The Ultimate House Guest

Chapter 93: Break through again


Night, dark night, terrible night.

In the wind, there was a strong smell of blood. No one can stand in the courtyard. He Zhaotian looked at the emptiness of the night sky full of horror, his hands tightly covering his chest, blood constantly pouring out.

But he didn't even dare to bandage the wound, just want to make sure that the evil spirit really left.

Time passed slowly, no one continued to be injured, but the depression in the air made anyone feel a sense of suffocation.

He Zhaotian swallowed his saliva. When he just got up and wanted to stand up, a cold voice came from above again.

"Remember, this time I'm just teaching you a lesson, next time, maybe it's your throat."

When the words fell, there was no more sound. Nevertheless, He Zhaotian and the others below dared to stand up from the ground after waiting for half an hour.

This long night was like a demon coming to Lin Qing, facing the cliff of the abyss.

The air became hot and dry, and Lin Qing was gasping for breath, only to feel that his headache was splitting, and his heart was full of irritability. As this irritation gradually rose, Lin Qing felt that he didn't want to stay in this place for a minute.


Lin Qing slammed on the iron gate several times, and shouted, "Is anyone there?! Change the place for Laozi, do you hear me!"

In the empty courtyard, only Lin Qing's irritable voice circulated.

call! call!

Lin Qing breathed, his mood was already irritable, the space was extremely small, even if he hit the door with his fist, it would hardly have any effect. After all, when the arms are crossed, they can almost touch the door.


Lin Qing's eyes were bloodshot, and his hands slapped the iron gate frantically. At this moment, he had fully realized that it was not the subject of arresting himself, that it was the real conspiracy to confine himself to this human being.

In such a dark hut, plus there is no way to see the time. Those who are slightly weak, let alone one day, even one hour can't stand it.

Lin Qing, even a supernatural person, couldn't bear the torture of this environment.

Bang bang bang...

This is the only thing Lin Qing can do, and that is to slap the iron gate in this limited space.

Lin Qing didn't know how long he had been slapping, until his hands were numb by the iron gate, and then temporarily stopped.

"Cloud, tiger, help!"

Lin Qing growled word by word, and a strong murderous intent appeared in his heart.


The black'color' and'hetero-nucleus' in the brain revolved frantically, overflowing with huge spiritual energy that filled every part of the brain.

At the same time, there is the "Xuan "Acupoint" in the body! The Xuan Neng in the Xuan "Acupoint" was like boiling water, tumbling violently.

The'spiritual energy' and the'xuanneng' were madly mixed around Lin Qing's body, constantly rotating. The selection also quickly drove the air in the narrow space around it, and for a while, only the hunting sound of Lin Qing's clothes being rolled up.

Lin Qing seemed to be unaware of these changes, and when his hands were no longer numb, the hands covering the'Xuanneng' began to slap the iron gate again. He wants to break this quiet environment, wants to make his mood no longer irritable.

"The heart is like still water, the water has no trace, the wind is silent..."

The inexplicable words came out again from the bottom of his heart, Lin Qing was slightly surprised, and his eyes gradually became clear. It's just that those vented spiritual energy are not controlled at all. In just a few breaths, Lin Qing's expression fell into a burst of madness again.

"I calm your mother!"


This time, under Lin Qing's deliberate mobilization of spiritual energy and profound energy, the speed of gushing out has doubled. Immediately afterwards, the'spiritual energy' formed the appearance of a snake and drilled in the direction of Xuan's "acupoint", and the'Xuan Neng' also rushed into Lin Qing's brain like a snake.

The two who entered each other's territory appeared in Lin Qing's body at the same time. The mysterious energy that wandered near the'different core' suddenly descended and rushed towards the lowest'Xuan'Acupoint'' in a straight line.

The "spiritual energy" located in the Xuan "Acupoint" is also like an arrow from the string, rushing to the top "heterocore" frantically. The same goes in a straight line!

Two energies of different "sexual" qualities are like two fast trains colliding together in the position of the chest. Afterwards, the two energies were completely integrated, forming a river of energy between the'hetero-nucleus' and the'xuan'acupoint''.


Lin Qing's face changed, and he let out a muffled hum, clearly feeling that the energy in his body seemed to run more smoothly. The body seems to be full of explosive "sex" power.


Lin Qing frowned slightly, and his mind returned to a trace of calm amid the changes. Consciousness quickly sank into the body and checked it roughly, although he was puzzled by the energy flow between the'hetero-nucleus' and the'xuan'acupoint''. But what is even more surprising is that the energy in one's body has reached the Four Profounds for some reason!

