The Ultimate Student

Chapter 241: Cold Means 2 [Fifth update]


Also, is this chapter cool? Tomorrow will be even better, prepare your flowers and various tickets, let us work together to make the results of this book better, the fox will not be satisfied, haha! ! !

. WwW,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,cOm. . . . . . .

In a private room on the second floor of a teahouse opposite the Furniture City, four people were standing in front of the window, holding teacups and drinking tea leisurely. At the same time, their eyes fell on the steps in front of the Furniture City across the road.

These four people are three men and one woman. The three men all look very young. The oldest is only in his early thirties. Although the woman is dressed very delicately, she has crow's feet at the corners of her eyes and wrinkles on her face when she smiles. , but her true age was betrayed without reservation.

All traces showed that this woman should be a middle-aged woman.

In fact, these four people are none other than Qiao Rong and the four people who came to Jiangzhou from Yanjing. The middle-aged woman is naturally Qiao Rong, and the three young people beside her are classmates of Zhu Yongtao and Qiao Jiakai. Fellow. The young man in his early thirties who was leading the group was their fifth senior brother, Tian Guodong.

Since the conflict between Ji Feng and Zhang Yongqiang alarmed the forces behind the two families, Qiao Rong also got the news immediately.

As soon as he heard that there was a conflict between Ji Feng and Zhang Yongqiang, and that Zhang Yongqiang had mobilized many experts to block Ji Feng in the furniture store, Tian Guodong immediately suggested that he come to the scene to take a look.

Qiao Rong naturally knew that Tian Guodong wanted to see Ji Feng's true strength up close. If he could injure Zhu Yongtao and the others, this little beast had obviously attracted enough attention from Tian Guodong.

Of course Qiao Rong would not refuse. In fact, she also wanted to see how capable that bastard born of a bitch could be, so much so that even her son was severely injured.

What's more, if Ji Feng was accidentally killed by Zhang Yongqiang, Qiao Rong would laugh out of her dreams. This was the good thing she dreamed of. Ji Feng was killed by Zhang Yongqiang. No matter how angry the Ji family was, they could never blame the Qiao family. The most they could do was take it out on Zhang Yongqiang, his son and those involved with them.

Although these people were once peripheral members of the Qiao family, everyone knows that the power of the Qiao family is now gradually shrinking and they have already withdrawn from Jiangzhou.

In this case, if there is not enough evidence to attack the Qiao family, the other families will not agree. This is obviously breaking the rules.

Your Ji family can deal with the Qiao family today, and you can use the same excuse to deal with other families tomorrow.

No matter how strong the Ji family is, it is definitely not easy to deal with the joint attacks of several other families.

In this way, Qiao Rong and the others came to this teahouse, waiting to see how Ji Feng was hacked to death with random knives or beaten to death with sticks. Of course, for Qiao Rong, it would be better if Ji Feng was trampled to death in the chaos, and it would be better if tens of thousands of people trampled him together!

"This kid is very arrogant. Those people are obviously not ordinary people. Look at their ferocity. They have obviously experienced this kind of thing. They may be professional thugs!" A young man looked at Ji Feng. With a leisurely look, he couldn't help but snorted: "Does he really think he is a master?"

"Wen Liang, pay attention. This person can hurt Junior Brother Zhu and the others. He is obviously very capable. You will know if you keep reading." Tian Guodong frowned slightly. He had a vague feeling that Ji Feng might be a strong enemy.

The young man named Wen Liang seemed a little disapproving, but he did not dare to refute, so he could only smile and stop talking.

"Mr. Tian, how powerful is this little beast?" Qiao Rong is such a shrewd person. When she saw that Tian Guodong's face seemed a little solemn, she couldn't help but ask.

Tian Guodong shook his head slightly and said: "We don't know yet, but I believe that if he were just an ordinary person, he would never be as relaxed as him when facing more than twenty wolf-like thugs."

"Look, it's a fight!" A young man shouted immediately, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

I saw two very strong thugs running at the front. They took out steel pipes and hit Ji Feng from the left and right at the same time.

Then he saw that Ji Feng's feet were slightly staggered, and his body suddenly turned slightly sideways, narrowly avoiding the two steel pipes hit by the opponent. The next moment, Ji Feng's two fists were like two hammers. Generally, it hit the two people's chests hard.

boom! boom!

Two punches hit the chests of the two thugs hard, and a heart-stopping sound was heard. The two men didn't even have time to react, they only felt a heartbreaking pain, and their eyes immediately went black. He just fell straight to the ground and passed out.

Ji Feng stood up straight and shook his hands slightly, as if he had done something insignificant. The expression on his face did not change at all, and he continued to go down the steps.

