The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 22: The willows are bright


The night breeze was slow, and today's night was exceptionally cool.

Time passed, unknowingly, it was already around midnight. The night sky with the bright moon hung high was not so dim, and the sprinkled silver light covered the whole land like snow. Especially in the water of West Lake, the silver light gleamed like stars in the water in the "rippling" of the water waves.

Deep in the bottom of the lake, Lin Qing slid hard towards the entrance where the lake water was constantly pouring in. However, Lin Qing, whose water's "sexuality" was not good, was under the impact of this torrent, and he also brought a completely unconscious Sun Aoyun. Whenever he was about to approach the entrance of the cave, he would always be washed back by the lake.

The escape route was so close at hand that he couldn't get even one step closer. Lin Qing's heart was like an ant on a hot pot. Now Lin Qing could hit the rock wall above as long as he raised his head. The surrounding air became more and more depressed, and it became a little difficult to even take a breath.

"How to do how to do!"

Lin Qing's heart burned, turning his head to look, the "unconscious" Sun Aoyun's face flushed with pain, it was obvious that his body was extremely uncomfortable with the surrounding environment.

It's hypoxia!

Lin Qing's heart is fluctuating again. He is very aware that when a person is "unconscious", the metabolism of physical skills will enter another state, and the adaptation to the external environment is also different from usual. Although the surrounding air could barely support Lin Qing, it was different for Sun Aoyun who was "unconscious". However, the situation in front of him left him no choice.

"Fuck it!"

Lin Qing cursed, and at the same time sucked in the thin air around him with big mouths, then tilted his head and kissed Sun Aoyun's red lips, suffocating his anger into it. After a few mouthfuls, Sun Aoyun's expression became slightly better. Some.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing's expression could not help but panic. However, at this moment, the water flow had already reached Lin Qing's chin, and at this moment, he had to lift Sun Aoyun forcefully to make her mouth and nose stop. Contact with water. With this delay, the two of them were washed farther away by the lake.

"Hey, it's over this time."

Lin Qing looked sad, and only waited for the lake to be completely filled, when the light coming in from the top of the hole might be darker. Moreover, at the bottom of the lake, which is several tens of meters deep, he has no way of discerning things. The bottom of my heart couldn't help but sigh: I knew I was going to go into the water. Now, pull it down. I really agreed to a sentence, life and death are fateful, wealth is in heaven.

"However, being able to die with such a beautiful woman is considered a virtue in the past life, right?"

Lin Qing whispered, staring closely at Sun Aoyun with frowning eyebrows, and at the same time not forgetting to look at the delicate red lips. Just now because of the desire to save people, he didn't think too much. Looking at it again now, I couldn't help but start to move.

"Damn, Lin Qing, Lin Qing, what a juncture is this, you still have this idea."

Lin Qing gave a wry smile, and raised her right hand to hit her in the face.


Lin Qing was stunned for a moment. The bronze mirror that he had been holding in his right hand had not been thrown away. He thought that he had gotten the so-called broken mirror after hardships this time, and the two of them were in desperation. The mirror was thrown in the direction of the front entrance, "Go to your sister, where is the love to death!"


After the bronze mirror touched the lake water below the entrance of the cave, there was a sudden buzzing sound. With this buzzing sound, the lake water instilled from the entrance of the cave was instantly pushed back by a huge force.

Lin Qing, who had long since given up hope, saw this, his eyes widened. This feeling of coming to a dead end made him feel so incredible. Without time to think about it, he quickly swam over with Sun Aoyun's remaining strength. Looking constantly on the bronze mirror, I saw the gossip pattern on the periphery of the bronze mirror, and the place named'Kanshui' kept emitting a faint light.

I thought of why the lake water could not be poured in before, and the reason may be because of this bronze mirror.

In an instant, Lin Qing's heart was full of excitement. Could it be that this is the legendary treasure

In order to prevent the lake water from being flooded again, Lin Qing didn't get the bronze mirror suspended in the lake water first this time. Instead, he "groped" the rock wall that grabbed the entrance of the cave with one hand, and floated up with Sun Aoyun. Only then did he bend down and grab the bronze mirror, and the moment Lin Qing's hand touched the bronze mirror, the lake water was infused again.

Pulled by the lake, Lin Qing staggered and almost fell in again.

The deep lake is extremely cold, and the pressure is also extremely high.

Lin Qing, who couldn't see, was the only one holding Sun Aoyun with one hand, and the other holding the bronze mirror and slid it upward.

For ordinary people, the maximum time to hold their breath is generally only about one and a half minutes. Of course, this is still static, if you are walking, running, or in other environments, such as underwater, next to a volcano, etc.

Before Lin Qing, who was carrying Sun Aoyun, took a few steps, he felt a great deal of pressure, as if his chest was about to burst. About ten meters above him, lest Sun Aoyun suffocate, he quickly "fumbled" for Sun Aoyun's breath.

It's just that this tone continued, Lin Qing became more and more difficult to breathe, and his mind felt a little "confused".

