The Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 115: Framed!


If Fang Yan knew what Tang Cheng was thinking, he would slap him on the head thirty-two times.

Just now he was yelling at the female students to keep their distance from him and not stand too close to him, but in the blink of an eye, two girls threw themselves into his arms. Do you think he was willing? Have you ever thought about his pain and grievance? Do you know how hard he tried

Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin rushed over and hugged his waist and back. What could he do? Should he forcefully push them away

Moreover, Fang Yan could see that the two little girls were indeed frightened and did not come here intentionally to take advantage of him.

Who would travel hundreds of miles from the city to Xixia Mountain just to take advantage of a man? He is not Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, or Louis Koo.

Fang Yan hugged Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin, but his eyes were always on the confrontation between Tang Cheng and the foreigners.

When the two girls calmed down a little, Fang Yan asked, "Is what they said true?"

"What?" Jiang Qin looked up at Fang Yan. Because of the huge height difference between them, she tilted her neck too far, and Fang Yan looked down to see Jiang Qin's snow-white and tender neck.

"They said-----" Fang Yan let go of Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin's shoulders, pointed at Jacob, Bolton, and Mason and said, "You agreed to be models for them, but you took the money and ran away. Anyway, I don't believe it."

Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin were indeed frightened just now.

They are both calligraphy and painting enthusiasts, and they learned fine brushwork from teacher Li Sansheng at school. Teacher Li Sansheng has always believed that Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin are the most talented among many students. Jiang Qin's comprehension is even higher than Yuan Lin's.

Jiang Qin is good at painting small emotions and scenes, although the pattern is not broad enough. But it wins in novelty and emotion. Yuan Lin is greedy for big and strange things, but he does not have the ability to control the aura and pattern. Therefore, he is not as optimistic about his development prospects as Jiang Qin.

Teacher Li Sansheng often asks his students to go out, walk among the crowd, and walk into nature. Copying famous artists, imitating pictures or photos, the scenery is there, but the feelings are gone. After all, it is not as soulful as experiencing it in person.

It was the season of maple leaves, and it was not the first time that Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin came to Xixia Mountain to sketch. They did not expect to encounter such a thing this time.

When they saw Fang Yan, they rushed over as if they had found a savior. Throwing themselves into Fang Yan's arms, they temporarily forgot about the danger outside. They didn't even hear what Jacob and the others said to Fang Yan's students.

Now hearing Fang Yan say it himself, Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin's eyes widened at the same time and they jumped out of Fang Yan's arms angrily.

Yuan Lin said angrily: "Shameless, how dare they say such things? When did we ever take their money? These old scoundrels----do bad things and find such a high-sounding excuse for themselves, trying to put the blame on us-----"

"They said they were reporters from National Geographic and wanted Yuan Lin and I to be models for them. We never took any money from them. They wanted to give us money, but we didn't take it. I knew they were not good people, so I deliberately said I needed to go to the bathroom, and then Yuan Lin and I ran away. They chased us, and luckily we ran into you guys-----"

After listening to the two little girls' explanations, Fang Yan roughly understood what had happened.

He smiled and comforted her, saying, "Don't worry, I'm here."

After hearing Fang Yan's words and seeing his confident and gentle smile, Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin's eyes welled up a little.

It is indeed a blessing to have someone willing to stand up and help and protect you at such a dangerous moment.

"Shall we go and talk to them?" Fang Yan asked.

"Okay." Jiang Qin said. "Let's go confront him and make things clear in person."

Fang Yan brought Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin to Jacob and the other two and said with a smile, "I just heard you speak Chinese. It seems that there is no obstacle to communication between us."

Fang Yan looked at Jacob who was standing in the front and said, "I am a teacher, the teacher of these students standing in front of you. At the same time, on this Xixia Mountain, I am also their only guardian - all their faults and responsibilities are borne by me. Of course, if they do something to show off, I will also enjoy some honor."

"Also, the two girls you just chased are my friends." Fang Yan pointed at Jiang Qin and said, "When I first came to Huacheng, I rented their house----"

Fang Yan was not explaining this to Jacob and the other two, but to his students.

In public, under the gazes of countless students, two little girls inexplicably threw themselves into his arms instead of Tang Cheng's arms, or the arms of any other boy. How would they view him as their teacher

Everyone then realized that the two girls were old friends of Teacher Fang. In this way, it was understandable that they threw themselves into Fang Yan's arms. Because they met an acquaintance.

