The Ultimate Mad Emperor

Chapter 97: Earth blizzard


As night fell, a waning moon hung over the sky, and the moonlight was cold and scattered all over the world.

In the dense forests in the central area of Sin Land, towering trees of thousands of years can be seen everywhere.

A big tree large enough to be surrounded by more than a dozen people, the trunk has been eroded by the years, leaving a huge tree hole.

The thick and thin vines entwined around the opening of the cave, together with some dense shrubs, formed a natural barrier, which perfectly covered the opening of the tree.

In the tree hole at this time, Lei Xing in a black robe sat cross-legged, spreading his hands on his legs, his eyes closed, and he was practicing silently.

The cold moonlight sprinkled in the tree hole through the gaps between the vines, saixue shuangshuang.

After about an hour, Lei Xing opened his eyes in vain, turned his head, looked at the dark night outside the tree hole, and said in surprise: "Why did they follow?"

As Lei Xing concentrated on his cultivation, the spiritual sense he released out sensed two familiar figures.

"Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong!"

Lei Xing whispered, thinking of Qiu Xiao's unkind gaze when he looked at him many times when he was on the flying boat, and he vaguely understood that they were coming for him.

However, what makes Lei Xing a little strange is that the land of evil is so big, how could Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong know exactly where and where he was going.

"Go first!"

Zhao Chong only had the cultivation base of the ninth level of the Ling Soldier Realm, and Lei Xing was naturally not afraid. His only fear was Qiu Xiao as a silver-level hunter.

With his current strength, facing the monks of the first and second layers of the realm, he still has the power to fight.

If the odds of winning against Qiu Xiao are not more than two points, this kind of head-on approach is really unwise.

Lei Xing thought about it, and while Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong were not yet close, it was better to avoid them temporarily.

After making up his mind, Lei Xing got up, his figure flickered, and flew out of the tree hole.

After a while, his figure disappeared into the boundless night.

At the same time, not far from the tree hole that Lei Xing had previously hidden, Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong were moving fast here.

"No, that kid wants to escape!"

Qiu Xiao's spiritual consciousness spread out, and he sensed Lei Xing leaving the tree hole, and his face changed slightly. He turned his head and said to Zhao Chong behind him: "The third brother, that kid found us!"

"Brother, what should I do?"

When Zhao Chong heard this, his face suddenly became anxious, and the cooked duck flew away, making him anxious.

"Catch up with all your strength! Never let that kid run away!"

After Qiu Xiao finished speaking, aura rushed out of his whole body, and the wind was blowing under his feet, turning into afterimages, chasing in the direction where Lei Xing fled.

Zhao Chong's high-level spiritual skills in Lei Xing's body are no longer reserved, and his figure flickers, closely following the Qiu laugh in front of him.

In this way, Lei Xing flew desperately, Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong chased after him, and the whole night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting bright, and thick fog rose in the forest.

On a big green tree, Lei Xing hides on the branches, concealing his figure with the help of lush branches and leaves on the tree.

"Nima's, I ran all night, I'm exhausted!"

Lei Xing was panting tired, and his mind was tired.

Last night, in order to avoid Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong, they didn't stop for a moment at all, they ran without direction, and their spirits were always in a state of high tension.

"How can they know my location so clearly?"

Lei Xing was wiping his sweat while thinking about the situation last night, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Last night, no matter which direction Lei Xing fled, Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong were like maggots with bones, and they could always find him.

"Could it be that you moved your hands and feet on me?"

Lei Xing thought about it for a while, then took off his clothes one by one, and began to check it carefully.


Lei Xing was naked, checking several pieces of clothes over and over, and finally found a needle in the collar of the robe.

This needle is only the thickness of the hair, about five inches long, and the whole body is silvery. Perhaps because of its small size, this silver needle is extremely difficult to find.

"Could it be that he pointed out the direction for Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong?"

Lei Xing raised the silver needle in his hand and looked at it, with a grin at the corners of his mouth and a smirk on his face.

Lei Xing jumped off the branches and searched around in the forest, and finally fixed his gaze on a huge spirit beast.

This dense forest has a huge area, and there are more or less ferocious spirit beasts living in it.

When Lei Xing was flying through the dense forest last night, he sensed dozens of horrible spirit beasts along the way.

The one in front of Lei Xing's eyes was several feet tall, with brown hair and a hideous face. The breath radiating from the whole body faintly reached the cultivation level of the realm, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Bear Earth!"

Lei Xing used his breath-trapping technique to hide his breath, hiding behind a tall tree, and staring at the violent bear on the ground like a hill.

The Grim Bear of the Earth is a high-ranking spirit beast of the Earth Element. It is known as the darling of the earth. It possesses a terrifying power, which makes ordinary spirits talk about it.

"Hey, that's it!"

With a smirk on the corner of Lei Xing's mouth, he looked at the huge body of the earth bear, raised the silver needle in his hand, and waved it vigorously.

The silver needle turned into a faint streamer, and it was inserted into the flesh and blood on its back in an instant when the terrestrial blizzard was moving its body.

The terrestrial bear has thick skin and thick flesh, and the penetration of the silver needle was not noticed, and he continued to step on his big feet, looking for delicious prey.

"Qiu Xiao, Zhao Chong, see if Lao Tzu's Yin is not dead to you!"

Lei Xing watched the wild bear walk away, walked out from behind the big tree, looked back at the dense forest behind him, and smiled triumphantly.

After that, Lei Xing stood tall and swept away in the direction opposite to the direction where the violent bear left.

Not long after Lei Xing ran, he only heard the roar of the violent bear on the ground, which moved everywhere, rolling and echoing in the forest.

The violent earth bear is the absolute overlord in this dense forest, and its roar can be described as earth-shattering.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the beasts sounded one after another in the dense forest. The many spirit beasts living in it were frightened and fled in a hurry, and the large trees were knocked to the ground.

"Hey, this is enough for Qiu Xiao and Zhao Chong!"

The roar of the terrible bear came, Lei Xing stopped, looked back at the direction of the sound source, and muttered to himself gleefully.

"You guys enjoy it, I won't accompany you!"

Lei Xing gave a silent mourning for Zhao Chong and Qiu Xiao, and then turned and left.

The dense forest was vast, Lei Xing threw off the two trailing flies, and was in a good mood. Walking in the forest, his feet made a crackling noise on the dead branches.

After moving forward for about an hour, Lei Xing faintly heard the sound of water coming from the left direction.

Lei Xing was curious, and followed the direction of the sound of water. After a while, he came to a place where birds and flowers fragrant.