The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 45: Lightweight technique


Lin Qing didn't stay in the car for long, and got out of the car when he turned an intersection. Regarding Lin Qing's next affairs, Song Biao was very responsible for taking back the personnel who had been "inserted" near Lin Qing.

After Song Biao left, Lin Qing stood at the street corner and looked around, stretched out his hand to stop a taxi, and stopped near a community named'Hualan'.

Here is the information Ma Zhongyun provided to Lin Qing about "Zhao Gong" at the time. There is a house of Zhao Gong in the community.

Although Song Biao's message to him stated that Zhao Gong was missing, Lin Qing still wanted to check where he lived. According to Ma Zhongyun's message to himself, the place here is a place where Zhao Gong bought his second milk.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the street lights on both sides of the road were already on, as did many residents in the community. The number of people around has also gradually increased. At this time, people have temporarily got rid of the fatigue of a day's work and have begun to relax.

Lin Qing didn't dare to be careless. He chose a relatively hidden corner outside the community, and only when he confirmed that there was no one around, did he hide himself. In order to avoid wasting too much energy in the body, the invisible Lin Qing almost ran all the way to the target—the location of Zhao Gong's apartment.

The location of the room is on the seventh floor. In order to avoid being photographed by the monitor in the elevator, Lin Qing decisively chose to climb the stairs.

However, that is the seventh floor after all. This is definitely a great challenge for people like Lin Qing who don't exercise regularly. Lin Qing felt a little tired when he only reached the fourth floor, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead.

"Damn! *** Give the house, why the hell are you buying such a high one? A lower one will kill you."

Lin Qing was holding the stairs and panting. At this moment, a young man ran down the stairs in a panic, the direction of his body was just facing Lin Qing.

As soon as Lin Qing looked up, who hadn't reacted yet, the two slammed into each other heavily.


Unsuspecting Lin Qing was stunned immediately, fell down the stairs and hit the wall hard. Fortunately, the position of the fall was not high, but the fate of rolling the stairs was avoided. Despite this, there was still a painful "ouch".

But the young man who hit Lin Qing in the air sat down on the stairs, because he collided with Lin Qing before, and his nose hit Lin Qing's forehead, and suddenly he had a long nosebleed. The young man covered his nose and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, I didn't see it."

After a while, no one answered, the young man was taken aback for a moment, pinched his nose with one hand, and looked down, wherever his gaze was empty. Looking back again, it was still empty and not a single figure.


The youth frowned. He clearly felt that he had run into someone, but why couldn't he see anything? not…

Thinking of the horrible place, the young man was full of spirits, and now he didn't dare to wait any longer, and ran off in a panic.

Until the youth left, Lin Qing, who was invisible, did not dare to show up. He stretched out his hand and "kneaded" the hit place, only feeling the pain intolerable. Later, I felt a sticky "liquid" body on his forehead, and he stretched out his hand and "touched" it. It turned out to be blood. I suddenly realized that it must be the nosebleed of the young man before. At the moment, he didn't care too much about it, and suddenly his head was full of blood, and the whole person was a bit hideous.

Looking at the stairs ahead that need to be climbed, Lin Qing couldn't help but feel a flash of light in his mind, thinking of one of the eight methods of heaven and earth, the expansion of the sky.

'Diantian Expansion' is to absorb the vitality of the sky, expand one's own meridian and muscle layer, and the superficial phenomenon will cause the figure to be swollen like a balloon.

And what Lin Qing thought of was, could he use this secret method to make himself as light as a swallow and ascend to the next level without any effort

Even though he doesn't have the'Universe and Eight Diagrams Mirror' in his hands, Lin Qing has a feeling that this technique is definitely not as simple as he understands.

At the moment, Lin Qing took a deep breath and mobilized these days to use the vitality left in the body by'Diantian Expansion' and'Duize Runmai'. Because there is no place in the body that can store these vital energy, these vital energy are basically attached to the veins.

At this time, Lin Qing mobilized these vitality, and quickly merged into every part of Lin Qing's body.

In just a few breaths, Lin Qing's body was obviously bulging.


Lin Qing's face was full of surprise and joy. After he expanded the vitality to every corner of his body according to the method of'expanding the body through the sky', he actually felt like flying away in the wind.

The most obvious is that the weight of the body has been reduced several times!

In order to make sure that this feeling is right, Lin Qing bends her knees slightly, and then jumps up to the top of the stairs vigorously.


Lin Qing jumped directly from the next platform to the previous platform. According to the height, this jump was three or four meters high!

"This this… "

Lin Qingjue's this was incredible. After thinking about it, he walked down the stairs and jumped repeatedly three or four times before he was sure that he could really jump three or four meters high. This is definitely comparable to those heroes who can do light work in costume dramas.

Lin Qing was still waiting to test, but he heard a noise coming from downstairs. You don't need to look at it to know that there must be some people who chose to go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. At the moment, I had to dispel the thoughts in my heart, anyway, it was still a long time, so I went back and tried it out.

After the light-weight surgery, the three floors behind here did not have any obstacles to Lin Qing at all. A few crossed over to the seventh floor, and followed the house number to find the location of Zhao Gong's house.

Big cities are not like rural areas. People almost have a common habit, that is, after entering the house, they will close the door to prevent people with a heart from entering.

How to get in is a big problem for Lin Qing.

Standing at the door, Lin Qing glanced around, then stretched out his hand and rang the doorbell gently. Anyway, I was in a state of'invisibility', and no one could see it, so I just need to find a chance to get in.


After a while, a voice came from inside the door, and the voice was not unfamiliar to Lin Qing. It turned out to be Zhao Gong's voice, and Lin Qing couldn't help but feel a secret joy. He was originally just to try his luck, but he didn't expect that his luck was really good.

"no one?"

In the door, Zhao Gong murmured. He didn't see anyone through the cat's eyes, and he directly thought it was a prank.

Lin Qing thought for a while, clenched a fist with his right hand, and banged a few times at the door.

"Who? Say something."

Zhao Gong's tone was slightly impatient.

Naturally, Lin Qing couldn't speak casually, and the clenched right fist hammered again.

Zhao Gong, who couldn't hear the answer, immediately became angry and cursed: "Damn, who the hell are you!" The door inside suddenly opened, leaving the iron door outside, naked and wearing shorts. Zhao Gong appeared in front of Lin Qing.

"Damn, how about people?"

Zhao Gong looked out through the iron gate with an angry expression on his face. However, he couldn't see anything.

Zhao Gong watched for a while, then turned and entered the house, and was about to close the door. But at this moment, the iron gate rang again.


Zhao Gong yelled angrily and turned around to see, but he couldn't see anything. When he was in a hurry, he opened the iron door and ran outside to look.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Qing followed Zhao Gong into the room on the side of his body. The layout of the room is quite good, but it seems to have been carefully arranged.

On the sofa in the living room, there is a woman in a simple dress with long hair sitting cross-legged on the sofa and watching TV. Lin Qing looked at it from the side and found that his appearance was three-pointed, his skin was fair, and his peachy eyes were always energized intentionally or unintentionally.

Hearing Zhao Gong's curse, he couldn't help asking in a crisp voice, "My dear, what's the matter?"

"Damn it!"

Zhao Gong cursed and turned around and entered the house, closing both doors by the way. "It's estimated that it was the kid who played the prank, he "milk" or "milk", if you let me know who it is, I must teach him well."

But how did he know that the devil had entered the room