The Ultimate Student

Chapter 34: Became a hero 2


An ordinary high school senior, less than twenty years old, could so easily knock down two gangsters with wooden sticks, and still remain unscathed

"Is there something wrong with this?" Ji Feng couldn't help but ask when he saw Captain Yan's confused and surprised expression. wWw,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,cOM

Captain Yan did not answer, but asked: "Ji Feng, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

Ji Feng shook his head, "No!"

Captain Yan sniffed carefully again, but there was no smell of alcohol. He finally couldn't help but asked: "Ji Feng, how did you knock these two guys down? Don't tell me that they knocked each other down on their own." It came to your fists, or like last time, you punched them randomly in a panic, and ended up knocking them out!"

Thinking of the last time he met Bald Chao, Captain Yan immediately realized that this Ji Feng was not simple!

If knocking someone unconscious that time can be said to be a coincidence, then knocking someone down exactly the same this time cannot be said to be luck or an unexpected coincidence. In this case, there is only one Possibility: Ji Feng brought down the opponent completely by relying on his strength, whether it was this time or the last time, it was like this!

Looking at Captain Yan's bright eyes, Ji Feng knew that if he didn't say something, he wouldn't be able to hide it. He couldn't help but nodded and said with a smile: "Captain Yan, to tell you the truth, we are in physical education class at school. The teacher will also teach some martial arts and so on. My physical fitness is better, plus I struck first, so I knocked them unconscious!"

"Really?" Captain Yan still didn't believe it. He looked at Ji Feng with interest and said, "Good boy, it seems you are really not simple. Don't think I'm easy to fool. Don't forget what I do." .When the matter is settled, let’s find a chance to have a good discussion! Haha!”

He laughed, waved his hands to the other policemen, and said, "You guys, arrest these two guys. You two losers can't even beat a high school student. How dare you come out to be gangsters?!"

Ji Feng was speechless and thought in his heart, what kind of logic is this? Does it mean that someone with good skills is allowed to be a gangster

Several policemen immediately arrested the two hooligans on the ground. Using the lights of the police car, Captain Yan saw the faces of the two hooligans clearly and exclaimed: "It's the two of them?!"

Ji Feng and Tong Lei were startled at the same time. Ji Feng hurriedly asked: "Captain Yan, do you know these two people?"

Captain Yan frowned tightly, nodded and said: "Yes, if I read it correctly, these two people should still be serving their sentences in prison. Why are they here? Yes, it's them. These two guys are me I caught them with my own hands last year, when they were sentenced to four years for robbery. How did they get out?"

"What?" Ji Feng couldn't help but screamed, "Captain Yan, are you sure you didn't admit your mistake?"

"I caught them with my own hands, how can I still admit my mistake?" Captain Yan shook his head and said, "Ji Feng, don't make any noise about this matter. Just pretend it never happened. Wait until I investigate clearly!"

Ji Feng immediately realized that this matter seemed unusual, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, Captain Yan, I know what to say and what not to say!"

"That's good!" Captain Yan nodded and smiled: "Miss Tong, Ji Feng, it's getting late now. I think it's better for me to take you back in my car. It's not safe for you two to walk on the road!"

"No, no need!" Before Ji Feng could speak, Tong Lei beside him quickly refused, "Brother Yan, please don't. If my dad sees it, he will definitely be worried to death. Don't tell me about this either." My dad, okay?"

Captain Yan hesitated and said: "This..."

"Brother Yan, you don't want to watch me being punished, right? Nothing happened to me anyway. Besides, with Ji Feng by my side, I'm sure nothing will happen to me!" Tong Lei said with a smile, and then she suddenly made a threat Said: "If you dare to tell my dad about this, Brother Yan, then I will have to tell my sister-in-law that I saw you going to the sauna! Then my sister-in-law will not let you in the house, so don't come here. I!"

"You girl!" Captain Yan immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He waved his hand and said, "I'm afraid of you. You should go back quickly. I will keep this matter a secret for you!"

"Thank you, Brother Yan!" Tong Lei smiled and said to Ji Feng, "Let's go!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly, greeted Captain Yan, and continued walking forward.

At this time, Captain Yan suddenly grabbed Tong Lei and whispered: "Little girl, the reason why you dare not let me tell your father is not because you are worried about him, but because of this boy!"

Looking at Ji Feng's back, Tong Lei's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she said coquettishly: "Brother Yan, what are you talking about? He and I are just ordinary classmates, nothing else!"

"Haha, is that so? It seems I'm overthinking it!" Captain Yan laughed, waved his hand to Tong Lei, and said, "Go ahead and get some rest early tonight!"

"Goodbye, Brother Yan!" Tong Lei waved her hand with a smile and quickly caught up with Ji Feng.

Looking at the backs of the couple, Captain Yan couldn't help but smile and said to himself: "Ordinary classmate relationship? The little girl seems to have forgotten what I do. How can this be hidden from my eyes? If it is really just ordinary. As for classmates, why did the little girl use this special mobile phone that she had never used before? Moreover, how did these two gangsters get out? How did they find Xiaolei and Ji Feng? Is this just a coincidence? Or is there some other reason behind it? ?”

After thinking for a long time, Captain Yan finally made a decision and said: "This matter is a bit strange, I must tell Secretary Tong, but I hope Tong Lei and Ji Feng don't think that I am deliberately informing!"

Walking on the road, Ji Feng and others of his kind were silent.

Ji Feng was still using his flashlight to illuminate the way for Tong Lei, but he didn't notice that there was a faint smile on the corner of Tong Lei's mouth, and there was an incomprehensible hint in her eyes. look!

What flashed in Tong Lei's mind at this time was the scene when Ji Feng resolutely stood in front of her and let her go first when facing the two gangsters.

At that time, although Ji Feng's back was intentionally thin, in Tong Lei's eyes, he was so tall and majestic. Seeing this figure, for some reason, Tong Lei felt a very safe feeling in her heart. Not to mention the two gangsters standing in front of her, even if they were two extremely vicious gangsters, Tong Lei believed that she would not be afraid at all. a feeling of.

Because, Ji Feng is here!