The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 5: The way to make money


The Thousand Illusion Dao Finger is the art of drawing arrays that the great power has always used in my memory. What is more precious is that this Thousand Illusion Dao Finger drawing array does not require the assistance of a spirit pen, it is completely dependent on the power of the finger!

Now it is obviously too late to cultivate soul power, and Li Xiaotian started to portray the array talisman in the air according to the method of drawing formations of the Qianhuan Daozhi.

Li Xiaotian took a deep breath, stretched his fingers in the air, and then a green light flashed in the air, but it looked very weak. This should be the reason that Li Xiaotian's soul power was not qualified.

With a few strokes, Li Xiaotian was already tired and sweating profusely. Each stroke extracted a lot of Li Xiaotian's soul power. As Li Xiaotian's fingertips couldn't help jumping, a crooked formation was about to be completed.

"Successful!" Li Xiaotian was overjoyed, and quickly stretched his fingers to make up the last stroke. An array symbol resembling an oracle bone inscription suddenly lit up, and then slowly dissipated.

"Uh, why is it gone?" Li Xiaotian scratched his head, thinking about it.

"Maybe it's because I didn't paint the standard, and I was too impatient just now, do it again!"

This time, Li Xiaotian learned from it painfully, and didn't rush to cast the Thousand Illusion Dao Finger Talisman, but practiced it over and over again in the void, until he felt it was almost done before he concentrated his soul power again.

The formation talisman is just a symbol, but it cannot be sloppy. Countless genius formation masters will practice every formation talisman thousands of times. They will not dare to say that they are a little sure until the strokes and the drops are printed in their hearts, and like Li Xiaotian There have never been people who can say the same after practicing for a while. If they were heard by other formation masters, they would definitely denounce Li Xiaotian for being so lofty and talking big words!

But Li Xiaotian is by no means a frizzy person, because this rune was engraved in Li Xiaotian's mind, so Li Xiaotian dared to say that it was almost the case.

Then Li Xiaotian transported the Thousand Illusion Dao Finger again, and a layer of weak soul power formed a force to wrap the fingertips.

Li Xiaotian carefully engraved the talisman stroke by stroke according to the steps of the practice just now, and the strength of his fingertips was weaker for each stroke, until the last stroke fell, Li Xiaotian only felt that his whole body's soul power had been taken out.

Li Xiaotian hurriedly controlled his soul power so that the array of talisman would not disperse, and a faint green array of talisman in front of him floated in the air, like a shining moth.

"Huh..." Li Xiaotian let out a long sigh, and the next step is to repair the formation, the last step!

What is a falling talisman is to place the drawn talisman on the array. A single array is the key to the completion of the formation. The better the texture of the array, the more array talisman can accommodate, and the power of the formation Will be stronger.

The formation of the gravity array is made with a spar, and apart from being inconvenient to carry, it is indeed extremely hard and not easy to collapse.

"Fall!" Li Xiaotian shouted loudly, using the little soul power remaining at his fingertips to control the talisman to slowly descend on the spar.

Once the talisman fell, it was deeply imprinted in the spar, and the green light suddenly appeared. The damage of this formation method was completely repaired, but the talisman painted by Li Xiaotian was still a bit blunt. At a glance, it is clear that the other formations are not made by one person!

Outside the gravity room, Zhou Xiao had a bitter melon look, and he was very worried. Can Li Xiaotian do it? In case they are not found, I am afraid that neither of them will end well, so let's run away!

Zhou Xiao wanted to come and go, but in the end he still felt unreliable, and was about to go back to get his luggage, but laughter and joy came from a distance...

The pupils of Zhou Xiaode's eyes suddenly tightened, and he saw a few noble sons who seemed to be from somewhere in the distance to come to the gravity room to practice.

"Hey, open the door, there is no wink at all!" A noble son was upset, thinking that the man in front of him was stupid.

Zhou Xiaode was shocked when he heard this, "No way!"

The noble son frowned and was very dissatisfied with this answer. "No? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, just one sentence will make you unable to eat!"

The arrogant son brother obviously lost face in front of his companions, and was about to make Zhou Xiaode say one, two or three, but was stopped by one of his companions, "Brother Wang, forget it, it’s still important to practice, and you can’t get angry with him. We are going to be admitted to the Baxuan Academy in the future!"

"Hmph, if you are lucky, or I will complain to you!"

