The Ultimate Playboy

Chapter 96: Cardinal mantis


In the next two days, Guan Yunfei helped Li Yan inquire about Hangzi and Geng Shiv on the intranet of the Public Security Bureau.

The local public security bureau's intranet can only search for information on criminals and fugitives in the province.

In order to help Li Yan, Guan Yunfei spent a lot of setbacks before obtaining information about Hangzi and Geng Fourteen with the help of the Guangxi Provincial Public Security Department.

Hangzi's real name Caihang, from the northeast, was 32 years old. He was sentenced to five years in jail for numerous thefts in Guangxi.

Geng Fourteen, formerly known as Geng Dayong, had been in jail for nine years for theft and robbery. He is 36 years old and is a native of Yulin, Guangxi.

In the local area, Rensong was nicknamed the Fourteenth Brother, who was once the think tank of a theft gang.

Hangzi and Geng Shiv have one thing in common, that is, after being released from prison, they have never returned home, nor contacted their family members.

In the migrant population registration form in Yulin City, Guangxi, no residential information related to the two was found. This situation is likely to be directly or indirectly related to local regulatory authorities and lax review, or because of the rapid growth of the floating population and the chaotic housing.

Guan Yunfei sent the personal information of Hangzi and Geng Shiv to Li Yan in the form of text messages.

After seeing the text message, Li Yan pondered for a long time.

The most important thing is to find the addresses of Hangzi and Geng Shisi, but now they have been checked, but they still have no success.

After tomorrow, the redemption will be on Friday, and it is best to be prepared before then.

Li Yan responded to Guan Yunfei with a text message, thanking her for her help.

On the other side, Li Yan, like Dongdong, learned in detail about Hangzi and Geng Shisi's work and rest habits and the places they frequent.

Street children like Dongdong and Linlin are the way for Hangzi and Geng Shisi to ask for money. I believe they will not relax their management of these children.

Dongdong said that Hangzi and Geng Shisi often gather their trained pickpockets on Fridays to collect protection fees and give lectures and brainwash them.

The general gathering address changes at any time, but the person notified each time is always one. Hangzi and Geng Shisi’s capable men are also among the street children who are the oldest and most experienced in theft.

Upon hearing this, Li Yan hurriedly asked Dongdong for the address of the flea, and then Li Yan let Dongdong stay in the hotel, while Li Yan rushed to the place where the flea lived alone.

Dongdong said that the fleas lived in an abandoned recycling station next to the Nanjiang Bridge.

Li Yan inquired for a long time before finding the place.

The residential area around the Nanjiang Bridge is now undergoing reconstruction.

In a patchwork of intricate urban and rural buildings that look like spider webs, tall buildings rise from the ground.

I heard that the Nanjiang Bridge, because of its beautiful scenery, is also called the treasure of Fengshui in Yulin City by Feng Shui experts. Therefore, this piece has become a favored place in the eyes of developers in recent years.

Many previously simple and irregular urban and rural buildings have been marked with large dismantling, and investment and construction have begun in other vacant areas, except for the nail households who stick to this area.

It may be due to the long-term neglect of management in this area, and the development has caused dissatisfaction among the people.

Therefore, although this area is hailed as a treasure of feng shui by feng shui experts, it is also one of the dirtiest, worst and most insecure areas in Yulin City.

When Li Yan came to the abandoned waste collection station where the flea lived.

It was also stunned, that the waste collection station had no door frame for a long time, and the original iron door was also dismantled and moved away. I can see that there are many broken beer bottles and colorful plastic bags in this abandoned waste recycling station, but it may be because of long-term neglect of care, it looks chaotic.

In front of the door of the waste collection station is painted a letter with white paint painted on it.

Fortunately, the surrounding residential buildings are like this, which makes this abandoned waste recycling station look less conspicuous.

The pungent and unpleasant smell faintly spread from the waste recycling station.

Li Yan frowned. The impression given to him by this waste recycling station was simply "dirty and messy". To live in such a place, the child named Flea in Dongdong’s mouth is really courageous.

Li Yan's footsteps were very light, and like a flexible cat, he jumped into the recycling bin.

The sound of Li Yan landing was very soft, and even the sparrows in the yard of the waste recycling station were not scared away by the sound of Li Yan's footsteps.

Walking into this waste recycling station, Li Yan catted her waist and quietly came outside the bungalow in the waste recycling station.

The door of this bungalow is already in tatters. Although the weather in southern Xinjiang is much warmer than that in the north, on a slightly cold night, this tattered wooden door does not play a role in blocking wind and cold.

There was a faint snoring sound in the bungalow, and Li Yan's heart loosened. It seemed that the boy named Flea in Dongdong's mouth should be inside.

Now that there are people inside, Li Yan is no longer light-hearted.

Li Yan stretched out his right hand and leaned forward with a little force. The tattered wooden door was locked inside, but it could not withstand Li Yan's strength. The wooden board that originally held the brass lock broke and the wooden door was pushed open from the outside.

Li Yan walked in, and the fleas seemed to sleep soundly inside.

The noise outside didn't even wake him up.

Li Yan walked to the bungalow.

This bungalow is very simple, and the simple thing can be described by just seeing the wall.

There is also a room in the bungalow.

The door of that room was only blocked by a curtain grid.

Li Yan pushed open the curtain, only to see a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy sleeping on a tattered bamboo mat on the ground.

Seeing what the boy looks like, it should be what Dongdong calls a flea.

Li Yan leaned over and lightly tapped the boy's temple with his fingers, and a chill spread across the boy's brain and brain. The boy felt as if he had suddenly fallen into the ice cave, and his whole body was shaking non-stop.

"Snee!" The flea sneezed sharply and opened his eyes.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes in a daze, muttering to himself: "What kind of weather, brother, I can't sleep late."

The flea was talking like this, but when he looked up, he saw Li Yan who was standing in front of him and smiling at him.

A stranger suddenly appeared in front of him, and the fleas were taken aback!

"Who are you, what do you want to do?" The flea rushed to the curtain with no sleep, and asked Li Yan with a panic on his face.

Li Yan smiled, and did not answer that the left leg and right leg were just misaligned, and then Li Yan's body shape turned, and he actually blocked the door of this room like a ghost.

Li Yan took a crab step and kept the door tight.

The flea originally wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but when he saw Li Yan's extraordinary posture, he suddenly became depressed.

The flea subconsciously touched his underwear pocket. The wallet he had just stolen was still in his pocket. If the man who appeared suddenly in front of him was not the owner of revenge, it was most likely the police officer who arrested him.