The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 34: Paper Talisman vs Jade Talisman


Dao Fu!

What Xu Fei took out turned out to be an attacking Taoist talisman, and judging from its appearance, it was not an ordinary attack to pay. This was a real jade Taoist talisman!

"Oh my God! Look at what it is"

"It looks like a jade talisman"

"Fuck! This is too damn cheating. Can you still use jade symbols?"

"What a fucking shame!"

Seeing Xu Fei actually took out a jade talisman, the onlookers below suddenly cursed. He is also very worried about Li Xiaotian's situation.

"Li Xiaotian..." Looking at the jade symbol in Xu Fei's hand, Chu Kerr's faces changed drastically, their eyes full of worry. After all, no one stipulates that external forces cannot be borrowed in the game.

The eyes of Zhou Xiaode and Hu Dafa were full of angry flames.

"Having his grandma a bear" The scumbag on the high platform Nian Wu hurt saw Xu Fei actually took out a Taoist talisman, and immediately yelled at him, and immediately wanted to stop Xu Fei. ,

"Hey! I said what do you want to do?" Dai Zhengming asked bluntly with his expression on his face.

"Fuck! You didn't see this guy wanting to use the jade Taoist talisman!" Nian Wushang was pulled by Dai Zhengming, immediately unhappy, and even the dirt on his face showed signs of cracking.

"Then neither can you! Have you forgotten the rules of this martial arts competition?" Dai Zhengming didn't have a trace of fear of the impending violent thoughts, and it was a big deal.

"I don't care about his rules and irregularities? I only know that this damn uses jade talisman to attack a scum of Kaiyuan Tier 4, let alone a small scum, I'm afraid you fucking dare not confront it directly. The power of a jade talisman. What the hell do you have to say." Where is the scumbag talking a lot, and screamed at Dai Zheng. He broke away and took his hands, and he was about to stop.

But at this moment, two people appeared in front of him to stop him. Looking at the two people who appeared in front of him, the scumbag was innocent, his eyes sank, and he was about to make a move right away. However, at this time, another change occurred in the lower middle. As soon as the scumbag turned his eyes, he stopped making noise.

I saw Li Xiaotian put the heavy sword on his back again, took out a black thing from his arms, and looked at Xu Fei with disdain.

Seeing what Li Xiaotian took out, everyone felt suspicious. What the hell is this? How does it look like a smelly stone picked up in a pit,

"This is not a Taoist talisman too!" The onlookers who had been hiding a long time ago didn't know who made a sentence, but these words caused countless laughter.

Dao Fu? What a joke. This is the first time I have seen such a Dao Talisman! Okay, even if he is a Taoist talisman, but this talisman looks like a thing that bears too much energy and has failed. How does it compare with other people's jade talisman.

"Li Xiaotian, you must be okay, okay..." In the hearts of Chu Ke'er and the daughters, they all prayed slightly at this time.

"Hahaha... Li Xiaotian, you are so poor, you think you can come and compete with me if you just take a failed refining thing? Don't you think this is ridiculous? Or you are frightened stupid." Xu Fei listened. The voices of all kinds of discussions below were very refreshing, and even at this time, the voice began to tremble slightly. He really wanted to know how refreshed he would be when Li Xiaotian was bombed and there were no scum left.

"Junk goods dare to show off," Li Xiaotian snorted in his heart, and threw the blaze Taoist talisman he had made straight towards Xu Fei.

Although the shape of this talisman is very ugly, when Li Xiaotian let go, he slashed Xu Fei like a black lightning. If you want to cut through the space, there is even this little energy overflow.

"I can't help myself" Xu Fei looked at the flying black shadow, without a trace of dignity in his heart, his mouth was full of disdain. The white jade in his hand was thrown directly forward.

Boom... Boom...

At the moment when Li Xiaotian's black Dao Talisman and Xu Fei's Jade Talisman collided, two huge firelights and sounds erupted. A violent energy rushed to the surroundings frantically, biting and destroying everything in this space. The entire arena was quickly enveloped by flames, and the flames in the sky rose wantonly, and the entire arena was instantly enveloped by a thick fire. Under the burning of these two kinds of flames, the entire space on the ring was crackling, as if it could not bear the violent energy, it would explode at any time. Even the entire Baxuan Academy was trembling fiercely.

Li Xiaotian and Xu Fei watched as everyone watched as they were being swallowed mercilessly by the fire. Seeing that the ruthless flames swallowed Li Xiaotian into his stomach like an ancient beast, Chu Shuxuan's face trembled, and there was a roar in his head. He was about to rush forward desperately, but was firmly held back by Liang Xinci.

