The Ultimate Student

Chapter 196: Let’s start first[First update]


"Why is that bitch named Yun Bing so easy to talk to all of a sudden?" Sitting in the car, Zhang Lei's eyes flickered, "If I'm not wrong, she will not give up so easily. I think she must have something behind her. Recruit!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said with a smile: "That's for sure. If you see the hatred for Leilei in her eyes, you will know that Yun Bing will only give up if Leilei dies! This woman is A madman!"

In the pavilion in front of the dormitory, Ji Feng saw the deep hatred in Yun Bing's eyes. The look in his eyes seemed to tear Tong Lei alive, which was chilling.

It was precisely because of seeing this look that Ji Feng desperately wanted to kill that damn woman, because he could not protect Tong Lei 24 hours a day. If he was not careful, the woman would succeed. , if something happens to Tong Lei, Ji Feng will be killed!

"Humph, what a lunatic!" Zhang Lei smiled disdainfully, "Every human being will be afraid, but she has not encountered anything that scares her yet. This kind of person, at first glance, looks like he has been pampered since he was a child, always thinking that the whole world Everyone revolves around her, she is nobler than everyone else. wWW,QuANbEn-XiAoShUo,cOM Damn it!"

Zhang Lei cursed bitterly, he didn't know how many people he had seen like this, especially the children of aristocratic families, who basically had this kind of virtue. However, even they would not be so crazy.

Therefore, Zhang Lei can conclude that Yun Bing's family is quite powerful, and her family's love for her is really too great.

"Madman, you just said that Yun Bing's father is the boss of Huihuang Group, right?" Zhang Lei gritted his teeth, "Leave this matter to me for investigation first. If I can't deal with Yun Feiyang, you can take action again."

"Is it necessary to go to such trouble?" Ji Feng asked with a frown.

"Of course, if you deal with Yun Feiyang and the Brilliant Group, the implication may be bigger. Moreover, you are good at protecting Leilei. I'm worried that the crazy woman will do something evil to Leilei!" At this moment, Zhang Lei's mind was extremely clear because he was really angry.

Tong Lei was startled when she heard this: "She can't be so crazy, can she?"

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst!" Ji Feng nodded slightly and said, "Lei Zi, I will do as you say. You first investigate the details of the Brilliant Group, and I will take care of the actual work!"

Ji Feng's eyes flashed with coldness, and he was almost certain that Yun Bing would never give up so easily. Instead of being beaten passively, Ji Feng would definitely choose to take the initiative.

Aren't you very arrogant because of your family background? Then I will simply destroy all your support! Ji Feng immediately made up his mind.

"Leilei, do you really not know where you offended Yun Bing?" Zhang Lei asked with a frown, "You have to find out the root cause. Otherwise, similar things may happen in the future. In this world, you don't know whether to live or die. There are too many people.”

Tong Lei frowned slightly, shook her head slightly and said, "Yun Bing and I have only met once, and I really don't know what's going on."

Ji Feng pondered for a moment and asked: "So, has anything unusual happened during this period? For example, among the friends you have made, has anyone offended Yun Bing, or is there any man who has Chase you?"

Tong Lei was startled. After a moment, she said hesitantly: "This... I'm not sure, but in the past few days, there is a boy who often talks to me."

"What's his name? Does it have anything to do with Yun Bing?" Ji Feng immediately realized that Yun Bing's hatred of Tong Lei should have something to do with this matter.

"I didn't talk to him much." Tong Lei shook her head slightly. With her cold personality, it was strange that she could say a few words to these boys who were attracted by her appearance.

Ji Feng smiled: "Lei Zi, let's start from these two aspects. While investigating the Brilliant Group, we will also find out the details of that boy."

"No problem!" Zhang Lei said through gritted teeth, "How dare you dare to set your sights on my sister and cause her so much trouble. It would be strange if I don't kill him!"

Tong Lei was immediately startled. She knew Zhang Lei's character and said hurriedly: "Brother, don't act recklessly!"

Zhang Lei waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

Tong Lei couldn't help but sigh: "Why does she hate me so deeply!"

Until she hung up the phone, Yun Bing was still filled with hatred, her eyes flashing coldly as she thought about how to deal with that bitch Tong Lei.

In fact, Yun Bing hates Tong Lei. This is actually an unreasonable disaster that Tong Lei suffered, because until now, she doesn't know what happened and where she offended Yun Bing!

