The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 4: Torture


The mud bodhisattva still has three points of "sex", she is really too much.

Lin Qing said with an unpleasant expression: "Miss Sun, can I trouble you to knock on the door before you come in? Isn't that the most basic courtesy? Don't you be afraid to get criticized if you come in silently?"

As if seeing Lin Qing for the first time, Sun Aoyun's pretty face suddenly moved closer to Lin Qing. At this moment, Lin Qing could even feel the breath of the opponent's breath hitting his face.

Just when Lin Qing felt the adrenal hormones rise in his body, Sun Aoyun suddenly raised his head and stood upright, looking at Lin Qing in a posture of watching the world, Qianqianyu with his right hand pointed at Lin Qing, "Boy, who do you think you are? I eat. If I’m full, I’ll go into your room if I’m okay? This lady is here to pay for the food, twelve thousand, not one less."

Food expenses...

Lin Qing suddenly drooped like a deflated balloon, and took out his wallet from his backpack. There was still bulging, but because the rent of 48,000 was paid before, more than half of it was already flat.

Open it again at this time, uh, don't say twelve thousand, twelve thousand is difficult!

Sun Aoyun shot like electricity, grabbed the wallet in Lin Qing's hand, and took out the only stack of hundred-yuan bills inside, even a few five-yuan banknotes.

"One thousand and one hundred and five? Why are there so few?"

Sun Aoyun frowned and stared at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing sighed and said helplessly: "Oh, I'm not a rich person. It's okay. I have tens of thousands of cash in my pocket? That's not a brain flood."

Sun Aoyun glanced at Lin Qing suspiciously, and said in disbelief: "You don't have money anymore? Or, do you want to go wrong?"

"Am I that kind of person? If you really don't believe me, just return the rent to me and I'll just change the house."

Lin Qing took a deep breath. If it weren't for the concept of'a gentleman speaks but doesn't move,' he weighs heavily on his heart, and really wants to press her down...

Don't think too much, just want to beat her!

Of course, this is just to think about it, and you have to be cautious.

"Ok, I trust you."

Sun Aoyun clapped his hands and handed the one hundred and fifty yuan of change to Lin Qing, "Okay, let you use the change first, so you don’t need to say that I am impersonal. The one thousand yuan, I will treat it as interest. When you are rich in the future, give me the twelve thousand."

Unexpectedly, this Nizi still has some human touch, and Lin Qing feels comfortable in her heart. Hurriedly said: "Well, don't worry, since I have agreed, I will definitely not regret it. I will definitely give you twelve thousand, eh? Wait, it's not right! Why is it still twelve thousand? You obviously take it. I've gone a thousand times."

Sun Aoyun said, taking it for granted, "I'm taking away one thousand, but didn't you agree to it just now? It's interest."

Don't bring this to play!

"How can there be such expensive interest? No, pay me the money first."

Lin Qing was anxious and stretched out his hand to snatch the money in Sun Aoyun's hands. The interest was too high!




Who knew that before Lin Qing could "touch" the money, Sun Aoyun grabbed her right arm, and then flew in the air forcefully. After that, Lin Qing's only feeling was pain!

Yes, a pain that hurts into the bones.

The right arm is dislocated!

Lin Qing was lying on his face with sweating profusely. It was a problem to even move it. It was too painful.

"I told you, don't mess with Miss Ben easily."

Sun Aoyun raised his chin triumphantly, looking like I'm not annoyed. After a long time, seeing that Lin Qing didn't answer, sweat was everywhere in his forehead, and he realized that the matter was serious.

"Um, are you okay?"

Sun Aoyun approached me and said a little embarrassed.

Lin Qing took a deep breath, endured the pain in his right arm, and reluctantly said: "Let's hit 120, my arm is dislocated."

"Huh? Dislocated?"

Sun Aoyun's pretty face was full of surprise, and then turned around, instead of calling me, he was full of joy, "Really dislocated? That's great, I know that my strength is absolutely genuine."

Lin Qing scolded this heartless guy in the bottom of his heart, and barely propped himself up with his left arm, looking for the phone.

Damn, where did I throw the phone? !

Lin Qing, who looked for a circle but didn't see the phone, couldn't help but cursed lightly in his heart.

Sun Aoyun said endlessly: "Hey, it's not that I said you, it's too bad, right? I just waved away from the "shoot", and you won't do it. Say it, don't be afraid of being ashamed, let me say, You should work out with me in the future."

Lin Qing turned a deaf ear, moving at a speed not much faster than a turtle crawling, slowly approaching her bag...

Sun Aoyun grabbed Lin Qing's backpack, held it in his hand, and asked, "What? Are you looking for something, you said, I'll find it for you."


Lin Qing spit out the word with difficulty, the dislocation is really uncomfortable...

"Oh, you want to call 120, right? Tell you, no, really. I can pick it up for you, dislocation is just a pediatrics matter."

Sun Aoyun vowed to say, and smoothly threw my bag on the other end of the bed.

Upon hearing this, Lin Qing glanced suspiciously at Sun Aoyun, judging the extent of the possibility of "sex" she said.

