The Ultimate Student

Chapter 185: Glad [first update]


丿Eternal wings丨. Mr. Xiaosha... Fox sees everyone's support. There are also many friends who support me, so I won't list them one by one. Fox will definitely work harder, please continue to support.

. . . . .

"Little... Mr. Ji, it was really because I cared too much about Xuanxuan that I said those offensive words. I hope you won't take it to heart."

"Yes, Mr. Ji, Suhong is like this. I often talk about her at home. However, she is just too direct in her speech, but she has no bad intentions. Don't mind!"

When Ji Feng took care of Sun Gang and drove Tang Haiwei away with a few words, the unquestionable majesty he showed immediately made Liu Suhong and Xu Changyuan even more uneasy. After seeing Ji Feng's methods and ruthlessness, the two of them almost felt regretful. Why didn't they see before that Ji Feng didn't like to talk? That wasn't because he was honest and timid, but because he had a calm demeanor.

Because of this thought, as soon as Ji Feng sat down, Liu Suhong and Xu Changyuan hurriedly apologized. However, due to their face, they could not apologize directly. They could only find excuses to cover up their behavior, with faces on their faces. It was still hot and embarrassing.

Ji Feng just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Now that I know what to say, when I was sarcastic to myself before, why didn't I think of my current situation

Xu Changyuan and Liu Suhong became even more embarrassed when they saw Ji Feng's reaction. They apologized, but Ji Feng ignored them at all, which left them speechless. Ji Feng's identity is there. If it were normal times, let alone apologizing, they might not even have a chance to offend Ji Feng. Therefore, the two of them don't know what to do now.

Liu Suhong's mind was still thinking quickly. She rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of an idea, and hurriedly winked at Xiao's mother.

Xiao Changhe and his wife were secretly happy. Xu Changyuan and his wife had never been so honest in front of them before. Because Xu Changyuan is a clerk in the bank, he always feels superior to others, and Xiao Changhe and his wife feel that they are relatives, so they are afraid of getting offended, so they can't say anything, but they are definitely unhappy. .

But now, Xu Changyuan and his wife are so cowardly. This kind of scene is rare!

Of course Liu Suhong knew that her cousin and cousin-in-law didn't treat her family very well. She originally introduced Xiao Yuxuan to Tang Haiwei, but she actually wanted to take this opportunity to curry favor with Tang Haiwei, and then to curry favor with Tang Haiwei's father, because Liu Suhong's family The small company was within the jurisdiction of Tang Haiwei's father.

But they never thought that not only did Tang Haiwei not agree with them, but they offended someone they shouldn't have offended. This person was Xiao Yuxuan's current boyfriend.

If it is more serious, there is a hatred between Liu Suhong and Ji Feng to seize their wives. Although they did not succeed, after all, this matter is not something that ordinary people can tolerate.

In this situation, Liu Suhong knew that she had to put down her dignity and obtain Ji Feng's forgiveness. Otherwise, her company, her husband Xu Changyuan's future, and even her daughter Xu Ting's future work might all be in question.

Even if Ji Feng just said a word, Xu Changyuan might be imprisoned. After all, no one in the banking system is clean, and Xu Changyuan is even less clean.

Because of this, Liu Suhong knew very well that no matter what happened today, Ji Feng had to let go of these things, at least not to care about them. As for whether he could have a relationship with Ji Feng, that was a matter for later.

But their apology was useless, Liu Suhong immediately realized that if she wanted Ji Feng to let go, the best way would be to take the wife route.

However, as elders, and Xiao Changhe and his wife were here at this time, they naturally could not put down their dignity and plead with Xiao Yuxuan, so they could only use Xiao Changhe and his wife to excuse themselves.

This is the first time that Ji Feng and Xiao Changhe and his wife have met. No matter from any aspect, he will give Xiao Changhe and his wife some face. This is the face that Liu Suhong wants!

Liu Suhong understands this, Ji Feng understands this, and Xiao Changhe and his wife also understand this.

Therefore, although I disliked Liu Suhong and his wife very much in my heart, seeing their pitiful appearance now, the old couple's good-natured nature relapsed. Xiao Changhe coughed slightly, considered it for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Feng, since we are out for dinner today, just forget about those unhappy things. Your cousin and cousin are actually very smart, they don't have Evil-minded.”

Xiao Yuxuan couldn't help but sigh softly. Her parents were too kind. No wonder her father's company has been unable to develop and grow. How can it be done in the shopping mall if they are just soft-hearted and kind

Ji Feng smiled slightly, feeling quite satisfied with Xiao Changhe and his wife's reaction. In his opinion, the kind-heartedness of Xiao Changhe and his wife is really a rare quality. Xiao Yuxuan's filial piety is obviously a result of good family education.

In fact, what Ji Feng fears most is that after Xiao Changhe and his wife know his identity, they will do some inappropriate things based on their identity. Ji Feng will never be stingy when it comes to helping them. After all, they are Xiao Yuxuan's parents. However, if they used this reason to cause chaos, it would have exceeded Ji Feng's bottom line.

