The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 38: The Eight Laws of Universe


… Will be wiped out of ability!

Hearing this, Lin Qing's face changed drastically. This sentence is not difficult for anyone to understand. What's more, Lin Qing, a person who is engaged in literary work

In one sentence, it was revealed that the person with the ability, although special, would also be subject to certain restrictions.

This is the rule!

The country does not allow such people to hide in the general population, because they know that if such people make trouble, it will be very troublesome.

All aspects of the power of the supernatural beings, naturally, do not want the supernatural beings who do not belong to their own power to "wander" outside. If you can’t use it for yourself, then cooperate with the country to obliterate its ability.

This is reality, cruel and domineering.

… Do not use your abilities lightly.

What Sun Aoyun said before resurfaced in Lin Qing's mind, and it was only at this moment that he understood slightly. That sentence is not for fear of attracting the attention of ordinary people, and then causing trouble. But what is really afraid of is being discovered by the country and other supernatural forces.

At that time, I will not only lose the freedom I deserve. It is even more necessary to make a decision to choose one power, enough to affect one's life.

"So, why doesn't Sun Aoyun directly recommend me to join a force? Or directly into her own family?"

Lin Qing frowned, thinking constantly in her heart.

"Hello, hello? Are you still listening? Brother Lin?"

Seeing Lin Qing not answering, Song Biao asked quickly.

Lin Qing reacted and said, "Uh, uh, listening."

Song Biao asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Lin Qing smiled and said: "No, I just thought about something a little more engrossed. I naturally know a little about these things. However, I still don't want to be restrained by others, so I hope Brother Biao can conceal my identity as a supernatural person for me. ."

Hearing this, Song Biao smiled and said, "I don’t know what it is. Don’t worry about that. I’m Song Biao, but I’m also a rigorously trained person. If my mouth is not tight, then there is really nothing in the world. A credible person."

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Biao would boast too."

Lin Qing said half-jokingly, "By the way, how did Brother Biao get out of the army? Isn't it because of breaking the rules?"

Song Biao's laughter stopped abruptly, and he sighed: "It's all the past, maybe it's just a cold heart."


Lin Qing smiled. Seeing that the other party didn't mean to go on, he said, "Haha, let's not talk about it, let's rest early."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qing thought carefully about every sentence Song Biao said. Although there was not a lot of information in the words, Lin Qing at least learned some basic information. That is, there are many powerful forces in the supernatural powers, and this does not include the country's "mysterious group".

In addition, that is the most important point, if you do not join the power, to be precise, those who do not want to join the power and do not want to be restrained will be obliterated.

These types, no matter which one they are, are not what Lin Qing wants. Before becoming a supernatural person, he was a person who liked freedom, liked days without constraints, and did whatever he wanted. Of course, this does not include things that cannot be done with one's own strength.


Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the bronze mirror next to him, and opened the key to the use of the "Essential Eight Diagrams Mirror".

The fonts in the book are all traditional Chinese as they are now known. The page of the book shows a meridian image of a human body on the left side, and on the right side there are some tongue twister fonts, explanations, etc.

There are eight pages in the booklet, which are eight images and eight explanations.

Lin Qing turned over in turn. These explanations all have a theme, namely: Dry Heaven Expansion, Duize Run Vein, Lihuo Refining Body, Thunder Satin Vein, Kundi Naqi, Genshan Solid, Kanshui Peiyuan, Sunda weathered feathers.

The explanation was very detailed, and these things turned out to be techniques to strengthen one's own foundation.

At the same time, what Lin Qing noticed is that every exercise must be assisted by a very important thing, that is, the Qiankun Eight Diagrams Mirror. Otherwise, everything is in vain.

This is undoubtedly what Lin Qing needs most at the moment. The annotations are not difficult to understand. At the moment, Lin Qing is not impatient. First, he carefully looked at the talk about the expansion of the dry sky.

In the phrase'Dry Heaven Expansion', it is to use the vitality of the sky to expand oneself and reach the point of'inclusive of all rivers'. It is like saying that if you want to eat more, you must have such a big stomach.

At the moment, Lin Qing took a closer look at the meridian map next to him, and imprinted all of these into his mind. What made Lin Qing strange was that he didn't know when, he actually had the ability to remember. In fact, if these things are placed in peacetime, then they must be boring to him, and it is difficult to remember them completely.

But now I only need to read it once, and I will remember it almost completely in my heart.

Lin Qing opened the window, and the moon tonight was particularly round and bright. The blowing of the evening breeze is exceptionally refreshing.

