The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 75: Mother's Thoughts (Part 2)


It's not that Li Yan doesn't want to see Wang Huifang, but that Li Yan is not yet fully prepared to meet her.

After a brief silence, Li Yan raised his head and looked at Guan Yunfei, who seemed to be consulting Li Yan.

"She is in the reception room right now. If you don't want to see her, I can tell her and tell her to go back first." Guan Yunfei said, seeing Li Yan still hesitating.

Is she in the city council

Li Yan thought for a while. The flood cannot stop the flood, and the paper can't stop the fire. Now that it's this point, let's meet.

Li Yan looked at Guan Yunfei's deliberately pretending that she had really lost her memory and said, "See you, maybe I can remember the past when I saw her."

Li Yan didn’t want Guan Yunfei to know that his memory had not disappeared. If Guan Yunfei knew that Li Yan was pretending to be crazy and behaved stupid, he deliberately posted her. According to Guan Yunfei’s temper, it would be a big deal if he loses his temper if he is young. .

"Okay." Guan Yunfei nodded and called the reception room of the Municipal Bureau.

After a while, Wang Huifang came down to Guan Yunfei's office accompanied by the police.

When Wang Huifang saw her son, tears flowed down like a majestic rain.

Wang Huifang hobbled closer to Li Yan. Although his footsteps were light, it was heavy in Li Yan's heart.

Originally, Li Yan thought that with his determination, he would not be moved when he saw Wang Huifang.

However, the memory of the second generation ancestor in his mind made Li Yan's eyes full of tears.

After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, Li Yan has already seen the warmth and coldness of the world, but at this moment, when he sees Wang Huifang’s old face, when he sees his mother in this world, and the expression of not worrying about himself at all times, Li Yan’s heart aches. Up.

Why am I crying? Feeling the tears on his cheeks, Li Yan wiped away the tears hurriedly. Before he could speak, Wang Huifang rushed to Li Yan's body.

"Xiaoyan, you have no conscience. You have been away from home for a few days. Why don't you call your mother!" Wang Huifang hugged Li Yan's waist and cried.

Li Yan ran away from home for so many days, when will Wang Huifang not worry or worry about it

The first thing Wang Huifang wakes up every day is to look for clues, but every day to look for it, Li Yan’s past classmates, friends’ homes, and even the school he used to go to, Wang Huifang looked for, but couldn’t find Li Yan's shadow.

In front of her, her own flesh and blood met again, and Wang Huifang couldn't control her emotions. At this time, she couldn't restrain her inner excitement.

As a mother, there is nothing more important than her own son in this world.

If Li Yan can't be found, Wang Huifang doesn't want to live anymore.

Mother's cry made Li Yan feel very sad.

Although the soul of the second generation ancestor has disappeared, the body is still the second generation ancestor's. Moreover, the memory of the second generation ancestor has melted into Li Yan’s soul. Wang Huifang’s past little bit of the second generation ancestor has come to mind. To be honest, Li Yan feels that this mother is great, and has endured humiliation for more than 20 years. raise.

It is a pity that the second generation ancestor failed to bring glory to his mother, but now, Li Yan has become the master of this body, the mother of the body and skin, Li Yan will never let the woman in his arms suffer the least bit of time. Of grievances.

Guan Yunfei was aside, and Li Yan couldn't recognize Wang Huifang all at once.

Li Yan seemed to remember something, but he didn't remember clearly, and shouted: "Mom."

After shouting, Li Yan turned his head ignorantly and looked at Guan Yunfei, seeming to be at a loss but he seemed to recall something.

Perhaps Li Yan's acting skills are too perfect.

Guan Yunfei quickly calmed Wang Huifang and said, "Ms. Wang, is this gentleman your lost son Li Yan?"

"Yes, yes." Wang Huifang laughed with tears. She thought that her son would become weak and skinny after staying outside for a while, but now that I saw his son, not only did the son grow taller and stronger, his body looked spineless. It's much stronger.

This was unexpected to Wang Huifang.

It seemed that his son would recover after leaving the vicious woman. Wang Huifang thought about it this way and regretted agreeing to marry the Wei family.

When Guan Yunfei heard the words, her heart fell to the ground.

Although Li Yan hasn't really recovered his memory, he has found his family anyhow.

This is good, it can also make up for Guan Yunfei's guilt towards Li Yan, after all, Guan Yunfei accidentally hit Li Yan into'amnesia'.

Guan Yunfei said to Wang Huifang with apology on her face: "Ms. Wang, something happened to Li Yan before, and his memory is not very good. I suggest you let him go home and have a rest."

