The Ultimate Student

Chapter 167: Decide


Ji Feng smiled slightly: "Even if he doesn't go to jail, he must learn some personal lessons. Otherwise, he will not have a long memory in the future, which is not good."

Although there was a smile on his face, a cold light flashed in Ji Feng's eyes. In fact, what he really wanted to say was that if Wu Ling'er was not taught a profound lesson, given Xiao Yuxuan's character, Wu Ling'er might still be used by her in the future! This is what Ji Feng cares about the most. He will never allow Xiao Yuxuan to be taken advantage of again and again.

Moreover, even if it’s just once, it’s absolutely not okay!

Looking at Ji Feng's expression, how could Xiao Yuxuan not know what he was thinking? Sighing slightly, Xiao Yuxuan couldn't say anything. After all, Ji Feng was in charge for his own sake. However, seeing her boyfriend dealing with her roommate made Xiao Yuxuan feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Okay, Yuxuan, don't worry about this matter." Ji Feng chuckled and said, "Wu Ling'er didn't want me to help? Since I intervened, I will naturally help to the end."

Xiao Yuxuan hesitated for a moment, then said: "Ji Feng, if possible, it's better not to argue with Xiao Ling. After all, she may have other reasons for doing this... "

Ji Feng was startled: "What's the reason?"

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yuxuan said: "Actually, it's like this. When Xiaoling was very young, her parents divorced and started their own families. And she was very unpopular in both new families. , they only gave her a little living expenses every year, but she no longer cared about her at all. When Xiaoling grew up, she saw that her parents were indifferent to her, so she simply sued her parents, and her annual living expenses increased a lot. . Moreover, the attitude of her parents has changed somewhat. However, her parents each had children with new partners, and their children were extremely unfriendly to Xiao Ling."

Ji Feng's heart suddenly moved, but he didn't speak.

Xiao Yuxuan continued: "I remember hearing Xiao Ling say before that if possible, she would rather her parents had nothing. In that case, although life would be a little harder, at least she would still have her parents' concern compared to now. It’s quite enjoyable.”

Ji Feng smiled slightly: "Yuxuan, what exactly do you want to say?"

Xiao Yuxuan couldn't help but suffocated, rolled her eyes at him, and said angrily: "You guy, you know what I'm talking about, but you pretend to be confused!"

Ji Feng smiled slightly, "No matter what motivation she had for doing this, she did it after all."

"But..." Xiao Yuxuan wanted to say something else, but was immediately interrupted by Ji Feng.

"Yuxuan, let me ask you a question. If Wu Ling'er killed her parents' current spouse because she wanted her parents to get back together, but her starting point may be good. In this case, do you think the police Will Wu Ling'er be spared so that she will not be held criminally responsible?"

"How can this be compared with killing someone?" Xiao Yuxuan said dissatisfied.

"Why not?" Ji Feng looked at Xiao Yuxuan in a matter-of-fact manner: "Yuxuan, don't you think that her taking advantage of you is much less serious than killing someone, right?"

"Isn't it?" Xiao Yuxuan asked.

Ji Feng couldn't help but shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Killing, heart-breaking! If she killed her parents' spouse, it would be murder. However, she used you, and used you to use me. This may not be considered legally What are you talking about, but in fact, for you, this is a heart-breaking act. Killing people is heart-breaking. These two acts are so bad, the former makes people die, and the latter makes people heartbroken, what is the difference?"

For a moment, Xiao Yuxuan was silent.

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter well. For your sake, I won't make it too difficult for you. However, as my friend Wu Ling'er, I suggest you give up. She can use you for the first time. One time is enough to use you a second time. For some people, one time is enough to see her true face." Ji Feng slowly shook his head, "What's more, is it someone like Wu Ling'er who has a twisted mind since childhood?"

"Twisted mind?!" Xiao Yuxuan screamed.

"Isn't it?" Ji Feng drove to school, and at the same time turned his head to look at Xiao Yuxuan's pretty face, and said with a smile: "If your parents treat you badly, would you think of suing them? Do you even want to use your friends to deal with their company?"

Xiao Yuxuan thought for a while, and finally shook her head silently.

"That's it!"

Ji Feng laughed and said, "For a person, the most important people in this life are parents. Because parents gave us life. Without them, we don't know where we would be. Don't watch those tragic dramas on TV. Talking about illegitimate children or children with a hard life, and when they finally recognized their parents, they shouted something like 'Why did you give birth to me?', in fact, it was all bullshit made up by idiot screenwriters."

"Don't say bad words!" Xiao Yuxuan couldn't help but smile, but she couldn't help but nod, because she knew that Ji Feng's words were correct.

"My parents gave us life, and as long as we survive, it is actually a great gift. Just because we don't have much living expenses and it's not good for ourselves, we sue our parents. This kind of thing, haha ..." Ji Feng smiled sarcastically, "It's not that people can't make mistakes. It is said that no one is born perfect and there will always be times when mistakes are made. However, when making mistakes, you must also see what the mistakes are!"

