The Ultimate Student

Chapter 143: Special skills 3



The light curtain disappeared. Ji Feng did not see the result of the battle between the young man and the middle-aged man. He suddenly became anxious: "Zhi Nao, what are you doing? Keep playing. This is even better than a Hollywood blockbuster!"

"What is a Hollywood blockbuster?!" Zhinao asked. WWw. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. COm

Ji Feng blurted out: "Movie!"

Zhinao immediately shook his head and said: "Master, what was played just now was not a movie, but the video data in Zhinao's database. It is real."

"What?!" Ji Feng jumped up and shouted: "Zhi Nao, what did you just say? What was played just now was not a movie, it was real information? Are you kidding? How can a person blow up a mountain with one punch? How can you jump hundreds of meters in one go? Isn’t that superhuman?”

Zhinao said: "Master, that is the real information. The two people affected are both very excellent super agents. The young man among them is an agent of the Gamma Empire. What this video records is his relationship with the enemy. Agents fighting."

"..." Ji Feng muttered a few words unconsciously, shook his head repeatedly, and muttered to himself: "How is this possible!"

Although in the movies Ji Feng usually watches, those martial arts masters fly over the walls and have extremely high martial arts skills, Ji Feng knows that these are all fictions. He has never heard of anyone who really has such high Kung Fu. Otherwise, wouldn’t those mythical TV shows say that there are still many monsters and monsters on the earth

But now, Zhinao's words have shaken Ji Feng's original concept. Although demons and monsters cannot exist, martial arts masters might actually exist.

Not to mention that he himself has made great progress in strength, speed, and combat after undergoing rigorous training in the super agent training system from a poor boy with a weak body. He is even higher than ordinary people. How many times.

Simply speaking, the existence of Zhinao is a fact that Ji Feng cannot understand.

Everyone often says that there must be aliens in the universe, but humans have not discovered it. However, that is just a legend, and no one has ever taken it seriously. However, now, the wisdom brain actually exists in one's own brain. This is not a legend or a dream.

In this case, the legendary martial arts master might also be real.

These thoughts, many confusing thoughts, kept flashing through Ji Feng's mind, making it difficult for him to accept it for a while, but he had to believe that it was really a headache.

It wasn't until a long time later that Ji Feng finally came to his senses. He took a few deep breaths and then nodded and said, "Okay, Zhinao, I believe what you said is true. Then, I want to know, if I After learning all the second set of moves, can I become as good as the two people in the movie... no, just like the two people in the video data? Will I become like them?"

Until now, Ji Feng's subconscious was still reluctant to believe that the duel between the two people in the light screen was real. He would rather believe that it was a movie.

"Theoretically, if the master completes the second set of moves, he can reach half of their strength. If the master completes the third set of moves, his strength will not be lower than theirs." Zhinao replied with a calm voice as always. .

"Is there a third set of actions?" Ji Feng said with a bitter smile, "Zhi Nao, if you have anything to say, can you finish it all at once? Tell me, how many sets of actions should I complete to become a super agent?"

"Master, there are four sets of actions in total. If the master completes the first three sets, it will be enough to become an excellent super agent." Zhinao replied.

"What about the fourth set?" Ji Feng asked.

Zhinao said: "Master, the fourth set of movements is not a complete set of movements. On the eve of the destruction of the Gamma Galaxy, the strong men of the galaxy only studied the fourth set of movements to the fifth step. However, theoretically, If the fourth set of actions is completed, the master's lifespan will be greatly increased. Calculated according to the time on earth, the master should be able to live for more than five hundred years."

"Depend on!"

Ji Feng rolled his eyes and simply chose to turn a deaf ear to what was almost nonsense. It’s still five hundred years, why don’t you find someone who has lived for one hundred and fifty years to show me

"This Intelligent Brain...could it have been developed by some crazy scientist in the Gamma Galaxy, so the Intelligent Brain also became crazy?" Ji Feng secretly speculated.

"Okay, okay! Zhinao, you'd better show off the second set of moves first. I'll start learning them now." Ji Feng shook his head helplessly and said at the same time: "By the way, Zhinao, you said before, if I learned what kind of communication and network technology, can I create the light curtain you just made?"

"Yes master!" Zhinao said.

Ji Feng immediately struck each other with fists and palms, and said happily: "Very good!"

In fact, although the video data just now gave Ji Feng a great impact, what Ji Feng was most interested in was the light curtain that could play those video data. According to what Zhinao said before, it was a 'TV' that could be used in the homes of ordinary residents of the Gamma Galaxy. Ji Feng immediately paid attention.

However, when the light curtain began to play the video data, Ji Feng was really shocked. On the one hand, this shock is brought about by the duel between the two people in the image, but on the other hand, it is brought about by the effect of the light curtain.