A few brothers walked into the gravity room cursingly, closing the door with a bang, Zhou Xiaode's legs trembled uncontrollably, and the sound of closing the door was like the sound of a beheaded guillotine, which shocked Zhou Xiao's heart. It's over, it's over, it's too late to run!"

Zhou Xiao was crying, and just waiting to endure the anger of these elder brothers, he waited and waited, but he never saw it. Instead, there was a sound of hehe, haha practicing exercises!

"Um, what's going on?" Zhou Xiaode obviously hadn't reacted yet, suddenly a hand behind him patted his shoulder, "How small, how about it, can I still pass this craft?"

Li Xiaotian looked funny at Zhou Xiaode's trembling appearance, only to hear Zhou Xiaode cried out, "Brother Li, you are really my brother, I will ask you to eat roast leg of lamb tonight!"

"Roast leg of lamb is too expensive...but Dongcheng Deyuelou is really good!"


In a small pavilion of the Eight-Xuan Academy, a handsome young man with a slight coldness was stroking the piano. Suddenly the strings broke with a bang, and the next Tong Zan suddenly felt aroused. I saw the young boy's bright red lips move slightly, Tong Zan He hurriedly asked: "Brother, what did you say? The voice is too small I didn't hear."

That boy was Tong Yufeng, the genius boy of the Tong family.

When Tong Yufeng listened to Tong Zan's words, his eyes were even more murderous, "I said you are an idiot!"

Tong Yufeng stood up abruptly, pointed at Tong Zan's head, and yelled, "I, Tong Yufeng, talented upper class, very clever, how come there is such a stupid brother like you? The Xu family is our Tong family’s partner, Xu Feilai The elder gave me special care for the Baxuan Academy entrance examination. Now Xu Fei is seriously injured, how can you explain it! You trash!"

Tong Zan can't tolerate others saying that he is trash the most, but at this moment, Tong Yufeng's unbridled scolding dared not refute it, and he nodded, "Yes, yes, I am trash, brother, don't scold me, it's all That bastard Li Xiaotian."

"Haha, what's the matter with Brother Tong? Tell me about it?" A beautiful young man in a golden dress came to him in the distance.

This person seems to be the same age as Tong Yufeng, but calls Tong Yufeng his younger brother, but seeing that Tong Yufeng is not angry, he stands up and bows, saying: "Your highness, Yufeng has lost a long time to welcome you, please forgive me. ."

It turned out that this person was Chu Xiaoyun, the second prince of today's Baoguo, and he is currently practicing in the Eight Profound Academy, and he is naturally worthy of an elder brother with his status.

Chu Xiaoyun nodded and smiled slightly, "Li Xiaotian? I have heard about this, don't worry, I will take care of this kind of little thing for you, but the thing about Li Yue..."

Tong Yufeng hurriedly said: "The Li family and my Tong family are enemies. Your Highness can rest assured about Li Yue's affairs. When the time comes, I will do my best..."

After Tong Yufeng finished speaking, there was a burst of cold light in his eyes...

The night is quietly shrouded in the sky, and the stars are shining like diamonds, and the sky is bright and prosperous.

Zhou Xiaode shrugged his face and followed Li Xiaotian back from the Deyue Tower. He kept touching his purse, who had lost a few laps, and said, "Brother Li, you haven't eaten in a few days!"

Li Xiaotian smiled embarrassedly: "It's so small, just a few legs of lamb, it's much more expensive than your life."

Li Xiaotian ate three legs of lamb in this meal, and spent a full one or two silver, and Zhou Xiao had done it in vain for a month. On weekdays, Zhou is too small to eat a few copper plates of gruel every meal.

"Brother Li, you actually know the formation, I don't know it, it's too interesting!" Zhou Xiaode suddenly changed his conversation and brought up the matter again.

"Fur, fur." Li Xiaotian perfunctory Zhou Xiaode, after all, this matter is too bizarre, and every knowledge of the exercises in his memory subverts common sense, and I am afraid that it will cause death to both of them.

Zhou Xiaode rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Li, I don't want to thank you for your great grace. I won't say anything else. I will use Zhou Xiaode's words in the future. I will go up to the sword and down the sea of fire..."

Li Xiaotian hurriedly asked Zhou Xiaode to stop, and said in a serious tone: "Xiaode, I am definitely not repaying you for taking you as a brother, so don't say such things in the future!"