Tong Lei didn't know, but Yun Bing knew very well that Tong Lei had indeed offended herself.

Yun Bing, who was born in the Brilliant Group, hates people from small places, especially girls from small places. Those who have no knowledge may wonder if it is because they were too depressed in high school. Once they arrive in college, they become extremely open, even more open than people in big cities. No, it shouldn’t be said to be open. , that is simply debauchery!

Not only that, those people from small places have low quality, live a slovenly life, and even commit theft and robbery. Especially those who are extremely dirty, they actually want to work in the Huihuang Group? That's a joke!

In Yun Bing's view, except for Jiangzhou people, no one from any place can compare with Jiangzhou people. In other words, rich people are the noblest people, and everyone else is inferior to them!

Later, Yun Bing's thoughts changed again, because she once saw with her own eyes that just because someone accidentally said something offensive, her father ordered someone to chop off that person's hand. That kind of The horrific blood and majesty made her still lingering in her mind.

After going to school, whenever they knew she was the daughter of the boss of the Brilliant Group, everyone was either afraid of her or extremely attentive to her. Gradually, she felt like she was a princess and everyone else was a slave or servant.

The behavior of her father Yun Feiyang made Yun Bing's feeling stronger and stronger. When she was in junior high school, once, the daughter of a wealthy family laughed at Yun Bing for having acne on her face. The next day, the girl was raped by some gangsters on her way to school.

No matter whether the girl's parents called the police or went to the police, there was no effect. Even in the end, no one saw the girl's parents again, as if the whole family had disappeared out of thin air.

It is precisely because of these experiences that Yun Bing feels that she is the princess of Jiangzhou and no one can be looked down upon by her.

However, there was one person who offended her. This person was Tong Lei, and he offended her twice.

The reason is that Tong Lei not only stole her limelight, but also stole what originally belonged to her!

Yun Bing fell in love with a boy, but she didn't take the initiative at all, let alone confess her love. Because in her opinion, this boy should take the initiative to pursue her.

With her status and beauty, as long as she waved, those boys wouldn't be like pugs, obediently running over to flatter her

However, Yun Bing was shocked to find that things were completely different from what she imagined. Not only did the boy not come over to beg her, he even went after Tong Lei!

Not only that, I don’t know who created a ranking list of school beauties, but Tong Lei was ranked more than ten places higher than hers!

This made Yun Bing feel that she had been humiliated and humiliated. Not only was a bumpkin girl from the countryside stealing the limelight, but even men were surrounding her. This was simply a huge insult!

If you want to change this situation, the best way is to completely make Tong Lei stink, or even...

Yun Bing's eyes kept flashing with crazy light, I want to turn her into a bitch who can do anything she wants!

Thinking of this, she immediately dialed the previous phone number: "Brother Hu, send me a few more hooligans. Something good is waiting for them!"

After hanging up the phone, a frightening smile appeared on Yun Bing's swollen cheeks, "The school beauty...if she is insulted by a few gangsters, is she still a school beauty? I don't believe it, those blind people A man would still be tempted by a woman who has been insulted!"

"Bingbing, Bingbing!" At this moment, a girl ran over quickly, with a look of surprise on her face, and said in a panic: "Something is going to happen!"

"Why are you panicking! What's wrong?" Yun Bing was upset and her ears were still ringing from the beating. When she heard the girl's cry, she became furious.

The girl was startled, and then she said cautiously: "Well... I don't know who posted what happened just now on the school forum, and now it's gone crazy!"

"What?!" Yun Bing almost jumped up, as if someone stepped on her tail, and screamed: "What's going on, who did it!"

Several companions looked at each other, not knowing how to respond. When Yun Bing was being beaten, there were many people watching, and anyone could have done it.

"Go back and see what's going on!" Yun Bing said through gritted teeth. Immediately, a heartbreaking pain came from her mouth. She hurriedly opened her mouth, her cheeks hurt again, and she simply didn't know what to do. , the originally pretty face became ferocious and twisted, very strange.

The other companions looked at her like this and wanted to laugh but didn't dare. They knew how big Yun Bing's background was. If they offended Yun Bing, they might be found dead in the river the next day.

Ignoring the pain on her face and mouth, Yun Bing quickly took them back to the dormitory, turned on her computer and logged into the school's forum.

However, when she saw the first post, she was stunned, and a violent anger rose in her heart.

"Tong Lei, I will make your life worse than death!" Yun Bing screamed hysterically.
