The Ultimate Student

Chapter 128: Sky-high price jade 2


In fact, for Qin Shujie, more than one million is not too much. With the strength of her company, even if Ji Feng completely refuses to admit it, there will be no problem. You know, the Cadillac Qin Shujie was riding in was worth far more than one million.

Therefore, what Qin Shujie is concerned about is the rough stone in Ji Feng's hand.

"Rough stone? Isn't this thing called rough stone?" Ji Feng was a little surprised. He checked information online and from other sources, and found that most of them called stones containing jadeite jadeite. Now that he heard the word "mao stone" from Qin Shujie's mouth, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Qin Shujie suddenly smiled: "It seems that Mr. Ji is not very proficient in this industry. The rough stone that Mr. Ji mentioned does have this name, but it is relatively rare. At least, in this industry, people in the industry are direct Call it Mao Shi, or call it Mao Material. Of course, this is just a different name, as long as the meaning is correct."

When Ji Feng heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and a rare look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

The reason why he was embarrassed was, if nothing else, because of the word "mao stone" that Qin Shujie said. It was only now that Ji Feng finally knew that the real name of the raw jade stone should be rough stone or wool.

Ji Feng would not be so naive as to think that what Qin Shujie said was true. Obviously, Qin Shujie is saving face for herself. It is estimated that there should be no less names for rough stones. This name is enough for people to know that she is an amateur at a glance. Fortunately, I still pretend to be an expert, which is really making people laugh!


Ji Feng smiled awkwardly and then said: "Mr. Qin, I don't have the strength to move such a big piece of rubble back, so I might as well untie it here. To be honest, all my money has been invested in it. If If the bet fails, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to pay you back the money I owe you!”

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shujie immediately gave Ji Feng a meaningful look. She believed that what Ji Feng said was true, because he had no reason to lie to herself in this regard. After all, no one who could come to this trade fair would bring only tens of thousands of dollars. However, according to Ji Feng, this piece of wool cost three million. Ji Feng had previously sold a piece of water-type jadeite for more than one million. This means that in fact, when Ji Feng came to this trade fair, he only really brought tens of thousands of dollars!

A person with tens of thousands of dollars dares to buy millions of rough stones after his bet goes up once. Is he blinded by the first huge profit, or is he really confident

Looking at Ji Feng's calm face with a hint of smile, Qin Shujie suddenly felt that Ji Feng was sure. Although she didn't know where his confidence came from, Qin Shujie felt this way.

When Wu Changqun next to him heard this, he was almost furious. He really wanted to curse: I x!

This kid only had a million dollars on his own, yet he dared to bid against me, and he was even arguing with his face and refused to let go!

After a long time of fussing, this bastard turned out to be bluffing!

This also means that just because Ji Feng bluffed and maliciously bid against himself, he spent an extra two to three million!

As soon as he understood this, Wu Changqun glared at Ji Feng, with such deep hatred that he almost wanted to bite Ji Feng to death. Two to three million, although he could afford to lose it, it was not a huge sum. It's a small amount. If it were any more, it would seriously hurt his vitality!

However, no matter how much Wu Changqun hated it, he did not dare to have an attack when Qin Shujie was present. And judging from the current situation, the relationship between Ji Feng and Qin Shujie seems to be very good, so Wu Changqun can only swallow his anger back in his stomach. But his angry eyes could not be concealed.

"Mr. Qin, I want to untie the rough stone on the spot." Ji Feng paid no attention to Wu Changqun and just said directly to Qin Shujie.

"This is easy to handle." Qin Shujie smiled slightly and waved to a service staff not far away.

The service staff immediately ran over and asked politely: "Mr. Qin, what are your orders?"

Qin Shujie said: "Go find a cart and help me take this rough stone to the stone removal place."

Only then did Ji Feng understand that at this trade fair, if customers wanted to have their stones removed on the spot, the organizer of the fair would provide a free cart.

It seems that I still have a lot to learn. Ji Feng secretly thought.

The service staff quickly pushed a small cart. When Ji Feng saw it, he suddenly burst into laughter. This so-called small cart was actually four small sliding wheels installed under a thick steel plate. A high handrail. Because the floor in the warehouse yard is all cement, it is very convenient to push it.

"Mr. Qin, please come with me. If you can solve the jade, and you don't mind it, I will sell it to you directly. If you can't solve it, then I will have to find another way to raise money to return it to you. !" Ji Feng said with a smile. He did not finish his words, saying that he would definitely be able to unlock the jadeite. If that were the case, once the rough stone was unlocked later, everyone would know that he had a problem. This is inconsistent with the low-key strategy Ji Feng set at the beginning.

