The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 23: Fat dragon apprentices


"Master? Wait what does this mean..." Li Xiaotian asked involuntarily, looking at the ball of meat in front of him, before turning his head.

"Master! The disciple has always been convinced by President Bu Qingyunbu over the formation technique. Today I heard the master's high-level comments, which made me suddenly open to my disciple, so the disciple wants to worship you as a teacher! Teach me the essence of the formation technique! I also hope that the master will not refuse!" Hu Dafa, with a fat body, knelt straight in front of Li Xiaotian. The fat all over his body fell almost close to the ground. But his face is full of sincerity. When you don't accept me, I will look like I can't kneel down.

This... Li Xiaotian is even more speechless now. Just now, he was looking at this fat guy, and it should be really difficult to learn the formation. In addition, he wanted to frustrate his spirit. Then Cheng thought that there would be such a thing. out.

"Oh! Li Xiaotian can't see it! Someone worships you as a teacher!" Chu Shuxuan patted Li Xiaotian on the shoulder and said, with an expression of excitement on his face, as if the fat dragon did not worship Li Xiaotian as a teacher, but worship He is like a teacher.

"Haha! I didn't expect it! In the dignified Eight Profound Academy, the four young princes would actually beg and worship you as a teacher." Liang Xinci's words at this time also became more involuntary. Make fun of this Li Xiaotian.

"You want to apprentice! What do you worship me for? Look at me. I'm still a slum, I haven't even entered the gate of the Eight Profound Academy. You are not afraid that I will delay you!" Li Xiaotian did not want to accept any apprentices.

"Because I'm following you! I can-kill" Fat Long Hu Dafa raised his head, a light flashed in his small eyes.

It appeared in his mind from time to time! What Li Xiaotian said—a scene where I would be prepared to pay the price if I dare to provoke me.

In his heart, he could never forget his weakness and incompetence, so he could watch everything happen. So after he entered the Eight Profound Academy, he practiced hard, but his strength was still not enough.

However, Li Xiaotian appeared just today, and Li Xiaotian's appearance made him see a glimmer of light. There was a voice in his heart that kept saying that as long as he followed him, he could kill people. You can get revenge! You can wipe out all those bastards back then.

Can kill

As soon as this sentence fell, the crowd of onlookers all around throbbed fiercely in their hearts! Apprenticeship is just for-can kill people.

Li Xiaotian blinked and looked at the fat dragon Hu Dafa in front of him. He thought it was his accomplishments in the formation and convinced Hu Dafa, but he never expected that he could kill people with him.

But Xiaotian stared at Fat Dragon, wanting to see something in his eyes, but it was a pity that Fat Dragon's eyes were full of sincerity and begging.

"It seems that he is also a person with a story!" Li Xiaotian sighed slightly in his heart. Although he had just met this fat dragon, Li Xiaotian had a great affection for him at this time. Li Xiaotian got up and wanted to help the fat dragon.

"Master, I won't be able to kneel until you accept me!" But Fat Long stubbornly fended off Li Xiaotian's palm.

"Fatlong! Listen, since you want to follow me, it's not impossible! But I won't accept you as a disciple." Li Xiaotian's face became straight and his voice said faintly.

This time, the crowd of onlookers whispered once again, one of the four great young masters of the Eight Profound Academy, Fei Long begged to make a little boy as a teacher! From their point of view, Li Xiaotian undoubtedly took advantage of it, but at this time Li Xiaotian disagreed. Even Chu Shuxuan pulled Li Xiaotian's sleeve slightly.

Fat Dragon fell after Li Xiaotian's words, and his complexion suddenly became decadent.

"Fatlong, listen. I want a brother, Li Xiaotian. Not an apprentice. If you think I am worthy of your follow! Then you will go with me! From now on, you will be Li Xiaotian's life and death brother. He who deceives my brother. Hit it, kill it, destroy it." Li Xiaotian's voice fell, and no longer cared about the fat dragon and the women, he walked out the door first.

brother! Brothers of life and death!

These two words are undoubtedly resounding like Chunlei here, resounding in everyone's minds. Looking at the tall and straight figure that left, everyone's hearts at this time seemed to be touched fiercely by something.

"Brother..." Fat Long Hu Dafa, murmured incessantly. A bright light flashed in his eyes. He grew up, and no one outside of his family had treated him like a brother.

Although he is now one of the four princes in the Eight-Xuan Academy, in ordinary days, no one will come to communicate with him too much. But at this time, Li Xiaotian said a brother, like a needle, pierced into his heart fiercely.

The women who came back to their senses, seeing that Li Xiaotian had gone far, hurriedly followed. When he was leaving, Chu Shuxuan patted the Fat Dragon where he was stunned. Fat Long was taken aback when he was photographed, and he came back to his senses, and also followed the women, and left here. But this time his back is also taller and straighter, because he also has a brother now.