Zhou Xiaode was taken aback for a moment, his heart was fiery, and a sentence of brother was deeply burned in Zhou Xiaode's heart.

"Hey, Brother Li, since you know how to form spells, can you engrave a few array talisman and sell them? If you change the money, you can buy some training materials and make another one. I heard that the quality of the candidates at the Eight Profound Academy this year is very high."

Li Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up, "How come I didn't expect to make money by portraying Taoism?"

Dao talisman is also a kind of formation. For example, the gravity formation is actually a Dao talisman, but it is not convenient to carry on the spar. It is used as the formation eye, but the Dao talisman is engraved on talisman paper. Lighter things can produce special effects when worn on the body.

"Good idea, but the money for purchasing the materials for the Taoist talisman does not seem to be enough." Li Xiaotian didn't see the outside, and directly said his own difficulties.

"I have some money, don't you think it's enough." Zhou Xiaode gritted his teeth and took out a dozen silvers. You must know that these ten taels of silver are almost all his possessions. Except for a few pieces of broken silver and some copper plates, there is nothing more.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Xiaotian took the twelve taels provided by Zhou Xiaode and took another twelve taels from his purse, leaving twenty taels of living expenses, and hurried to Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion is the largest material trading place in Tianbao City, with all kinds of materials for cultivation, formation, alchemy and so on.

When Li Xiaotian entered Wanbao Pavilion, a beautiful waiter immediately received him, "This... prince, what are you going to buy? The slave family will introduce you to..."

The innocent little sister in front of Li Xiaotian saw that Li Xiaotian was dressed in a simple manner, and almost swallowed the word son. Li Xiaotian didn't look like a rich man.

"I want to buy some talisman paper, I don't know how to sell it?"

"Well, the formation rune paper ranges from a few silver to a few gold. I don't know which son you want to choose?" The beautiful waiter still led Li Xiaotian to the formation materials with great professional ethics.

There were all kinds of talisman papers dazzlingly in the counter, and Li Xiaotian glanced at them. These talisman papers were roughly divided into talisman paper, talisman gold, talisman jade, and animal skin road talisman.

The animal skin talismans are taken from the skins of other animals. They are very expensive, and they have a miraculous effect on the performance of the dao talismans. They are worth a few golds! Li Xiaotian only dared to take a peek.

"How much is this?" Li Xiaotian asked, pointing to a jade charm.

"Thirty taels of silver."


In the end, Li Xiaotian obediently chose the cheapest paper Taoist Talisman for the Formation Master's introductory practice. One piece only costs two taels of silver, and twelve taels of silver can buy six!

"I want this one. Give me six."

As soon as Li Xiaotian finished talking about a male waiter, he walked over and took out the talisman from the cabinet and apologized: "I'm sorry, this was just bought by the beauty over there."

Li Xiaotian was taken aback, "Uh, why does she want so much?"

I saw a beautiful girl looking at herself not far away, she was not too old, she was about seventeen or eighteen years old, her black hair bun was in sharp contrast with her snow-white skin, her face was delicate and beautiful. The eyes are like autumn water, which makes people can't bear to look away. The exquisite figure is even more noble with a white dress.

"This little brother, are you also a formation apprentice?" The woman smiled kindly at Li Xiaotian.

Li Xiaotian hurriedly replied: "I want to draw a few talismans. I wonder if the lady can let me six talismans?"

When the young lady saw Li Xiaotian, she was not too old and did not look like a noble child. She also carried an ugly giant sword. She did not have the basic conditions for making Taoist talisman. You must know that learning formations is a matter of burning money. The errand runner in the family smiled slightly, "It's not good to lie. If your master says it personally, I might be able to give you a few talismans."

"I said, Miss, it's not good to see people through the door, how can you know that the person who learns the formation is not me?" Li Xiaotian heard this young lady treat herself as a present person, and immediately retorted.

"Princess..." An old man stood beside the beautiful girl, who seemed to be very powerful, and a pair of copper bells stared at Li Xiaotian for several times.

Just listen to the beautiful girl who is called the princess: "If you are in the same way, I don't mind giving you six Taoist talisman, if it's not for me, I will ask you to hit the board."

"How to prove it?" Li Xiaotian puffed up his chest without any fear.

"Well, I will test you!"