorou, "Protect my sister."

Lin Xiaorou frowned slightly, staring at Lin Qing for a while, and seeing determination in his eyes, she nodded, gently grabbed Lin Lan, and dragged it to her side. No matter how Ren Lin Lan struggled, she couldn't break free of her power.

Wang Shenlin said coldly: "Lin Xiaorou, do you want to'intervene' in this matter?"

Lin Xiaorou's face changed, and she said solemnly: "Deputy Team Leader Wang, she is just an ordinary person..."

Wang Shenlin said calmly: "So what? Ability people can't show ability in front of ordinary people. Since she broke in, it means that this is her destiny."


Lin Qing only felt confused. Wang Shenlin's words were undoubtedly telling him that his sister would be buried here because of his involvement!

"Don't go too far!"

Lin Qing roared angrily, and on his right fist, profound energy was densely covered, and he rushed directly. The flame instantly rose from the ground, trying to burn it to death.

Wang Shenlin's expression was full of disdain, and he didn't see any movement. Lin Qing's figure crashed against the courtyard wall, but he was already standing where Lin Qing was before.

Return to Xuan!

Feeling that the profound energy in his body is about to be exhausted, Lin Qing once again used a trick he didn't use. Xuan Neng responded by a large margin, and Lin Qing's figure swiftly flashed before Wang Shenlin's face again. The scene was still the same as before, and Wang Shenlin dissipated directly.

Who knows, this time Lin Qing's figure stopped abruptly, and then turned over, and the flames on his right leg slammed toward the rear.


There was a muffled hum from the rear, and Wang Shenlin shook his body and stepped back. My heart is secretly strange: Xuan Neng has recovered again? There are so many weird things about this guy.

After that, Lin Lan, who looked not far away, pressed her right hand in the air, arranged five fingers that turned into sharp swords one by one, and then stirred them hard.

"Ling Feng strangled!"

A fierce wind sounded, and dozens of sword lights suddenly appeared in the air, and these sword lights continued to rotate. At the same time, he rushed towards Lin Lan extremely fast.

With one blow, the airflow in the entire yard was controlled and affected by it!

Lin Xiaorou's face changed drastically. As a child of a supernatural family, she couldn't fight back at all. With his right hand, he grabbed Lin Lan, whose face was "pale", and wanted to flee backwards. However, Wang Shenlin's blow produced a huge suction, and he enveloped himself in it, and there was no way to escape.


A purple figure appeared in front of Lin Xiaorou, opening her mouth and bursting out flames. Afterwards, the two waves of attacks collided together, and the surrounding air "shook" for a while, and the suction force of the whirlpool caused by the strangulation was weakened a lot.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xiaorou grabbed Lin Lan and rushed to the side.


Yu Jin bombarded the wall of the yard, and the entire wall immediately collapsed.


Lin Qing gasped and gasped, and that blow almost used all his energy. The profound energy in his body was almost exhausted, but when he looked at the other party, it turned out to be like a okay person.


Clear at a glance!


Wang Shenlin appeared above Lin Qing, and stepped on his right foot without hesitation.


The injury was severe, and Lin Qing, who had exhausted his profound energy, had no ability to dodge. I was stepped directly on the ground, and my spine was almost torn apart.


Lin Lan screamed, wanting to jump over. However, Lin Xiaorou was pulled tightly by the cold expression of Lin Xiaorou. At this time, Sun Aoyun was also standing at the gate, her pretty face pale, and she leaned tightly against the door.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Shenlin's mouth, and his feet pressed hard again.


Lin Qing's expression was in pain, and when he opened his mouth, a big mouthful of blood spurted out. The expression became more and more languishing, and he reluctantly said: "The surname is Wang! This is a matter between you and me, don't involve my family."

Wang Shenlin lifted his right foot, stamped it again, and said at the same time: "Hehe, is it? With your current situation, why should I listen to you? I said, you can’t stay, you just can’t stay! After you die, It will be her turn!"

Lin Qing suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes were full of anger, and said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

"Looking for death?! Ahaha!"

Wang Shenlin laughed wildly, tilted his head, and jokingly said: "In the past ten years, I have hardly heard anything like this. What a guy who doesn't know the height of the earth!" The words fell, in the right foot, profound energy was dense, this time , Is ready to issue a fatal blow.

A purple "color" flashed past!

Sun Aoyun finally couldn't help it, and shot directly! Purple "color" electric light, like a meteor passing across the sky.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shenlin's expression remained unchanged, and he lightly patted Sun Aoyun with his right hand, and then the index finger that turned into a sharp sword stab at her again.


Hengkong's body of Sun Aoyun was slapped, and he was directly photographed back. At the same time, a sharp sword gas passed through Sun Aoyun's chest and abdomen, bringing a rain of blood...


Sun Aoyun hit the ground heavily, although her pretty face was pale as paper, there was no regret in her eyes.

"You are declaring war..."

Wang Shenlin said lightly. Since he shot Sun Aoyun down, and then wounded Sun Aoyun, it was almost done in an instant, his figure didn't even move a bit. The right foot was still ready to go, and when the words fell, Lin Qing's head was no longer hesitated.

At the moment of the moment, a golden "color" ripple burst out of Lin Qing's brain. It rose up against the wind, and then formed a violent blow towards Wang Shenlin.

Feeling the tremendous pressure brought by the golden "color" ripples, Wang Shenlin didn't dare to take care of it. He didn't care about Lin Qing at the moment, and his body dodges the impact of the golden "color" ripples.

"Old mother-in-law?"

Lin Qing quickly looked around, but did not see Gu Momei. He had seen this scene once, and knew that it was caused by the imprints left by the old woman in his brain.

"Golden Linbo?"

Wang Shenlin raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly, "But Senior Gu? Next is Wang Shenlin, the deputy leader of the Mysterious and Different Groups."

When the words fell, no one answered, and then shouted again, but there was still no response.

"Could it be wrong?"

Wang Shenlin frowned, and thought secretly in his heart.

The golden "color" mark hovered in the air, forming several circular halos covering Lin Qing. Afterwards, the golden "color" halo exploded directly.

A violent storm blew everyone in the yard back and forth.

The wind stops and the dust falls.

When in the hospital, the old mother-in-law did not appear directly like last time.

A pitying voice sounded in Lin Qing's mind, "Oh, it's really not as good as heaven! My child, cherish it."

Since then, there has been no other movement.

Lin Qing's body shook, and he clearly felt that his ability to be sealed had reappeared. And the golden "color" mark has disappeared, disappearing with the explosion that just came out.

For no reason, a sorrow hit Lin Qing's heart. He knew that this mysterious old mother-in-law had already left this world.

"Being mystery!"

Wang Shenlin's expression flashed with a hint of anger, and he was ashamed of his new care. The whole body was soaring, ready to make a fatal blow. But suddenly, he found that all the people and things in front of him were gone.

He couldn't even feel the flow of air.

It seemed that he was plunged into nothingness.

Horrible tranquility!

Wang Shenlin had never had much fear, and finally jumped wildly because of fear.

Lin Qing slowly stood up from the ground, his expression was extremely cold, and he also contained a hint of killing intent. The right hand stretched out and said coldly:

"Fall! The abyss of death."

The book is first published.

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