Guan Yunfei didn't feel embarrassed to tell the story of her collision with Li Yan.

Li Yan didn't want his mother to know about Guan Yunfei and Li Yan. Li Yan quickly pretended to be innocent and said: "Mom, I want to go home, my head hurts so much."

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's go home." Wang Huifang hurriedly grabbed Li Yan's hand for fear of losing her precious son again.

Wang Huifang turned to Guan Yunfei and thanked him: "Captain Guan, thank you this time. When our family Li Yan recovers from illness, I will definitely invite you to be a guest at home."

After finishing talking, Wang Huifang took out a bulging red envelope from his coat and gave it to Guan Yunfei.

Where is Guan Yunfei so embarrassed to pick it up? I saw Guan Yunfei hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Ms. Wang, this is our public security responsibility. I can't accept this ceremony. This is our unit's regulations.

Wang Huifang insisted that Guan Yunfei accept the red envelope, but Guan Yunfei refused to accept it.

Wang Huifang had to put the red envelope back into her pocket and said to Guan Yunfei: "Captain Guan, leave me your contact information, next time I invite you to sit at home."

"Okay." Guan Yunfei left her mobile phone number to Wang Huifang. After Wang Huifang wrote it down, she said goodbye to Guan Yunfei. He took Li Yan's hand and brought Li Yan back to his residence.

Back to the mother's house.

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Li Yan's mind is also in a mess. He is thinking about how to explain to his mother what happened after he ran away from home.

Wang Huifang boiled a pot of boiling water for Li Yan. Wang Huifang wanted to take Li Yan back to his villa beside Mingxin Lake, but when she learned from Guan Yunfei that Li Yan's memory seems not clear now, Wang Huifang worried that Li Yan would return. After home, she would be bullied by that poisonous woman Wei Xuejiao.

"Xiaoyan, now my mother is staying here for two days. After you and the liar Wei Xuejiao finish the divorce procedures, my mother will move over to live with you." Wang Huifang gave Li Yan a glass of boiling water and said to Li Yan.

Regarding the divorce matter, Li Yan had already made a decision.

Li Yan nodded and said: "Mom, don't worry about it, she and I will leave sooner or later."

"It's good to leave early. Also, you should make it clear to her that after the divorce, our Li family will not share any property with her. You see how the vicious girl treats you, and you will not have anything to do with her in the future. "Wang Huifang is getting older, but she is worried that her son's heart will remain the same as usual, and her mother is talking like this. Li Yan knows that her mother is complaining, but to be honest, it is the first time that her family cares so much. moved.

Li Yan nodded. Wang Huifang remembered Guan Yunfei’s story about her son’s amnesia, and asked worriedly: "Xiaoyan, I will take you to the hospital tomorrow to see a doctor. So your memory is not very good, what's the accident? Amnesia for you?"

Li Yan heard the words and said in his heart that the topic came up. Then Li Yan hurriedly said with a smile: "Mom, I'm fine, just ran away from home in anger. When the team found me, I pretended that I had amnesia, but I actually didn't want to go back. "

"It turned out to be like this." Wang Huifang's face showed a sudden look. She touched her son's face and said distressedly: "It's all good things done by that girl Wei Xuejiao. When you come back, you can see how her mother cleans up her."

"Forget it, Mom, I also want to understand that things will pass." Now that Wei Xuejiao has been punished as he deserves, now that time is running out, Li Yan doesn't want to be extravagant and hastened to persuade.

I slept at my mother's house at night.

Li Yan didn't go out either. When he walked into his house, Li Yan felt both strange and familiar.

This is the place where the second generation ancestor grew up in his memory.

When he was young, the second generation ancestor rarely went to Li Guanglin’s mansion in the National Treasure Garden. He was just a bastard and was not seen by others. The two-bedroom and one-living house bought by his mother Wang Huifang in his early years contained too much of him. Memories.

The small bed and desk from childhood were still in the room and there was no dust. It can be seen that although Li Yan left his mother's home, his memories belonged to him and were cared for by his mother.

After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, feelings no longer exist for Li Yan.

But at this moment, seeing the hotbed and the well-made bedding, tears slipped from Li Yan's face.

Tears are luxury things, and being able to enjoy them is also a kind of happiness.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Yan felt that God is fair. Although he lost the opportunity to ascend, at the same time he received the long-lost happiness and warmth.

In the future, I will live well in the name of Li Yan, so that my family can be happy.

After this thought slipped through his mind, Li Yan slowly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, breathing gradually evenly, and began to practice.