The Ultimate Student

Chapter 211: Old man [first update]


"So, Xiaofeng beat the little monkey of the Qiao family? He also beat the four people who followed him?" After a while, the old man slowly spoke, his voice seemed a little weak, but the middle-aged man couldn't help but I feel worried.

"Yes, Father." Although the middle-aged man doesn't know what his father's attitude is towards this matter, he will never hide anything. He will do whatever he wants. Even if the old man blames him, he will just bear the responsibility, but he will never hide anything. Don't escape.

"Oh~!" The old man smiled slightly and uttered a syllable.

The middle-aged man's heart was tense, but he didn't know what to say, let alone what the old man meant.

Because many years ago, the old man issued a strict order. The descendants of the Ji family are absolutely not allowed to deal with the Qiao family. Even if they encounter provocation from the Qiao family, they must endure it. Otherwise, they will be expelled from the family. From now on, they will never Allowed to come back.

Because of this order, starting from the middle-aged people all the way down, including the juniors of the third generation, they could only endure the provocation from the Ji family, and even the juniors below were beaten by people from the Qiao family. , they didn’t even dare to go home and say it.

It is conceivable that from top to bottom in the Ji family, who is not aggrieved

The courtyard fell into silence for a while, except for the gentle breeze blowing through the leaves, there was no other sound.

If Ji Feng were here, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. This middle-aged man with a hint of helplessness in his eyebrows is none other than his father, who is now a ministerial official and the second generation leader of the Ji family. , Ji Zhenhua.

And this pale-haired old man, needless to say, is naturally the eldest member of the Ji family, who is also Ji Feng's grandfather.

There was no surprise. Ji Zhenhua had already known about what happened in the Linjiang Club in Jiangzhou before it reached the ears of the Qiao family. This kind of thing basically cannot be hidden from anyone. Anyone who is willing can use it as quickly as possible. Know the speed.

After learning the news, Ji Zhenhua's first reaction was, that guy is so brave!

But soon, Ji Zhenhua figured out the taste, and he couldn't help but laugh, what a naughty boy!

Who is Ji Zhenhua? With decades of career experience, he has experienced countless ups and downs. How could Ji Feng hide his little tricks from him

When Ji Zhenhua thought of this, he couldn't help but feel angry and funny. This guy was trying to conquer the old man's army!

The old man once issued a strict order, but at that time, Ji Feng didn't know the Ji family, let alone the old man of the Ji family, let alone know this order.

Of course, Ji Zhenhua didn't believe that Ji Shaolei would not tell Ji Feng, but so what

"I just don't know. Who told me?" Ji Feng could totally lie like this. "The second brother said it. I thought he was fooling me. But no one in the family told me that I couldn't mess with Qiao Qiao." Family members. Besides, I didn’t mess with them, I was just acting in self-defense, it was self-defense!”

Ji Zhenhua could even imagine that the boy had a faint smile on his face, but he didn't give in at all. Ji Zhenhua couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of this. His son, who had been separated for more than ten years, was otherwise very good, but his proud and unyielding character was too tough.

Ji Zhenhua believes that if the old man calls Ji Feng over to reprimand or punish him, Ji Feng will never give in even half a step, and he will never give up on right or wrong!

Besides, isn’t that just expelling the family

Ji Zhenhua smiled bitterly in his heart, would Ji Feng care if he was expelled from the family

If he really cared about this family so much, he should have followed him back to Yanjing when he went to Manshi County to find their mother and son. At least, he should have taken a look at the old man. But he did not do this. Instead, he stayed in Manshi County alone, and later went to Jiangzhou to attend college. During this period, he did not even call himself. At most, he only talked to his mother a few times. Just a phone call.

He has resentment in his heart and his character is too stubborn.

But... so what

I, Ji Zhenhua’s son, can beat anyone? Fortunately, it is the Qiao family that suffers this time. If Ji Feng is beaten, no matter how much the old man protects the Qiao family, Ji Zhenhua will destroy the Qiao family at all costs and make those people regret coming to this world!

He owed Ji Feng and his son too much.

Unknowingly, Ji Zhenhua was a little distracted.

"Hoo ho!"

After a while, the old man suddenly laughed twice, which immediately brought Ji Zhenhua back to his senses. He hurriedly explained: "Father, in this matter... I think Xiaofeng did a good job."

"Oh?!" The old man's originally cloudy eyes suddenly widened, a flash of light flashed, he stared straight at Ji Zhenhua, and asked: "Then tell me, what did Xiaofeng do right?"

As soon as he heard this, Ji Zhenhua knew that the old man was definitely unhappy.

But Ji Zhenhua was not afraid. There was no fear at all between him and his father. It was just filial piety and respect for his father. At this time, in order to protect his son, he decided to stand in his way.