What kind of 'television' is this? It's simply more advanced than those movie theaters with the most luxurious and advanced facilities. This kind of picture is more real than a 3D movie, and it looks like what is happening around you. For example, a rock fell just now. Ji Feng subconsciously dodged for fear of hitting himself. That was because the scene was too real.

Although Ji Feng has never gone to the cinema to watch 3D movies on Earth, and usually only hears the word 3D on TV or in the news, Ji Feng knows that with the current technology on Earth, any picture will always be There is some distortion, but the light curtain created by Zhinao has absolutely no shortcomings in this regard.

Ji Feng could clearly see the two people who were facing each other in the light screen. Even the hair on their faces could be clearly seen. That kind of realism was really difficult to describe in words.

Therefore, Ji Feng's interest in that light curtain far exceeds his interest in the following sets of actions. Not even the slightest bit interested in the master mentioned by Zhinao.

Ji Feng couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the light curtain. Ever since he met Zhi Nao at the beginning of his senior year of high school, Ji Feng has been wondering which channel to take, or in other words, what method to use to build his own business. But after much thought, Ji Feng couldn't come up with a suitable solution, nor did he have any mature conditions.

With his current conditions, it is easy to make a fortune, but it is not so easy to build a long-term and stable career. In fact, Ji Feng really thought about why he didn't open a jewelry company. In that case, with his own perspective, there would never be any problems with the raw materials, and he would make a profit without losing money.

However, Ji Feng's interest is not in this aspect, especially dealing with those stones all day long, Ji Feng doesn't like it very much. For him, it is enough to have enough money. Now he has more than 40 million in funds. If he wants to live a normal life, even if he wants to live comfortably for a lifetime, and the whole family lives together for a lifetime, It will never be used up.

Therefore, Ji Feng's current goal is to find a career that interests him and at the same time has a stable career. Well... Ji Feng thought about it carefully and found a word - sense of accomplishment!

Yes, it’s a sense of accomplishment.

It was precisely because of this sense of accomplishment and the curiosity in his heart that Ji Feng became very interested in this light curtain.

"Master, would you like to start learning the second set of moves now?" Zhinao's voice interrupted Ji Feng's meditation.

Ji Feng nodded immediately and said: "If you want to learn, of course you must learn."

He remembered that Zhinao had said before that if he wanted to learn communication and network technology, he had to start learning the second set of movements. Since Ji Feng was so interested in the light curtain, he naturally couldn't wait to learn the second set of movements. Two sets of actions.

"Yes, Master!" Zhinao nodded, "Master, please wait a moment."

A few seconds later, a light curtain appeared in front of Ji Feng's eyes again. Then, the light curtain began to twist, move closer to the center, and finally turned into the shape of a human body.

However, this is an illusory human body that looks transparent, and this human body is covered with various lines and light spots. Starting from the head, the torso, and limbs are all covered with such lines and light spots. .

"Master, please follow the Light Man to practice." Zhinao's voice sounded.

Ji Feng nodded and didn't care about why the illusory human body in this second set of movements was different from the first set of movements. Anyway, he was just learning those difficult movements, so it was no big deal.

The illusory human body began to squat, then sat cross-legged, with two feet on the other thigh, and hands on the chest... It was still like yoga!

Ji Feng quickly followed suit, because he had already completed the first set of movements skillfully, so this movement of the illusory human body was not difficult for him at all.

But soon, Ji Feng became confused.

The illusory human body in front of him actually stopped moving after assuming such a cross-legged sitting posture. Ji Feng's eyes widened and he thought, maybe it's because the brain's energy is insufficient. So this unreal guy is on strike

However, Ji Feng's round light ball was still floating around next to him, so Ji Feng immediately gave up the idea. It seemed that there seemed to be some changes in this illusory human body that he had not noticed. Or perhaps, this second set of movements is just such a yoga movement.

Ji Feng believed that the first possibility was more likely, so he carefully observed the illusory human body.

Gradually, Ji Feng discovered that a hazy mist seemed to appear around the illusory human body. Immediately afterwards, the mist seemed to enter his body through the skin of the illusory human body.

How can illusory people have skin? Ji Feng felt a little funny for himself, but in fact, he did feel this way.

Without having time to think about it, Ji Feng continued to watch. After the hazy mist entered the illusory human body, it entered those lines and flowed along those lines.

Only then did Ji Feng realize that those were not lines, but thin pipes, just like hoses.

The mist flows along the hose, gradually converging towards the lower body of the illusory human body, and finally gathers in the lower abdomen of the illusory human body, forming a relatively small mist.

"I apologize!"

