The Ultimate Student

Chapter 248: Counterattack [Third update]


. www!QuanBeN-XiaoShuo!coM. . . . .


The moment the gunfire rang out, Ji Feng retreated violently, as if he was an arrow off the line. In the dark chemical factory, a gust of wind instantly blew up, and several afterimages of his body were pulled out.

boom! boom!

At this moment, two more shots were fired, but Ji Feng had already disappeared.

After the gunfire, the factory suddenly fell into silence. The gunman in the darkness would never be easily exposed before he was sure whether Ji Feng was hit. A dark factory is definitely an excellent hiding place.

However, no one would have thought that whether they were exposed or not had nothing to do with the night. As long as Ji Feng was willing, he could see the gunman's hiding position at any time.

But Ji Feng also made no move. He was sitting behind a machine, with a sneer on his lips and a cold glint in his eyes. The situation just now was dangerous and dangerous. If Ji Feng hadn't suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, he would have fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse.

The opponent is not easy!

This was Ji Feng's first judgment, because the darkness had no effect on Ji Feng at all, and the opponent was able to hide it so that he could not see it. Moreover, before firing the gun, it was silent. He even did not even let the opponent pull the trigger. The sound was not heard at all, which undoubtedly showed that the other party was a master, shot very fast, and had already been lying in ambush nearby, waiting for his arrival.

Where did so many masters come from

Ji Feng couldn't help but frown. With such a master hiding in the dark, today's affairs might become very troublesome.

However, Ji Feng was not in a hurry. He had also experienced this kind of situation in the training system, and his opponent was a black-faced instructor, who was definitely much more difficult to deal with than his current opponent!

At this time, Ji Feng was like a tiger about to pounce on its prey, or like a poisonous snake about to attack. It was not only dangerous but also full of patience.

In fact, there is another reason why Ji Feng is not worried at all.

In Ji Feng's view, although this opponent is very clever, his marksmanship is really unflattering. The other party had been lying in wait there just now. From the time he rushed over to the time he retreated, the other party fired three shots, but none of them hit him.

It is a pity that such people use guns.

If you are a skilled sniper, you can definitely hit yourself based on your feeling, even in the dark. But now this opponent, although his judgment is accurate and his shooting is extremely fast, his marksmanship alone is enough to become a fatal obstacle to him.

If this opponent had used a weapon that he was good at, Ji Feng believed that he might have been injured by now. Although he had full confidence in his own skills, he could not guarantee whether the opponent would be more powerful!

However, when it comes to using guns, Ji Feng can be sure that that guy is definitely no match for him.

Therefore, Ji Feng can wait patiently, believing that the other party will not be as patient as him, because there are still seven people here, and these seven people cannot all be masters. As long as one of them shows a flaw, it will be extremely detrimental to them.

Sure enough, a moment later, in the corridor on the second floor opposite, a proud laugh came: "Ji Feng, I know it's you. Now that you've come here, those people who want to come outside are no longer immune, right? ?”

Ji Feng didn't speak, still sitting there quietly, but there were a few more pebbles in his hands at some point.

"Now that you're here, why hide your head? Why don't you just come out and see me openly? I promise I won't shoot you!" When Ji Feng didn't answer, the voice rang again.

Ji Feng also had a few more pebbles in his other hand. He gently threw one of the pebbles up and flicked it with his fingers the moment it fell.


A sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and in an instant, the stones were like bullets, shooting towards the opposite corridor like lightning.

Bang bang~~bang!

The sound of rapid footsteps mixed with a loud bang came from the second floor corridor opposite. The last sound was the sound of pebbles hitting the opposite wall. This abandoned chemical plant, from the factory building to the stairs and offices inside, were all built with simple building materials, and the walls were wrapped with a layer of iron.

The last explosion just now was the sound of stones hitting iron sheets!

And the chaotic footsteps were obviously the sound made by the gunman avoiding the stones.

The corner of Ji Feng's mouth curled up, and his voice suddenly sounded: "With your strength, how can you fight with me?"

The other person didn't answer, but fell silent.

After a while, the voice sounded faintly: "Ji Feng, I have to admit that I underestimated you before. Just what you did just now is enough to be called a master. I take back what I just said, if you come out, I will definitely shoot!"

