The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 49: Tianshan zinnia


In the next few lots, a snow fungus from the Mediterranean that has been used for polio treatment for more than 60 years was bought at a high price of 600,000 yuan, and several other lots were also sold at decent prices.

In the increasingly fierce auction, Li Yan closed his eyes slightly, as if he was going to fall asleep.

None of these lots are materials for Jidan. Although Li Yan is patient and continues to sit here, Li Yan also sighs in his heart that the materials for Jidan are really hard to find. Originally, Li Yan thought it was in this new The world should not be difficult to prepare, but now it seems that it is not easy to prepare the ingredients for Jidan, and the most troublesome thing is that the price of these ingredients is simply scary, if you find the Jidan by any chance Dan's main ingredient, Xuanguo, is worth tens of millions when others speak, so what should Li Yan do? You can't take it hard, you know, in a society under the rule of law, the black hooks in private have to be done secretly, so you don't dare to be rampant. Besides, Li Yan is not the kind of indiscriminate animal who kills people and overstocks for his own selfish desires.

After the snow fungus was photographed, Mr. Jin said: "Okay, now the first highlight of our Yunxiang Pavilion Qunxiang auction is on the stage. The first finale, Tianshan shamrock, is at a low price of 1.2 million yuan. Each price increase shall not be less than RMB 5,000."

"Tianshan Shamrock?" There was an uproar in the audience. Many buyers who had originally sat in their seats stood up. They looked towards the podium, wanting to see exactly what Tianshan Shamrock looked like.

Li Yan had heard of Tianshan Shamrock. Originally, Mr. Murong prepared the entrance ticket of Yunxiang Pavilion to buy Tianshan Shamrock at the Qunfang auction.

However, Li Yan still doesn't know exactly what purpose Tianshan shamrock has.

Unless the old Mr. Jin can open the wooden box, let Li Yan see what the Tianshan Celestial Leaf looks like, and let Li Yan smell its smell, Li Yan can roughly judge its usefulness.

However, judging from the sensation caused by the first finale, Tianshan Shamrock, the medicinal use of this Tianshan Shamrock must be very high.

Such a enthusiastic scene was expected by Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin took out a brocade box from the drawer under the podium and placed it on the tabletop.

He didn't open the box, as if he was trying to catch the buyers' appetite.

"Everyone should know the curative effect of Tianshan Baiye? Just apply Tianshan Baiye on the wound, stop bleeding immediately, and leave no scars after healed. This is just its simplest use, if you use such a big Tianshan Baiye Herbs are combined with the old man’s exclusive ancestral "Rejuvenation Powder" to make a decoction. If you use a towel to stick the soup on your face, it can rejuvenate your face and reduce wrinkles. If you feed the soup into your mouth, it can be used for men who do not lift Unparalleled fierce, indifferent girl full of passion."

Mr. Jin paused here, and then he smiled: "Let's not say much, let's make a price. If anyone photographs this Tianshan Baiyecai, the prescription for "Rejuvenation Powder" will be given to me for free."

"1.3 million!" Before Mr. Jin could finish speaking, a sallow-faced man yelled directly, as if he couldn't wait.

"1.31 million!" Just after the man shouted, the old woman beside Li Yan who bought mica brandy root directly pressed the red button on the bidder.

"What are you dragging? I'm paying 1.5 million!" Surprisingly, a handsome young man also participated in the auction.

Both the old woman and the boy came here with Li Yan in a car. Through observation, Li Yan could see that the old woman had stubborn asthma and emphysema.

As for that young man, Li Yan just glanced at him and he was happy.

The boy's eyes were blackened, his lips were upturned and shriveled, and his limbs were trembling and weak. At first glance, he had excessive indulgence and had the unclean smokey willow disease.

Looking at the young man, I guessed that Yanliu's disease was not healed, so he went to bed again.

Li Yan cocked Erlang's legs and opened his eyes. The items on the finale were already there. Li Yan simply sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, killing time.

"Lao Yang, Tianshan Baiyecao, you have to buy this thing and make it as a rejuvenating powder, but it can make the skin see again, and it can also rebuild the glory of a man when it is boiled into a decoction. How can you bear such a good thing? "" The middle-aged man surnamed Si looked at the box containing the Tianshan scallops and joked at the old man surnamed Yang on the side.

The old man surnamed Yang was unhappy, and immediately replied: "Brother Si, don’t look at your older brother, but you do your best to do the work. If Brother Si is in that situation, if he can’t hold back, he can bid and try. Try, presumably, with the financial resources of Brother Si, the Tianshan Shamrock in the bag is also determined to win."

"You..." The middle-aged man surnamed Si was obviously annoyed by the lukewarm ridicule of the old man surnamed Yang. He severely gouged the old man surnamed Yang, without speaking any more, his eyes continued to stare at the podium.

