The Ultimate Student

Chapter 244: You deserve it [Third update]


.. www. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. cOm. . .

After thinking carefully for a long time, Ji Feng still couldn't think of a reason, so he could only give up and stop thinking about it. Who Li Ruonan is actually has little to do with him. The most important thing now is to go to the police station and explain the matter clearly.

I believe that with Li Ruonan here, I will at least not be able to explain myself clearly. You know, Li Ruonan saw clearly from the beginning to the end that Zhang Yongqiang brought people to beat her. Although she didn't know the cause of the matter for the time being, what she saw alone was enough to convict Zhang Yongqiang!

The group of people got into the car respectively. Li Ruonan's patrol motorcycle was parked on the roadside not far from the furniture store. She quickly got on the motorcycle, picked up the walkie-talkie and said a few words before returning again.

"Leizi, go back first, don't let Leilei and the others worry, leave the rest to me!" Ji Feng smiled and patted Zhang Lei on the shoulder. Li Ruonan had already told Ji Feng about Zhang Lei going crazy in the furniture mall. , Ji Feng couldn't help but be moved in his heart.

Although his and Zhang Lei's identities have changed over the past year and more, and because they are in college, they have not had as much contact with each other as before, their relationship has not changed at all. They still have a strong relationship with each other. That simple brotherhood.

Zhang Lei immediately shook his head and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm crazy, you are pushing me into the fire pit. If I go back alone, why don't I blame them to death?!"

What a joke!

Zhang Lei could see clearly that whether it was Leilei or Xiao Yuxuan, the main concern was actually Ji Feng, and Zhang Lei was just a foil. Under such circumstances, there was no way he could go back alone, otherwise, just the complaining eyes of the two women would be enough to make Zhang Lei feel ashamed.

Ji Feng couldn't help but nod and smile: "Okay then, you can come to the police station too."

"Okay, let's get in the car first." Li Ruonan said from the side, "Based on what I learned, you should be able to go back soon, don't worry."

Ji Feng couldn't help but murmur to himself, so this female traffic policeman with a hot temper could still comfort people

Ji Feng and Zhang Lei, as parties, were in a separate car. They were in a Cheetah SUV, with Ding Weijian driving, Li Ruonan sitting in the passenger seat, and Ji Feng and Zhang Lei sitting in the back seat.

"By the way, what should we do with those gangsters who were knocked unconscious?" Zhang Lei suddenly asked, "Should we send them to the hospital or take them directly to the police station?"

Li Ruonan also thought about this problem. She turned around and asked, "Xiao Ding, how did you arrange it?"

Ding Weijian smiled and said: "This is very simple. First take them into the car. The hospital and the police station are in the same direction. If any of them wake up before arriving at the police station, they will be taken directly to the police station and the rest will be sent to the hospital. "

"This saves trouble. Aren't you afraid that they will run away?" Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"If they dare to run, once I catch them, their legs will be broken!" Li Ruonan immediately gritted his teeth and said. She is still brooding about what happened before.

More than twenty fierce thugs beat people in the street aggressively, but because she was imprisoned in the Furniture City by that bastard Wang Youquan, she could not come out, so she watched Ji Feng fight with them. This was very difficult for her status. , it’s really a shame.

Moreover, she was very annoyed even in the furniture store.

Under Wang Youquan's instigation, all the customers and staff turned against her. This was a great shame and humiliation for her!

Thinking of this, Li Ruonan gritted her teeth with hatred. If she hadn't been concerned about her identity, she would have wanted to catch Wang Youquan right now and beat him up so that this bastard knew what his behavior was. How bad!

Seeing Li Ruonan's clenched silver teeth, the three men were stunned at the same time, and immediately broke out in sweat.

"Crazy man, look!" When Ding Weijian started the car, Zhang Lei suddenly patted Ji Feng on the shoulder and pointed out the window, "Isn't that woman the same salesperson who blocked us before? She really brought it upon herself!"

Ji Feng immediately looked in the direction of Zhang Lei's finger, and sure enough he saw the female salesperson from before. With a pale face, she was lining up with other staff members and walking to the police van.

"Comrade police, how will you deal with this kind of accomplice?" Zhang Lei turned to ask Ding Weijian, who was driving in front.

Ding Weijian said with a smile: "It's hard to say. If he is really an accomplice, it depends on the severity of the circumstances. Generally, the lighter ones are detention or a fine and education. If the circumstances are serious and the criminal law has been violated, public prosecution will be initiated."

Zhang Lei listened in a daze, but he understood one thing. That woman should at least be under criminal detention. He couldn't help snorting coldly: "It's really an advantage for her. If you want me to see it, she should be sent to prison for a few days." sky."

