The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 59: Hao Ren


The subjects on the first day were pretty good for Lin Qing, although he didn't listen very much to a class.

Originally, he had a lot of topics in common with Liang Xiaodie at the table. Now that he is at the same table is such an interesting person, the original boring class, in Lin Qing’s view, is more than every session in the past. The lessons are much more interesting.

In the process of chatting with the same table, Lin Qing did not forget another very important thing, that is to look at the beauties around him.

What made Lin Qing delighted was that there were indeed a lot of girls with good looks, but these people were not very interested in Lin Qing, a guy with a very ordinary appearance.

"Hey, buddy, why did you turn around at this time? By the way, it's almost the summer vacation now."

Hao Ren raised his fat arm and pushed his glasses, puzzled.

"Summer vacation? What month?"

Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, and his heart burst, and he thought to himself: You can't be so lucky, right? At the same time, it was a joy. Doesn't this prove that I will end my university life soon

"It's a holiday in early July, buddy, don't you even forget this, do you?"

Hao Ren said with a speechless expression: "It is already June 10th, and the time away from the holiday is no more than 20 days at most. You said, did you come by accident?"

"Well, a coincidence time."

Lin Qing sighed and said helplessly in a low voice: "Although I don't want to, there are some things that can't be done?"

"To be honest, buddy, did you come to this class just for someone?"

A smile flashed across Hao Ren's face, as if he was saying,'Don't pretend, buddy, I understand everything. '

Lin Qing was shocked, her expression changed slightly, trying to keep her tone as calm as possible, and said solemnly: "I don't seem to understand what you mean, buddy..."

Hao Ren chuckled, "Tsk tsk, brother is embarrassed? Actually, people who transfer halfway to schools like you are either really because of external factors or because of a certain girl. This kind of thing is very common. , So you don’t have to hide it either."

This is what I said originally!

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, because he had been seen through his motive on the first day. He smiled at the moment: "My buddy has good eyesight, you can see it all."

Seeing Lin Qing affirmed his guess, Hao Ren smiled triumphantly: "Of course, brothers do not have other skills, this kind of vision is still there. But, brother, do you already have a goal? Normally, looking for beautiful women? I always go to the Department of Foreign Languages, where the girls are the most, and the more the number, the more likely that beautiful women will appear."

"That's it."

Lin Qing smiled, the other party's analysis really hit the nail on the head.

Hao Ren glanced around, and whispered: "Who is it convenient or inconvenient to say? Brother will give you a reference? Don't look at my portrait. I have no advantage in love, but it is not a problem at all."

Lin Qing quietly gave the other party an evaluation in his heart, that is, he is enthusiastic, familiar with himself, and has strong analytical ability. He smiled nonchalantly: "Brothers do have goals, but it's hard to say. Let's talk about them when I have a chance. After all, many things, when there is no certainty, they will only cause troubles. You say right?"

Hearing that, Hao Ren nodded and said: "This is indeed the truth, that's okay, as long as you need help, even if you tell my brother, I will definitely help you."

"Then thank you first, and I will invite you to dinner later."

Lin Qing smiled, and a hint of affection arose from the bottom of his heart.

However, it was when Lin Qing finished saying'invite you to eat', that he knew for the first time what'mouth cheap' meant.

Hao Ren's eyes were like wolves, with the gleam of sex, his tongue quickly "licked" his lips, and he whispered: "Brother is serious? How about this afternoon? I have time this afternoon. I am a person Never picky, as long as you can eat enough."

"Uh… "

Lin Qing sighed secretly in his heart. Now that the words have already been said, it is naturally not easy to refuse. Besides, he doesn't care about the money. Nodded immediately and said, "Of course it's okay. Since you are invited to eat, you must be full, right?"

Seeing Lin Qing's affirmative answer, the smile on Hao Ren's fat face grew stronger.

Lin Qing thought for a while, and then passed a note to Liang Xiaodie: I didn't have a good meal last time, do I have time today? Invite you to dinner tonight? Of course, I don't mean anything else, there will be our classmate Hao Ren.

In fact, the two of them are the front and back tables. The people nearby, including Liang Xiaodie, heard what Lin Qing and Hao Ren said. Seeing the note from Lin Qing, Liang Xiaodie glanced at Hao Ren next to Lin Qing with a pretty face full of smiles, as if she wanted to laugh but forbeared her smile.

After a while, Liang Xiaodie handed back a note to Lin Qing, "Sorry, I want to go home as soon as possible after class, next time."

Lin Qing smiled and replied: It's okay, then next time.

The course of the afternoon passed so obscurely. Lin Qing briefly summarized his own gains, that is, he can write a short journal: the weather is clear, the mood is good, and the time of the afternoon passes quietly in the chat.

After class, Lin Qing had just said goodbye to Liang Xiaodie, and Hao Ren couldn't wait to drag him out. Despite this, Lin Qing still kept a distance from Liang Xiaodie, after all, he still shoulders the responsibility of protection.