But now it seems that Ji Feng's worries are obviously unnecessary.

Therefore, Ji Feng's face showed a smile: "Uncle, aunt, you are right, let's not mention the unhappy things. I came to visit the two elders today just to beg my uncle and aunt to let me date Yuxuan. , I promise you that I will treat Yuxuan well. As for my family, it is a bit complicated and I can’t explain it at the moment. When I have time in the future, I will let my parents come to visit my uncle and aunt. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Suhong and Xu Changyuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and Ji Feng finally let go.

As long as he doesn't continue to pursue it! The two of them were very happy. Fortunately, their cousin and cousin-in-law had better tempers. Otherwise, today would have been a bad day.

When Xiao Yuxuan heard this, her body suddenly stiffened, and she felt deeply moved in her heart.

The relationship between her and Ji Feng is not a normal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, because there is Tong Lei between them.

Ji Feng now promises to let his parents come to visit his own parents. There is no doubt that this is another way of recognizing her identity. It is even asking his family to recognize her identity. How can Xiao Yuxuan not be moved by this?

Maybe Xiao Changhe and his wife don't know the identity of Ji Feng's parents, they only know that Ji Feng is the nephew of the municipal party committee secretary, but Xiao Yuxuan knows very well how important Ji Feng's father is!

"No, if your parents are busy, it's okay for us to visit them!" Xiao Changhe said politely with a smile.

Xiao Yuxuan pursed her lips and almost didn't laugh. She endured it again and again, and did not immediately tell the identity of Ji Feng's father. Otherwise, I'm afraid Xiao Changhe would never let Ji Feng's father come to visit him.

"Dad, please stop being so polite. It's almost eight o'clock now and I'm already hungry." Xiao Yuxuan interrupted the topic. She thought she would tell her father everything after she got home at night.

Of course, Xiao Yuxuan will definitely not tell her true relationship with Ji Feng. Otherwise, no matter how important Ji Feng's fatherhood is and how high his status is, Xiao Changhe will probably not allow his daughter to have sex with another woman. Together with a man.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then the box door was pushed open, and Manager Xiao walked in with a respectful look.

Manager Xiao was startled when he saw that a few people suddenly disappeared from the box, leaving only Ji Feng and others. Those two young people who the general manager valued very much were not there

However, there was no sign of anything strange on his face, because he clearly remembered that the young man sitting in the box had personally called Ji Shaolei the second brother. It was self-evident what this meant.

"The same goes for being able to serve this young man with satisfaction!" Manager Xiao was still very discerning. He murmured secretly and smiled at the same time: "Everyone, I have been neglectful so much before. I hope you won't be offended. In order to show our sincerity Sorry, these are some special dishes specially made by the hotel’s chef, and some of the hotel’s thoughts. I hope you will be satisfied!”

His eyes were always on Ji Feng, but Ji Feng smiled at Xiao Changhe and said, "Uncle, since it is the hotel's intention, then we will accept it, right?"

Damn it, this elegant middle-aged man is the most important person here? Manager Xiao was secretly shocked. These people today have quite a lot of backgrounds.

He quickly said: "Sir, look..."

Xiao Changhe was not pretentious, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "In this case, I'll trouble you, Manager Xiao. Thank you for your kindness."

Manager Xiao was immediately overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Wherever, as long as a few people are satisfied with the use, this is our pursuit."

With that said, he waved his hand toward the door: "Bring them all in!"

Immediately afterwards, a group of tall and beautiful waiters wearing cheongsam came in carrying plates one by one. Each waiter was holding a dish in his hand, and the waiters behind him were holding bottles of wine. .


Xiao Changhe's eyes suddenly condensed, and he recognized it at a glance. The wines these waiters were carrying were not ordinary wines, but Moutai aged wine, which was not easy to buy.

He couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, a person's identity is really a sign that is more effective than anything else. Before, a few of them could barely get a box, but now, they can actually drink such expensive wine for free. Only those who have experienced it can feel the difference.

Xiao Changhe couldn't help but feel very satisfied. His daughter finally found a boyfriend who was reliable and of high status. Although he has never followed the trend, as a father, he still hopes that his daughter can live a happy life. Now it seems that by following Ji Feng, his daughter will not suffer.

Xiao's mother was a little worried. Although her daughter was not bad in appearance or temperament, Ji Feng's status was obviously not low, and she didn't know if Ji Feng's parents would like her.

However, when Mother Xiao saw that Ji Feng had specifically told Manager Xiao to bring a few bottles of drinks and pour them for the ladies present, when he looked at his daughter, the love in his eyes immediately made Mother Xiao Relax, people's eyes can't deceive, Ji Feng really likes Xuanxuan.

Mother Xiao was immediately relieved and happy.

Similarly, Xiao Changhe was also very pleased. Compared to He Dong, Ji Feng was much better.