The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 200: Appear, Murong Rouer!


Darkness shrouded everyone's heart.

With Sun Xiao's strength not immune, what can the others do

After perceiving the illusion, death must come!

Murong Huiyu's face was pale, and he murmured, "That's it again..."

Lin Qing's body slowly rose in the air, and the violent coercion enveloped the entire Murong family. All people were panicked and didn't know what happened.

It seems that Lin Qing has forgotten that there is Sun Aoyun in this area!

His eyes were full of killing intent, and his expression was wild. With its huge coercion, it directly suppresses the chaos in the brain.

The body of Shura is like a demon god.

Death... is coming.

A strange light flashed from Lin Qing's eyes, forming strange waves in the air. The ripples are like wind and water. No sound, no trace. Everything is so weird.

At this moment, everyone's heart is shrouded in fear of death. Although they didn't know what would happen next, they all planned for the worst.


To Lin Qing's expectation, among the crowd, that Murong Fuying was not affected by Lin Qing at all. But she knew very well what was going to happen in this. At the moment the heart-piercing cry, an equally strange wave, instantly protected everyone in it.

That illusion of death, at this moment, was completely offset.

"Enough, enough. Don't continue... Please."

Murong Huiyu was already crying, and said with a sad expression.

"I will kill anyone who prevents me."

Lin Qing's icy eyes didn't have a trace of emotion, and he stretched out his hand and slashed away in the sky.


At the critical juncture, a solid huge armor appeared on Murong Fuying's body. It is made up entirely of energy, and looks simple, but it gives people a very solid feeling.

With Lin Qing's strength, a random strike to dry the sky is definitely not something that ordinary ability people can bear.

However, it is now directly offset.

A gossip pattern quietly formed under Murong Fu's shadow! On it, Qian, Kun, Dui, Zhen, Li, Gen, Xun, and Kan are all displayed one by one, and each character emits a dazzling light.

"Genshan Lingjia?"

Lin Qing called out the name faintly, he was already in a bloodthirsty state, and he was about to lose his mind.

"this is?"

Murong Fuying's tear-stained pretty face was covered with surprise again, and she couldn't understand what was happening on her body.

"Unexpectedly, you also have a gossip mirror. Hey, interesting."

Lin Qingxie laughed, her body flashed, and instantly appeared next to Murong Fuying. Raising his right fist, he madly blasted towards the'Genshan Lingjia'.

Bang bang bang...

The continuous collision sound made Murong Fuying's pretty face extremely ugly. I felt a burst of breath in my chest, and as far as my eyes were, the Nagen Mountain Spirit Armor was extremely protective, but under Lin Qing's storm-like attack, it cracked quietly.


The Genshan Spirit Armor burst open with a bang. At the same time, it split a burst of energy to wrap Murong Fuying in it and sent it directly to a hundred meters away.

"Want to escape?!"

Lin Qing laughed wildly, her body flashed, and she appeared above Murong Fuying. Profound energy condenses again, seeing the fragrance soul die...

"Ugh… "

A sigh, as if coming from the netherworld time and space. Misty, nothingness seems to have never existed.

However, this sigh was completely heard by all those who were deprived of perception. The sadness in that sigh made everyone feel sad.

Lin Qing's body shook, and a burst of light burst into his blood-red eyes. The original killing intent was a bit weak, but the people below did not know that they had already walked back and forth on the verge of death.

An inky black energy peeled from Lin Qing's body, and quietly formed a figure in the air. A pretty woman, tightly wrapped in a black shirt, she made no secret of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

"you are?"

Lin Qing asked in a hoarse voice.

"Murong... Rouer!"

In the distance, Sun Xiao, who had recovered all his ability to move, exclaimed in surprise. Taking him as a person, he has lost his voice at this moment, and it is conceivable that the shock in his heart can be imagined.

Sun Aoyun's pretty face changed, and she said in surprise: "She... is Murong Rou'er?"

Sun Xiao nodded and said, "Murong Rouer was one of the two great wizards back then."

Black Rose said to the side, "Who is the other person?"

Sun Xiao was silent for a while before he said, "That's the genius with the'illusion' ability." When he said this, Sun Xiao didn't mention Lin Qing's name. However, the two people who listened directly thought it was Lin Qing.

