The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 124: Black Hawk


Just when Li Yankankan was approaching the top of Nanga Bawa Peak, a sharp eagle sounded from the top of the peak in vain!

This sound of eagles resounded throughout the entire Nanga Bawa Peak. Under the vibration of this sound of eagles, the quiet snow on Nanga Bawa was about to move again!

And it can be seen that the momentum of this avalanche is far more violent than the previous one.

"Well, you beast!" Li Yan's face turned gloomy when he saw it. When the snow on the top of the peak was about to wash down, Li Yan walked through the heavy snowy fog and poured the strength of his feet into his body, stepping on a rock, and then Rushed to the flat part of the peak.

At the same time, the rock that Li Yan had just stepped on was shattered into powder, and swept together with the snow wolf rolling downwards. Not long after, Nanga Bawa Peak trembled. In the tremor of the mountain, counted. The endless creatures wailed.

Li Yan put Liu Hong and Cui Yingmin down.

Li Yan noticed a huge black eagle hovering in the sky.

While Li Yan was paying attention to it, the black eagle was also watching him.

The sharp gaze of the black eagle looked down at Li Yan through the clouds. Its eyes were with disdain for humans and the pride of flying in the sky, and it kept making sharp calls, seeming to be warning Li Yan and his teammates.

"Iron-winged eagle." When Li Yan saw the black eagle, he couldn't help but say its name.

"Unexpectedly, there are birds such as iron-winged eagles on the earth. This iron-winged eagle is almost reaching adulthood, and it should have reached the realm of Great Perfection in the Bigu period." Li Yan muttered to the black eagle.

Cui Ying behind him didn't care what Li Yan said. She quickly moved her hands and feet, and then pulled out the two Nepalese sabers from her waist. Cui Yingmin carefully looked at the iron wing hovering in the sky. Eagle, as long as the iron-winged eagle dared to dive down, Cui Yingmin would use double knives to assist Li Yan to collapse the iron-winged eagle.

The temperature at the top of the peak has reached the critical point that the human body can withstand, and Liu Hong's body fever has reached the level of coma.

With Cui Yingmin protecting him, Li Yan quickly leaned over and took out the two pistols and 30 bullets from Liu Hong.

Facing this iron-winged eagle, Li Yan didn't dare to be negligent.

The iron-winged eagle was relatively common in the Hongmeng Continent before Li Yan was reborn.

However, adult iron-winged eagles generally have the strength of the foundation-building cultivators, and often human monks of the same level, if they encounter iron-winged eagles, most of the final outcome is defeat.

Although the iron-winged eagle in front of him is not yet an adult, the sense of danger it brings to Li Yan is not weak.

Li Yan’s stamina is now less than 60%. Liu Hong has a fever and is in a coma. As a field team member, Cui Yingmin is agile on land, but on the Nanga Bawa Peak, which is more than 7,000 meters above sea level, it’s extremely cold. Under the low temperature, Cui Yingmin's physical flexibility is greatly restricted, and his combat power is even negligible.

Li Yan's face sank like water.

The plan could not keep up with the changes. Originally, Li Yan estimated that if he followed the plan designed by Cui Yingmin, he would be close to the main station, assisted by Cui Yingmin, and Liu Hong would attack from a distance. There is still the possibility of winning this battle.

But now, Liu Hong is in a coma, and Cui Yingmin and himself have little energy left in their bodies. Wanting to win this battle is like a dream.

Li Yan turned his gaze to the cave where the rumored strange flower was located.

After taking a few deep breaths, Li Yan suppressed the fighting spirit and blood that was boiling in his body.

Then Li Yan actually said something to Cui Yingmin that made Cui Yingmin speechless: "Go, let's retreat."

"What? Retreat?" Cui Yingmin held back the low temperature and asked, "Why retreat?"

"We can't beat this eagle!" After Li Yan finished speaking, he was about to force Liu Hong and Cui Yingmin to go.

But at this moment, the underage iron-winged eagle suddenly swooped down towards where Li Yan and Cui Yingmin were.

The iron-winged eagle flashed its wings, and the speed of the dive was unimaginable.

When it hovered high in the sky, it looked no more than the size of a beetle, but it was just a few flashes, and the distance of kilometers was swept away.

"Run!" Li Yan shouted and gave Cui Yingmin abruptly.

Before Cui Yingmin could react, he was pushed three or four meters away by Li Yan.

Cui Yingmin moved his cold tongue, and was about to open his mouth to ask Li Yan why he would not let himself participate in the battle, but Cui Yingmin was completely stunned in the next scene!


Within the bounds of Zhang Xu, the heavy snow actually rushed up!

The black eagle dived so fast that Cui Yingmin just felt that a black eagle flashed in front of him, without seeing clearly what it was.

As the white mist filled, Cui Yingmin hurriedly got up to see Li Yan's situation clearly.

But she hadn't approached yet, and the sharp and ear-piercing eagles rang again!

The strong wind urged the snowflakes dancing in the air, making Cui Yingmin unable to open his eyes. At the same time, Li Yan had already fought the iron-winged eagle several times!

Bang bang bang!

The speed at which the iron-winged eagle swooped just now was too amazing, and even Li Yan's physical fitness had no time to dodge it.

Li Yan poured all his spiritual power into his arms and barely blocked the black eagle's dive.

But as soon as Li Yan stood up and threw his arms in pain, the iron-winged eagle attacked Li Yan.

The iron-winged eagle has slightly opened up its spiritual wisdom, and the weak spiritual pressure on Li Yan's body makes the iron-winged eagle feel clear.

In its eyes, Liu Hong lying on the ground and Cui Yingmin holding double knives are no different from the dead. As long as Li Yan is killed, the two will naturally have meat in the mouth and Chinese food on the plate.

Forcibly resisting the severe pain in his arms, Li Yan immediately loaded the bullet. In the muzzle of the double gun that he took out of Liu Hong's body, the bullet rubbed sparks and hit the iron-winged eagle's wing.

Li Yan asked himself that his body was strong, and he hadn't practiced enough to stop ordinary bullets.

But the strong crossing of that iron-winged eagle was beyond Li Yan's imagination.

In just a few seconds, Li Yan aimed at the black eagle's abdomen and fired three shots, but was always avoided by the black eagle at an extremely fast speed. The bullets only hit the black eagle's wings.

Two of the shots only shot off the iron-winged eagle's feathers, and the last shot finally hit the iron-winged eagle's wings sturdily, but the body of this strange bird was so powerful that it was hit by a bullet. It turned out to be a painful cry, and then continued to attack Li Yan as if he was okay.

The sharp claws of the iron-winged eagle madly grabbed at Li Yan's body.

Cold sweat was already oozing out of Li Yan's forehead, but the sweat immediately condensed into ice beads at the extremely low temperature.

Looking at the sharp claws of the iron-winged eagle, Li Yan knew that even if it was himself, as long as he touched it, he would not hesitate to grab such a large piece of meat from the iron-winged eagle.

In the face of such a tyrannical bird, it is basically impossible to hit it, let alone go in and pick that strange flower.

At the moment he saw the iron-winged eagle, Li Yan gave up the adventure plan that Zaim had entrusted to them.

After all, for rewards and life, Li Yan knows which is more important.

But now I want to retreat completely, it seems impossible.

Li Yan looked at the ferocious iron-winged eagle in front of him, fired a few shots, and then quickly avoided dodge, pulling a certain distance from the iron-winged eagle.

What is surprising is that after a certain distance from the iron-winged eagle, Li Yan did not hesitate to throw away the double spears in his hands.