"Not good!" Nian Wu suddenly yelled, his figure flashed in place, disappeared in an instant, and every second appeared, it appeared at the edge of this explosion, a curtain of energy light, death Deadly blocking the raging flames and violent power. It made this violent force not hurt the people outside.

Shao Linglan, who had recovered, also flashed their bodies, and came to Nian Wuhuo to help them block this terrifying power together. After a while, after the power dissipated, he stopped.

Humph! Seeing the fire above the ring, the two brothers Tong Zan showed a refreshing smile. There is contentment and resentment in this smile.

"Is this dead?" This is probably the question in everyone's mind at this time. This ending exceeded everyone's expectations. I thought it was that Li Xiaotian had a higher chance of winning, but at this time it was the result of all.

"Little bastard, come out!" Chu Shuxuan kept shouting in his heart, Li Xiaotian, even Liang Xinci and Chu Ke'er both stared at the front. For fear of missing something.

Li Xiaotian, you are finally dead. After you die, no one will snatch a book from me anymore. He is still mine. Tong Yufeng couldn't help laughing out loud in her heart.

brush! However, just when everyone thought they were all finished, a human figure walked out in the fire. Although his clothes are not neat at this time, his steps are extremely steady. It feels like a mountain.

Li Xiaotian seemed indifferent to the shouts of the people, but step by step out of the envelope of flames, there was no fluctuation in his eyes. Every step is so firm and so remorseless. Every step of his seems to be in the hearts of everyone. At this time, no one speaks, and there is awe and admiration in his eyes.

At this time, in everyone's eyes, it seemed that there was only this figure and a sword between the heaven and the earth.

Chu Shuxuan, who was about to be unable to resist the fainting, saw Li Xiaotian quietly speechless at this time, tears fell from his eyes. At the moment when Li Xiaotian was swallowed by the fire, she only felt that her heart was hollowed out by something, and the whole person was empty. Quickly ran towards Li Xiaotian ahead.

"Sure enough, the son of God is also a god." Looking at this situation, Li Xiaotian's clothes were slightly damaged. Unpredictably, Hu Dafa's heart for Li Xiaotian's status once again increased. Also felt fortunate for his own choice.

Chu Shuxuan's speed was extremely fast and he came to Li Xiaotian in a moment, regardless of whether Li Xiaotian agreed or not, and he didn't care about the scene or the influence. He jumped, and his body fell on Li Xiaotian like an octopus. A pair of pink fists kept hanging on Li Xiaotian's back, and his little head was lying on Li Xiaotian's shoulder sobbing.

Cough! Li Xiaotian's neck was hugged to death by Chu Shuxuan, breathing was a bit difficult, but in the comfort of having a big breast in front, Li Xiaotian coughed slightly to signal to let him go when his complexion turned red. But where did Chu Shuxuan want to get this? Under Li Xiaotian's cough, his arms around him became even tighter.

Li Xiaotian was furious. It was true that the little master was so cheap and so profitable. He stretched out his big hand to break Chu Shuxuan, but due to too much power, they were caught off guard, and the two fell to the ground one after another.

There is no pain, but a bit of warmth from the lips. And the two balls on the chest are soft.

His eyes were facing each other, and Chu Shuxuan's eyes were all flustered, only the man in front of him. Breathing the masculine energy from his body, Chu Shuxuan's body suddenly felt agitated. He felt as if there were tens of thousands of small deer bumping into his heart, and even he could hear the sound of his own heartbeat.

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone was slightly stunned. What happened to the two of them, they kissed.

But at this time Li Xiaotian was not dead, for Tong Yufeng, it was not a happy thing. At this moment, seeing the two of them so affectionate in front of them, the anger in their hearts can be imagined. He punched the stone wall once again, this time without using a trace of energy, it was all relying on the power of the flesh.

After this blow, Tong Yufeng's fist was dripping with blood, and there was no good meat on the back of his hand. But the pain in his skin can be compared to the pain in his heart. He glanced at Li Xiaotian resentfully, and left here in a humble figure. Since Li Xiaotian is not dead, Xu Fei must be over. Staying here at this time is just for self-humiliation.

Feeling the warm body and soft lips under him, Li Xiaotian had thousands of people unwilling to get up, but at this time so many people looked at it, and it seemed bad to not get up, so he reluctantly left the yearning body. , And helped Chu Shuxuan.

"Cough cough..." Shao Linglan coughed twice as he watched the two of them in front of so many people.

Hearing the sound of coughing, Chu Shuxuan was immediately embarrassed, a red glow rose quickly on his cheeks, like a ripe apple, which made people want to take a bite.

"Good boy! I'm a little capable, it seems I really missed it." At this moment, a hearty laughter sounded from behind Li Xiaotian.