"Don't remember me?"

Murong Rouer smiled softly, and the sadness in her eyes disappeared, and her small black misty hand gently swept down. The golden thorn forest that was originally covered by Murong's words instantly turned dark green. Each thorn is stronger, and the life power contained in it is even greater.

"It's you!"

A light flashed in Lin Qing's eyes, and the back in his mind reappeared again and again, becoming one with the person in front of him.


There were already tears on Murong Huiyu's old face. An old woman below also rose into the air at this moment, and cried out: "Rou'er, is it really you?"

Murong Rouer smiled apologetically at the two of them, "Dad, Mom."

Lin Qing put his hands behind her back, and said in a deep voice: "You Murong family has dealt with me time and time again, wanting my life every time. Moreover, I also know that the root cause of everything lies with you. Now that you have come out, then Explain the matter completely to me. Otherwise, this Murong family, I must eliminate it."

"You are still like that..."

Murong Rou'er chuckled, her figure flashed, and appeared next to Murong Fuying, looked at it carefully, and said with concern: "Are you okay?"

Murong Fuying looked dazed and nodded subconsciously.

"It's fine."

Murong Rouer stretched out her hand and stood in the air for a while before slowly placing it on Murong Fuying's shoulder, "Don't blame him."

"Hey, I'm talking to you, don't challenge my patience."

A trace of impatience flashed across Lin Qing's monster face.

Murong Rouer smiled and nodded, her body flashed and she had appeared next to Lin Qing. "Actually, there is nothing. If, I said... The matter is resolved in this way, are you willing?"

"Resolve? For you?"

Lin Qing raised her brows and hesitated.

Murong Rou'er shook his head and sighed, but he was relieved. Looking at Sun Aoyun next to Sun Xiao, he whispered softly: "It seems that you already have someone you love. And I, really can only be your past."

Lin Qing said coldly: "Don't play dumb riddles, I want answers."

"The answer, is it really that important?"

Murong Rouer whispered and looked at Murong Hui, "Dad, I told you back then that everything about me has nothing to do with him. Why, do you still have to rely on the family's ability to seek revenge from him?"

Murong Hui said solemnly: "Your death is directly related to him. As your father, how could I not avenge you?!"

"Ugh… "

Murong Rouer sighed again, looked at Murong Yiyu, and then at Lin Qing, but finally turned her gaze to Sun Xiao, "Senior Sun, your predecessor is a senior figure in the consecration courtyard. If that's the case, then you Let’s tell the high-level staff of the Temple of the truth about the coming down."

When the words fell, Murong Rouer reached out and gently grasped Lin Qing's right hand. It is strange to say that although Lin Qing wanted to resist, he finally let it hold. People who are obviously condensed by spiritual energy can have the same body temperature as a person.

Murong Rouer lightly waved her right hand, and the black thorn forest below melted for a while, intertwined with each other and became very flat. Above it, the black energy shook for a while, forming a smooth mirror surface.

The mirror surface was blurred for a while, and then flashed past a young man among the many supernaturalists. Wherever he passed, almost no superpower could stand in place. That incomparable power, even though it was through this still image, still made everyone's heart lingering.

Occasionally, a picture flashed, clearly reflecting the young man's face.

Amazingly, it was Lin Qing! It's exactly the same.

"Those people are..."

Sun Xiao and Murong Huyu almost yelled at the same time, "A supernatural person of the dark school!"

Murong Rouer was silent, but looked straight at Lin Qing.

The picture turned around again. In the picture, Lin Qing was hiding on the top of a cliff, holding his head in both hands, very painful. The gossip pattern is constantly looming under itself, and it is constantly changing between Shura and ordinary people.

Not far away, a pretty woman stood beside her with a worried look.

"kill me!"

The young man raised his head suddenly, his eyes were blood red, but his inner madness was restrained by his strong willpower. The silent words let anyone understand what he wanted to express.

At that moment, the pretty woman's face was as pale as paper.

"kill me."

The young man yelled again and said a very long call. At this time, many people could no longer understand, but he knew what he was talking about.