However, Sun Aoyun didn't give Lin Qing time to think about it, and he didn't even give Lin Qing the right to choose.

Just as Lin Qing was about to speak, he suddenly felt his body sink, and a fragrant wind rushed in. Sun Aoyun actually rode directly on Lin Qing's body, holding Lin Qing's shoulder with his left hand, and grabbing Lin Qing's arm with his right hand.

Oh my God, what a beautiful blessing this is!

What is the pain

Feeling the softness of her body, Lin Qing's heart has already rippled, her breathing has become quicker, her lower body has already changed in an instant...


Lin Qing in Gentle Township was still brought back to reality by the sharp pain from his right arm. Lin Qingqiang endured the severe pain and looked up at Sun Aoyun, hoping to learn the outcome of the matter from her mouth.

It is rare to see that under Lin Qing's gaze, Sun Aoyun's face turned red

Did she realize that the present posture of the two of us is a bit ambiguous

Lin Qing thought in her heart secretly that she thought she was right, or that she likes me? In a while, will the two of us do something we love to do...

With Lin Qing's self-righteous thoughts, the pain in his right arm could hardly pull Lin Qing back from this evil thought.

However, Sun Aoyun's next sentence made Lin Qing directly feel broken.

Sun Aoyun bit her lower lip slightly, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I got it wrong..."


Lin Qing was shocked, and then he cared that his right arm hurts more than before. His face turned angrily, and he roared: "Miss, can you stop playing? Call me 120 as soon as possible!"

The trace of guilt on Sun Aoyun’s pretty face disappeared instantly, and he said dissatisfied: "Why are you hitting 120! Don't worry, if I don't catch your arm today, I won't sleep." The words fell, and his right hand grabbed me. Right arm, and then pull it down strongly...



Lin Qing screamed unbearably, and his right arm was dislocated again... The evil thoughts in his mind were completely emptied at this moment. Lin Qing wanted to turn over and break her free, but her power was completely superior to Lin Qing, and she couldn't use her right arm...

Click... Connect it again...

The sweat on Lin Qing's forehead increased again. He looked at Sun Aoyun and asked weakly, "This time, is it all right?"

Sun Aoyun's pretty face flushed again, and Lin Qing even heard the word "rely on" from her mouth!


The sound of dislocation...


The sound of bones colliding...

what! …

Lin Qing's screaming voice...


Lin Qing couldn't even know how many times this was the first time. From the bottom of his heart, he only knew that the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty were nothing more than that. The right arm was no longer painful, but numb, and Lin Qing could hardly feel the presence of his right arm.

When Lin Qing was so angry that he couldn't even make a cry of pain, finally...

"Haha! Let me just say, my skills are beyond doubt. Okay, I'm connected now, and I'll be fine in two days."

Sun Aoyun finally stood up from Lin Qing, clapped his hands and laughed. It was also at this moment that she cared how ambiguous the previous contact between the two was, her face turned red, and she kicked Lin Qing's thigh with her little foot.

"You fellow, let you take advantage of it."

Lin Qing rolled his eyes, and hated Sun Aoyun from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't wait to throw him straight down the window.

"By the way, remember what I told you before. If it's okay, don't go out."

When Sun Aoyun closed the door smoothly, she did not forget to exhort her.

"Go out, go out, your sister!"

Lin Qing cursed softly, now he can't wait to lie down here and go out? What a joke! Even so, I felt a faint "confused" in my heart, why did this Sun Aoyun confess this thing to himself again and again? Could it be that after dark, something will happen

Just as Lin Qing guessed, a slight door-slamming sound from downstairs made Lin Qing stand up against the "fire" condition. He stood up from the **, and quickly walked under the window sill to look out, the sky outside. At this time, the moonlight was dim, and a slender figure avoided the highway, specifically picking places where no idlers would appear, and that direction Lin Qing vaguely remembered the direction of the West Lake, and most importantly, the figure returned to Lin Qing. A touch of familiarity

However, what surprised Lin Qing was that that figure was surprisingly fast, as if the distance of every vertical jump was ten feet away! After just a few breaths, it has disappeared from Lin Qing's vision. This phenomenon is definitely far from the common sense of people nowadays.

"Remember what I told you before, if it's okay, don't go out at all."

Lin Qing kept recalling the words Sun Aoyun said when he left.

"There is weird, definitely weird!"

Lin Qing secretly said, at the same time a strong curiosity surged from the bottom of his heart. With a thought, he walked slowly to the door, and after pulling the door open, he whispered at the location of Sun Aoyun's room, "Miss Sun?? Are you in the room?"

After a while, there was no response. Lin Qing shouted again. Seeing that there was no response, he was more affirmed in his heart. I want to go out and follow the past to see what will happen, but the sharp pain from the right arm reminds Lin Qing all the time, and at the same time he thinks that the place that the figure walks is very rugged, and few people pass by. . After thinking about it for a long time, I had no choice but to dispel this idea.

With a heart full of curiosity, Lin Qing had to turn around and go back to the room, opened her laptop to find a comedy movie, while lying in her arms, constantly thinking about the strange things that have been broadcast everywhere recently. Also because of a busy day, quietly, a feeling of sleepiness rolled into my heart...