The Ultimate Student

Chapter 73: Stunning everyone


The fifth ball was easily scored by Ji Feng, still at a constant speed and still accurately going into the hole. wWw. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. cOM

There is no hint of arrogance or chicness in Ji Feng's movements. In the eyes of everyone, it is just an extremely bland way of playing. It seems to be no different from a beginner. The only difference is that when Ji Feng plays ball, he never slides. He scores every time he hits a ball.

However, in the eyes of experts, this is very different.

They secretly observed that when Ji Feng was playing ball, his posture was not cool and his eyes were not sharp, just as plain as water. However, the strange thing is that the strength, angle, and even his demeanor of every shot Ji Feng takes are the same as the first shot, without any change.

If the first shot belongs to Ji Fengmeng, then the ball moving at a constant speed is just a weird phenomenon. So, what about the next four shots? Could it be that he was also blinded

This is obviously impossible!

This means that Ji Feng's level has reached the point where he can completely control any factor of the ball, whether it is angle or strength.

Although Ji Feng did not hit Ho Tung's cool and unrestrained shots, nor did he hit difficult shots such as jump balls, however, no one dared to underestimate him anymore. This was definitely a top master, and everyone was secretly shocked.

Equally shocked was He Dong, who looked in disbelief.

When he saw a few balls played by Ji Feng, he couldn't believe his eyes. Does anyone really play ball like this

Suddenly, He Dong remembered the words of the president who taught him billiards skills in college. He Dong once asked him what a real top player should look like.

The president said: "A true master can return to his original nature, just like a swordsman. When he reaches a certain level, he no longer needs a sword. He can hurt people by flying flowers and picking leaves. In fact, he is a sword himself." . My teacher once said that a truly top player, when he plays, does not have any flashy feeling at all, but gives people the feeling of a beginner. However, such a person seems to be able to control the ball with his eyes. , as long as his eyes see it, the ball will stop there. What kind of ball he wants, what kind of ball will appear on the table. Unfortunately, this is just a top player in theory. In real life, players It will be affected by various external factors, and it is impossible to reach such a point."

When these words flashed through his mind, He Dong subconsciously realized that it seemed that Ji Feng had reached that legendary level!

"Impossible, how could a high school student have such skills? Absolutely impossible!" He Dong didn't want to believe it, but the facts in front of him made him believe it.


The sixth ball enters the warehouse at a constant speed.

Everyone was stunned. They just stared at Ji Feng's every move. In those simple and unpretentious movements, they felt a kind of rhythmic beauty. That kind of beauty made everyone's heart beat with the rhythm. .

Everyone realized that this was definitely an unparalleled super master. Even when watching the International Snooker Competition, there was absolutely no such feeling.

However, when everyone looked at the table, their brows suddenly wrinkled again. There is still one last ball left for Ji Feng, but this ball is surrounded by two balls from Heiba and He Dong. A total of four balls are in the center of the table. No matter from any angle, they cannot To break in, unless you hold it directly with your hands and put it into the hole, it is absolutely impossible, not even for a god.

At this time, He Dong's originally pale face finally showed a smile. Both of his goals were in the most advantageous positions. If Black Eight hadn't blocked them, they would have been scored long ago. Now, as long as Ji Feng makes a slight mistake, even if he leaves the cue ball in a slightly advantageous position, He Dong is sure to score the ball.

"Haha, little guy, your skills are very good, but this ball is destined to be missed. It seems that strength cannot represent the result. Luck is the most important thing!" He Dong and everyone couldn't help laughing. stand up.

"Yes, strength does not equal the result, but what if it is absolute strength?" Ji Feng smiled slightly, pushed the cue in his hand gently, and the cue ball slid slowly, and finally stopped at the top of the four balls. edge.

"Hahaha... Is this your absolute strength?" Seeing this ball, He Dong couldn't help laughing loudly. Although this defense was indeed very good, however, He Dong's two balls were arranged in a triangle with the black eight. No matter where Ji Feng stops the cue ball, he will give Ho Tung a chance!

"Oh, what a pity!"

"Yeah, it's just the last bit missing. It's a pity... ugh!"

"That young man's skills are not bad. In this situation, he must have won!"

Seeing the situation on the field, the onlookers couldn't help but sigh. They saw an absolutely top-notch technical performance. However, just because of luck, this expert with the top-notch technology was about to lose. This made them feel sad. Somewhat difficult to accept.

There are two balls with small patterns on both sides of the black eight. Ho Tung carefully judged and chose to hit the right one first. In this way, when the ball goes into the hole, the cue ball will bounce back when it hits the elastic edge of the table. Come back, as long as you control it well, the remaining ball can easily go into the hole.


Ho Tung chose the middle hole, and the ball went into the hole accurately. However, there was something wrong with the cue ball. When it hit the edge of the table, it hit the hole and deflected slightly. This time, the remaining ball was at the same level as the black eight and the cue ball. On a straight line, and the black eight and the small patterned ball are almost right next to each other!

No way to start!

He Dong's face suddenly became ugly, and he had no way to start, unless he hit randomly, but at this critical moment, if Ji Feng's ball was scored, it would be considered the opponent's, and he would definitely lose by then.

He Dong was a little distracted. He carefully played a defensive ball and stopped the cue ball at the edge of the table, next to the elastic edge.

This time, it was also very difficult for Ji Feng to score a goal, because the ball was neither on the line nor aimed at the hole. Unless it hit the ball diagonally, it would be difficult to score.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Ji Feng. If the goal was scored, Ji Feng would be invincible. If not, he would probably give up the opportunity to the opponent. This is the most critical thing. of a ball.

"Brother, come on!" Zhang Lei secretly clenched his fists nervously. Money is a trivial matter, but face is a big deal!

Ji Feng stood casually on the side of the table. He didn't even use the club in his hand to support it, and just hit it suddenly. This was the first time Ji Feng used his strength, and it was also the most casual one.

Boom, boom, boom!

The cue ball bounced back and forth on the table three times. When it bounced back for the last time, it accidentally hit the ball with a large pattern. Immediately afterwards, I saw the big-patterned ball being bumped and swaying, as if it might stop at any time, but it didn't stop and just rolled towards the entrance of the hole.


The ball went in!

. . . . . .

ps: Please collect and send flowers. Dear readers, please support me, thank you Fox. In addition, if you have any good opinions or suggestions, you can also put them forward. Fox accepts them humbly. Thank you for your support! ! !