The Ultimate Student

Chapter 191: Hidden worries[Third update]


Thank you [bbmmczp] and other friends for your VIP and PK tickets. You let Fox see that he still has support. As a newcomer, Fox is really grateful to everyone. As a newcomer, the only thing Fox can do is to write better things. Stories, repay everyone at a faster speed.

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Frankly speaking, Fox’s goal is to be in the top three in the subscription list, because only in this way can Fox be able to concentrate on coding after resigning without having to worry about starving to death. Can everyone make Fox’s wish come true

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It was true that he had more than 40 million yuan, but for Ji Feng, who had always lived a frugal life, he was a little reluctant to suddenly spend more than 10 million yuan to buy a villa. He couldn't help but laugh to himself that he was too petty, but the reluctance in his heart was real.

You know, the living expenses for him and his mother were only a few thousand yuan a year before. Moreover, before he met Zhinao, he had never had tens of thousands of dollars. Even his family did not have such money. .

Therefore, it was difficult for Ji Feng to change the habits he had developed since childhood. And he doesn't want to change it. Unless it's absolutely necessary, he doesn't want to spend any extravagance.

Although Ji Feng had fantasized many times that if he suddenly got rich one day, he would be extravagant, but when he really got rich, he was not willing to part with it at all. Even buying an Audi some time ago made him feel distressed. If he hadn't considered the car's performance and safety, he would never have spent hundreds of thousands on a car.

If possible, he would like to buy a QQ car that costs tens of thousands of yuan. Anyway, it is used for transportation. If others drive, he at least does not have to walk. But considering that there might be an emergency one day, Ji Feng still bought an Audi.

However, his stingy character in spending money has not changed at all.

Ji Feng is not ashamed of this. If someone laughs at him in this regard, he will definitely sneer at it. People who have not experienced that kind of hard life will never know what money is in the eyes of some people!

For many people, money may be just a number, but for Ji Feng, money is the capital for his survival.

"This is a good habit, keep it up!" Ji Feng was very satisfied with his character and couldn't help but said jokingly to himself.

So now, although he likes this villa very much, and the conditions of this villa just meet his requirements, whether it is used to practice aerobics, live in, or be used as a light curtain to study gamma galaxies in the future, it is a very good place. A secluded place, at least until the news is not leaked, it is absolutely safe.

However, Ji Feng still hesitated again and again and still had not made up his mind.

Looking at the time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. It was almost time for class, so he took the textbook and went directly to the classroom.

However, throughout the afternoon, Ji Feng's mind was not in class. There were two voices lingering in his mind: to buy, or not to buy

"We need to analyze it carefully!" Ji Feng decided secretly. Although he is stingy, he is never stingy with the money he should spend, he just doesn't waste it.

Ji Feng picked up the pen, tore off a piece of paper from the notebook, and began to write and draw.

"Eighteen million, in exchange for a villa." Ji Feng muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "The villa can be used for living. This function is not worth the price at all. But other than that Outside, there is a secluded villa and a small stadium nearby, which is very suitable for practicing aerobics and strength control. This is a good feature.”

"However, this is still not worth the price of 18 million... What if we also add a light curtain?" Ji Feng couldn't help but ask himself.

If you want to live and practice, you only need a secluded house. You can also go to a park or a stadium to practice strength control. The same goes for a school playground. Then, when creating a light curtain, we can't be so careless.

Ji Feng knows better than anyone else the value of the light curtain of the Gamma Galaxy.

This kind of light curtain is just equivalent to a 'television' in the homes of ordinary residents in the Gamma Galaxy, but on Earth, this is simply an epoch-making technology. It can be used in various aspects such as military and civilian applications!

Just think about it, for example, in scientific research. If you want to design or create a new device, the difference between showing it with a light curtain and showing a three-dimensional image on a computer is simply the same as the sky and the earth. It is really incomparable.

Because this light curtain can not only be used as a 'TV', it can also allow you to be in it. According to Zhinao, as long as you fully learn communication and network technology, you can completely use the light curtain as a super computer. Its powerful functions will definitely drive anyone crazy.

Precisely because he knew the value of the light curtain, Ji Feng could conclude that if others knew that he had mastered this technology in the future, even his family might not be able to protect him.

Even a perverted thing like a light screen can be made. How can such a talent still have personal freedom

What's more, with the continuous training of Zhinao, Ji Feng will master far more techniques than light screens in the future. By then, he will be waiting to be imprisoned like a giant panda. Even more serious, if people abroad find out, Ji Feng's fate will be hard to say.

For such a person, it would be better if he could get it, but if he couldn't get it, then obviously there is only one way, which is to get rid of him!

Thinking of this, Ji Feng suddenly felt dizzy.

