The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 127: The love that was once was like flowing water


"Brother Zha, rest assured, I can do what I say." Although Li Yan didn't say much, his face was full of seriousness.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, Li Yan is willing to risk his life to agree to Zaim’s conditions for a honeysuckle blooming in the summer is very worthless, but Li Yan said that he could do it. Since he came, he had already prepared to Zaim speaks, then Li Yan will do his best to fulfill his promise.

With Li Yan's promise, Zaim can also afford to magnify the next generation. Zaim went straight to his room and took out the honeysuckle that bloomed in the summer and handed it to Li Yan: "Brother Li Xian, brother, I'm waiting for the good news that you break the bottleneck."

Li Yan nodded, then turned to Mr. Murong and said, "Brother Murong, before I break through the bottleneck, I want to go back. I have one thing to ask you before I leave."

"What's the matter, Brother Li Xian, just say it." Li Yan once saved Mr. Murong's life. Hearing that Li Yan asked for himself, Mr. Murong asked directly without thinking.

"Brother Murong, I would like to ask you to help me find a medicine furnace that can withstand high temperatures, so that it can withstand a high temperature of 1,200 Baidu at least." Li Yan said seriously.

"One thousand two Baidu high temperature?" Mr. Murong was obviously taken aback. The common medicine furnace that uses Huaxia medicine to withstand the high temperature of several hundred degrees Celsius is not bad. Li Yan wants such a high-quality medicine furnace, it is difficult. Doesn't he want to melt steel into juice

But Mr. Murong is a smart person. Li Yan must have his use for such a good refining furnace. Mr. Murong didn’t ask much, nodded and said, "Okay, rest assured that I will finish this matter before you come back. ."

"Thank you, Brother Murong, when I come back, the money from the refining furnace must be paid to Brother Murong's card in full." Mr. Murong helped Li Yan many times. Li Yan was very grateful. Li Yan finished saying that, but Murong The husband waved his hand again and again and said, "Brother Li Xian, in this case, you will treat me as an outsider. You have saved my life. The dripping water will return to you. I will try my best to find the best for this refining furnace. , You can go back and take care of your affairs at ease."

"This..." Li Yan hesitated. There are enough things to trouble Mr. Murong. Mr. Murong is not an idler in the medicinal material business. Originally, Mr. Murong sent Li Yan to Linzhi, so he could go back and continue his business. .

But Mr. Murong did not leave, but insisted on waiting until Li Yan completed the task, Zaim gave Li Yan the honeysuckle that bloomed in the summer, so that he could feel relieved.

Now I'm tired of Mr. Murong's things again. To be honest, Li Yan is really upset.

Seeing Li Yan's face hesitated, Zaim laughed and said, "Oh, Brother Li Xian, you have such a friendship with Old Brother Murong, what are you still shitting? This is also the heart of Brother Murong."

Zaim was there to help, and it would be a bit unreasonable for Li Yan to decline.

Li Yan nodded silently, and collected the honeysuckle that Zaim had given him in advance.

I saw Li Yan holding a fist against Zaim and Mr. Murong and said: "Brother Zha, Brother Murong, time is running out, I'm going one step ahead."

"Brother Li Xian, are you leaving now?" Mr. Murong stood up unexpectedly, and then Mr. Murong looked at his watch and said; "Well then, I will drive you to the train station."

Mr. Murong put on his coat, and Zaim sent the two to the door of the hotel.

Zaim smiled at Li Yan and said, "Brother Li Xian, I won't send you off. I hope that Brother Li Xian will come back soon."

"Don't worry." Li Yan replied, and followed Mr. Murong into the car.

Li Yan failed this time in Linzhi.

After rebirth, the characters Li Yan encountered were just gangsters. Now he encountered a difficult opponent like an iron-winged eagle. In order to fulfill his promise as soon as possible, Li Yan had to refining the Jidan successfully, seeking to make a breakthrough as soon as possible. The second layer of "Hundred Maidens Magic Skills" is now the mirror for condensing the essence.

But now, although it is a matter of course, the main ingredients and ingredients for refining Zhujidan are all ready. But whether he can really break through to the second level of "Hundred Veins Shentong Jue", Li Yan has no idea.

Many of the ordinary cultivators have stayed in the realm of the bigu period for their entire lives. Some people stop at the Big Perfection until the sitting stage.

To make a real breakthrough to the foundation-building period, perseverance is one aspect, and qualification is one aspect. The most important thing is to have a chance.

Li Yan is also quite worried about whether he can truly break through to the foundation building stage, which is the second level of the "Hundred Vessels Shentong Jue".

