The Ultimate Mad Emperor

Chapter 126: Born to be supernatural


The cultivation bases of these twenty-odd people have all stepped into the realm of the spirit general, the highest being the dual spirit general, and it is also powerless to pick and stand on a huge stone weighing 70,000 catties.

"Hmph, overwhelmingly!"

"The little spiritual soldier in the spiritual state dared to challenge the 70,000 catty boulder. Isn't this self-infuriating?"

Now, Lei Xing challenged the giant boulders weighing 70,000 catties with the seven-fold cultivation base of the Spirit Soldier Realm, which deeply stimulated them.

Since Lei Xing did not deliberately hide his cultivation base now, the brawny in blue and others could easily detect that Lei Xing's true cultivation base was only the Seventh Spirit Soldier.

"Are you sure, you are going to challenge the 70,000 catty boulder?" The blue-clothed burly man walked over, looked at Lei Xing faintly, and asked aloud.

"Teacher, this doesn't violate the rules, right?"

Lei Xing nodded, then asked.

"Of course, anyone who comes to participate in the assessment can try, as long as you can lift it up!"

The brawny man in blue was actually not optimistic about Lei Xing in his heart, and Qizhong Lingbing wanted to lift a boulder weighing 70,000 jin, unless it was the kind of evildoer that was against the sky.

"Well, I'm going to challenge this 70,000 catty boulder."

Lei Xing smiled, bent down, opened his arms, grabbed the two ends of the boulder, and began to try to lift the 70,000 jin boulder.

Is it a genius evildoer, or is it sensational

Almost everyone, including the assessment teacher, the brawny man in blue, had their eyes fixed on Lei Xing.

But only one person is full of confidence in Lei Xing, and that is Xiong Aniu, who has not yet played for the assessment.

Xiong Aniu remembered that on the day when he was in the restaurant, Lei Xing exploded with his power and punched the scene of the son of the brother Wan Hao, who was the master of Fei Ling.

Witnessing the power of Lei Xing's fist, Xiong Aniu was more in agreement with Lei Xing's challenge of lifting 70,000 catties of boulders.

"Haha, just say this kid can't do it?"

"Yeah, the kid in the spirit soldier realm, wanting to lift a boulder in 70,000 catties, it is just wishful thinking!"

"Hmph, take the humiliation, deserve it!"

Lei Xing hadn't moved, and the 70,000 catties-heavy boulder hadn't moved at all, and the people watching began to sneer again.

With all kinds of ridicule and ridicule, Lei Xing raised his head, with a pair of dark eyes as bright as stars, and a funny smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He shouted: "For me!"

The 70,000 jin boulder was lifted from the ground and gradually lifted by Lei Xing.

"How can this be?"

"He is a monster!"

"Nima's, are Lao Tzu's eyes bleed!"

A pair of shocked eyes cast towards the center of the field, and a black robe-clad Lei Xing stood there holding a huge stone weighing 70,000 jin.

"Teacher, did I pass?"

Lei Xing's arms were holding the boulder, his expression relaxed, his eyes looked at the blue-clothed man on the side, and he asked.

"Uh, it's okay."

The mind of the brawny man in blue was also shaken by the scene of Lei Xing lifting up 70,000 catties of boulders. It was not until Lei Xing's voice came that he recovered and nodded embarrassingly.


Lei Xing dropped the boulder in his hand and clapped his hands.

"What's your name?"

The brawny man in blue looked at Lei Xing, his gaze was full of admiration, his attitude changed, and he asked.

"Lei Xing!"

After Lei Xing said his name, he turned around to meet Xiong Aniu who was walking by.

"Brother Lei Xing, I know you can do it."

A happy smile appeared on Xiong Aniu's dark face, gave Lei Xing a thumbs up, and said with a split mouth smile.

"Hehe, Aniu, it's your turn, come on!"

After successfully passing this test, Lei Xing was happy, and in the face of Xiong Aniu's congratulations, he did not forget to cheer for him.


With a smirk, Xiong Aniu came to the assessment site and looked at a huge boulder of different weights in front of him.

Xiong Aniu walked by the huge boulders, weighing 30,000 catties, 60,000 catties, and 70,000 catties... and finally stopped on the 80,000 catties boulder.

"Aniu wants to challenge this 80,000 catty boulder, right?"

Lei Xing's gaze stayed on Xiong Aniu's body, seeing him walking by the huge boulders, and vaguely guessed his thoughts in his heart.

"Nima's, isn't this stupid big guy wanting to challenge an 80,000 catty boulder?"

"Damn, I just met an evildoer, and now there's another freak. Doesn't this make people live?"


Xiong Aniu challenged the 80,000 jin of huge boulder, and the other monks watching suddenly exploded the pot.

Even the brawny man in blue, the test teacher of this level, showed a look of surprise on his face, holding his breath, eagerly waiting for Xiong Aniu to make a miracle.


Xiong Aniu's strong arms bulged up, and blue veins bounced up on the surface of his body, and the huge boulders weighing 80,000 jin slowly separated from the ground.


Xiong Aniu's complexion was twisted, his arms trembling slightly while holding a huge boulder of 80,000 jin, his arms rose, and the boulder was slowly lifted to the top of his head.

"Really a freak again!"

"Is that human being?"

"This is a bull."

Xiong Aniu lifted a huge boulder weighing 80,000 jin, and a group of people under the court were silent, with their mouths wide open, enough to swallow a whole egg.

Seeing the scene where Xiong Aniu was holding a huge boulder of 80,000 jin, Lei Xing was shocked and lost in his eyes.

When Lei Xing met Xiong Aniu for the first time in a restaurant, he discovered that his physical development was different from that of ordinary people.

But even if Xiong Aniu has a burly figure that is beyond ordinary people, Lei Xing did not expect such a terrifying physical power to be hidden under his simple and simple skin.

At Xiong Aniu's age, the power of the physical body could reach such a level, Lei Xing thought there was only one possibility, and that was innate divine power.

"Hehe, if Xiong Aniu continues to develop in this way, his future achievements will definitely not be low."

The kind relationship that Lei Xing accidentally forged, but in exchange for the favor of such a freak with huge potential, there may be unexpected gains in the future.


The ground vibrated, Xiong Aniu put down the huge stone in his hand, grinned with a white front tooth, and asked stupidly: "Teacher, have I passed the level?"

The brawny man in blue was first startled by the scene where Lei Xing lifted up 70,000 catties of huge boulders. At this moment, Xiong Aniu came out again, and his mind has not been relieved.

Xiong Aniu asked three questions in succession, and the strong man in blue just woke up like a dream. He looked up and down Xiong Aniu and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you teacher!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Xiong Aniu smiled like a chrysanthemum, walked off the field, and went straight to Lei Xing.

"Aniu, you can do it, hide it deeply."

With a heart-felt smile on Lei Xing's face, he raised his hand and hammered the acquainted chest of Xiong Xiong Aniu, and smiled.

"Hehe, you too!"

Xiong Aniu was a little embarrassed, scratching his messy hair, and said honestly.

"Now it's all right, we are both cleared, and then we have company."

Lei Xing sent an invitation.