In such a critical moment, they would of course choose to seek comfort from the person they trust most.

"But what I learned is completely different from what you said. They said they never took your money, and they ran away because they were scared that you were trying to do something bad to them. Based on my understanding of them, I believe what they said is true."

"No, this is slander." Jacob said angrily. "They took our money, three thousand dollars - they are lying. You are friends, of course you are biased and make unfair judgments on them."

"They took your money. Do you have any evidence?" Fang Yan asked.

"What evidence do we have?" Jacob said. "We believed them, we believed them wrongly -- and then they took the money and ran away. It's so disappointing. It's so disappointing. There are so many scammers in China."

"We didn't take your money." Yuan Lin was irritable. He opened his pockets to prove his innocence and said, "We don't have a dime in our pockets."

"Who knows if you hid it while running on the road?" Jacob sneered. "This mountain is so big, if you hid the money, who could find it?"

"You hooligans ------" Yuan Lin was about to cry. They were just running away desperately, how could they have the time and mood to hide money on the road? Besides, they didn't take a penny from these people.

"You said you gave them 3,000 yuan, but you couldn't produce any evidence. However, we saw you chasing the two girls with our own eyes, and all of us are witnesses--" Fang Yan said in a sharp voice. "Your behavior has violated the laws of our country. Didn't you say you would call the police? If you don't call the police, we will do it."

"We did chase them to get our money back. Your students beat up my colleague, and we saw it with our own eyes." Jacob looked around and said, "If there were cameras, this scene would have been captured. The cameras are also our evidence."

"It was your friend who pushed me first." Huang Haoran jumped out and said. Tang Cheng helped stop Bolton, which was actually indirectly helping Huang Haoran. Now they wanted to throw dirty water on Tang Cheng, and Huang Haoran certainly couldn't let Tang Cheng suffer.

Fang Yan waved his hand and said, "If we are at fault, we are willing to take responsibility. We will take all the responsibility. If you are at fault first, then no matter who you are, you must also take responsibility."

Fang Yan glanced at Huang Haoran and said, "Haoran, call the police."

Huang Haoran nodded and immediately took out his cell phone to call the police.

Jacob and his two companions looked at each other, and there was some panic in the eyes of all three of them.

"Ah-----" Burton suddenly covered his chest. "It hurts. It hurts so much----it hurts so much. I'm going to die. I can't do it----Oh, God, save me."

Jacob was worried and said anxiously: "My friend was injured by you. We have to go to the hospital immediately-----"

Having said that, without caring about Fang Yan and the others' reactions, he and Mason supported Bolton on the left and right and were about to flee the scene.

"This is too fake, isn't it?" Everyone thought to themselves. It was fine just now, why did it suddenly hurt like this

"Wait." Fang Yan shouted.

Without even turning his head, Jacob threatened, "What do you want to do? I warn you, if anything happens to my companions, you will all be held responsible."

"It's not just your companions who have problems, all three of you have problems-----" Fang Yan said. "We have called the police. If you insist on leaving, you will be fleeing for fear of crime----I am a civilized person, don't force me to be uncivilized."

Jacob simply didn't even say anything in response. He just wanted to leave this damn place and these annoying guys as quickly as possible.

This time they had a bad start, which was really bad luck for them.

Fang Yan raised his toes, and a stone on the ground seemed to have eyes and went straight to Bolton's shin bone.


Bolton screamed and fell heavily to the ground.

Fang Yan raised his toes again, and another stone flew up and hit Jacob's back heavily.

Jacob groaned and wanted to continue running.

But he didn't expect that after he took two steps, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

There was an expensive camera hanging around his neck. As he fell forward, the camera hit the stone fiercely, and shattered with a "bang", with parts flying everywhere.

Seeing his two companions being attacked one after another, Mason ran faster.

Fang Yan searched and searched, but there were no more pebbles under his feet.


As the voice reminded, a stone flew towards Fang Yan.


Fang Yan didn't even look at it, he kicked the stone away, and the stone hit Mason's body-----

When Fang Yan felt that the force on his feet was not right and saw that the stone was as big as a bowl, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Who is trying to frame me

If such a big stone hit Mason, how could the yellow-haired guy be alive

Fang Yan wailed and ran towards the stone he kicked.

"Wait a minute-----" (To be continued)