However, Li Yan's promise to Zaim will never change. Even if Li Yan fails to break through the foundation construction period, even if he fights a fish to die, Li Yan will help Zaim get the strange flower.

The Spring Festival will be in another week, and there will be light snow in Jiangzhou.

At the Jiangzhou Railway Station, Li Yan rushed for several days and finally returned to his hometown.

After leaving the exit of the train station, Li Yan couldn't wait to rush to his mother's house.

During the period when Li Yan was out, Wang Huifang made several calls to Li Yan, because he was afraid that his mother was worried, Li Yan didn't tell the truth about himself in the field.

Back now, Li Yan felt very guilty.

In the memory of the second generation ancestor, his mother Wang Huifang was once a graduate of a prestigious university from a poor family. After graduation, Wang Huifang, who could have stayed in the big city, chose to return to his hometown to help the poor family first.

Her first job was to serve as a secretary for Li Guanglin, but the young Wang Huifang never expected that Li Guanglin would beat her after being drunk.

After being tarnished by Li Guanglin, Wang Huifang thought about committing suicide and thinking about being a new life away from home, but who would have expected that Wang Huifang was pregnant with Li Guanglin's child, the second generation ancestor of Li Yan.

After having the second generation ancestor, Wang Huifang, who had originally wanted to commit suicide, gradually dedicated all his life to the little life in his stomach.

Over the past 20 years, Wang Huifang has placed her dreams and hopes on Li Yan, hoping that her humble background can have a son who is outstanding. Wang Huifang has suffered hardships herself, but she does not want her son to suffer any crime. .

In the past twenty years, under Wang Huifang's careful care, Li Yan can have today.

After the rebirth, at the beginning, Li Yan rejected the ups and downs of the Li family, and even his mother Wang Huifang.

After all, Li Yan has cultivated supernatural powers for many years. Now that I suddenly have a home and a family, I will naturally feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

But as time passed, Li Yan gradually adapted to the feeling of home.

Looking back suddenly, Li Yan discovered the true meaning of life.

If we say that the previous life was to pursue that supreme avenue, and to live. So in this life, Li Yan's dream of life has become completely different.

In this life, Li Yan wants to use his body to shield his relatives from wind and rain. In this lifetime, Li Yan will work side by side with his friends for life. In this life, Li Yan wants to make the person he loves happy and happy all his life.

Without contacting Luo Dayou before Li Yan came back, Li Yan took a taxi and went straight to his mother's downstairs.

After paying the fare, Li Yan went upstairs to his mother's door.

Li Yan gently rang the doorbell.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" The sweet door bell rang, and it seemed that Li Yan was happily welcoming home.

Wang Huifang hurried out after hearing the doorbell ringing in the house.

Upon arriving at the door, Wang Huifang hurriedly opened the door after seeing his son Li Yan in the cat's eyes at the door.

Contrary to what Li Yan thought, the mother's face was not happy, but complaining.

"Xiaoyan, it’s not that my mother said you. I’m busy outside all day, and I don’t know what you’re doing. Downstairs, your Aunt Wang’s son works at the municipal government. He is also busy every day. But people go home every Sunday to see his father. Mom, but my son, it's been half a month before he knows to come back." Wang Huifang sighed after speaking.

My mother's spirit looked bad. Faced with her reprimand, Li Yan hurriedly explained with a smile: "Mom, isn't your son trying to get ahead. I should be busy when I'm young and tired. I don't want to do it anymore. When I asked my mother to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, I saw that my friends couldn't lift their heads. I will try my best to create a career and win my breath for my beloved mother."

What Li Yan said was the truth. When Wang Huifang heard Li Yan say this, a warm feeling came to his heart.

Seeing that Fengshuang's anger towards his son disappeared without a trace, Wang Huifang's tone eased: "Come in, you stinky boy, it is indeed a man's job to start a career outside, but it is also You have to come back often to see your mother, and even if you don’t come back, you should always call your mother. Remember, your Uncle Wang’s son doesn’t often contact their old couple, and was finally deceived into a MLM organization. He only ran back for half a year..."

My mother has a nagging'problem' again. But Li Yan's eyes were moist as he listened.

No matter how rich a person is, he can't buy it for nagging, and he can't buy it for care.

In the previous life, when he was in Hongmeng Continent, Li Yan was lonely and helpless since he was a child, and he has never felt the care of his relatives and the warmth of his family.

But in this life, Li Yan truly felt the meaning of the two words happiness.