Lin Qing sat cross-legged in front of the window, holding the'Qiankun Bagua Mirror' in both hands, sitting there quietly in a posture of holding Yuan Shouyi. In the bottom of my heart, I meditated on the key to'expanding the body from the sky'. Following Lin Qing's thoughts, a black "color" energy quietly emerged from the center of Lin Qing's eyebrows, turning a circle in the air, and falling vertically into the'universe gossip mirror'. In the mirror.

With the fall of this black "color" spiritual energy, the mirror of the bronze "color" fell into a stone like a calm lake, and circles of faint waves continued to expand from it to the surroundings.

With the "swing" of these ripples, a wave of coercion emerged along with it.

Suddenly, the word'dry' on the edge of the mirror suddenly lit up. The words'Expanded Universe' also appeared quietly on the mirror surface.

Lin Qing was secretly surprised by these changes, but some recent events have already made his heart immune to these things. He doesn’t seem to move at the moment, and he still follows the method stated in the key. Sit quietly.

The light on the word'gan' grew stronger and stronger, and the coercion that enveloped Lin Qing became stronger and stronger.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Sun Aoyun's pretty face flashed in the next room and stood up, her beautiful eyes flashed in the direction of Lin Qing's room, and he muttered: "Could it be that... he already knows how to use it." Is there a mirror?"

Sun Aoyun walked back and forth in the room several times with frowning brows, and finally lay back down, but in his wide eyes, there was a trace of "confusion" and a trace of expectation.



When the pressure around his body rose to a certain level, Lin Qing snorted, and suddenly, the coercive pressure that enveloped Lin Qing suddenly formed a huge energy vortex, constantly tearing the surrounding air.

At this moment, even the moonlight was distorted because of this energy vortex.

The bottom end of the energy vortex was connected between Lin Qing's chest and abdomen, and a wave of heaven and earth vitality was continuously instilled into Lin Qing's body. In just a few breaths, Lin Qing's whole body seemed to be fatter, becoming swollen.

"It won't burst, will it?"

At this critical moment, Lin Qing still couldn't stop Lin Qing's wild thoughts. 'Expanding body' not only expands the body, but also expands the meridians.

Feeling a burst of energy rushing and rushing through his body, Lin Qing was really worried that he was like a balloon bursting.

When Lin Qing's body was about to become a ball, and no one could support it, he finally stopped swelling. But what came next was pain!

It seemed that every cell in the body had been stimulated, and all began to suffer severe pain.

The meridians throughout the body, the internal organs!

Uncontrollable pain. In just a few seconds, Lin Qing's face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes were completely filled with bloodshot eyes. Soy bean-sized sweat kept dripping from his forehead. .

However, just when Lin Qing wanted to give up in pain, he found that he couldn't do anything at all. A strong pressure overflowed from the "Universal Eight Diagrams Mirror", completely restricting all his actions. Not to mention moving the body, even blinking one's eyes is almost impossible.


A slight blast sounded from Lin Qing's body, and through the bright moonlight, it was clear that a cloud of blood was exploded on Lin Qing's fat right arm, which almost broke through his clothes. As this blood mist erupted, blood mist continued to pop out from other parts of the body.

In the end, this situation exploded like firecrackers. However, this is only the surface layer of the body, and even some conditions in the body are exactly like this. Fortunately, this kind of phenomenon is all in the meridian, if it is the heart, Lin Qing is convinced that he will definitely finish playing it directly.

Lin Qing complained constantly in his heart, and now it can be said that every day should not be replied, and the ground is not working. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind, "Duize Run Vessel!"

As Lin Qing's thoughts flashed, a green light flashed on the word "Dui" in the Universe Eight Diagrams Mirror, and the energy gathered around Lin Qing suddenly changed. The gaseous vitality of the sky quickly turned into a blue "liquid" state, and quickly merged into Lin Qing's body.

With this change, Lin Qing's swollen *** began to shrink slightly. The whole body became extremely comfortable because of what happened after this, as if a person got the best rest after being extremely tired.

Lin Qing closed her eyes lightly, carefully feeling the changes in her body. Although he had never really looked directly at the situation in his body, this look made him very frightened. Although there are still scars everywhere in the body, they are all quietly healed under the action of the cyan and liquid state. What surprised Lin Qing even more was that every meridian exuded a faint green glow, and the veins became wider.

At the same time, Lin Qing discovered that he was stretched before, not the kind of skin stretched. To be precise, every cell has changed. This makes the whole person very fat, and the cells become larger. If the area remains the same, the distance between the cells will be reduced indefinitely.

In this way, your own sex will gradually become stronger in this situation.

What's more, the second step of "Duize Runmai" is still washing every part of the body

Lin Qing who wants to understand everything can be regarded as knowing what kind of baby he has got. At the same time, I know how powerful this exercise is.