The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 77: It rained heavily


In the early morning, the sky was full of lead clouds, and the air was very depressing and dull. From time to time there will be a muffled thunder, and it looks like it seems to be raining.

Lin Qing stood at the door, looked up at the sky, and estimated the chances of it raining.

Sun Aoyun, wearing a loose pink t-shirt, slowed down from the upper floor, walked to the sofa and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, put a pair of people together on the sofa, and said to Lin Qing, "Hey, why are you so concerned about the weather? Isn't it going to go out?"

Lin Qing was still looking at the weather, and nodded after hearing the sound: "Congratulations, you got the right answer, but there is no prize."

"Why go out? See beautiful women?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Sun Aoyun's beautiful eyes, and her pretty face was full of smiles.

Lin Qing rolled his eyes helplessly. Every time Sun Aoyun said this, he felt that the other party was simply a "sexual" girl. "Look at your sister, I'm going to school."

"go to school?"

Sun Aoyun was startled, and said in a puzzled way: "That's right, didn't you say that you could not go before? Why do you want to go again."

Lin Qing shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "Isn't it boring? So I want to go to school to improve the status quo. It is also avoided that the current life is too boring. Besides, it will take more than ten days to school. It’s a holiday. If I don’t make good use of it, it will be a lot of trouble if I think about this opportunity in the future."


Sun Aoyun glanced suspiciously at Lin Qing, "Something is wrong, you must have something to hide from me. You don't really like a certain girl, do you?" After finishing speaking, he gently fell from the sofa to Lin Qing. In front of Lin Qing, the lovely nose pulsed gently, constantly smelling on Lin Qing.

"What are you doing? What are you smelling."

Lin Qing took a small step back, and even subconsciously raised his arms and smelled it. Apart from the smell of bathing'dew', there was only a faint smell of smoke.

Sun Aoyun wrapped her hands in front of the proud chest, and gently rubbed her smooth chin with her right hand. "Confused" said, "No, it's too wrong. With my sense of smell, I can't smell the fragrance of other girls from your body." , Then obviously, either this girl doesn't like to dress up, or this person is not a girl!" After the words fell, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly glared round, and the voice directly increased by dozens of decibels.

"You... You actually played Brokeback?!"

"What the hell?!"

Lin Qing was stunned by Sun Aoyun's high-pitched voice. After reacting, he couldn't help but anger and said, "You broke your back, your whole family broke your back. I rely on, do you think about things like this?! I just went to school, your understand?"

Sun Aoyun smiled heartlessly, "Then you can blame me? If this possibility of "sex" is ruled out, I really can't find a reason for you to go to school."

"Sister, is it possible that all people who go to school want to have a crush? Can't there be people who want to experience life and study hard?"

Lin Qing said helplessly, looking at Sun Aoyun's big eyes that flashed innocent "color", he almost had the urge to strangle him.

"Of course there is, but like you, if there is no other purpose, I don't believe in killing you."

Sun Aoyun curled his lips, turned and sat back on the sofa, and suddenly sighed, "Oh, I can't imagine that I am a big beauty staying at home, and you will still like others. It's a failure, can it be said that my charm is not working? "After speaking, he picked up the collar of the T-shirt and looked inside without any suspicion.

This action immediately made Lin Qing's mouth dry for a while, and he whispered "fairy" in his heart, and quickly took a deep breath to avoid embarrassment. Forcibly calmly said: "Miss, don't guess "randomly", I'm really just going to experience school life. Forget it, I'm lazy to argue with you, believe it or not, Anyway, I believed it."

"Then you go, I don't plan to go out anyway in this weather. Right, are you waiting for me to send you?"

Sun Aoyun blinked and looked at Lin Qing suspiciously.

"Yes, if you don't tell me, I forgot about you as a free driver."

Lin Qing's eyes lit up, and she smiled with her palms: "Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman, and even thought of this. How about? Give me a ride! It's too hot on this road."

"Don't do it, say nothing."

Sun Aoyun curled his lips and turned away, saying very simply. "You go to soak your cuties, and I am a big beauty to give you personally. If people know, won't they all doubt my charm? I don't want to be criticized."

"Send it to me, I promise to have a reward."

Lin Qing chuckled, his tongue quickly "licked" across his lips.


Sun Aoyun directly ignored Lin Qing’s small movements, rested her cheeks with one hand, watched Lin Qing think for a while, suddenly drew a beautiful arc at the corner of her mouth, giggled and said: "But from your body, apart from seeing those Except for fat which is cheaper than pork, I really can't find something from you that can be used as a reward..."