"Even if you shoot, can you stop someone?" Ji Feng laughed. He had already heard that the voice on the other side was the person who called him three days ago. Unexpectedly, this person actually came with a gun in person. Snipe yourself.

"It seems that you can't believe even a word of what the enemy says!" Ji Feng thought through gritted teeth.

After listening carefully, there was no sound from the other side. However, the few gunshots just now had alerted the remaining eight people. The sound of messy footsteps suddenly sounded in the factory, although these people tried to stand on tiptoes or use the smallest voice. They had the strength to walk, but how could they hide it from Ji Feng's ears

There were two hiding at the door, three on the second floor, and one in the south office. This man's breathing was heavier than the others, but not as fast as the others. He should be a leader, and he had a few blows on his hands.

"It seems that this person is the boss of those thugs!" Ji Feng thought to himself, "There is one person upstairs who has not come down yet. So, there are still two people who have not yet appeared."

Ji Feng looked at the stones in his hand, there were only six.

He took off his coat, looked around, and suddenly threw the clothes upwards, bang bang bang bang!

Intensive gunshots suddenly rang out, and Ji Feng's coat was suddenly beaten into a sieve, flying around in the air. At the same time, Ji Feng stood up with his clothes on, and the stone in his hand seemed to be a terrifying talisman that could kill someone.

His hands were like playing a piano, his fingers playing like lightning.


Stones shot out.


Screams suddenly erupted one after another, and all six stones were thrown out. Each stone accurately hit an opponent in the darkness. If someone could see the scene clearly in the factory, they would be shocked to find that when the stones hit the thugs, the stones were really like bullets, hitting the human body. If they hit the bones, they would instantly You can break the bones!

Such power is really incredible!

But for Ji Feng, this is just stimulating biological current, and the effect produced by using the energy of current is not that strange!

When all the stones were finished, Ji Feng squatted down again, twisted his body strangely a few times, and then disappeared into the darkness.

"Stop yelling!" A roar sounded in the south office: "Shut up!"

Everyone immediately stopped talking and didn't dare to scream anymore, but the painful moaning stuck in the throat made people even more horrified.

"Come out! Come out for me!"

In the south office, the voice roared again, "I don't care who you are. If you hurt my brother, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't even think of leaving here safely today. Get out of here immediately, so you can suffer less." Bitter, if I find you out, you will definitely regret coming to this world!"

On the second floor, a burly figure kept roaring, but there was a trace of fear on his face. The other party's elusive skills, coupled with the rocks that would hit him at any time, really made him fearful. Terrified.

As a small boss, in all the years he has been on the road, he has never encountered anything weirder than this, and he has never seen anyone more terrifying than his current opponent.

At this moment, a sudden surge of power took him by surprise. He turned around and was about to shoot, but his wrist was caught and a voice sounded in his ear: "It's me!"

The little boss was immediately pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Wen!"

The voice from before whispered: "Stop talking and follow me!"

The little boss nodded immediately and followed Mr. Wen quietly into the office. The two of them spoke in extremely small voices, not knowing what they were talking about.

In the factory workshop on the first floor, the injured thugs were all wailing miserably, which happened to suppress the voices of Mr. Wen and the little boss.

No one noticed that in the corridor directly opposite the office on the second floor, a faint black figure stood there, holding a machete in his hand.

The black figure was none other than Ji Feng, who had just disappeared. He stood on a high place, overlooking the entire factory floor. With his extraordinary eyesight and hearing, he finally found the last two people who had not appeared.

He grabbed the railing and walked downstairs quietly.

"Mr. Wen, how can the other party be so powerful?" As soon as he entered the office, the little boss was wiping his hands in cold sweat. "We haven't even touched the other party's hair, and we have already lost almost all our manpower!"

Mr. Wen's face was also very gloomy, but in the dark, the little boss couldn't see it.

"I've told you a long time ago that the person we want to ambush is very skilled and a master, but you didn't pay attention to it!" Mr. Wen snorted: "If you are in this situation, no one else can be blamed. ?"

The little boss couldn't help but fell silent.

"Ah!" Two screams suddenly came from the southernmost part of the factory. Everyone couldn't help being startled. The little boss in the office almost jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail.

Mr. Wen was even more silent. Those two people were the last two ambush he arranged, but he never thought that Ji Feng would defeat them so easily!

However, until now, they still could not find Ji Feng's shadow, and a fearful and strange atmosphere began to spread in the factory!