However, those who were watching had their eyes twitching wildly, their skin and flesh tightening all over their bodies, and their scalps exploding. Although those two punches did not hit them, the terrifying power was clearly displayed.

The two thugs lying on the ground not knowing whether they were dead or alive were the best proof of the power of these two punches!

If it were an ordinary person who delivered these two punches, if it wasn't a coincidence, who could have punched two tough thugs and knocked them unconscious without any resistance in the situation just now


On the second floor of the furniture store, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but take a breath, what a terrifying fist!

If these two punches hit me...

At this time, some people were secretly regretting it. If they had known that this young man was so powerful, why would they stop his friend from opening the door

If you offend this young man, what will he do to resist if he takes revenge on you later

When they met, the two tough thugs were knocked down instantly. In an instant, the thugs behind could not help but be stunned, but after all, these were people who were used to seeing big scenes. They were just stunned for a moment, and then they immediately reacted and rushed towards Ji Feng at the same time.

This time they learned the lesson and no longer separated, but went together. Your fists are powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, how many people can you hit at the same time with just two fists

There are so many people, and if no one is left to hit you with a stick, it will be enough to kill you!

With this idea in mind, everyone rushed up at the same time and beat Ji Feng crazily. Especially the thug holding a machete was slashing at Ji Feng crazily. No matter how hard your fist is, can it be more powerful than a knife

However, as soon as they came into contact with Ji Feng, everyone immediately knew how wrong they were.

Ji Feng, who was originally moving calmly, seemed to suddenly turn into a tiger descending the mountain the moment the thugs approached, exuding a fierce momentum all over his body.

His movements were even more ridiculously fast, and Ji Feng, who was not holding any weapons, was countless times more terrifying than those thugs holding machetes.

Hands, feet, knees, elbows... almost every joint on the body has become a terrifying weapon.

Moreover, Ji Feng's moves are extremely cruel, but anyone hit by him will definitely not be intact. At least, their bones will be broken, or they will be beaten to death.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sounds of blows that were denser than raindrops kept ringing out, but not a single scream came out. All the people who were hit fainted instantly, and they didn't even have time to scream.

That kind of terrifying and weird scene made everyone forget to speak. They just opened their mouths stupidly and stared blankly at the ghost-like figure on the steps, constantly moving and hitting, the noise in the distance, and here. The dullness formed a contrast to the first comparison.


When the last person was knocked away, the whole scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence, a deathly silence!

Everyone's eyes contained horror and disbelief. They stared blankly at the burly and tall young man. They couldn't even believe their own eyes.

A person can really be so terrifying! So cruel again!

Not only the onlookers and people in the furniture store, but also Qiao Rong and Tian Guodong in the teahouse box opposite were also shocked.

Qiao Rong didn't care because she couldn't understand, she just knew that Ji Feng won.

However, Tian Guodong and the other three saw it clearly, and their eyes were full of shock.

"Fifth Senior Brother, that boy's body is so strong?" The young man named Wen Liang lost his arrogant expression for the first time, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"Fifth Senior Brother, is he using internal boxing or external boxing?" asked another young man.

Tian Guodong did not answer. After a long while, he said: "It should be foreign boxing. You can see how he moves when he strikes. He almost always reaches the maximum lethality in the smallest range. This is very similar to the military's fighting skills. resemblance."

"Fifth Senior Brother, are you saying that this kid is using military fighting skills?" Wen Liang asked in shock, "Are there such powerful military fighting skills?"

"Didn't you see it?" Tian Guodong said solemnly, "What he used was definitely not Neijiaquan, because using internal force would definitely not be this fighting method. Moreover, there are only a few people who know Neijiaquan now. group."

"A foreign boxing master is so powerful!" Another young man couldn't help but sigh, "This kid is really a genius in martial arts!"

"Yes, you are really a master to be able to practice foreign martial arts to this extent!" Wen Liang finally stopped being arrogant and commented sincerely.

"Fifth Senior Brother, at his current level, how many moves can he take under your hands?" Wen Liang suddenly asked.

"Needless to say, no matter how powerful the external boxing is, it is definitely no match for the internal boxing. That kid is definitely no match for me, let alone the fifth senior brother. With two moves at most, the fifth senior brother can beat him to death. Damn dog!" The young man said confidently.

"That's right. If I want to defeat these thugs, I can do it easier and faster than him. After all, external boxing cannot be compared with internal boxing!" Wen Liang was also relieved and laughed.

Tian Guodong did not interrupt, his face was a little solemn. Ji Feng's performance was indeed very good, definitely several times better than the average outside boxing masters, but at this level, he was definitely no match for the internal boxing masters.

But, is this really the case? How did Junior Brother Zhu and the others get injured