"Haha, do you think the prison is run by your family?" Ji Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"Madman, that woman is not as hateful as Zhang Yongqiang." Zhang Lei immediately shook his head and said solemnly: "Think about it, Zhang Yongqiang brought thugs, which may have been unavoidable at the time, but if we escaped in advance, it would We won’t be harmed. But when that woman and Wang Youquan stopped us, the consequences completely changed. If you weren’t so powerful, we might have ended up with the hundreds of kilograms here today!”

"Of course the police will handle these matters. All we have to do is explain the matter clearly." Ji Feng shook his head slightly, "That woman who dared to come out to stop us obviously had a certain purpose, maybe she wanted to get Some benefits, or to keep a job... There are too many people who ignore other people's lives and deaths for their own interests... Isn't what you encountered in the furniture store enough to illustrate the problem? "

Zhang Lei was silent for a moment, and after a while, he cursed in a dull voice: "This world... is so fucking ****!"

Hearing these words in the ears of the two policemen in front, they couldn't help but feel a bit harsh. If you scolded the world in front of them, wasn't this just criticizing their work

But thinking about it carefully, neither Ding Weijian nor Li Ruonan had anything to say. After all, Ji Feng's experience had explained everything.

When the Cheetah SUV drove past the entrance of the Furniture City, the female salesperson hadn't gotten on the car yet. She accidentally saw Ji Feng sitting on the Cheetah. Her face suddenly changed and she turned her head hurriedly, as if she didn't dare to look at Ji Feng. maple.

"It's your own fault!" Ji Feng shook his head slightly. When he had a conflict with Zhang Yongqiang, he didn't want anyone to help him, but he didn't want anyone to come out to go against him, because he didn't have any conflict with them.

The police station was not very far, but because there were too many people watching nearby, we walked a little slower on the road. It took more than ten minutes to reach the police station.

Ding Weijian and another middle-aged policeman were responsible for questioning Ji Feng and Zhang Lei.

What happened was very simple. Ji Feng didn't like to talk very much, so Zhang Lei was responsible for narrating it. In about twenty minutes, he finished the transcript.

But then, the middle-aged policeman asked Xiao Yuxuan and Tong Lei to be present, saying that they were also parties involved.

Ji Feng frowned and said, "They don't need to be there, right? The matter is already very clear, and there were many people in the Furniture City who saw what happened. As long as those people don't lie, it can be proved that what we said is true." .I don’t want this to involve my friends.”

Ding Weijian couldn't help but laugh and said: "Don't get me wrong, actually, I invited your two friends here just to make things more clear. If you really don't want to, it doesn't matter."

Ji Feng nodded and said, "Then there's no need for them to come. If you have any questions, just ask us directly."

In fact, Li Ruonan had already told her what she knew before, and Ding Weijian naturally knew that these two young men were not ordinary students. Ordinary students would be so frightened that their legs and feet would become weak as soon as they entered the police station. Are they as strong as they are

"Okay, you can go back first. If anything happens, I will contact you again." Ding Weijian said with a smile, "Also, if you are attacked by gangsters again, you can also call me, as long as I can help , will do their best.”

Ji Feng had a pretty good impression of him, so he nodded and said, "That's more."

At this time, the middle-aged policeman next to him said with a smile: "Don't underestimate our Xiao Ding. When he was in the police academy, he was the first in the school's competition. His skills were quite powerful. In front of him, ordinary gangsters could not stop him. I can’t get away with even one move!”

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile slightly. He could tell from the way Ding Weijian walked that he was a practicing practitioner.

Zhang Lei was shocked. Ding Weijian was a few years older than him, but he was a policeman. It was normal for him to be very skilled. But Ji Feng was also very skilled. Everyone was almost the same age. Why couldn't he do anything?

Zhang Lei couldn't help but secretly decide that Ji Feng must teach him kung fu as soon as possible. Otherwise, if something like today happens again, it may not be Li Ruonan who can shock those people every time. When the time comes, will he be able to come out intact? , that is still an unknown number.

When they came out of the office, Ji Feng and Zhang Lei passed by the interrogation room. Through the glass on the door, Ji Feng found that Wang Youquan had handcuffs on his hands and was sitting there with a decadent look on his face. His face was pale and he didn't know what he was talking about. What.

It seems that Wang Youquan has been detained.

In another interrogation room, Ji Feng saw the female salesperson who blocked him. She was also handcuffed and looked a little desperate. Obviously she didn't expect this ending.

Ji Feng has no time to pity her. Poor people must be hateful. He has now deeply realized this sentence.

Ji Feng looked around again, but did not find Zhang Yongqiang.

Li Ruonan was walking towards him, and Ji Feng asked, "Why isn't Zhang Yongqiang here?"

"You have the nerve to ask?!" Li Ruonan couldn't help but glared at him, "The stone you threw hit Zhang Yongqiang right in the face. You smashed his nose and knocked out his front teeth. If it weren’t for the timely delivery to the hospital, he would have lost too much blood and gone into shock by now!”

Ji Feng and Zhang Lei were stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing at the same time: "You deserve it!"
