The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 66: The one that should come will always come


Seven days!

For a full week, Lin Qing had been extremely boring and boring.

He was tired of college life. He spends his life almost every day with his fingers, waiting for the summer vacation.

What makes Lin Qing strange is that he originally embarrassed He Feilong a week ago, but he did not retaliate against himself! It's not that Lin Qing is guilty of being cheap, even Hao Ren felt strange.

As for Murong Fuying, Lin Qing has never seen him again, and the most important thing is Liang Xiaodie's brother-Weeping Blood. Since Lin Qing felt his breath for the first time, he never appeared again.

Lin Qing, helpless, gave him an evaluation—a man who is more ninja than a ninja.

Lin Qing also didn't forget to tell Sun Aoyun of the day's discovery, Sun Aoyun's reaction was very indifferent, because it was entirely reasonable.

Therefore, the most common sentence Lin Qing said is:'It's so boring, it's so boring. '

Writing, going to school, it's okay to tease Sun Aoyun, and take advantage of it by the way. This is what Lin Qing's life is all about.

During this period, Lin Qing was woken up by Sun Aoyun at 5 or 6 o'clock every morning, and practiced Zhung Gong and Wuzu Boxing in the yard. Perhaps Lin Qing is really a genius, with extremely firm footing, and the Wuzu boxing was also aroused by him.

In the evening, before going to bed, Lin Qing would choose'Diantian Expansion' and'Duize Runmai'. Lin Qing clearly felt that the cortex under his skin became tighter and full of power. The various meridians in the body are also shiny, full of elasticity and strength. Of course, the "Xuan Neng" contained in the Xuan "Acupoint" made Lin Qingjue at least twice as high as it was a week ago.

The only thing that made Lin Qing depressed was the'black'color' crystal nucleus located in his brain. Regarding this point, Lin Qing also asked Sun Aoyun vaguely, and the only answer he got was that it belonged to the level of'supernatural power', which was very different from profound energy. The real name of the crystal nucleus is'hetero-nucleus', and its changes will affect the ability of the person with the ability.

Sun Aoyun was confused, and Lin Qing was confused as well, no matter what, he understood a little bit.

As usual, Lin Qing walked around for a while after watching Liang Xiaodie leave at the school gate. Sun Aoyun came to pick him up when he first started, and by the way secretly sent Liang Xiaodie back, but this impatient guy went on strike in less than three days.

The reason is simple, I'm afraid of being discovered by'Weeping Blood'.

In view of Sun Aoyun's various inconsistencies, Lin Qing also lazily argued with her, but there is always a question in her heart, that is, Murong Fuying's attitude towards herself.

Lin Qing wandered around, and when the sun was about to set and the sky was getting darker, he started to walk back. As the bored Lin Qing walked, he took out his mobile phone and played a small game that was older than him—Tetris.

While he was playing happily, Song Biao called and told Lin Qing that all his family properties were confiscated by the former director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Li Baogang, and he was sentenced to ten years in prison. As for his son Li Bao, he was acquitted. As for Zhao Gong’s case, several young men who committed the crime were directly captured and sentenced in accordance with the law.

"Only ten years?"

Lin Qing hung up the phone, frowning slightly, knowing that with Li Baogang's path, I am afraid that he would be released directly from prison and out of prison before this ten years. As for Li Bao, Lin Qing was a little surprised and was acquitted. In any case, those people were also instigated by him.

It's just that now the matter has been finalized, unless someone tells it again, but obviously, apart from Lin Qing, I am afraid that no one is willing to touch this matter again.

What also made Lin Qing pleased was that Zhao Gong, Li Baogang's embezzlement of project funds and wage arrears for workers were also resolved. And repaid every worker double, of course, the money was a small part of Li Baogang’s property.

Overall, this is good news.

Lin Qing suddenly thought of the money he had received from Zhao Gong. Although he didn't realize it was a hot potato, he still felt a little uncomfortable. Right now, he secretly decided to wait for the opportunity to donate the money to the mountain area himself. Engaging in educational construction can also be regarded as accumulating yin and virtue for Zhao Gong.

"We people, I'm so happy today..."

Lin Qing hummed the almost old-fashioned song in his mouth. As he walked, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. At the moment, he deliberately stood beside a car that had stopped by the side of the road, and looked at the rearview mirror of the car. Behind himself.

I don't know when, about a dozen meters away from Lin Qing, a dozen shirtless young people followed him with a roll of newspaper in their hands.