Time is always very slow when people are most tortured. There are obviously only a few seconds or tens of seconds. Lin Qing realized in his consciousness that it was as if a century had passed.

It's just a person who has gone through the darkness of this century, but still can't see the light.

"Don't bring people like this!"

Lin Qing, whose consciousness was gradually blurred, murmured secretly in his heart. At this time, there was almost no air in his abdominal cavity, and he felt that his whole person was deflated. He breathed inadvertently and always inhaled a lot of lake water.

Just as Lin Qing gradually entered a state of unconsciousness, the black "color" crystal nucleus in his brain turned crazy again, and the black "color" energy was still so obvious and eye-catching at the bottom of this bleak lake.

The black "color" energy quickly entangled Lin Qing and Sun Aoyun in it, and slapped the surrounding lake water away. Lin Qing, who hadn't noticed it, was still floating upward instinctively.

at last…

"Huh! Huh!"

The calm lake water under the night sky was suddenly disrupted, and a figure emerged from it.

Lin Qing breathed in big mouths, her expression full of intoxication, as if this ordinary air had become the most delicious lunch in the world. Having met his physical needs, Lin Qing quickly looked at Sun Aoyun, the beautiful woman in her arms was no longer as charming as ever. Qiao's face is pale, her eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and she even breathes occasionally.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing swiftly swam towards the shore. Fortunately, the neighborhood was extremely quiet, and there was not even a single figure.

"Tsk tusk, this time it's because everyone is escaping from the dead. Brother will suffer a bit, let you take advantage of it."

Lin Qing put Sun Aoyun flat on the ground, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, he gently unbuttoned Sun Aoyun's collar. Although he wanted to get a deeper understanding, under the constraints of morality, there was only a strong man. "Sex" instinct. Lin Qing first overlapped his hands and gently pressed Sun Aoyun's chest to prevent excessive water accumulation in the opponent's body.

When some lake water overflowed from the corner of Sun Aoyun’s mouth, Lin Qing pinched Sun Aoyun’s nose with one hand, straightened Sun Aoyun’s chin with the other, and took a deep breath...

Of course, this is just artificial respiration, don't think too much about it.

Lin Qing comforted herself like this, but after every breath, the tip of her tongue slid the other's red lips intentionally or unintentionally...


Lin Qing, who was enjoying this kind of beautiful'yanfu' suddenly groaned, and sat down on the ground under a strong force.


Sun Aoyun slowly sat up from the ground with a light cough.

"What are you doing?!"

Lin Qing took a deep breath, and "touched" the lips that were constantly oozing blood with his right hand.

Sun Aoyun glanced at Lin Qing coldly, "You should ask yourself this! You are still a man in vain."

Lin Qing's face turned red, and under the gaze of the other's eyes, he couldn't help but exasperated and said: "Damn, I am saving you, artificial respiration, understand? I don't know how to go home and check it online. Grass, who is it! Feeling Laozi saved a white-eyed wolf."


Sun Aoyun snorted and looked directly at Lin Qing, "Do you think I'm stupid? Then, do I need to do something with my tongue during artificial respiration?"

"Uh… "

Lin Qing froze for a moment, wailing speechless, and finally became angry, and at the same time said rascally: "You love me, I just kissed me, what can you do to me? If you have the ability, you should come back. "Milk" "Milk", what is this all about."

When the words fall, I am ready to leave angrily.


Seeing Lin Qing preparing to leave, Sun Aoyun couldn't help but hurriedly said, "At least you have to help me get up. You are gone, what should I do if someone finds me out."

"Oh, the Lafayette is possessed by you, right? And help you up."

Lin Qing looked sullen and ridiculed: "At that time, if I touched a certain part of your body, I wouldn't be called a "sex wolf" or a hooligan? Maybe I was imprisoned. How many days are in the game."

"you… "

Sun Aoyun also became angry immediately. Seeing Lin Qing really didn't care about him, his eyes flushed when he thought of the grievances he had suffered over the years, and tears suddenly flowed down like broken beads.

If the other party is howling and crying, Lin Qing will feel bored.

But the silent cry like this made Lin Qing unbearable. After thinking about it, this incident was caused by his own advantage. He turned and walked to Sun Aoyun's side, bending over to help Sun Aoyun up.

"Don't touch me, I don't need your pity."

Sun Aoyun turned her pretty face, Lao Gao with a small mouth pouting.

"Okay, I was wrong."

Lin Qing sighed, and regardless of the opponent's opposition, he held the opponent up slightly forcefully.

Sun Aoyun didn't struggle too much, and with her current state, there was no way to struggle. The only thing that can be done is to tilt her head away from Lin Qing and prove that she is angry.

Lin Qing didn't want to say too much. After tossing this night, he was exhausted, and he wished to go back to rest soon. Although there was almost no walking on the road at this point in time, Lin Qing remembered that Sun Aoyun was so cautious before, and directly hid the two of them.

However, Lin Qing overlooked an important thing, that is, the two came out of the bottom of the lake with wet bodies. Even though they were invisible, the lake water and footprints dripping down the trouser legs were so obvious...