The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 63: It was drizzling


Yang Hucheng photographed the intact proguo for the purpose of giving it as a birthday gift for the birthday of Li Yaobang, Li Family in Jiangnan

This Yang Hucheng is really generous. 5.3 million, as a gift to others, Li Yan has no such courage.

However, Li Yan didn't expect that this Proguo turned a few hands before it was actually transferred to the hands of their Li family father.

It is obviously not yet time to return to Li's house now. Li Yan's current social status, even if he is helped by a social elder brother like Si Lao Er, if the Li family wants to squeeze Li Yan to death, it is still like an ant stepping on him.

Although he knew the news of Mr. Li's birthday, Li Yan didn't plan to attend Mr. Li's birthday banquet as a last resort.

Faced with Si Lao Er’s proposal, Li Yan had no better way, so he had to take it hard and it had to be before Proguo reached the boundary of Jiangzhou.

Li Yan knows better than anyone, the influence of the Jiangnan Li family in Jiangzhou.

The Li family is not as simple as it looks. There are still many martial arts masters in the secular world who serve in the Li family. These masters are powerful and can even dispose of the current Li Yan effortlessly.

This thing fell into the hands of the Li family, I am afraid that even if he stole Proguo, he would definitely not be able to get out of the Jiangzhou boundary.

Li Yan nodded and said, "Brother Si, you can just notify me then, I will definitely be there."

"Okay." Si Lao Er was pleased, and with Li Yan's help, the chance of success was increased by 30%. Yang Hucheng, Yang Hucheng, please wait for me.

Yang Hucheng hated the second child, so he joined forces with Li Yan again this time, and the second child did not ask for any pros, only a piece of gratitude.

Seeing that Li Yan had agreed, Si Lao said no more, because Luo Dayou and Wei Dahai had already approached this side.

I saw Si Lao Er arched his hand at Li Yan: "Brother Li, then I will go back first. If you have anything to do, just call my cell phone. As long as Brother Li has something to ask for, our second child will definitely go through fire and water. ."

Li Yan replied: "Brother Xie Si helped this time, and Li Yan is the same. He will not disappoint Brother Si's friendship."

"Then I'll go back first." Si Lao Er looked at his watch and said.

"Brother Si walk slowly, I won't be far away." Li Yan watched Si Lao Er get into the car until Si Lao Er drove out of the factory gate.

Luo Dayou led Wei Dahai to stand aside until Li Yan turned around and said: "Li Dong, it was really dangerous just now. If it weren't for you, those people would really burn our factory. ."

Luo Dayou is respectful to Li Yan, and Li Dong is the outlet. Wei Dahai was stunned to hear, what, Li Dong? Is it possible that Mr. Li is still a big customer

Wei Dahai hadn't figured out what was going on yet, Luo Dayou pulled Wei Dahai's clothes and introduced him to Li Yan: "Li Dong, this is Xiao Wei, the new salesman in our factory."

Immediately, Luo Dayu said to Wei Dahai: "Xiao Wei, this is the chairman of our Rainbow DreamWorks, Dong Li."

What? This Mr. Li turned out to be the chairman of the factory. No wonder he rashly saved the employees of the factory just now. Now that I know the identity of Li Yan, Wei Dahai is not a fool. Before thinking about it, Wei Dahai suddenly understood. It is estimated that Li Dong just went into the sales office and was secretly visiting and investigating.

Li Yan glanced at Wei Dahai, nodded and praised: "I've been to the sales office just now, Xiao Wei did a good job."

Wei Dahai is an individual talent, and Li Yan approves it. As the saying goes, those who are near Zhu are red and those who are black are black. Since the factory does sex toys, the sales staff at the sales office have to move closer to men and women.

How can an ordinary gentleman do a good job in sales

A little cultural rascal like Wei Dahai just prescribes the right medicine.

Wei Dahai's face turned red when Li Yan said so. His vulgar marketing method just now won the laughter and praise of all the merchants. But after all, I couldn't put it on the table. If Wei Dahai knew that Mr. Li in front of him was the chairman of their Rainbow DreamWorks, Wei Dahai would definitely not say that.