Li Xiaotian, who left the Poetry Guild, didn’t want to stay any longer. After all, he still had to be admitted to the Eight Profound Academy. Although he had certain strength guarantees, Tong Yufeng in the Eight Profound Academy was a thorn in Li Xiaotian’s heart. The stimulation of every nerve of Li Xiaotian did not dare to be a little negligent. He also bid farewell to a few women, wanting to rush back alone.

However, the women didn't know what they were thinking at this time, and they didn't want to stay here any longer, and they all said they were leaving with Li Xiaotian. Li Xiaotian was helpless, so he had no choice but to let it go.

Although Li Xiaotian told Fei Long, he did not accept apprentices, only brothers. However, Fatty Dragon followed Li Xiaotian closely, slightly behind Li Xiaotian by half a step. This is also respecting Li Xiaotianweizun. Li Xiaotian was also helpless, cursing Fat Dragon for not being able to open his mind.

However, under Li Xiaotian's repeated corrections, Fei Long no longer called Li Xiaotian his master, but changed his name to Gongzi. Because today is the annual gathering of the Poetry Guild, and the examination month of the Eight-Xuan Academy is getting closer and closer. Therefore, at this time, the Tianbao Nation is also extremely lively. There was a constant stream of shouts in the street in twos and threes. There are also more heads than ever before.

At this moment, Li Xiaotian and his colleagues were at the invitation of Feilong, sitting in a small restaurant in a tea room, drinking tea in their hands, watching this lively scene, Li Xiaotian also sighed slightly in his heart. This time he was admitted to the Eight Profound Academy. It’s really like a thousand troops crossing a single-plank bridge. There are so many people now. When it really starts, how many people will have to be, but how many of them can successfully enter the Baxuan Academy.

Da da da…

Suddenly there was a commotion among the crowd. Li Xiaotian looked up, and there was a group of red-maned horses under his crotch. A man with two long swords slung on his waist. Walked through the crowd.

Li Yue. Li Xiaotian groaned in his heart. This Li Yue is still his cousin. The Tong family has a genius, Tong Yufeng, and the Li family is also a genius. .

This Li Yue's status in Li's family has been extremely high since he was a child, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is highly regarded. Despite this, Li Yue is not arrogant. When Li Xiaotian was very young, this cousin would often send some food to Li Xiaotian to help their mother and son, and Li Xiaotian always treated him as a big brother. But since Li Yue was admitted to the Eight-Xuan Academy, the two hadn't met each other.

After coming to Tianbao Country, because he played Tongzan in the martial arts hall, he lost a place to live, and later went to the Zhenmage Guild, but encountered Tong Yufeng's provocations again and again. So that he has no time to find Li Yue. Unexpectedly, I met in this place today. I was still a little excited.

Li Xiaotian wanted to say hello in the past, but after thinking about it, he endured the thought in his heart and turned his head to drink the tea in his hand.

Actually, Li Yue just went to the poetry gathering at this time. He didn't want to go to such a gathering originally, but as the four major leaders of the younger generation in the Eight-Xuan Academy, it is not good not to go, so it is long overdue. .

"Huh..." Suddenly, Li Yue glanced at the fat dragon Hu Dafa in the tea shop. He was surprised. Didn't Hu Dafa go to the poetry party long ago? Why would you drink tea here and be with Chu Ke'er and his daughters? And the young man next to him, looking at him from behind, always felt as if he had known each other before.

Li Yue didn't think too much about it. If you look at it in the past, you will know it. He drove his hips down the horse and came to the tea shop and got off his horse. Walked towards Li Mian.

"Senior Li!" Seeing Li Yue coming in, Hu Dafa's fleshy body quickly got up and saluted. If anyone in the entire Eight Profound Academy treats him well, it is Li Yue in front of him. He never had the slightest meaning of making fun of him, and he often helped him in his cultivation.

"Dafa! Haven't you been to the Poetry Guild a long time ago? How come you are here?" Li Yue first smiled at these women, and then asked Hu Da. Although Li Yue was only the son of the Li family in Qi Yuancheng, but at this time and the daughters were both students in the Eight Profound Academy, it didn't require much courtesy.

"Oh! Today is the day when I met Big Brother Li. I was supposed to go to Deyuelou, but I had to do it in this street. I can't help it." Huda replied.

"Big Brother Li? That Big Brother Li?" Li Yue looked puzzled, this fat dragon was famous in the entire Baxuan Academy. Today, a big brother Li appeared unexpectedly, and he was suddenly curious.

"Brother Yue! It's me" just when Fei Long wanted to introduce them to each other. Li Xiaotian, who had been carrying him on his back, turned his head at this time, looking at Li Yue in front of him with embarrassment. I didn't want to see each other, but at this time Li Yue had come close to him, and couldn't hide, so I had to recognize each other.

"Xiao Tian" looked at Li Xiaotian in front of him, Li Yue had a pause in his eyes, and looked at Li Xiaotian in disbelief.