The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 29: You know


A meal was fairly harmonious, and Lin Qing also learned about some secret activities in Hangzhou. Although knowing that Song Biao may not really tell all the inside information he knows, Lin Qing is not in a hurry, and what he knows now is enough.

Among them, Lin Qing asked without a trace whether workers in a certain project had been conquered and suppressed recently without asking for their wages.

What made Lin Qing delighted was that Song Biao had heard of these things.

Song Biao nodded and said, "I know something about what you said, probably a month ago. Just in a place in the east of the city, a new villa area was built. At the end of the day, the workers did not receive their application. At that time, the wages I got were still rioting, and the storm was not small, but it was all suppressed by the "government."

Lin Qing frowned slightly, "Is no one responding to these things?"

Song Biao curled his lips, "Reaction? That would have to be reacted. Although things were a lot of trouble at the time, they were all suppressed. The few who took the lead were arrested and locked up for a while. Originally, the workers You can also dare to make a fuss with a moment of anger, but in the end, when the "government" suppresses it, you suddenly become weak. Many people directly admit that they are unlucky, why should they go, and the rest are unwilling, but they are also There are not many storms."

Lin Qing knocked on the desk and said in a deep "so, who is the most involved person in this "government"?"

Song Biao glanced at Lin Qing and said, "There are many people involved, and the most important one is Li Baogang, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"Li Baogang, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau?"

Lin Qing frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered the strangely dressed-up brother he met during breakfast last time, as if he said his name is Li Bao, his father is Li Baogang, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. How could it be such a coincidence? Then he asked, "Does Director Li have a son named Li Bao?"

Song Biao nodded and said, "Well, yes, he does have a son named Li Bao. This kid has always been ignorant, arrogant, and very annoying. But who made him a leader of the authorities? Maybe everybody. The director’s son will be like that.” After a pause, he lowered his voice: “According to some information I have, that Li Bao is very likely to be an important person in the Hao Fang Gang. After all, with his existence, he is handling Some things will go well."

Lin Qing chuckled, naturally knowing what Song Biao was referring to, thinking that perhaps it was destined for him to meet this Li Baogang, how else would he have a grudge with his son first

Song Biao's eyes gleamed, and he said suspiciously: "Brother Lin, don't you want to do something against this Li Baogang? If that's the case, I'm going to persuade you. Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials. Compared with these people with real power, ordinary people suffer too much."

"Haha, Brother Biao joked, with two official words, how can I fight them? Eat, eat, don’t talk about this."

Lin Qing smiled, but from the bottom of her heart was thinking about how things should proceed.

Hearing that, Song Biao still has doubts on his face. Just like him, he has been able to stay in Hangzhou without wind and waves for so many years. In fact, it is also because of the secret collusion with these "government" personnel, including this Li Baogang, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

After a long while, Lin Qing burped contentedly, and at the same time drank a glass of red wine without grace, and smiled to Song Biao: "By the way, I have forgotten to ask one thing, Crown Bar. , Who is the backstage?"

Song Biao hesitated for a moment, but still said, "The black side is the Yunhu Gang, and the white side is the Secretary of Transportation Bu Taitan."

"Bu Tai Tan? Not too greedy? What a fucking name. Haha!"

Lin Qing laughed, looked at Song Biao and smiled: "Then what about you? Who else do you cooperate with?"

Song Biao gave a dry smile. Although it was not long before, he still unknowingly magnified Lin Qing's position in his heart. Wen Yan replied honestly: "Although Song Biao is not bad, there is no way to compare with these people at present. As for the cooperation, how should I say it is more or less."

"Well, um, not bad, not bad."

Lin Qing nodded and smiled, "It's good to have connections. In this case, I will be less troublesome."

Song Biao wanted to ask Lin Qing what he wanted to know and what he wanted to do, but when he saw the gleam in Lin Qing's eyes, he couldn't help but stop.

"Okay, it's late, go and have fun."

Lin Qing took a look at the time. It was already more than nine o'clock in the evening. He didn't expect this meal to last for more than an hour.


Song Biao quickly agreed and opened the door in front of Lin Qing.

Lin Qing is naturally very satisfied with Song Biao's interesting actions, and his evaluation of Song Biao is definitely rising gradually.

Tonight's night is exceptionally dark, and it is because of this that the roadside neon lights are more brilliant and brilliant.

On the roadside, there are countless sex hunters driving their luxury cars on the roadside constantly looking at the enchanting female "sex" from all directions. Among them, there are also some girls who want to fish for long-term meals.

