The Ultimate Mad Emperor

Chapter 58: Second floor


Wang Hong and the seven leaders looked at the streamer arrow that was shooting at extremely fast speed, and they all showed amazement, their bodies dodge, avoiding the streamer arrow that was flying in the sky.

The broken spirit child is a sharp weapon produced by the imperial military. It is usually equipped in the army and is equipped with a streamer made by a refiner to shoot and kill spirit soldiers in the enemy's army.

The Po Lingzi is expensive to build, especially the Streaming Arrow, which is made from the mysterious iron and the spiritual core of the spirit beast, and it is more than ten thousand gold coins.

Po Lingzi is known for its fierce children. When launching, it can eject dozens of streamer arrows every second, and the speed is extremely fast, supplemented by the amazing penetrating streamer arrows, it is difficult for ordinary spiritualists below the spirit level to avoid. .

Generally speaking, the major empires have extremely strict controls on Po Ling's children, but they are still available on the black market, but they are scary and expensive.

At this moment, the more than eighty spiritual men living in the black castle never expected that the wicked Po Ling Xiao would actually appear in front of them.


"Oh my god, this is Po Ling Young!"

"His uncle's Hunter Guild, isn't this sending us to death?"

More than 80 spiritualists turned pale with fright, and immediately turned into birds scattered, and retreated toward the original road, but they still couldn't escape Po Lingxi's attack range.

call out! call out. . !

The sound of Po Lingzi ejecting Liu Guangya sounded endlessly, and the densely packed Liu Guangya took off its long tail, and overwhelmingly enveloped more than 80 spiritual warriors.

Pouch! Pouch. . !

The sound of the streamer beam penetrating the flesh and blood sounded one after another, and with a heart-piercing scream, more than 80 spiritual men fell like pieces of wheat.

Lei Xing is relatively close to the entrance to the second floor, relatively speaking, there are relatively few streamers. Every time a streamer comes, it is knocked to the ground by Leixing's fist.

In just a few breaths, the screams stopped abruptly, and Lei Xing, who had escaped a catastrophe, stood up and stared.

I saw that the space in front of the passageway was full of the corpses of spiritual men lying on the ground. The more than 80 spiritual men who had walked out of the first maze of the black castle before were attacked by the smashing crossbow projectile. Only a dozen of them survived.

These more than a dozen spiritual men are all in the nine-tiered cultivation base of Lingbing, and among them, the seven most powerful leaders from the seven first-level main cities are listed.

Among the remaining eight spirit soldiers with nine layers of spirit soldiers, what surprised Lei Xing most was that Black Rose also showed good strength, and lived to the end under the sky.

"Time is running out, it's time to go to the second floor!"

Lei Xing estimated that there was not much time left for the hunter's assessment, and finally glanced at the black rose in a tight leather skirt, and immediately unfolded, and flew towards the passageway to the second floor on the side.

"Wang Hong, that kid has escaped, shall we quickly catch up?"

The bald guy and Lei Xing had an insoluble hatred. Naturally, Lei Xing's actions were always concerned. Seeing Lei Xing's figure disappear in the passageway, he immediately walked to Wang Hong's side and asked anxiously.

"Humph! If it didn't happen to have a streamer, how could that kid escape!"

Wang Hong threw aside the corpse of a spiritualist that was used as a shield in front of him, stood up, glanced at the bald man coldly, and said coldly.

"Let's hurry to the second floor. If that kid kills Zhou Bao first, we will really fall short!"

Hou Qiang came over, raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, reminding him.

"Well, let's go!"

Wang Hong stuck two long knives on his back, stepped forward, and walked quickly toward the entrance of the passage. The remaining spiritual men did not dare to stay here, and immediately moved their bodies and followed Wang Hong closely. Stepped into the passage.

In the entrance to the second floor, the light was dim. As soon as Lei Xing stepped into it, he immediately slowed down, thinking that the scene where the arrows were all fired just now still has lingering fears, for fear of encountering the broken spirit crossbow again in this narrow passage. And there is nowhere to hide.

The passage is deep and deep, and a series of stone steps are faintly visible. Lei Xing picks up the steps and opens up his spiritual consciousness along the way, sensing the movement within a few feet of the front and back.

Fortunately, there was nothing to do all the way. After about a quarter of an hour walk, Lei Xing raised his head and noticed the light ahead, his complexion was happy, and the steps under his feet could not help speeding up a bit, and walked towards the meteor in large strides.

call! Lei Xing walked out of the passage, and finally let go of his hanging heart. After a long sigh of relief, a pungent bloody smell came out.

He squinted slightly to adapt to the light in the second floor of the black castle, and immediately began to look around.

"A lot of bones!"

The second floor of the black castle does not have the maze of the first floor. The area is very large, like an empty large square. There are many white bones scattered on the ground, which makes people feel chills.

"what is that?"

Lei Xing's gaze scanning around finally stopped at the center of the square, and his complexion changed in an instant.

Looking along Lei Xing's gaze, I saw a square pool in the center of the square.

The pool is about three feet long and three feet wide, and it is not water, but scarlet blood.

With such a full of blood, it is hard to imagine how many creatures' blood must be hunted to fill this pool of blood.

The cold wind blew from nowhere, rippling the blood in the blood pool, and a pungent smell of blood permeated the entire square.

What made Lei Xing feel that his scalp was upset most was that a circular altar was built in the center of the blood pond, on which a figure was sitting, eyes closed, as if practicing silently.

The figure is a man, with white clothes and white hair, and a handsome face with a somewhat strange appearance. His white skin is not even bloody, and his lips are bright red as if he is wearing lipstick. Looking at his overall appearance, he is no different from the legendary ghost.

"He is Zhou Bao!"

Lei Xing's eyes were round, and he carefully looked at the face of the white figure on the altar. The more he looked, the more it looked like it was shown by the middle-aged man wearing the silver hunter badge on the hunter guild’s flying boat before. Portrait of Zhou Leopard.

"Nima's, is the leopard a human or a ghost this week?"

Zhou Leopard was in white clothes and white hair, sitting cross-legged on the altar in the center of the blood pond, and accompanied by the numerous bones scattered around the blood pond, Lei Xing's heart was chilled as he watched.

"Hurry up! There is a light ahead, it must be an exit!"

At this moment, a faint voice came from the passage behind Lei Xing, and he was immediately alert, thinking of Wang Hong and others in his heart.

"It's better to take advantage of the fisherman's profit!"

Lei Xing's thoughts turned sharply, and the seven leaders including Wang Hong coveted the moon-level spiritual skills that Lei Xing mastered. If they meet again, it will surely set off a life and death battle.

However, Zhou Leopard looked too weird, and his strength was even more unknown. Lei Xing did not want to stun the snake. Instead, he would hide in the dark and watch the battle between Wang Hong and others and Zhou Bao.

Thinking of this, Lei Xing looked around with his eyes, and finally chose a dark and remote corner as a place to hide his figure.