Li Yan noticed them just now, and this time their unpleasant conversation naturally did not escape Li Yan's ears.

Li Yan smiled and shook his head.

When the middle-aged man named Si and the old man named Yang were auctioning mica brandy roots, it seemed that the relationship between the two was still very close.

But only a moment later, when the finale came, the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger and stronger.

The saying that there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in the market is really reasonable.

The price of Tianshan shamrock has been pushed up to a sky-high price of 2.1 million. Finally, it was bought by the boy who was received at the Yunxiang Pavilion Qunxiang auction along with Li Yan.

Although other buyers reluctantly watched the boy holding the box containing the Tianshan shamrock in his arms, his hunger is greedy after all, and they are more looking forward to the following auctions. Although Tianshan shamrock is very effective, you can think of it without thinking that the following lot is more valuable than Tianshan shamrock.

After the young man returned to his seat with the Tianshan shamrock, Mr. Jin looked at the people present with a smile and said: "The lot below is the second of the three finale lots at the Yunxiang Pavilion Qunfang auction, everyone. Let's see."

Mr. Jin didn't say much, and directly took out an incense burner.

Li Yan looked at the censer carefully. The censer was made of bronze. The bronze on the censer was glowing with faded green skin. The censer that can be seen is a little old.

But Mr. Jin took out this incense burner and also aroused Li Yan's curiosity. What did he take out this incense burner for? We must know that most of the medicinal materials are at the Qunfang auction. Is there any magical effect on this incense burner

This expression of Li Yan was seen on the faces of the 200 VIPs present.

Everyone is very puzzled, what kind of treasure this incense burner is, so that Yunxiang Pavilion can be taken out as the finale and placed in front of everyone.

The expressions on the buyers' faces, Mr. Jin had a clear view of his eyes. Mr. Jin coughed, his face was proud, and he slowly said to everyone: "Do you know the Empress Dowager Cixi?"

"The Empress Dowager Cixi?" Everyone was stunned, and some people vaguely guessed that this incense burner should have some connection with the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The buyers nodded, and Mr. Jin continued: "During the party and government of the Empress Dowager Cixi, although she was a female generation, she was ruthless and fierce. With her own power, she controlled the government of the Manchu and Qing dynasties. When the Empress Dowager Cixi was in her late years, Maybe it's because of her deep karma and overkill, and she sleeps restlessly at night..."

After a pause, Mr. Jin looked at the buyers present.

The buyers present were all appetized by the story told by Mr. Jin. This time he was trying to catch him, and many people's faces appeared unhappy.

But this is exactly the effect Mr. Jin wants.

But I saw that Mr. Jin deliberately took a sip of his tea and said to everyone present: "Hey, I would like to ask you Liangjie, I'm really sorry, people are getting older, their tongues are dry, and they are easy to get angry."

Mr. Jin said that, everyone lost their temper and had to wait for him to continue.

After drinking the tea, Mr. Jin spoke to everyone again: "Maybe the empress Dowager Cixi was too slaughter at night, and she was restless and unable to sleep every night. This state remained in this state for half a year and changed several times. The imperial doctor was unable to cure her condition, and in the end, Li Hongzhang paid a tribute to the censer but the Empress Dowager Cixi’s condition was cured, and the censer that Li Hongzhang paid tribute to..."

Mr. Jin hesitated to speak and then grinned and patted the faded incense burner on the podium.

Everyone present suddenly realized that a buyer couldn't help being excited and burst out: "1 million!"

Mr. Jin hehehe smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone, wait for me to finish speaking. This incense burner is the treasure of Li Zhongtang's tribute to the Empress Dowager Cixi. If you want to say that there is an incense burner without a good agarwood, it is not enough, but this The incense burner is unique. No matter what spices are put in to light it, it will calm the nerves and benefit the brain. Later, after research, the burning lamp in this incense burner is made of special sandalwood wood. When the sesame oil drops on it, the sandalwood The gas produced by mixing fragrant wood and sesame oil has unique effects."

"Okay, let’s not say much. This incense burner is a cultural relic, and it has the effect of calming the nerves and benefiting the brain. Compared with everyone knows how high the value of this incense burner is. The base price is 1.5 million, and each increase in price shall not be less than 15 thousand. , Now everyone starts bidding." Mr. Jin said, and stepped aside.

The buyers present seemed to be a little crazy.

This incense burner is a cultural relic. Many of you present are businessmen. The most important thing in business is the profit that valuable goods can bring.

Now the cultural relics market is becoming more and more popular, and this incense burner has the magical function of calming the nerves and benefiting the brain.

"2 million." The buyer who had previously opened one million was really impatient, and directly entered the price on the quotation device.

The old man surnamed Yang and the middle-aged man surnamed Si looked at each other, and then both moved their eyes to the quoter.