Xiao Yuxuan couldn't say anything for a moment. She might have thought that there was nothing wrong with fighting for her own interests before, but if she loses her humanity because of this, no matter how great the benefits are, it is unforgivable!

"In this way, you should have realized that Wu Ling'er's mind is actually twisted, and there is a big difference between her and normal people." Ji Feng said with a smile, "Of course, I have never discriminated against This kind of person is caused by certain reasons, and her parents actually have certain reasons for becoming like this. However, making friends with this kind of person is much more difficult than making friends with ordinary people. Too many. Did you see that today’s incident is the best example. Using one’s friends for a trivial matter is simply nonsense!”

Ji Feng sneered, with disdain on his face: "If you hadn't told me that Wu Ling'er was at odds with her parents, I would have just thought that Wu Ling'er was just a spoiled rich kid. Now it seems, She is simply a mentally disturbed person who cherishes life and stays away from little spirits!"

Listening to Ji Feng's bitter sarcasm, Xiao Yuxuan felt her face burning. In the past, it was because she sympathized with Xiao Ling that she didn't notice it. Now that Ji Feng said this, Xiao Yuxuan suddenly realized that no matter what the reason, children are treasonous towards their parents. What's more, Xiao Ling's parents are just I don’t care much about Xiao Ling...

"If possible, let Xiao Ling go!" After a long silence, Xiao Yuxuan couldn't help but said softly.

"Yes, of course!" Ji Feng said with a smile, "If you want to use me to deal with her parents' company, I can't let her do it. Haha... Yuxuan, you can apply to the school to change apartments. When you move out, Wu Ling'er can come back."

"You want me to move out?" Xiao Yuxuan was surprised.

"Of course!" Ji Feng nodded matter-of-factly, "I don't worry about you living with someone with an abnormal heart. The consequences will be really unpredictable."

"...Okay!" Xiao Yuxuan was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

Ji Feng laughed: "Yuxuan, how about... let's rent a house outside."

"Fuck you!" Xiao Yuxuan's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, "You little gangster, you think about bad things all day long, I won't rent a house with you!"

Ji Feng suddenly laughed, "Yuxuan, I didn't think so. I was just worried that if you live with Wu Ling'er, you would be affected by her, or when she would become fierce, It hurts you.”

"Only a ghost would believe you!" Xiao Yuxuan rolled her eyes at him.

Looking at Xiao Yuxuan's charming appearance, Ji Feng couldn't help but feel in his heart. If he wasn't driving, he really wanted to hold Xiao Yuxuan in his arms and kiss her fiercely.

As if she could see the evil thoughts in Ji Feng's heart, Xiao Yuxuan couldn't help but blush, she rolled her eyes at him charmingly, and quickly turned away, not daring to look at him again. Otherwise, God knows what this guy will do. Xiao Yuxuan still clearly remembers that when she was in the cafe, Ji Feng kissed her forcefully without caring that it was still in public.

"Ji Feng, what are you going to do?" After a moment of silence, Xiao Yuxuan finally couldn't help but ask.

"Let's see how the police handle it. As for Wu Ling'er's parents... forget it, it's really pointless to argue with someone who has an abnormal mind!" Ji Feng shook his head slightly, "When you move out of that apartment, don't do it in the future. Contact her again and let this matter go as it is..."

At the end of the sentence, Ji Feng couldn't help but sigh. Encountering such a thing really made him sigh in his heart. Unless the parents are heinous evildoers, no one has any reason to blame their parents. Obviously Wu Ling'er didn't think so.

It's really no fun to deal with this kind of person.

Xiao Yuxuan opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she sighed softly and remained silent.

Because she knew that Ji Feng's statement was correct. Xiao Yuxuan was a very filial person. When she figured out that Wu Ling'er wanted to use Ji Feng to deal with her parents, it was really difficult for Xiao Yuxuan to accept it.

"There will be friends, people who are like-minded, although there are not many, but there are definitely many." Ji Feng said with a smile, "There is no need to affect your mood for someone who is not normal."

Xiao Yuxuan nodded silently.

"Okay, let's go back." Ji Feng accelerated, the engine buzzed, and disappeared at the end of the road.

The two people's whispers fell into the air.


"Little guy, call me Yuxuan!"

"Okay... Yuxuan, you will live alone in the apartment today. Isn't it too dangerous? I'd rather live with you!"

"Don't even think about it, I'm very brave and I don't need anyone else to accompany me!"

"Am I someone else? I'm your boyfriend!"

"My underground boyfriend...just."

"That's my boyfriend too, that's settled."

"You are such a scoundrel, little rascal!"

"Haha, if men are not bad, women will not love them..."

. . . . . .

ps: First update.
