The Ultimate Mad Emperor

Chapter 59: Blood pool


Immediately afterwards, he held his breath and concentrated his mind, the cultivation technique of the Breath-trapping technique in his body was hidden in the dark corner of the square, eagerly looking forward to the next battle.

After a while, in the passageway of the second floor, the fifteen surviving spirit soldiers of Wang Hong and other nine-layer spirit soldiers filed out from it.

Like Lei Xing, Wang Hong and others first looked at the environment of the second floor of the Black Castle, and then they noticed the blood pond in the center of the square and Zhou Leopard on the altar.

"The man in white clothes and white hair is the Zhou Leopard we are looking for!"

The eyes of Wang Hong and others were all fixed on Zhou Bao's body, and the same thoughts came up in their minds unanimously.

"Wang Hong, that kid is one step ahead of us, but we are here without seeing him?"

The bald guy hated Lei Xing. He wanted to kill him early and then quickly. He didn't just step into the second floor of the black castle, he searched for Lei Xing's traces everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the bald guy's gaze swept across the second floor, but still nothing, he walked to Wang Hong's side and said.

"Don't worry, that kid is just a beaming clown, it shouldn't be a worry. The immediate task is to kill Zhou Bao first and complete the task of hunter assessment!" Wang Hong said with a calm expression.

"Wang Hong, Zhou Leopard has only one, that is to say, there are only five tokens completed by the hunter, and we have 15 people. How should we distribute it?"

After feeling around the square for a while, Hou Qiang brought the two remaining spiritual warriors of the Ninth-level Spirit Soldier Stage of Mu Shui City to come over, fixed his eyes on Wang Hong's face, and asked with a serious expression.

As Hou Qiang's voice fell, the eyes of the remaining thirteen spiritual men stayed on Wang Hong's body, waiting for his answer.

In the seven first-level capital cities, more than 800 spiritualists joined in the task of killing Zhou Bao, the owner of the black castle, but only a dozen spiritualists could stand safely here.

After life and death, it was hard to see Zhou Leopard, the owner of the Black Castle, right in front of them. Of course, they were most concerned about the distribution of benefits after killing Zhou Leopard.

Wang Hong is a master who has been on the Qianlong Empire's list, and his strength is undoubtedly the most powerful among the fifteen spiritual men.

The Xuantian Continent respects the strong. Although Hou Qiang was the leader of the Hunter's assessment of Mu Shui City, he was much worse than Wang Hong's.

Therefore, Hou Qiang expressed everyone’s aspirations and sought the opinions of Wang Hong.

"Hehe, let's kill Zhou Leopard first, and then we will fight for Zhou Leopard's head or limbs by our own ability!" Wang Hong heard this, facing everyone's gaze, his face was very calm, and said with a smile; "So everyone has no objection. Bar?"

"Okay! I hope you can speak up!"

Hou Qiang thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement, and then the rest of the spiritualists nodded one after another, saying nothing about what Wang Hong said.

"Let's go, follow me and kill Zhou Leopard first!"

Wang Hong turned his head and looked at Zhou Leopard sitting on the altar from a distance. His figure moved and ran towards the direction of the blood pond.

Under Wang Hong's leadership, the remaining fourteen spiritual men unfolded their body skills one after another and followed Wang Hong.

"It's not normal. It's impossible for Zhou Bao to not know that we're here, but can sit there quietly without any reaction at all!"

Lei Xing hid in the corner, slightly raised his head, looking at the figure of Wang Hong and others in front of the blood pool gradually, but Zhou Leopard on the altar was motionless like a wooden sculpture, suspicious in his heart.

"Jie Jie...! Welcome to the Black Castle!"

Just as Lei Xing was immersed in his thoughts, a sharp voice sounded like a night owl's screaming from the front, resounding mightily in the entire second layer of the black castle.

Immediately afterwards, on the altar, Zhou Leopard in white clothes and white hair suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of blood-colored eyes emitting a scarlet light, and his eyes coldly looked at Wang Hong and the others.

"Zhou Leopard, you have lost all your conscience, and you slaughtered the blood of mortals for cultivation, so you should be punished!"

A few steps away from the blood pond, Wang Hong stopped his advancement, raised the big knife in his hand, pointed at Zhou Leopard in the air, and questioned loudly.

"Jiejie, mortals are as humble as ants in the eyes of this seat, not to mention that they can be used for this seat's cultivation, it is their blessing!"

Zhou Leopard’s somewhat penetrating face remained unmoved, his eyes swept over Wang Hong and other fifteen people, and said with a sneer; “The Hunter’s Guild, just send you shrimp soldiers and crabs to take the head of this seat. It is wishful thinking!"

--"Kill you, we are enough!"

Wang Hong's face was solemn, a confident look appeared on his face, and he also sneered at Zhou Bao.

"Jie Jie, those who are overpowered, this seat will make you puppets one by one!"

Zhou Bao stood up slowly, a terrifying pressure exuding from his thin body.

This pressure is like a mountain, covering the entire second layer of the black castle, and even the air is condensing.

"A strong man in the realm of spirits!!"

Lei Xing felt this majestic coercion, and his complexion suddenly became dignified, because he had experienced this coercion in Duan Yuan, who was also a powerful spirit general.

"Nima's Hunter's Guild, it's too bad!"

Only the Bronze-level hunter assessment task, its difficulty has reached the level of killing a spiritual warrior.

Lei Xing's cultivation base is in the fourth level of the spirit soldier, and it is as difficult as reaching the sky to kill Zhou Leopard, who wants to kill the spirit level cultivation base.

What's more, Lei Xing didn't feel that Zhou Bao's cultivation base was first, second, or higher in spirit.

Although there is only one level difference between the spiritual warrior of the Ninth Level of the Spirit Soldier Realm and the Spirit General Realm, the difference in strength is like a chasm.

Generally speaking, a strong person of the first level of the spiritual warrior can deal with dozens of spiritual warriors of the ninth level of the spiritual war at the same time.

"Now, do you see the real strength of Wang Hong, who has been on the top of the rankings?"

Before, in the forest outside the black castle, I guessed that Zhou Leopard's cultivation might step into the spirit state again. Now that the prediction came true, Lei Xing's face was a bit ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking when he lowered his head.

"The coercion of the spiritual warrior!"

Standing not far from the blood pool, Wang Hong and other fifteen spiritual men, felt the terrifying pressure emanating from Zhou Bao's body, and their expressions changed wildly.

"Wang Hong, Zhou Leopard is actually a strong person in the spiritual realm cultivation base, what should we do?"

Hou Qiang's expression was extremely solemn, he turned his head and asked Wang Hong's way.

"At this time, don't you want to run away?"

Wang Hong’s eyes were like torches, and he saw the retreat of Hou Qiang and others’ faces one by one. He immediately looked a little ugly and said with a sneer; Leopards defeated each one!"

"Wang Hong, you have defeated a spiritual warrior in the general realm, how confident are you now facing Zhou Bao?"

Wang Hong once became famous for defeating the spiritual warriors of the Lingjiang Realm, and his strength has naturally become the hope of Hou Qiang and others.

"If you work together to help me, I am 60% sure to kill him!