"Buy!" Ji Feng gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

Although living in a villa, there is no guarantee that it will be kept secret, but at least in a short period of time, no one will know about these things. As for the future, Ji Feng has no good solution. At present, he can only take one step at a time.

After making up his mind, Ji Feng became much more relaxed. After finishing the afternoon class, Ji Feng immediately returned to the dormitory. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon. He thought about it and called Xiao Yuxuan directly.

As a result, no one answered, and Ji Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

"Is she in class now?" Ji Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself. Ji Feng naturally didn't know about the course schedule of the Foreign Language Department. Moreover, since Xiao Yuxuan and Tong Lei left hand in hand at noon, the two of them had not contacted him again. It made him feel a little nervous. What did the two of them say

Ji Feng was a little unwilling to give up and called Tong Lei again, but the reply he got was that his phone was turned off.

At this time, the other three people in the dormitory were not there. Ji Feng simply sat on the sofa alone, picked up a pen and turned it around in his hand, but he kept thinking in his mind.

When it was time to have dinner, Ji Feng's cell phone suddenly rang. He looked down and saw that it was Tong Lei.

"Hey, Leilei, why haven't you answered the phone all afternoon?" Ji Feng asked anxiously as soon as he answered the phone. This afternoon, he made four or five consecutive calls, all of which were turned off.

"I'm in class!" Tong Lei's soft voice came, and Ji Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it didn't sound strange.

"Ji Feng, why did you call me?" Tong Lei was a little surprised.

"Oh, that's it..." Ji Feng suddenly came to his senses and immediately stated his plan: "I saw a house sale information on the Internet today..."

"You want to buy a villa?" Tong Lei couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although she knew that Ji Feng made a lot of money at the jadeite trade fair, she was still a little shocked when she heard that she actually had to pay more than 10 million at one time.

Ji Feng hesitated for a moment, but still didn't explain anything. After all, there is something about an alien intelligence in his mind, which is really shocking. It is better to bear the pressure alone. If Tong Lei knew about it, she would inevitably have to worry about herself.

"Ji Feng, if you have money, you can't spend it arbitrarily." Tong Lei said hesitantly. She was afraid that speaking too harshly would hurt Ji Feng.

"Of course it's not random spending..." Ji Feng chuckled, but had a headache. He thought about it for a moment before saying, "That's right, because Jiangzhou is still under development. According to the current situation, the housing prices near the university town It will definitely continue to rise. This is an investment for me, and I can still live in it and have a place to stay. When the house price rises, I can sell the house and make a lot of money. This is killing two birds with one stone. It’s a matter.”

Tong Lei is not very proficient in economics, but after hearing what Ji Feng said makes sense, she can't help but say: "I don't know much about these things, but you must be careful and don't be reckless. By the way... you are not learning Are you majoring in economics and management? You might as well ask the teacher for advice before making a decision. After all, more than ten million is not a small amount!"

Ji Feng immediately agreed with a smile. He could naturally feel Tong Lei's concern, and her soft voice filled his heart with warmth.

"If we buy a house, it will be our home!" Ji Feng joked with a smile.

"That's your home!" Tong Lei chuckled, "My home is in Mangshi!"

Ji Feng laughed, knowing that she was thin-skinned, so he stopped teasing her, said a few more words, and hung up the phone.

Then, Ji Feng dialed Xiao Yuxuan's phone again, and this time, Xiao Yuxuan finally answered the phone.

"Little guy, what's so urgent? I was just about to call you!" Xiao Yuxuan's voice carried a different kind of charm, which made Ji Feng's heart burn with excitement.

Suppressing the desire in his heart, Ji Feng smiled and said, "I want to buy a house!"

He quickly explained his plan to buy a house.

Xiao Yuxuan was surprised: "Little guy, it turns out what you said is true?"

Ji Feng had already mentioned his intention to buy a house when he first saw the faculty and staff dormitory building. Later, Wu Ling'er's incident happened, and his belief in buying a house became even stronger. However, Xiao Yuxuan did not expect that it would happen so quickly. .

"Of course it's true. This is our love nest in the future. Of course I will take it seriously." Ji Feng chuckled.

"Little hooligan!" Xiao Yuxuan said charmingly, but her heart was filled with sweetness.

After Ji Feng introduced the matter in detail, Xiao Yuxuan immediately said: "If it is like what you said, 18 million is definitely not expensive, this may be really an opportunity!"

Hearing what Xiao Yuxuan said, Ji Feng was immediately reassured.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately contacted the owner of the villa, Mr. Li, and agreed to meet at ten o'clock the next morning.

After doing this, Ji Feng threw the phone on the bed and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "We have a car and a house, but there is still a lack of a mistress in the house... We must encourage Yuxuan and Tong Lei. Everyone live in!"