"Hello, Dong Li." Wei Dahai smiled sadly, with a cold sweat on his head, and quickly greeted Li Yan.

Li Yan waved his hand and said, "Okay, Lao Luo, Xiao Wei is very tight in time. It's not the time to greet him. Lao Luo still has two million in this card. You can take some raw materials first. Xiao Wei You return to the sales office to keep the customer's heart steady, and I will take the workshop to repair the broken machine."

Businessmen are different from officials.

Officials are the most ostentatious, flattering each other. But doing business requires vigorous vigor and integrity.

Now Rainbow DreamWorks has just entered the formal market, and the product has just opened the market. There can be no intermittent, let alone troubles, in the knots here.

Luo Dayou smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words, and hurriedly followed Li Yan's instructions, took the bank card and asked Li Yan's password before leaving the factory. Wei Dahai also returned to the sales office to continue to induce those waiting customers.

Li Yan walked into the workshop. The machine tools and processing machines in the factory were really horrible.

Li Yan picked up the wrench and led the workers to start repairing the machine.

In the National Treasure Garden, in the villa where Li Guanglin lived, Wang Huifang was already in a hurry.

Originally, Wang Huifang sent it to Wei Xuejiao to find someone, but two or three months later, Wei Xuejiao didn't even find Li Yan's figure.

Wang Huifang had already reported the case to the Public Security Bureau a few days ago, and now I don’t know when his son Li Yan will return.

Father Li Yaobang, 83-year-old birthday, even Li Yan’s second uncle, Li Chunhua, who is the vice minister of China’s Ministry of Finance, will personally return to Jiangzhou to celebrate Father Li’s birthday. When the heavyweights of the central government come down, wouldn’t the local officials swarm them? Left and right cluster? As long as Li Guanglin's favor is won, even if only the old man opens his eyebrows and smiles, then Li Yan's future will be worry-free. If Li Yan didn't participate in such major events, wouldn't it be that he ruined his own future

Now when Wang Huifang saw Wei Xuejiao, the savage daughter-in-law before, she was angry.

In Li Yan's villa next to Mingxin Lake, Wei Xuejiao was helpless. Now she understands how important Li Yan is to her.

It is now the old man Li's birthday, which is the top priority for the Jiangnan Li family.

It's been two or three months since Li Yan and Li's family ran away. Now they are like ants on a hot pot, but Wang Huifang, including Wei Xuejiao, are also sitting on pins and needles.

As the saying goes, men are the support of women. Li Guanglin's fourth son, Li Yuan, has graduated from college this year.

Li Guanglin was going to find a relationship for Li Yuan, but Li Yuan kept looking at Li Yanming's villa on the side of the lake and asked Li Guanglin to buy a set for Li Yuan.

Li Guanglin thought for a while. Li Yan is not here now, and Wei Xuejiao has not added a male boy to the Li family. Li Guanglin said, if you don't see Li Yan within a week, then Wei Xuejiao will vacate the villa for Li Yuan to live in.

The pattered little fish kept coming next.

Wei Xuejiao looked at Mingxin Lake outside, at the beautiful scenery even in the rain. She didn't understand until now that the best things in the world are not things that are readily available, but things that are within reach but not available.

This villa and the scenery were all brought to him by Li Yan. Without Li Yan, without this nominal husband, what kind of capital could Wei Xuejiao have to survive in this society.

Matter doesn't mean everything. What makes Wei Xuejiao heartache the most is that she is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, but she can't get Li Yan's heart.

Last time Li Yan called Wei Xuejiao for help. On the phone, Li Yan's tone was so cold and indifferent.

It's as if two people are not a couple, just passersby.

The melancholy concealed Wei Xuejiao's eyes.

She shed tears.

At first, she chose to treat Li Yan cruelly, but these two or three months made her understand that it was precisely because she treated Li Yan so cruelly that she lost Li Yan's sincerity.

When will you come back, husband, I will definitely take you well, I will never go out crazy again, I will not do anything I am sorry for you anymore, just beg you to come back, okay

Tears slid down Wei Xuejiao's face, and the rain in her heart was like light rain outside.

However, just as Wei Xuejiao prayed like this, the phone in the main hall suddenly rang.