The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 195: Lihuoyuan, the final form


The real location of Murong's house is not in Hangzhou, but in Suzhou.

Suzhou is known as the "paradise on earth" and is known as the "paradise on earth". It has always been famous for its beautiful landscapes and elegant gardens. It has the reputation of "Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world, Suzhou gardens are the best in the south of the Yangtze River".

Murong's house also happened to be located in a slightly remote place in Suzhou. Where, surrounded by forests, the avenues open to the sky, it can be described as a piece of pure land separated from the busy downtown area.

After solving Hao Ren's matter, Lin Qing became very stupid. For those so-called inexplicable things, he has not cared at all. Because this is no longer important to him.

What he has to do now is let Sun Aoyun take himself to Murong's house!

The many grievances and grievances are finally over at this moment.

Lin Qing's mood is extremely calm. He doesn't understand why this is, although knowing the answer will immediately be in front of him. In contrast, Sun Aoyun's mood is complicated.

Although I have seen Lin Qing's extraordinary strength, what I have to face now is, after all, a whole family! Moreover, thinking of that possibility, Sun Aoyun really couldn't help but think that Murong's family already had the means to deal with Lin Qing!

Standing quietly next to the road in front of him, Lin Qing looked at the woods not far in front of him, like a vast ocean. Among the woods, a avenue was divided into the depths of the woods.

Lin Qing quietly leaned against the pink Ferrari, reached out his hand and took the cigarette out of his pocket, took a deep breath, and then looked towards him.

Sun Aoyun, frowning next to him, smiled forcefully, "Are you sure you want to follow up?"

"Of course, you are my tenant, and you still owe me rent and food. In addition, you still have a thousand hours to be mine."

A trace of stubbornness flashed in Sun Aoyun's eyes, and his tone was calm, but he couldn't refuse.

Lin Qing smiled, just nodded, and did not speak, but walked straight forward. Sun Aoyun followed closely, with a vigilant expression, and had already prepared for the worst.

When stepping into the outermost part of the woods, Lin Qing raised his brows, and from these lush green woods, a burst of energy was exuded. These energies pull each other to form a very wonderful state, invisible, it is actually flowing in a whirlpool to the deepest part of the forest.

Although these energies are all related to Lin Qing, they have no effect. But faintly, but felt a hint of crisis.

Lin Qing just smiled at the thought of the power of his abilities, and didn't take it seriously. Sun Aoyun seems to have discovered this too. This is also the first time she has come to Murong's site. She knows it, but she is not.

The vastness of the woods was far beyond Lin Qing's imagination. It took about twenty minutes before he could faintly see a tall courtyard wall in front of him. From a distance, the courtyard wall was as majestic and tall as an ancient city wall!

On the side facing Lin Qing, there were two huge gates that were closed tightly. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lin Qing would have doubted that he had gone to the studio.

Finally, Lin Qing and Sun Aoyun stepped into the gate of the city.

Anyone exists. In fact, think about it, modern society is naturally not like ancient times. Murong's family must have seen his arrival through the monitor.

However, Lin Qing did not come here to negotiate for peace. In Murong's home, Murong Qingchen and Murongli had already completely irritated themselves. No matter how good Lin Qing's temper is, it is impossible to assume that these things have never happened.

The most important thing is that the check and balance power has been lost-the existence of the old woman!

The Murong family's time to deal with themselves was only a matter of a few days.

All things forced Lin Qing into a dead end.

Fortunately, the combination of the two illusions of death and perception, the power can only be described as horror! Under Qixuan, there is no room to fight back.

Although he is now, but Liu Xuan only! With the cooperation of the illusion ability, he dared to fight even if he encountered the ability of the Baxuan.

A killing intent quietly breeds from the bottom of Lin Qing's heart. Moreover, there is a growing attitude.


Almost involuntarily, Lin Qing stretched his tongue and touched his lips. What no one noticed was that Lin Qing, who was originally calm, flashed a red light in the depths of his eyes, and the red light exuded a strong killing intent.

Lin Qing was unaware of the change in her mood.

Lin Qing slowly raised his right hand, and Qian Tianzhan struck out at the city gate.


With a loud noise, the tall city gate was broken into a square hole. The hole was three meters high and almost destroyed the entire door.

Lin Qing

Passing through the city gate, as far as the eye can see, there are several wide and flat roads crisscrossing each other, with tall buildings standing in the distance. There are nearly ten seven-storey buildings. How many people are there in the Murong family is really staggering.


There was a burst of breaking through the air, and an angry-looking man and woman galloped in the air. The lowest strength was also at the mid-fifth profound level. Among them, several others have reached the level of the pinnacle of the Six Profound Profound Realms.

"Who are you?! How dare you come to our Murong's house to go wild!"

A man with a big beard and beard glared wide and shouted in a deep voice. And he is also one of several Six Profound Peak powers, holding a thick-backed sword in his right hand, and his profound energy is looming, making a fatal blow at any time.