Lin Qing and Hao Ren followed Liang Xiaodie out of the school gate. Lin Qing clearly saw that not far from the gate, a pink miniature was parked there, the windows of the car slowly rolled down, and Sun Aoyun’s pretty and pretty face "Lu" came out. Looking directly at the place where Lin Qing is, Lin Qing winked at the opponent, and pointed to the direction Liang Xiaodie was going without a trace.

Sun Aoyun nodded at Lin Qing, the window closed again, and Sun Aoyun drove directly to follow Liang Xiaodie.

"Brother, let's hurry up, if I'm late, I'm afraid I won't eat it."

Hao Ren urged.

Hearing this, Lin Qing suddenly laughed. You know, Hao Ren stood up like a meaty pillar, very funny, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just now for dinner, and there is definitely something to eat."

Hao Ren didn't have any requirements for a place to eat. He directly chose a Shaxian snack bar. Because Hao Ren's physique was a bit too large, the owner deliberately removed one of the tables. Fortunately, there were not many people in the shop at this time.

Among the Shaxian snacks, Lin Qing occasionally goes there, but his favorite is dumplings. "Boss, bring me two steamed dumplings. By the way, Hao Ren, what do you want to eat? Order yourself, let go and eat so that you are full."

Hao Ren promised, waved his hand, and directly shouted: "Boss, bring me 20 steamed dumplings."


Lin Qing was shocked at once, good fellow, this appetite is ten times his own! However, the shop owner's expression is not surprising at all, and it seems that Hao Ren is not here once.

"Uh, is it too much?"

Hao Ren scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"No, you think too much, I just... I just admire a little, yes, I just admire a little. If I still said that, you just let go of eating, and you will be full."

Lin Qing shook his head and smiled. Seeing the strange eyes of some diners around, it seemed that he felt a little embarrassing right now.

"That's good, that's good."

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Brother is really interesting."

However, Lin Qing was wrong again. Twenty steamed dumplings were not Hao Ren's limit. Before Lin Qing finished eating the two cages, the other party had already settled, and ordered five bowls of noodle soup and a fried rice.

Lin Qing was stunned, but it wasn't that he was distressed about the money, but was shocked.


Hao Ren drank the last sip of the soup and hiccuped a full burp. He "touched" his bulging belly with his hand. "It feels really comfortable to be full."

Lin Qing drew a napkin, wiped the corners of her mouth and hands, and smiled: "Are you sure you are ready to eat?"

Hao Ren nodded and said, "Well, although it's only seven or eight points full, it's still so-so."

Is this just seven or eight points full

Lin Qing groaned from the bottom of his heart. If he eats so much, even if he doesn't waste it, he definitely won't be able to get out of bed for ten and a half months. The checkout left at the moment, and the two of them left after leaving the shop.

After Lin Qing walked back a little and a half, Sun Aoyun called and asked clearly where Lin Qing was. He appeared in front of Lin Qing in less than ten minutes.

Lin Qing got into the car and asked, "Why did you come back so soon? No need to continue to protect?"

Sun Aoyun smiled and said: "Of course, you are guilty of "confusion" again? The rest will be left to Black Rose. Unless something else happens, it has nothing to do with us."

Lin Qing just remembered, nodded and smiled: "That's fine, by the way, let me tell you something."

Sun Aoyun said as he drove, "Just tell me if you have something."

Lin Qing said, "It's already more than June, and the summer vacation will begin in early July, don't you know?"

Sun Aoyun was taken aback, "What? Summer vacation is coming soon?"

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing finally found a balance in his heart. It seems that there are many people who have no memory of "sex" like him. "Yes, in other words, I will stay in school for more than half a month at most, and it will be over temporarily. Then, who will protect it?"

Sun Aoyun was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed loudly. When the laughter gradually stopped, he said: "I didn't expect this lady to be so smart. She already knew so well when she was in the division of labor. Just leave him alone, as long as she's not in school anyway. Here, it’s not our responsibility. Let Black Rose "worse" everything on her own."

Lin Qing frowned slightly, "Are you sure this is fine?"

Sun Aoyun smiled and said: "Don't worry, although you don't know the strength of my sister, but I know it very well, you don't need to worry about this. By the way, how was your university life on the first day? Beautiful women, right?"

Lin Qing sighed first, then glanced at Sun Aoyun, who was full of expectant expressions, and then said:

"From the moment I entered the door, I knew how stupid it was to refuse you before."

Hearing this, Sun Aoyun's face was instantly "lustful".

Lin Qing continued: "Unexpectedly, a girl anywhere, just pull out a girl that is ten or a hundred times more beautiful than you. Even if you can't reach it, you can't "touch" it, but it's still very seductive."

When the words fell, the "color" on Sun Aoyun's face instantly solidified on Qiao's face. After a while, his right hand twisted the soft flesh under Lin Qing's ribs like electricity, and then twisted it fiercely.

"You die Lin Qing, you dare to play with this lady!"