Lin Qing rolled her eyes, smiled suddenly, turned around and sat beside Sun Aoyun, "Tell you a secret, I'm actually still practicing boy skills, should I give you this body? Of course, as a new age Young man, I think I still need to give you another stuff. How about the first kiss? My first kiss is still there."


Sun Aoyun made a long tone, her beautiful eyes filled with contempt, "You lied to the child! You kissed me several times, and I am ashamed to say that it was the first kiss..." Just before the words fell, her pretty face suddenly blushed.

"Uh… "

Lin Qing was also taken aback, originally it was just a joke, but who would have thought that Sun Aoyun would have turned over the'old accounts' without fail, thinking of the previous'intimate contacts'. Lin Qing only felt the blood surging, looking at the salivating red lips in front of him, he swallowed subconsciously.


The quiet hall was completely broken by Lin Qing's drooling voice, and the expressions of the two who reacted were a little embarrassed.

At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere has become weird. It was a bit ambiguous...

"Ah! Well, it's late, I'll go to school first."

Lin Qing stood up and "touched" his nose, trying to break this embarrassing atmosphere as much as possible.

"Uh, uh, I know, I know."

Sun Aoyun nodded in a panic.

Lin Qing didn't say anything anymore, turned and walked out of the door. As soon as he left, a wave of heat hit his face, as if he was in a steamer. The breeze that blows from time to time does not play a role at all.

The sky became darker and the thunder gradually rang. As if the thunder was exploding above the head, it gave people a particularly depressed feeling.

"Don't rain, brother finally studied last time. Give me some face."

Lin Qing murmured in his heart, and speeded up at his feet, but just after turning a few intersections, it was raining like a pouring in the sky. As the heavy rain poured down, it was accompanied by a gust of wind.

In just a few breaths, Lin Qing's whole body was already like a chicken, dripping water all over her body.

"Damn it, it's so damn shameless."

Lin Qing looked annoyed, pointed his right hand to the sky and despised it. At this time, not only Lin Qing, but also the pedestrians on the road cursed again and again. Of course, many of them were wise who brought rain gear in advance.

The smooth road was soon covered by rain, and once he walked over, he was able to flood his feet. Look at the direction of the sewer, and because the water is suddenly too large, there is no way to drain water normally.

"Hey, I still can't learn this."

Lin Qing was depressed for a while. Just about to turn around and leave, a white BMW drove past Lin Qing quickly, and the agitated water splashed Lin Qing who could not dodge it all over his body. The mud and rain are very embarrassing.


Lin Qing yelled angrily and said loudly: "Fuck you, it's great to have a car?!"

To Lin Qing's surprise, the white BMW car returned after driving a certain distance! He pulled over and stopped, and the co-pilot's window opened, revealing a long-lost face.

This person is the first time Lin Qing and Song Biao partnered to successfully blackmail. It is also the current'subsidiary consumer wallet' of Lin Qing's ex-girlfriend, Wang Ge—Wang Chenyu!

When Wang Chenyu saw Lin Qing's face clearly, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his expression became a bit hideous. Angrily cursed: "Fuck, it's your kid!"

"Yo, Brother Wang? It's been a long time."

Lin Qing was in interest, and his mood suddenly improved because of the sudden rainstorm. He smiled heartlessly: "Tsk, how good is Brother Wang? Are you giving money to the younger brother again? To be honest, the younger brother is indeed very tight recently."

After that, he wiped the rain off his face and shook it vigorously. Wang Chenyu, who was unable to avoid it, was thrown with rain, and even the mouth that was about to talk had a lot of rain flying in.


Wang Chenyu spit out the rain in his mouth. Seeing Lin Qing's rehearsal, his heart was even more fierce. "The little bit of a dog day, I swear after last time that if I meet you again, I will definitely crush you. When the words fell, he looked into the car, "Brothers, this kid blackmailed me hundreds of thousands last time. As long as the brothers can help, the money that he gets back from him will go to a few people, why? kind?"

Hearing this, the rear window slowly opened, and a bald young man leaned out of the car and took a look. When Lin Qing was clearly seen, his fierce eyes were full of surprise.

Lin Qing laughed too. This bald young man turned out to be the leader of the group of more than 30 Yunhu Gang who beat him out of the countryside last time. Without waiting for Lin Qing to speak, the bald youth's face changed, and when he retracted his head, he shook the car door up.

"do not,"

Lin Qing stretched out his hand to hold the glass, and smiled at the bald-headed young man who was already distressed: "Brother, don't close the car windows in such a hurry. It's not easy for me to stand outside here on a rainy day? Shall we talk for a while?"