But Lin Qing didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "Lin Qing."

"You are Lin Qing?!"

The bearded man shook his body and took a small step back almost subconsciously. At the same time, he shouted: "Quickly disperse!" Before the words fell, his man had retreated a hundred meters away.

Lin Qing raised her brows and looked at everything in front of her indifferently. At the time of Wuxuan, his coverage was already 100 meters, and Liuxuan was directly at about 200 meters. And these people in front of them are faintly within a range of about two hundred meters. It seems that the research on myself is really thorough.

The man with beard and beard was full of tension, and he shouted again: "Don't get close to him. Before the patriarch comes, no one should shoot at him." After a pause, he said again, "Remember!"

When the words fall, the whole person volley and fly in the other direction

go with.

The big man flew away, and the remaining people looked at each other, although they all knew the existence of the young man in front of him. But some do not understand, why should he be so jealous

After all, the feeling Lin Qing gave them was not strong!

Lin Qing glanced at these people faintly, then raised his head and glanced at the direction where the man was running, raising his foot to walk there. Until this moment, Sun Aoyun just followed Lin Qing without saying a word.

Seeing that Lin Qing had turned a blind eye to herself and others, many of them were secretly uncomfortable. Although they wanted to do something, but thought of the big man's explanation before he left, he finally resisted it.

However, although most people have this idea in their hearts, they can't help but look at the two men at the pinnacle of the Six Profounds.

"Give me just enough!"

One of the middle-aged bald-headed men couldn't help but let out a loud shout. His body rose in the air, his hands clasped tightly and smashed in Lin Qing's direction. A huge wood about a hundred meters long and thick with a bucket appeared out of thin air, bringing a gust of wind across the sky.

Upon seeing this, Sun Aoyun's pretty face changed. She was not able to contend with the Six Profound Ability! The mere power made her feel powerless.

Lin Qing hummed coldly, raised his right hand, and Qian Tianzhan shot out with a bang, directly blasting the giant wood away completely. Afterwards, his body shape was wrong and he rose into the air.

The bald-headed middle-aged man's complexion changed, and he remembered the saying that he could not be close to him, and he wanted to run away when his body was vertical. However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that his eyes were suddenly dark, and the surroundings were silent.

Even the feeling of the breeze on the skin has been lost.


The bald-headed middle-aged man was horrified in his heart, and then he learned the terrible aspects of the other party.

In the distance, everyone saw that the bald-headed middle-aged man was still in the air, his expressions were full of horror, and they were all puzzled. However, at this moment, Lin Qing had reached the bald-headed middle-aged man, and his right palm was gently pressed on the opponent's chest!

Dry the sky!


The bald middle-aged man sprinkled a rain of blood in the air, his body drew a parabola in the air, and then hit the ground heavily, splashing dust. Reluctantly struggling, he fainted directly on the ground.

From the time the two sides played against each other to the end, all the time was less than half a minute.

"What?! Impossible! Brother Zhao is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Six Profounds, and he is nothing more than the Six Profounds."

"It's a mistake, it must be a mistake! The same is the Six Profound, how can the gap be so big!"

Everyone was talking about it, their faces looked incredible. The remaining man at the pinnacle of the Six Profound Dao didn't even dare to make a move. In the presence of him, only he felt that the bald middle-aged man did not make any resistance at all under the blow of the opponent.

It's not that I don't want to resist.

But there is no way to resist.


The man quickly thought of the deadliest one, that is the ability!

Often the power of supernatural powers directly replaces the power of profound energy. Although the two are closely connected, there are some abilities that are so powerful that they are abnormal, which is hardly something that can be changed by manpower.

Lin Qing fell slowly and continued to walk forward.

"Jiejie, the ability is very good. Just let Lao Tzu come and try, what is your ability that used to be vertical and horizontal for a while!"

A cold laugh came from underground, but the sound was erratic, even with Lin Qing's perception, it was impossible to know the direction of the sound for a while.

There was a sudden surging on the ground, and dozens of green logs surrounded Lin Qing and Sun Aoyun. Then these logs agitated and turned into a green-skinned man with a cold complexion.

The breath of each statue is no less than the peak of the Six Profounds!

Lin Qing raised his brows, and the breath he felt from these green-skinned men turned out to be exactly the same.


Lin Qing secretly said in his heart, and then quickly vetoed it. At the same time, I understand that this must be the ghost of the other party's ability, and the other party may be among the men transformed by this log. It may also exist underground!

"Do you know what Mu is most afraid of?"

Lin Qing said lightly, "That's fire!"

When the words fell, his right foot faced the ground for a pause, and the gossip pattern appeared on the ground, the word "li", and the red light flashed. A circle of flames spread around with Lin Qing as the center. In an instant, except for the area where Lin Qing was standing, there was a sea of fire within nearly 100 meters!

The flame is as high as ten feet, lingering in the sky.

"Li Huoyuan, the final form!"