At this moment, Murong Rouer spoke softly: "I have killed too many people with supernatural powers, and the illusion of death has been over-used. I can no longer control it. I may run away at any time. At that time, the people of the consecration institute will definitely take action. I don’t want to die in their hands, to die in your hands, I have no regrets."

When the words fell, Murong Rouer raised her head to look at Sun Xiao, "Senior grandson, in all fairness, how great is Brother Qing's contribution back then?"

Sun Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the topic to turn to himself. Without a trace of hesitation, he said, "It's a must."

Murong Rouer said again: "If it weren't for Brother Qing, you must have long lost sight of your son, right? If it wasn't for Brother Qing to protect your son Sun Yu, what would be the consequences?"

Sun Xiao's complexion changed, recalling the old things and staying silent.

Sun Yu

Sun Aoyun said in surprise: "Is that father's name?"

Sun Xiao sighed, "I understand. It was because of that incident, so he knew that his abilities were going to run away, but because of the previous incident, he didn't go to that person to borrow the'Soul Purification Orb'..."

"Do not… "

Murong Rouer shook her head, "He didn't borrow it, but I did. The answer I got is the same."

Sun Xiao smiled miserably: "Hey! Unexpectedly, my Sun family unknowingly owed such a big favor for self-preservation. It even hurt him to such a degree..."

"No, I'm telling you this today, but I just want to excuse you to tell the elders of the worship house what they owe."

Murong Rouer said lightly. Subsequently, the picture below turned again.

This time, it was in a remote corner of a park. This time there were three other people, a woman over half a hundred years old, with a sharp look. The other two were men, one was an old man with a sword, and the other was seen by Lin Qing and was the last photo that Gu Momei gave him. The three of them suppressed Lin Qing together, and only then did his powers barely run away.

Sun Aoyun also remembered at this moment when she took Lin Qing to find Lin Xiaorou for the first time. In that park, the two old men who often appeared, it can be vaguely seen that they are undoubtedly.

"The Zhao family, the Gao family, the two of them! And... Jin Linbo—Gu Momei? This..."

Sun Xiao called out these names one by one.

Sun Aoyun didn't answer. In the picture, there were already thorns and thorns at the moment, covering one of the small houses completely.

Murong Rouer whispered: "I asked for help from Mr. Zhao and Mr. Gao. Granny Gu is the master of Brother Qing and will naturally be there." After a pause, she looked at Lin Qing, "If you choose to die One, I would rather be myself."

Lin Qing's eyes surged, and the killing intent all over his body had gradually become invisible.

"Rouer, why did you... didn't call your father?"

Murong Hui said.

Murong Rouer apologized: "Because, I don't want you to see the results. But now... In order to quell everyone's grievances, I feel it is necessary to tell everyone these facts."

Lin Qing quietly looked at the picture below. At this moment, Murong Rouer took out an object, but it was a gossip mirror! Under the control of Murong Rouer, the gossip mirror almost completely filled the entire small courtyard.

In the center, the Tai Chi pattern appears. The two qi of yin and yang entangle each other endlessly.

"You are... want to perform the'art of reincarnation'!"

Murong Huiyu suddenly understood that although things were already a foregone conclusion now, he still couldn't help being shocked.

The technique of reincarnation is a life retrograde technique that can only be performed by the strongest of the Murong family. That is to allow people to be reborn and reborn as human beings. The price is his own life.

Murong Rouer didn't answer, she didn't know how to answer.

In the picture, Lin Qing sits cross-legged in the center of the mirror, a burst of dark black energy is continuously drawn from Lin Qing's body, and is continuously integrated into the surrounding walls. In the process, Lin Qing tried to struggle out for a while, but the dark green thorn forest suppressed it firmly.

Finally, no more energy was extracted, and there was a gap in the center of the mirror surface! The dazzling rays of light gushed out, swallowing Lin Qing in an instant. In an instant, Murong Rouer reached Lin Qing's side, and at the same time the heteronucleus flew out from the center of his eyebrows and merged into the wall next to him. Then... the light flickered, and both of them disappeared.

Stay alone, a small courtyard, full of thorns, and three powerful men with a bleak look.

"If you choose to keep one, I still want you to live."

Murong Rouer said softly.