The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 70: Arrested


"Xiao Yu, hurry up before anyone notices it. I heard that the newly promoted Captain Guan of the Criminal Police Brigade is very efficient in solving crimes." Chang Yuchun spoke in a very small voice, but he never expected that he would speak so loudly. Xiao was still heard by Li Yan!

"Hundred Meridian Shentong Jue" is the supreme method for cultivating the body. It first starts with the eyes, ears and nose, opens the five senses of the human body, and then absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon to continuously improve and forge.

When you reach the realm of Mahayana and sublimate all the five senses to the extreme, you can develop the sixth sense, which is what ordinary people call foreboding.

A person who cultivates Mahayana can have a foreboding of his own calamity, and Shouyuan's vague sense of his own blessings and misfortunes.

If you use the words of this world, it is fortune-telling, or predicting the future.

It's a pity that Li Yan had calculated his own catastrophe at the beginning, but he didn't calculate that there would be any accidents that caused the soles of his feet to be oiled and ultimately fell short.

Li Yan's hearing is now about three times that of ordinary people, which means that Li Yan can hear the small sounds that ordinary people can't hear.

"What about you, what do you do?" The woman who was talking on Chang Yuchun's phone was obviously anxious and asked worriedly.

"I can't go now. If I run away, the Public Security Bureau will suspect it will hit me." Chang Yuchun looked around cautiously before whispering.

"Then I will buy a train ticket first. I have a distant relative in Wenzhou. I will go to him first."

"Okay, I'll go there when the wind is calm and the waves are calm." After Chang Yuchun finished speaking, hung up the phone and returned to his seat with some guilty conscience.

Li Yan heard all the conversation between Chang Yuchun and the mysterious woman.

Li Yan looked back at the interrogation room. It was already midnight, but Guan Yunfei was still working hard to interrogate the criminals for a breakthrough in the case.

Li Yan thought for a while and walked out of the Public Security Bureau first, and then Li Yan sent a text message to Guan Yunfei: "The movie theater owner is suspicious."

After sending this text message, Li Yan went straight to the train station. Li Yan planned to stop the mysterious woman who had contacted Chang Yuchun halfway before he left.

He stopped the taxi casually, and Li Yan threw 100 yuan directly to the taxi driver so that he could hurry up to the train station.

About 20 minutes later, Li Yan arrived at the train station.

Even though it was evening, the crowds outside the train station were coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic.

Li Yan checked the time on the phone and walked into the ticket hall.

When Li Yan saw the long queue waiting to buy the tickets in the ticket hall, he gave a sigh of relief. It is estimated that even if the woman arrives earlier than herself, with the long line in the ticket hall, she can't buy a ticket to Wenzhou for a while. ticket.

The biggest characteristic of criminals is nervousness. This nervousness of guilty conscience can be fully reflected in the spirit of criminals. As the saying goes, paper can't keep the fire, even if he hides deeply, there are times to be exposed. Moreover, to buy train tickets, ID cards are required. Li Yan believes that the mysterious woman must not dare to take out ID cards to buy train tickets.

If you use your ID card to buy train tickets, I believe that as long as she has just boarded the train with her front foot, the police on the back foot of Wenzhou will be waiting for arrest.

Late at night, only two ticket windows are open.

Li Yan found a chair in the ticket hall and sat down.

Immediately Li Yan closed his eyes and amplified his hearing. Li Yan lowered his breathing and tried to be as even as possible. Then he emptied the distracting thoughts in his mind, not wanting to concentrate on the movement in the ticket hall.

After another twenty minutes, the woman standing at the ticket window No. 7 said to the conductor behind the bullet-proof glass window: "Master, buy a train ticket to Wenzhou."

The conductor entered the word'Wenzhou' on the keyboard, and then looked at the computer screen and said to the woman: "There are no direct trains to Wenzhou at night, only passing trains, and only standing tickets. The train departs at four o'clock. Make sure to buy it. ?"

When the woman heard the words, her face immediately became anxious and said: "Is there an earlier car? I'm going to Wenzhou in a hurry."

"No, this is the train to Wenzhou tonight." The conductor said.

"Then this time." The woman said disappointedly.

"95 yuan." The conductor said.

The woman drew a one hundred yuan and handed it to the conductor.

The conductor sneezed and said to her, "Excuse me, please show me your ID."

"ID?" The woman was visibly stunned, but then hesitated to see her face, but after the hesitation, she did not show her ID.

After deliberately flipping through her handbag, the woman turned to the conductor with a helpless expression on her face: "Sorry, I forgot to bring my ID card when I came out. Can you accommodate me?"

The conductor shook his head: "No, our Ministry of Railways stipulates that everyone must have an ID card to buy a ticket."

The woman said a few more words, but the conductor just refused.

The woman had no choice but to walk out of the queue waiting to buy a ticket.

Li Yan opened his eyes, and he had already determined that it was the woman who bought the Wenzhou train ticket.

Originally, Li Yan could text Guan Yunfei that the suspect had come to Wenzhou Railway Station to buy tickets.

But after getting on the taxi, Li Yan thought for a while, if the public security department intervenes, it is easy to get rid of the suspect, and he should not be allowed to come forward and solve the suspect.

Li Yan opened his eyes and got up.

There are a lot of people in the ticket hall, and I am not a member of the public security system. If I catch the suspect now, I am afraid it will provoke right and wrong.

Li Yan trailed behind the woman, just listened to the woman when she exited the ticket hall, and stomped to herself: "What can I do now? If you can't buy a train ticket, the car will not leave until 8 o'clock in the morning... "

The woman hesitated for a while, then she thought about opening the handbag and took a look. After seeing the stack of red tickets in the wallet, she decided to take a taxi, go to the provincial capital first, and avoid the sight of the Jiangzhou police. Go to Wenzhou.

The woman arrived at the train station square outside the ticket hall. She was about to intercept a taxi, but at this moment, something she hadn't expected happened!

A strange man suddenly rushed to her and snatched her handbag.

There is cash in the handbag, and the woman would be ruined without the handbag.

The woman rushed forward, preparing to call someone to catch the thief.

But when the words came to her lips, the woman was afraid that someone would call the police, so she suffocated what she was about to shout.

Li Yan was the one who snatched the woman's wallet.

Seeing that the woman wanted to stop the taxi to run, Li Yan immediately made a bold decision, pretending to rob the woman's finances, making her inseparable from Jiangzhou for the time being.

Li Yan's idea worked.

Li Yan didn't run fast. To Li Yan, trotting like this consumes energy like a race walking.

But that's the case, the woman ran and chased after sweating profusely.

The woman chased after her and cursed: "Put down the bag, if I don't let it down, I'm calling someone!"

Whatever you call, I think you dare not! Li Yan smiled indifferently and twisted into an alley.

The light in the hutong was very dim, and the woman looked around after chasing in, but couldn't see where Li Yan was.

But when she couldn't figure out the direction, a big hand covered her mouth, and the other hand grabbed her arm.

"Don't move!" Li Yan suddenly appeared from the corner of the alley and caught the woman and shouted.

Immediately, Li Yan quickly sent a text message to Guan Yunfei, saying that the suspect had been caught, and asked Guan Yunfei to contact him as soon as possible.