Lin Qing frowned slightly, took out a cigarette from his pocket without a trace, and lit a cigarette for himself. At the same time, he deliberately glanced around. Only then did he discover that there were seven or eight young people on the other side of the road. Looking forward, there are dozens of people holding a roll of newspaper in his hand!

Lin Qing calculated it carefully, there were as many as thirty! At the same time, he clearly noticed that there is a pattern of tigers flying above the clouds on everyone's naked and "naked" arms.

Yunhu Gang!

Lin Qing sneered, knowing that He Feilong really didn't expect to let him go. And looking at this posture, I definitely want to play myself to death. And this just explains why this week will be so peaceful.

The reason is also very simple, and that is to stagger the two things in time.

In this way, even if he really died, it was just an accident. When the suspicion reached them, the matter almost passed.

If Lin Qingyun had the power, he could leave easily, but now he didn't want to do it. He wants to teach these people a lesson, an unforgettable lesson.


Suddenly, a black Audi a8 stopped near Lin Qing, the window was rolled down, and Song Biao's face came out. His expression was cold and his brows were tightly frowned. . At the same time, he stretched out his hand to say hello to Lin Qing.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, wondering why he would come to find himself after just finishing the phone call with Song Biao, could it be said

With a thought, Lin Qing walked to Song Biao's car lightly, but looked elsewhere and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Song Biao also looked at other places and said in a deep voice, "The Yunhu gang wants to move you. After I called you just now, I got the information."

"Ha ha."

Lin Qing stared at Song Biao for a long time, and then moved away when Song Biao was a little unnatural. Some words are useless when the other party has made up his mind.

Lin Qing is a lazy person, and he is lazy to say something unnecessary. In fact, he also understood that when Song Biao called himself, he might have already received the message.

And now, the reason why Song Biao can appear here shows that he has made up his mind!

"This can be fatal."

Lin Qing took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I can't guarantee that you will come back alive."

A smile flashed on Song Biao's cold face, and he glanced at the seat at the back of the car, "Today I came with only three brothers, who are my most trusted brothers."

Lin Qing followed Song Biao’s gaze and looked back. There were three lean middle-aged men in the two seats at the back of the car. Everyone looked cold, their eyes were cold, and the whole body was shrouded in coldness. Under the breath, seeing Lin Qingwang came, his expression was slightly slowed, and he nodded and said, "Brother Lin."


Lin Qing nodded, thought about it, turned and walked to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. Faintly said: "Find a quiet place, I really want to meet them."

Song Biao nodded and said, "No problem, I'm familiar with this area." The Audi a8's gorgeous body galloped forward as he stepped on the accelerator.

Unexpectedly, everyone in the Yunhu Gang who had changed suddenly was taken aback, and the conversation between Lin Qing and Song Biao only lasted less than a minute. Seeing Lin Qing sprinting out in the car at this time, those who followed were suddenly anxious. Several of them took out their mobile phones to call for a taxi, while the rest followed quickly.

The speed is not fast enough to enable people behind to follow far behind.

Across the noisy urban area, the desolation of the suburbs makes people feel a touch of desolation. There are still some half-demolished buildings everywhere, and tall weeds are floating in the wind.

The bumpy wasteland is a bit uncomfortable because of the bumps.

Through the rearview mirror, Lin Qing could clearly see several Wuling Light vans closely following not far behind, and they were advancing towards Lin Qing in a fan shape.


When the car stopped, Lin Qing took the lead to get out of the car. Several people in the car had already known each other in the process. The three were named Yan Le, Lu Wei, and Gu Hui. They were all people who had followed Song Biao, to be precise, they were all special forces!

Five people got out of the car and stood in front, led by Lin Qing and Song Biao, while the other three stood on both sides.


The doors of the number vans were opened one after another, and the number of young people holding a two-foot machete kept coming down. The number was the same as Lin Qing had counted before, a full thirty! Everyone's "color" has a faint "color" of murder, and it seems that they have not done this kind of thing less.

It's just that these people have a small question in their hearts, why these five people dare to come to such a desolate place? Is it true that you don't want to live anymore

You know, if you are lucky in the urban area, you can at least wait for the police to come. Even if you are injured, you can at least save your life. This is why they didn't do it directly before. But now, it's like fish jumping on the chopping board in person!

Both sides walked towards each other gently, and the distance kept getting closer.

Fifty meters... Forty meters... Thirty meters...

"Remember what I just said? Don't leave me within 20 meters of my body!"

Lin Qing said lightly as he walked.

Song Biao and the others responded, and several people quietly clenched their fists, and the battle was on the verge!