The dark night casts a veil of mystery on everyone. This dark but not heavy veil will always be felt by anyone. In the dark night, I can indulge freely.

Therefore, the fall in the dark night is like a shooting star across the dark night sky. Some wounded, and some were injured.

Crown ktv, a city that never sleeps where men and women vent their complaints.

When Lin Qing and Song Biao arrived, they were almost full at this time. On the dance floor, under the bright and colorful lights shining, men and women were twisting their bodies crazily.

As the two of them entered, naturally some people with calculated ideas took a quick look. Seeing that both of them are not outstanding, of course, what I'm talking about here is not the looks, but the decorations on the body. This is the most realistic view and the quickest way to determine whether a person has money or not.

Lin Qing has never liked wearing jewelry, even though he does not have much money. Song Biao is also different from the bosses of other social gangs, and he doesn't like wearing those tinkering things. Therefore, from the outside, the two are just ordinary people.

"Brother Biao, please here."

A bartender saw Song Biao in a distance, and hurriedly stepped in.

Song Biao faintly responded, but he didn't move at his feet, but looked at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing smiled slightly and took a step forward. However, at this time, the bartender frowned. Song Biao naturally knew him, but Lin Qing was different. At this time, seeing Song Biao not leaving, but Lin Qing leaving, he directly thought Song Biao thought The road was blocked by Lin Qing. At the moment, his body twisted in front of Lin Qing, and said:

"Brother Biao, your place just happens to be vacant, please come here."

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing couldn't help but stunned. Sure enough, this society is the last word.

"Go away, what kind of thing are you."

Song Biao's face changed slightly, and he grabbed the bartender's collar with his big hands and smashed directly at the crowd next to him.


The unidentified bartender knocked down several guests one after another, and was spilled over by the drinks of several of them. Thinking that I didn't make a flattery, but was innocently felled, my face couldn't help but angrily, "You..."

"What's wrong with me? Boy, you just talk about it!"

Song Biao snorted coldly and looked at the bartender with disdain.

The bartender's chest fluctuated greatly, but in the end he dared not say a word.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Biao?"

A slightly obese man hurried over, with a fat face full of flattering smiles, hurried to Song Biao, and at the same time turned his head and reprimanded the bartender, "Don't you hurry up and apologize if you provoke Brother Biao? You are alive. Impatient?"

The bartender was so excited, he lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Brother Biao."

Song Biao didn't even look at him. The fat middle-aged man screamed: "Okay, don't hurry up to work, do things carefully later." The bartender hurriedly left.

The obese man looked at Song Biao with a smile, "Brother Biao, do you think about this?"

"It's nothing."

Song Biao faintly responded, and walked forward quickly. The reason is simple. Lin Qing, who has not spoken all the time, walked directly to the bar.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the obese middle-aged man, and Lin Qing looked up and down, but he couldn't find any information about this person in his mind. Because when Song Biao and Lin Qinggang appeared, he had already noticed some minor problems between the two.

"any drinks?"

Song Biao asked Lin Qing.


Lin Qing smiled, and at the same time kept looking at the whole ballroom. 'Crown' KTV is a combination of the mode of merging ordinary KTV and the ballroom. The hall below is a bar and dance floor, while the upper floors are private rooms for normal karaoke.

"Find someone?"

Song Biao handed over a bottle of beer.


Lin Qing took a sip of the beer and kept looking for some seats in the center of the dance floor and around the hall. Suddenly, his gaze condensed, and he looked straight at the sofa in a corner of the hall. A slightly blessed middle-aged man was holding a "sex" dressed up female "sex", and the two flirted with each other. It's very intimate.

"Do you know that person?"

Lin Qing pointed right.

Song Biao looked up and followed Lin Qing's direction, frowning, "Gong Zhao? It seems that he was the contractor of the trouble-making project a month ago."

Hearing this, Lin Qing confirmed the thoughts in his mind once again. From the beginning of the chess and card room to this moment, Zhao Gong's style and extent of squandering money are like a nouveau riche. And behind this'outbreak', there is absolutely an ulterior secret.

Putting all this together, everything Ma Zhongyun said to himself is correct.

"Could it be that you want to..."

Song Biao's face changed, and Lin Qing's thoughts were confirmed in his heart again.

"You don't have to think about anything, everything, I have my own opinion."

Lin Qing smiled indifferently, and a huge mental pressure quietly enveloped Song Biao, until Song Biao's face turned red and the two stations could stand, he whispered:

"My means, you know."