"Father, I actually think that the Qiao family has been a bit too much in these years..." When it came to business, Ji Zhenhua's face became serious and he analyzed: "Not to mention what grudges there are between the Qiao family and our Ji family, just But the things that the Qiao family has done in recent years have crossed the bottom line. I just received a call from my second brother. It is said that the four people who followed the little monkey of the Qiao family to Jiangzhou this time have very strange identities!"

"What's so weird?" Mr. Ji asked.

"According to Xiao Feng's judgment, they are not members of the army, but they have powerful kung fu that surpasses any special forces or military fighting masters. This is one of the reasons." Ji Zhenhua said, "Second, when they conflicted with Xiao Feng After that, the first thing that was shown was the ID of the National Security Bureau!"

At this point, the old man's eyes flashed suddenly, but he had no intention of speaking.

Ji Zhenhua didn't notice the change in the old man's expression. He continued: "In addition, there is another doubtful point. The four people called each other not by position or name, but as brothers and sisters. In addition, the Qiao family The kid is also the junior brother of those four people. Based on these doubts, Xiaofeng judged that these four people are definitely not ordinary Guoan people. They are likely to be from a certain sect and are worth checking!"

"Is there more?" After a moment, the old man asked.

Ji Zhenhua nodded and said: "Yes! It is precisely because of the strange identities of these people that I suspect..."

Ji Zhenhua did not explain what he suspected, but the old man knew it well.

After a long silence, the old man finally sighed: "Boss, you guessed it right, those four people should have come from those places... In fact, it is very likely that Lao Qiao also came from those places."

Know the world without going out!

Ji Zhenhua immediately admired his father sincerely, and he continued: "If it weren't for Xiao Feng, no one of those four people could have cured them with the name of the Qiao family, so I say that Xiao Feng did nothing wrong! "

A smile flashed across the corner of the old man's eyes and he said, "Boss, you must have blamed me these years, right? Blame me for forcing you to marry Qiao Rong, and then... "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Zhenhua, "Father, I have never blamed you."

"Well, that's it, I'm relieved." Mr. Ji nodded with satisfaction, "Go and tell that brat Xiaofeng that I wrote down this incident for him. Also, tell Lao San that it was me who said it. Yes, the army is to protect the country and the people, so military discipline must be strictly enforced and don’t let some clowns continue to fool around!”

Ji Zhenhua was shocked. He knew how big a stir the old man's words would cause. In the military, no one could shake the old man's prestige and status.

"In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and the people from that place have appeared again. It's time to fight!" the old man snorted.

Ji Zhenhua nodded slightly. Every word the old man said was definitely not said out of boredom. They all contained profound meanings. He had to think carefully before he could understand them.

But there is one thing that Ji Zhenhua can be sure of. Ji Feng did get it right this time, and it was exactly in line with the old man's wishes. Otherwise, the old man would never have said the word 'stinky boy'. This is not a scolding, but a sign of love and satisfaction.

"Father, I'll go first." Ji Zhenhua saw that his father was a little tired, so he walked out.

"Old enemy, your descendants are becoming more and more outrageous... You broke my grandson's ribs for no reason, do you really think I don't know? How can my grandson be beaten by anyone? Now, finally, I feel so relieved to have a grandson who is up to his standards..."

Behind him, Mr. Ji looked at the sky and sighed imperceptibly.

Ji Zhenhua vaguely heard it. Even with his self-cultivation and magnanimity, he couldn't help but feel a little sore in his eyes. At the same time, he also understood that Mr. Qiao and his father were definitely not good friends back then, and they were probably even enemies. However, his father Due to his identity and affection, he would naturally not take action against the descendants of the Qiao family.

However, the father deliberately protected the Qiao family and used it to train his children and grandchildren. Now, a 'rebellious' brat Ji Feng finally emerged. He dared to ignore the old man's orders. This stubborn character was exactly what the old man had. Want to see!

Use the grievances of the entire family in exchange for the strong growth of your children and grandchildren.

The meaning is far-reaching! Ji Zhenhua had to admire him, the old man was really tall!


After coming out of the police station, Ji Feng planned to separate from Ji Shaolei and take a taxi back to the villa alone, but Ji Shaolei insisted on sending him back, so Ji Feng just followed him and stopped insisting.

"Ding..." Ji Feng's phone suddenly rang. It was Tong Lei.

When he answered the phone, his expression changed. Because Leilei's breathing was a little rapid, he immediately realized that something might be wrong!

He immediately asked: "Leilei, what's wrong?"

"Ji Feng, I heard from my classmates that someone came to see me today. He was a stranger!" Tong Lei said with some fear, "I went to the Security Department to inquire. Although I don't know who the person is, I have to go out today. According to the record, one of them registered with Yun Bing’s student ID card!”


Ji Feng suddenly became angry and punched the seat, "How brave!"