Ji Feng subconsciously cursed, "Are you kidding? What kind of movements are they? They are clearly the state of martial arts masters and other figures shown on TV when they are practicing. Those hoses in the human body should be the legendary ones." meridians, and those light spots, are they acupuncture points

As for the mist in the lower abdomen, could it be... internal force

Ji Feng is a little confused. He really wants to ask Zhinao, is it the high technology of the alien world or the legendary martial arts secret book

"Master, please follow the illusory light and shadow to do the second set of movements!" Seeing Ji Feng's mouth wide open and a little distracted, Zhinao reminded him from the side.

"Oh, okay!" Ji Feng suddenly came to his senses and immediately imitated the appearance of the illusory human body, trying to absorb the mist around his body.

Just... where is the mist

Ji Feng was stunned. The illusory human body could absorb the mist, but Ji Feng didn't know if there was that kind of mist around his body, let alone how to absorb it!

Forget it, just sit like this! Thinking of the martial arts masters mentioned in TV novels who would close their eyes when practicing, Ji Feng gritted his teeth, closed his eyes slightly, and tried to calm down. It is said that if you don't meditate during practice, you may become possessed. Yes, Ji Feng said secretly, but he never thought about it. He hadn't even started yet, so where did he get so obsessed

However, as soon as Ji Feng closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a cool feeling around his body. He couldn't help but be surprised. It was September now, the season when autumn tigers were rampant. How could there be such a cool feeling? This is not in an air-conditioned room.

Suddenly, Ji Feng was stunned. Could this be the result of the mist

When Ji Feng was distracted, the cool feeling disappeared immediately.

He quickly concentrated again, and that feeling came back.

It really works! Ji Feng was secretly happy. It seemed that this action was really a bit magical. Ji Feng began to believe that Zhinao had not become crazy and was still the same Zhinao.

Gradually, the cool feeling spread throughout his body, and Ji Feng gradually immersed himself in it.

At this time, Zhinao did not let Ji Feng enjoy it like this. Zhinao's voice suddenly sounded in Ji Feng's ears: "Master, let's teach communication and network technology..."

When Ji Feng opened his eyes, it was already the morning of the next day. This was the first time since he met Zhinao that he got up later than six o'clock. Even during the summer vacation, Ji Feng got up at around five o'clock every morning. On the one hand, he was short of food, and on the other hand, it was a habit he had developed throughout his senior year of high school.

But today, he got up late.

The reason is that the cool feeling is so comfortable that he almost forgets the time. Zhinao's teachings were also so rich that he could only concentrate on remembering those knowledge, because it was all new knowledge that he had never been exposed to. If he didn't pay attention, even if he had a photographic memory, he would not be able to remember it. Don't even try to learn.

However, through Zhi Nao's teaching, Ji Feng also understood what communication and network technology is. In Zhi Nao's words, it is one sentence: master the principles of all communication tools, and under limited conditions, be able to use the fastest speed, creating the best-performing communication tools, this is communication technology.

Network technology is the network domain that covers the entire human race. In the Gamma Galaxy, network technology refers to the Skynet that covers the entire galaxy. This network is controlled by an extremely powerful artificial intelligence computer. All countries in the entire galaxy , each have one of the passwords to open this artificial intelligence computer. Only when all countries agree and put all the passwords together can a complete set of passwords be obtained to modify the program or do other work. Otherwise, No one has the right to change this host.

However, what Zhinao taught Ji Feng at the beginning was obviously not such advanced technology, but starting from the most basic ones, which is network language. According to Ji Feng's understanding, it is equivalent to the computer language on earth.

Ji Feng's ability to accept is very fast and his memory is extremely powerful, but it is not so easy to truly understand these things. He can only digest them slowly as his knowledge gradually increases.

Ji Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it. The weather was already very hot at this time, and Ji Feng was already sweating even though he was only wearing a pair of underwear. He quickly went to the bathroom to wash up and turned on the electric fan.

After a while, Ji Feng got dressed and prepared to have lunch.

When he walked downstairs to the dormitory and looked at the stone table at the door of the dormitory, his heart suddenly moved.

He secretly thought that the two people in the light screen could smash the mountain with one punch. He also started to learn the second set of moves. I wonder what kind of power they have

He looked around and saw that there was no one in the freshman dormitory. Most of them had gone to military training, so he walked over.

"Huh~~~!" Ji Feng took a deep breath and punched the edge of the stone table.


The dull sound startled Ji Feng, and then he felt a pain in his fist, and couldn't help but throw away his hand. However, when his eyes fell on the stone table, his expression suddenly changed.

The originally intact stone table had a half-fist-sized hole broken on the edge. That was where Ji Feng had just hit it with his fist!


Ji Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and secretly said, "Be good!"

Is this the power of the second set of actions? This is really magical. Ji Feng is ecstatic in his heart. This special skill is much better than the skills he learned before such as playing chess.

. . . . . .

ps: This is the update today, 5,000 words. Sorry, the company is quite busy recently.