"How could this happen? You have reached the Four Profound Realms?"

Lin Qing couldn't help feeling ecstatic, and said inwardly: "It's weird, according to Sun Aoyun, it should be difficult to reach the Four Profounds. Why did I just reach the Three Profounds today, and now I have reached the Four Profounds again? For a long time?"

Rao is Lin Qing's strong logic, but there is no way to figure this out.

But what he didn't know was that the energy he got from the'Sura Wall' last time from Lin Xiaorou might not be able to bear it even if it was a supernatural power at the pinnacle level of the Five Profounds.

Coincidentally, after Lin Xiaorou suppressed his unconsolidated mental energy, she gave him Qibao's Pure Heart Jade Pei. Only then was the huge energy that came inexplicably sealed in Lin Qing's body.

If Lin Qing advances to the Five Profound Unconsciously and then removes the'Jingxin Jade Pendant', then naturally nothing will happen. But Lu Ke appeared in the middle. After Lin Qing gave the jade pendant to her, the huge energy hidden in the body was like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control.

Therefore, Lin Qing directly advanced to Sanxuan on the road. If it weren't for the inexplicable sound, I believe Lin Qing is still standing by the road. At that moment, the huge energy forced Lin Qing to advance, but it was also stable.

And at this moment, when Lin Qing's mood was almost out of control, the'spiritual energy' and the'xuanneng' were also frantically'chaotic', and naturally, the energy hidden in Lin Qing's body also rioted again. This change made Lin Qing step up to a peak that many abilities could not climb in a short period of time.

Four Profound Ability!

If above the Five Profounds is a top expert, then Lin Qing is already a real expert. Coupled with his mysterious power'illusion', I believe that under the Five Profounds, almost no one can confront him head-on.

"The energies are all fused with each other, don't you know how my abilities have changed?"

Lin Qing temporarily forgot where he was, thinking about this issue carefully. Afterwards, a spirit energy of Ruoyouruowu quietly covered and covered the distance.

"What?! Forty meters?"

Lin Qing's eyes were full of surprise, and what made him strange was that wherever the spiritual energy touched, a pictographic scene could be formed in his mind. It's as if mental energy is one's own eyes, but these things are all black and white "color", to be exact, just some fuzzy images.

But even so, it made Lin Qing ecstatic. Taking oneself as the point, the ten-meter square garden on Thursdays, you don't need to look at it seriously, you can completely control everything.

I thought that recently because of my lack of strength, I didn't dare to directly unlock the secret Murong Fuying had brought to me. But now it seems that God really cares for himself.

"It's just that, what about my current attack power?"

A sharp glow flashed in Lin Qing's eyes, and the dazzling black energy shrouded once again on his right palm. Afterwards, he took a lot of shots.


The sturdy iron gate was immediately sunken by the shot, and Lin Qing's right hand was sunk in by a moment's carelessness.


Lin Qing snorted coldly, already somewhat aware of the strength of the iron gate. At the moment, he raised his knees and slammed into it without any consideration.


Under this powerful impact, the iron gate suddenly deformed. Lin Qing bumped again several times, and the iron gate shook suddenly.


Lin Qing was overjoyed. He would rather double the compensation for this door, but he was not willing to stay in this "little black house" for an extra second.

No, this is a little black house!

Lin Qing said conclusively in his heart.


Under Lin Qing's strong accumulation of strength, the iron gate directly flew out and fell to the ground.

Sure enough, as Lin Qing had imagined, there was no one in the entire Public Security Bureau.

At night, it's as dark as ink.

Lin Qing took a deep breath, feeling the infinite freshness of the outside air, and felt that it was a very happy thing to be able to breathe freely.

"Cloud Tiger Gang! I will let all of you have a happy night today."

Lin Qing's eyes suddenly became cold. He wanted to stay in the police station overnight. Then, through Liang Yufei's strength, pressured the Yunhu Gang to let them beg to let themselves out. Just being closed by this'little black room' for a few hours has already raised Lin Qing's anger to the top.

Stepping out of the Public Security Bureau, Lin Qing found that there were very few people on the street. He roughly judged the time and it should be around ten or eleven.

Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief, the'Dry Heaven Expansion' was transported, and the whole person was like a vigorous civet cat constantly shuttled under the night sky.

Target—The location of the Yunhu Gang.