Qin Shujie smiled sweetly and said, "Mr. Ji, it's boring to talk about money all the time."

Ji Feng immediately nodded and smiled, but secretly admired him in his heart. Regardless of whether Qin Shujie's words are true or not, her attitude alone is enough to make people feel good about her, and she also owes her a favor. There seems to be a reason why Qin Shujie became the CEO of a jewelry company.

"Husband, should we also follow to dismantle the stone?" Hu Xueqin couldn't help but asked in a low voice when she saw Ji Feng and others had left. Seeing Wu Changqun's gloomy face, she was also a little worried. Did she just buy the wrong one

"Of course it has to be solved!" Wu Changqun snorted coldly and said angrily: "That little bastard bought a piece of rough stone that has no quality at all. It is obvious that it cannot produce jade, and yet he dared to dismantle the stone in public. He is simply asking for embarrassment. . The piece we bought is in very good condition, so naturally we have to work with them to solve it!"

Hu Xuehui, who had been silent next to him, was staring blankly at Ji Feng's back, in a daze.

She could never have imagined that it had only been a year since she broke up with Ji Feng. The boy who was submissive and obedient to her at the time, but who seemed to her to be the most incompetent, now seemed to be a completely different person. She kept her mouth shut for a million times, and even when she was talking to that gorgeous woman like Mr. Qin just now, her face was indifferent and she was talking on an equal footing.

In fact, Ji Feng actually used a small trick to make her brother-in-law, who seemed to be all-powerful in the past, lose millions. Maybe her sister Hu Xueqin couldn't understand what just happened, but she could. .

Is he still the timid and inferior poor boy from before? Hu Xuehui was very unwilling. In her opinion, since she gave up, it must be trash. But now, Ji Feng suddenly became a big shot, but she just gave up. Doesn't this mean there is something wrong with her vision

"A poor boy is a poor boy, no matter how many people you know, you can't change this fact!" Hu Xuehui thought bitterly.

"Brother-in-law, let's go and unravel the stone too. I've never seen you untie the stone before!" Hu Xuehui took two steps forward and said softly. She asked her brother-in-law to work with Ji Feng on unraveling the stone. According to her brother-in-law, Ji Feng's stone bet was very likely to fail. Then she would like to see how he could make a fortune! At the same time, this can also prove how correct your original choice was.

At this time, Ji Feng and Qin Shujie had already arrived at a stone solution place. Because this trade fair was very large, there were several places in the stone solution place. The place where Ji Feng came now was not the same place as the first time.

Ji Feng and others came here, and there happened to be a person in front of them who had just finished untying a piece of violet jade weighing five or six kilograms. Looking at the dejected look on the man's face, it was obvious that he had not paid back his money.

"Mr. Ji, it's your turn!" Qin Shujie smiled.

Ji Feng nodded, secretly praising Qin Shujie for being able to speak. Qin Shujie said 'it's your turn', not 'it's our turn', which means that although several people came together to unravel the stone, in fact, Qin Shujie had no intention of partnering with Ji Feng, although she lent Ji Feng Feng had more than one million, but if she said that, she undoubtedly meant to take advantage of the situation, but Ji Feng couldn't say anything yet.

But Qin Shujie didn't do this. She clearly understood that such a person was indeed very angry.

Ji Feng worked with several people from the Stone Calculation Department to transfer the rubble to the Stone Calculation Machine.

A middle-aged man at the place where the stone was being solved asked: "Little brother, how do you plan to solve it?"

Ji Feng thought for a while, took a piece of chalk from the side, drew a line on the rough stone, and said, "Just cut along this line."

"Okay!" The middle-aged man nodded and directed the staff to prepare for cutting.

Ji Feng didn't plan to cut it himself because the jadeite in this rough stone was too big. He only had one experience of cutting the stone, so he didn't dare to mess with it.

The middle-aged man who had been following Qin Shujie nodded slightly and praised in a low voice: "This little brother has good eyesight."

Qin Shujie asked: "How do you say it?"

The middle-aged man said: "Mr. Ji's rough stone has no quality and is very risky. It will definitely not be easy to break the stone. Because no one knows whether there is jade in it or how big it is. If If you are timid, you can only cut from the outside of the rough stone bit by bit, which is very time-consuming and laborious. If there is no jade inside, you may not be able to finish it in a few days. And if there is jade inside, you will be too harsh. If you do, it might destroy the jade inside."

Qin Shujie looked at the chalk line on the rough stone and suddenly realized: "If we cut from this line drawn by Ji Feng, we can not only save time and effort, but also protect the jade inside to the greatest extent?"

"That's right!" The middle-aged man nodded.

. . . . .